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1935 Vashon Island News-Record Summary (Mike Sudduth)

January 1935

January 3, 1935

  • Advisory Committee Of Commercial Club To Hold First Meeting – The 1935 activities of the Vashon Island Commercial Club will begin with a meeting to be held at the Goodwill Farm Monday evening, January 7th.  All members of the advisory committee are urged to be present.  This committee is composed of the officers, committee members, representatives of various improvement and civic clubs.  This committee will function in a different manner than for several years past.  No official action will be taken, the purpose of the committee to be the formulation of plans for the general meeting of the Commercial Club, which will be held on the Monday night following the meeting of the committee, in this case January 14th.  The most important subject at both of those meetings this month will be a consideration of the best road projects to be attempted under the WERA program now under way.  Committees appointed to date are: Roads, M.F. Zuber, Harry Snider, C.L. Garner; publicity, Agnes L. Smock, Catherine Goldie and Norman Edson; agriculture, poultry, L.C. Beall; lily culture, Mrs. Josephine Stewart; berry growing, Massa Mukai; greenhouse industry, Wallace Beall; membership, Robert Polhamus; relief, Frankie Shattuck; education, F.M. Robertson; legislative, H.C. Cronander; transportation, Charles Carey, A.T. Bacchus, Morgan Doebbler; program, R.W.F. Martin.  Club representatives which have been reported are: South End Community Club, R.K. Beymer and George Sheffield; Magnolia Beach, Ira Case; Burton Improvement Club, Fred Vye and George Bucknell; Vashon Business Men’s Club, Fred Weiss and C.F. Van Olinda.

  • Some Still Misunderstand Conditions Of Relief Work Program on Island – At present there are heads of about 35 families working on the program now in operation.  Each man has a certain number of days to work, determined by the number in the family.  These scale down in a proportion of 45-35-30 and 15 men working.  Appropriations for the school program now being worked out will take the local men until April to complete, with the present number on relief, and at the present eligibility.  The payroll for these men now amounts to about $1,100, depending on the number of days possible to work during the month.  We have not a sufficient number on relief to keep busy four months, were we to abandon the school program, which is resulting in so much improvement to the Island schools.

  • Advocate Waiting Station At Point Defiance – Steps to obtain a waiting room, or at least a shelter for residents of Vashon and Maury Islands while awaiting street cars at Point Defiance Park, after leaving the ferry will be taken by the South End Community Club, it was decided at the meeting held last Thursday night in the Southern Heights Community House.  The motion received the unanimous vote of club members, and the secretary was directed to communicate with the Metropolitan Park Board in Tacoma.  The secretary will also write a letter to the Gig Harbor Commercial Club asking this organization to get behind such a movement, which is beneficial to residents of the Peninsula who have no other mode of transportation than the street car.  An effort will also be made to obtain lights for the waiting room and dock from either the King or Pierce county commissioners.

January 10, 1935

  • Lumber Mill at Ellisport to Re-Open About February1; Puts Many Local Men to Work – Under the management of William Graham and Glenn Rupert, the Steen mill at Ellisport will re-open about February 1st, under the firm name of the Vashon Lumber Company.  Twelve men are now at work overhauling the building and machinery.  The plant will at first be operated with present equipment, the owners planning to add new machinery as it becomes necessary.  At least twenty men will be employed in the operation of the mill, most of whom will be from the Island.  The code wage will be paid to unskilled labor.  The mill will operate as provided by the NRA on an allocation of 25 hours per week.  By this provision the head saw will be in operation 25 hours and the rest of the mill will be operated all of the time necessary to take care of the lumber cut.  The production anticipated at present is between four and five thousand feet of lumber per hour.  It is planned to cut a certain amount of local second growth timber.  Most of the cutting however will be of old growth logs which will be rafted in from various parts of the Sound.  Most of the lumber will be for export wholesale trade, very little to be sold here to the retail trade.  Slab wood will be sold locally, thus filling a demand for a supply of firewood that is fast becoming depleted.  A five year lease, with the privilege of an additional five years, has been signed with Jacob Bassie, owner of the equipment, and Wendler and Fuller, owners of the building and location.  The re-opening of the old Steen mill brings with it a flood of memories for older residents of the Island.  It was originally located near Vashon, where the owner, H.Steen, built a home that was the show place of the Island.

  • Drivers Must Have Licenses for 1935; or Be Subject to Arrest – Today (January 9) Captain Harry Snider was in receipt of a second notice to arrest all drivers of cars bearing 1934 license plates.

January 17, 1935

  • Associated Improvement Club Takes Definite Stand Against Consolidation Plan -

  • Winter Arrived With Vengeance Sunday – The weatherman decided to have a little fun with Vashon Island before it was too late.  On Sunday an eleven and a half foot tide, whipped by a fierce wind, did some little damage to the North End of the Island.  The Brosseau property was damaged the most.  They had about ten feet of bulkhead washed out, posts and all, and dirt was washed from behind the bulkhead for twelve feet.  The store was twisted some on its foundation so door frames and casings were out of line.  No damage was done to any homes along the beach, except that nearly all of them have bulkheads to repair.

  • High School Mothers Club To Meet Monday Afternoon – Many urgent problems are awaiting the decisions of the Mothers of the Vashon Union High School.  A meeting will be held next Monday afternoon, January 31st, at 2 o’clock, at the high school in room 106, to organize a Mothers Club.  All mothers of high school students are urged to be present, also to arrange transportation among the mothers of their vicinity.

  • Matters of Interest Are Discussed at Club Meeting Monday Eve – Monday, January 14th, the first meeting of the Commercial Club for the New Year was held at the high school.  While the club has at present only about forty paid-up members, the membership committee, of which Mr. Polhamus is chairman, stated that the ultimate goal is a paid membership of 150.  Dr. Bennett in his report for the welfare committee explained the $16,000 blanket project that has been made for bulkheads, roads, etc, on the Island, and stated that in all likelihood a shortage of local men on the relief would make it necessary to call upon workers from the Seattle relief rolls to start this project so that the funds would not be withdrawn or diverted to other areas.  It was unanimously voted to endorse the suggestion that the project be started with the outside workers if necessary, but that local men should replace them as soon as possible.  Massa Mukai discussed the berry code, which, in its present form, has proved so unsatisfactory to the growers.  He urged that all growers keep informed so that they may be ready to exert their influence toward constituting a code, which will better serve their needs.  He said that an “all berry code” is now in the hands of the commissioner of agriculture at Olympia. 

  • Sportsmen’s Club To Meet At Odd Fellow Hall.

  • Snider Claims He Can Still Write A Mean Slip – Office Snider, of the State Highway Patrol, wished it known that he is still writing arrest slips on all cars not operating on 1935 license plates.  The 1934 plates are easily recognized, and will be checked thoroughly.  All persons who have received notices and have not complied will be prosecuted.  There is an executive order from Olympia that these orders must be followed up by the local officer.  This means absolutely no motor vehicles will be permitted on the road without a 1935 license.

January 24, 1935

  • Copies of Revised Berry Code Now Available to Growers – Masa Mukai attended a meeting in Puyallup Tuesday evening of the All-Berry Code Committee.  This committee, in conjunction with the state Director of Agriculture has revised the original code considerably.  In spite of the many discouragements they have encountered the All-Berry Code Committee feel sure that this code will eventually be put into effect, and will result in much good to the grower, large and small. 

  • A Job That’s No Sinecure – Not the least busy of the Vashon Island functionaries during the past two weeks have been the superintendents of the various water districts.  Low voltage, which stopped automatic pumps; slides which carried out sections of pipe line; mud which stopped rams; knee-deep snow and mud which made walking almost impossible, all contributed to earning for the men occupying those positions, another jewel in the crown they have to wear in the hereafter.  When the weather is fine it’s a swell job, but when things begin to happen they happen fast.  It’s lots more fun sitting by the fire than hunting for a broken pipe line, or fallen wire.

  • Celebrates Eightieth Birthday Tuesday – On Tuesday A. Moe celebrated his 80th birthday at the home of his daughter, Mrs. H.C. Cronander.

  • Bad Weather Causes Damage to Homes on Islands; Roads Out – Puget Sound Power & Light Company crews have been working night and day to keep power and phone lines functioning during the cold snowy spell of last week, and the rain and soft weather of this week.  Strangely the rain and Chinook the first of the week wrought more damage than the snow and freezing weather.  Serious slides and much water have damaged practically every gravel road on the Island, while beach property which escaped last winter’s slides is again menaced.  The water-front property on the East Side of the Island is again suffering serious damage.  The Vashon water system has been almost put of of service by the large quantities of mud and sand carried down by rains and melting snow into rams and pumps.  The tie-up with the Heights and Center systems made possible and adequate supply of water for all practical purposes, although many housewives do not entirely agree with this opinion.  At the North End a stream of surface water did a certain amount of damage, eating under the edge of the pavement just below the Biloxi road.  While the situation is one from which nobody but the very young in years and spirit could derive unalloyed pleasure newspaper reports of conditions in the East and Middle West indicate that other parts of the country suffered much worse than did we here on Vashon Island.  As soon as weather conditions permit WERA workers will work in conjunction with the county road crew in removing slides and getting the Island roads into a passable condition.

  • Business Men’s Club Endorses Plan of Help for Island Club Group

  • Ray Seele, newly appointed deputy sheriff for Vashon-Maury, was chosen by several newspaper photographers as the best example of how the force of the sheriff’s office should appear in public.  The new uniforms are attractive, and give the deputies the same military look that the state police have.

January 31, 1935

  • Slides Damage Property On East Side Of Island – Reports of continuing slides and settling of the earth in the vicinity of Dilworth Point indicate that new damage can be expected in case of heavy rains.  At Swastika Lodge, a short distance from the main building a huge portion of the bank, sixty yards across, slipped down on to the beach so far that it obstructs the shore to low tide line.  A number of the cottages are suspended in air, with portions of the foundation pushed from under them.  Other cottages farther along the beach are in the same condition.  The G.A. Walling cottage at Dilworth was so badly damaged that it is impossible to save even the contents.

  • FERA Work On Island At Standstill – It is hoped that the FERA local program, which has been at a standstill for the past two weeks, will be continued, beginning Friday, February 1st.  There seems to be little hope that the men can be used to repair damage done by slides, although the original program of permanent improvement such as building bulkheads, opening new roads, etc. will be carried through.  King County has appropriated money for equipment and materials and the work awaits only the re-opening of the program closed two weeks ago.

  • Laboratory Car AT Met-Cro – Car owners will have an opportunity Tuesday, February 5th, of visiting the Standard Oil laboratory car, which will be at the Met-Cro garage from 2 p.m. until all questions which may be asked of the engineer in charge are answered.  In this laboratory will be demonstrated all uses of the numerous types of greases used on automobiles.  There will be specific explanations why certain types of greases can be used only for certain purposes.  Every driver should attend this demonstration to which they are invited by the Met-Cro and the Standard Oil Company.

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February 1935

February 7, 1935

  • Public Hearing On Berry Marketing Agreement – Notice has been given of a public hearing to be held in the Senate Chamber of the old Capitol Building at Olympia on Monday, February 11th, beginning at 10 a.m., at which interested parties will be heard with reference to a proposed marketing agreement which the berry growers of the state have requested the director of agriculture to enter into pursuant to the AAA.  In brief the proposed marketing agreement provides for the election of delegates; choosing of control committees; selection of commodity and advisory committee; authorizes assessments for production control measures and the setting up of minimum prices; sets out unfair trade practices and requires reports by handlers of agricultural commodities and forbids consignment sales except under written permit.  The greatest change in this recently revised agreement is embodied in the following paragraph: “(a) No member of the commodity committee or any delegate shall be a dealer, agent, processor, jobber or retailer.  PROVIDED, however, that this paragraph shall not be construed to eliminate any officer, employee, director or member of any producers’ cooperative association.”

February 14, 1935

  • Many Island Berry Growers Attend Code Meeting at Olympia – More than thirty-five Island berry growers spent Monday in Olympia, in attendance at the hearing conducted by State Director of Agriculture Robinson.  An effort was made to arrive at conclusions which would make it possible for Mr. Robinson to decide to allow the packers’ code, effective last year, to continue or to put into effect new code recently submitted by a group of growers of different varieties of berries.  As the afternoon waned it was announced that those who had not been called might submit their opinions in writing, preferably as a representative of a group, rather than individually.  Growers were particularly requested to give authoritative information as to the cost of production.  Growers of Vashon-Maury Island will meet at 8 o’clock Friday evening February 15th, at Maury Hall for the purpose of arriving at definite figures as to the local cost of production.

  • Motorists Of Island Have Fine Record In Acquiring 1935 Licenses, Snider Reports – Apparently the Island drivers feel that the officer is acting for the best interests of all in his appeals for compliance with the motor vehicle laws.  It is requested that all motorists passing through the villages shall keep their cars under control by reducing speed, and that particular care be taken at intersections and blind corners.  Captain Snider also asks that commuters shall regulate their affairs in such a manner that they can avoid the last minute rush to the ferry.  A little lighter breakfast, a new alarm clock set ahead five minutes might mean the difference now being negotiated in pell mell last minute rush to the ferry.

  • Local Land Bank Borrowers Elect – Stockholding members of the Cove farm loan association held their annual meeting at the secretary’s home January 8th, and elected the following directors and officers: Elmer Harmeling, B.A. Hunt, A.F. Sundberg, Ole Madison and I.M. Krokset; Elmer Harmeling, President; B.A. Hunt, Vice-president; I.M. Krokset, secretary-treasurer; Loan committee, B.A. Hunt, Ole Madison and I.M. Krokset; alternates, William Scales, I.O. Tjomsland and A.F. Sundberg.  The Cove association is the local co-operative unit through which farmers obtain Federal Land Bank loans.  It was organized in 1917 and since then has handled approximately $47,000 in loans for its members in this territory.  Since passage of the emergency farm mortgage act in May, 1933, enabling the land bank to greatly enlarge its services, the association has handled loans for approximately $6,000, according to I.M. Krokset, secretary.

February 21, 1935

  • Recommend That Jail For Island Be Constructed – Tuesday evening’s Times contained a new item of interest to Island readers.  Construction of a building on Vashon Island to house road equipment of the South District and equipment of the Bridge and Wharf Department and to provide a station for the sheriff’s office, was recommended Monday by County Engineer Joseph P. Dodd in a letter to the county commissioners.  No estimate of cost was made.  The building, Dodd suggested, would be built on county owned land.  The recommendation was referred to Commissioner Jack Taylor of the South District.  It is to be hoped that eventually the Island will succeed in securing that much-needed jail of which we have heard so much during the two past administrations.

  • Proposed Legislation Favors Island Road – In a bill recently introduced to the legislature it was recommended by Representatives Nelson and Neal that $75,000 be set aside for the improvement in a state Seattle-Tacoma highway of that section from Center to Tahlequah via Burton.  This matter was brought up at the special session a year ago by Representative Cochran but was buried in the mass of other legislation.  The present representatives are very hopeful that they will have better success.

  • Court of Honor Held For Boy Scouts at Cabin Tuesday Eve

  • Tahlequah Notes – Tahlequahites turned out en masse Sunday to rebuild the bridge and board walk on the main stem here that was carried away by recent storms.  Result is that one may now walk with ease from the ferry dock westward.

February 28, 1935

  • County Engineer Issues Statement of Good News for Island – Among the very first road projects that will be started if any of the PWA funds applied for by King county become available will be the completion of eight miles of paving from Center to Tahlequah, at a cost of $200,000, Joseph P. Dodd, county engineer, disclosed today.  “The completion of this beautiful highway will not only afford tourists and others an opportunity of enjoying shore and water scenery, but will also open up a new route between Tacoma and Seattle via Vashon Island,” Dodd said.  “For many years this road has been noted for its historical points of interest, particularly Quartermaster Bay, where it was that Captain Vancouver established a base more than a century ago, apart from the highways scenic interest it also traverses an island growing rich in poultry and berry farming.”  Mr. Dodd also said that together with the construction of the pavement a new dock would be built at Tahlequah at a cost of $35,000.   Dodd also pointed out that all labor used during the construction of these two projects would be taken from the ranks of the unemployed on the Island.

  • Fishermen Give Farewell Ball Saturday Evening – Dockton fishermen entertained some two hundred friends last Saturday evening at a farewell dance, preparatory to leaving for the north for the season.  The Community Hall was decorated with nets and other items of fishing gear. The guests danced until a late hour to the music of Glen Willers and Amos Frombach, declaring as they departed for home that they had never experienced a more enjoyable evening.

  • Declamatory Contest Will Be March 7 – The declamatory contest of the Vashon grammar school will be held in the auditorium at 8 o’clock Thursday evening, March 7th.  The contestants in the humorous division will be Bill Smith, Bob Tjomsland, Elsie Kimmel, Judith Shride, Shirley Jean Blekkink, Scott Campbell and Bazil Canfield; in the seventh and eighth grade group; Bobby Harmeling, Muriel Morley, Rachel MacDonald, Rachel Blekkink, Berna Wick, Bill Wilder and Robert Wight.  In the oratorical division there will be Jim Cronander and Jack Petersen from the seventh and eighth grade, and Bob and Bill Smock from the fifth and sixth grade.  Those competing in the dramatic division are Margaret Spalding, Helen Harmeling and Allan Metzenberg from the seventh and eighth, and Norma Menees, Virginia Mae Rand and Glenn Spalding from the fifth and sixth.

  • Dockton News – John Catalinich, owner of the fishing boat “Christine” arrived home from Monterey, California where he has spent the winter fishing.

  • Ellisport Items – On account of unexpected difficulties the opening of the sawmill has been delayed.  It is hoped, however, that work will begin soon.

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March 1935

March 7, 1935

  • An Appeal To Island Parents: What true citizen would not abhor the idea of a greatly shortened school-year term for our high school boys and girls?  Yet this is exactly what we are facing in our own district and few of us are aware of the urgent necessity for action.  At a very enthusiastic meeting of the Mothers Club of Vashon High School this week, an authentic report on the financial difficulties which are apt to exist for the coming school year, was presented by Mr. Roberton.  For a full nine-months term our high school requires an operative income of approximately $17,000.  With the passing of the 40-mill limit law and reduction in property values, $5,000 is the largest amount which can be raised locally, without special levy.  County support cannot exceed $1,000.  Initiative 94 has robbed the schools of all revenue from state levies.  So far the legislature has failed to enact measures to provide for this loss of 25 cents per day per pupil.  Recent advices from Olympia indicate that the prospects for obtaining this legislation are being dimmed greatly by an attack upon the soundness of the Showalter Law.  Very few days are left until the adjournment of this session of the legislature, and unless we act quickly we are in danger of being faced with the choice of raising this huge deficit locally, by special levy, or closing our school for a large part of the school year.  Public opinion is a forceful weapon.  The Mothers Club appeals to every serious-minded resident to act immediately.  Write an urgent plea at once, to our representatives at Olympia, insisting that the state should get under its share of the educational load.  Address same to either of the following at Olympia:  Senator H.I. Kyle, Representatives M.T. Neal or Marcus O. Nelson.  The need is urgent.  The time is short.  Stop, consider what this means, and act at once.  Mothers Club of Vashon High School.

  • R.E. Stafford Appointed Deputy-Assessor – News of the appointment of R.E. Stafford, as deputy for Vashon Island by county assessor, Roy Misener, came as welcome news to Mr. Stafford’s many friends here.  The appointment was made official Monday.  Mr. Stafford is well acquainted with the Island people, and conditions which will enable him to perform the tasks connected with the work in an equitable manner.  For the past more than twenty years the local assessing has been done by W.D. Garvin, who has many amusing and interesting stories to relate of his experiences in the work.

  • Rodda’s Store At Center Adds New Vegetable Rack – One of the most up-to-date pieces of store equipment has been added to the Rodda Price-Rite store at Center.  This is in the form of a fruit and vegetable rack.  The rack is eighteen feet long and approximately three feet wide, placed in the southeast window of the store.  The container is divided into various bins made of heavy wire netting with glass partitions.  There is a sprinkling system which will, with the least possible amount of water, keep the vegetables in fresh and neat condition at all times.  Louis Rodda has been giving much study to the keeping of the vegetables fresh for his customers, and after much planning decided on the present system.

  • High School Seniors Will Edit News-Record Issue of Next Week.

  • Dockton News – E. Ongstad has bought the old Turnbull store, which he will tear down and build a chicken house from the lumber.

March 14, 1935

  • Vashon Grammar School Holds Declamation Contest – Before a well-filled auditorium last Friday evening the pupils of the Vashon grammar school held the annual declamatory contest.  The winners in the dramatic division were Margaret Spalding, first; Virginia Mae Rand, second; Allan Metzenberg, third.  In the oratorical division Jack Petersen was given first place; James Cronander, second; Robert Smock, third.  While in the humorous group Bob Wight won first place; Bill Smith, second; Rachel MacDonald, third.

  • South End Community Club Active; Secure Many Conveniences – A concerted effort to obtain electric lights for the Tahlequah ferry dock and waiting room, which was recently erected through its efforts, is being made by the South End Community Club, according to an announcement by Walter Spinning, president of the organization.  Through the persistent requests made by John Miller, secretary, to the King county engineer’s office, an agreement has been reached whereby the county will install the lighting equipment if it can be so arranged that the bill for electricity will be guaranteed.  Secretary Miller has written Mitchell Skansie, president of the Washington Navigation Company, operating ferries between Point Defiance and Tahlequah, asking him to assume the bill for lighting, which is sorely needed on the bleak dock, but so far no reply has been received.  This, however, is not unusual, Island residents declare, as Mr. Skansie does not often enter into correspondence.  Due to lack of lighting facilities, several accidents have been narrowly avoided on the dock and approaching roads, according to Tahlequahites.

  • The Island Community Club – For the past few years the management of this building has been conducted by a very small group of women.  Through the times of depression the rental demands have been reduced and the revenue has diminished to a point where the property has not been self-supporting.  The time has come when repairs and improvements to the building must be made, and back taxes and insurance must be paid.  To do this it will be necessary for the community at large to lend its whole-hearted support to the Community Club.

  • Burton News Items – Mr. Morrissey is building a new porch as an added improvement to his meat market at Burton.

  • Burton News Items – In the March edition of the Pacific Drug Review is a two-page story, cleverly written by Miss Marjorie Stanley, which piece by piece reviews Mr. Shaw’s very interesting curio collection.

  • Portage Notes – The Government Geodetic survey crew have been finishing the work started at Portage some weeks ago.

  • Dockton News – The 54-foot tug “Rover” of Burton has recently been purchased by Mr. Alex Hidell.

March 21, 1935

  • Local Man Receives Order of Purple Heart After Thirty-Six Years – This week William D. Covington received a notice from Washington D.C. appraising him of the fact that he was to be awarded the medal of the Order of the Purple Heart for wounds received almost thirty-six years ago, during the Spanish-American War. 

  • Clean-Up Week to be Undertaken During Week April 1 to 6 – At a meeting of the Vashon Business Men’s Club, held Tuesday at the Vashon Café, the suggestion of a Clean-Up Week met with enthusiastic response.  During the first week of April an effort will be made to have all of the village, including alleys, cleared of all rubbish.  A central place will be designated where refuse can be dumped, and from where it can be hauled by a truck furnished by the club.  A prize of 5 gallons of gas will be donated by the Met-Cro for the greatest improvement and best job of cleaning up done by any individual.

  • Cove, Cedarhurst and Colvos Items – Miss Ella Johanson had the misfortune of running her hand through the wringer of a washing machine.  At the present time she is much better.

  • Ellisport Items – At last we hear the saw mill whistle calling for help.  It surely is a welcome sound to Ellisport.

  • Hatcheries Enjoy Gain Over Last Year’s Hatch – A recent report from the Island hatcheries show that this year’s business, due to a large demand for baby chicks will be the most successful in the history of the Island.  The total number of baby chicks sold by Vashon hatcherymen this year will be approximately 224,000.

  • Vashon Island Twenty-Seven Years Ago – Down at Burton we find that Vashon is not only the home of the big strawberry, but also of the big skeleton.  While S.S. Heath and Charles Christman were digging post-holes in Mr. Heath’s yard, near the beach, they unearthed a large skeleton, probably that of an Indian.  It was seven feet long, and the skull was seven and one-half inches across.  The skeleton is to form a Burton branch of the Smithsonian Institute or the Ferry Museum.  Vashon Island News, published June 26th, 1908.  The editors at this time were Thomas and A.J. Reed.

March 28, 1935

  • Island to Get Its Little Come-Apart Jail House Now – County engineer Joseph P. Dodd announces the construction of a $4,000 road district building at Center to house road district equipment, an office for County commissioner Jack Taylor, of the South District, and the “little come-apart” jail.  For several years peace officers of the Islands have been expecting the removal of the sectional jail house from storage in the basement of the County-City building to the Island, where it could be put into practical use.  Up to the present it has been necessary to sit up all night like a nursemaid with prisoners who violated the peace, after the 11:30 ferry left.  Most disturbers did not get into action until around midnight, and the officers were inconvenienced more than the offenders by serving an all-night watch.  The presence of the jail on the Island may serve as a warning to violators, and the guests be few and far between.  Because of its insular security there are no serious crimes committed on the Island, the offenses against the law being in the nature of petty thieving and an occasional burst of high spirits from too much spirits.

  • 35,000 Oysters Are Planted on South End Tidelands – Thirty-five thousand Japanese oysters were planted Wednesday on the tidelands of the property owned by Dr. David B. Cook at Tahlequah.

  • Tahlequah Notes – A ready sale for King Alfred daffodils grown by Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pohl is being found in Tacoma.  The Pohl’s are cutting 400 blooms daily in their gardens.

  • Grade School Operetta Draws Capacity Crowds – On Friday evening, March 22, the “Days o’ Kerry Dancing” was presented at the Vashon grade school under the direction of Miss Baker. 

  • Vashon Business Men’s Club Will Elect Officers – The Vashon Business Men’s Club will meet next Tuesday, April 2, at the Sweet Shop for their regular meeting.  At this time the election of officers for the coming year will take place, and all members are urged to be present.  The present officers are: John Metzenberg, president; Agnes Smock, vice-president; V.C. Coutts, secretary, and W.D. Garvin, treasurer.

  • Heater Installed At Island Club House – Due to the generosity of George McCormick, a stove has been set up in the social room of the club house, which provides adequate heat and comfort for gatherings there.  This stove was loaned until the heating committee of the Island Club perfects their plans to install a new heating plant for the club house

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April 1935

April 4, 1935

  • Site For County Building And Jail Under Discussion – George Swain, acting road supervisor, and Harry Marsh, superintendent of buildings at the County-City building, were on the Island last Thursday.  They came over for an inspection trip.  H.C. Cronander accompanied them around as they discussed the probable location of the new building.  There is available county land on the Island, but it is a poor location.  There are two more available sites being considered if the purchase price is reasonable.  Mr. Marshall, city engineer, has drawn up the floor plans for the building, and when a site is settled upon, construction will start.

  • Cove, Cedarhurst and Colvos Items – The Community String Band from the West Side went to Seattle last Tuesday night to play at the services conducted by Rev. Bringdale.

  • Dockton News – The Liberty Bell, Captain L. Plancich’s boat, came from California on March 26th.  Aboard were John Radin and Alfred Stuckey, who have returned to their homes between the fishing seasons.

April 11, 1935

  • Constructive Talks Given at Meeting Of Commercial Club – The all-Island agricultural meeting held last Monday under the sponsorship of the Vashon Island Commercial Club proved most beneficial and practical for local farmers.  County Agent Lovett, who gave aids and practices in the proper handling of soils, said that his office was ready at all times to give any assistance possible.  Mr. Carey’s talk was most informative.  M. Mukai substantiated Mr. Carey’s information by explaining some of the experiments he had seen Mr. Carey develop.  A.L. Moore and R.C. Bramer built the hotbeds used in illustrating the talk by Dwight Pettibone.  Robert Fletcher gave a testimonial regarding under-heat brooders.  Albert Therkelsen built the demonstration brooder used, and Frank Bibbins furnished the sterilized soil which was used.

  • Committee Appointed To Select Site For Building – At the request of Deputy Ray Seelye, a committee was appointed by Maurice Dunsford, president of the Vashon Island Commercial Club, to meet with the county commissioner’s representative in the selection of a site for the county building which is to be erected on Vashon Island.  This building is to house the county office, equipment and jail.  Tip Solke was appointed chairman, with F.A. Weiss, Charles Van Olinda, Coy Meredith and C.L. Garner serving with him.  The selection of a site should be decided upon as soon as possible so that construction work may be started.

  • Stanley Fitzpatrick Injured In Automobile Crash Sunday – The Fitzpatrick Dairy truck, driven by D. Fitzpatrick, crashed into a telephone pole near the Hearst place on Sunday about 12:30, bruising Mr. Fitzpatrick and causing serious injuries to his son, who was in the truck with him.  The pole broke off clean and fell on the truck.  Stanley was taken to a Seattle hospital, where he was treated for a broken arm and bruises.  One hand was crushed so badly that he has to have three fingers amputated.  Mr. Fitzpatrick’s head was cut and the truck was a total wreck, but he is using the old truck and continuing business as usual.

  • Committees Appointed For Berry Code Hearing In Puyallup April 18 – The different groups appointed the following committees to represent them at the Puyallup meeting:  Elmer Harmeling, Massa Mukai and Barton Johansen, strawberries; Mr. Ross, J.H. Rodda and Elmer Harmeling, loganberries; Con Tjomsland, Elmer Harmeling and W. Zimmerman, gooseberries; C.L. Garner, Earl McCormick and Con Tjomsland, currants.  The berries that have no representatives will be under the same code as last year.

  • Exchange Mart At Vashon Opens For Business – Roy W. Sundt, of Center, a local boy, has opened a new store in Vashon, called “The Exchange Mart.”  He carries a line of new and used home furnishings, unpainted furniture, farm implements, lawn mowers, brushed, rebuilt vacuum cleaners, tennis racquets, kitchen wire, electrical fixtures, dishes, household utensils, rugs, toys, school supplies, bed springs and mattresses, ironing boards and clothes racks, second hand books, and almost everything needed for home and farm use.  Besides carrying a most complete stock of every kind of article that might be called for, Mr. Sundt will sell second hand goods for local people on commission.

  • Flight Of Airplane Over Vashon Explained – On Sunday, March 31st, Junior Wick went over to Boeing Field with Al Roen and Lloyd Marsh and made his first airplane flight.  The plane that flew so low over the Island was piloted by Al Roen.  Another plane that flew low over the Island carried Catherine Wick and Josephine Dannewig as passengers.

  • The Old Mileta Ranch Or Hatch Farm by Louis McPherson – Among the Island’s many old landmarks is the farm which is known at the Mileta Ranch.  It is situated halfway between Dockton and Portage on the main road, and can be identified by the many red buildings.  The first owners of the ranch were Mr. and Mrs. Hatch, who moved onto the place about 1880 and built the buildings which are still standing.  It is interesting to note that Mrs. Hatch gave the ranch the name of Mileta.  She obtained by combining the first two letters of her husband’s, son’s and her own first name.  They were Miles, “Mi”; Lewis, “Le”; Tamer, “Ta”.  Mr. and Mrs. Hatch lived on the ranch about 25 years.

  • Work On Shawnee Road Gets Underway – The chairman of the roads committee of the Commercial Club, M.F. Zuber, met with Commissioner Jack Taylor last Monday to discuss the work on the Shawnee road.  Mr. Taylor co-operated immediately, and promised to send equipment over so that work could be started on repairing this road Tuesday morning.  Summer traffic from Tacoma will be heavy and the opening of the road is a necessity for Island travel.

  • Island Resident Is Hero Of “The Klondike Nugget” – A new book just off the press, “The Klondike Nugget,” written by Russell A. Bankston, of Spokane, tells the story of Eugene C. Allen, Maury Island resident, and his Dawson paper.  In 1898 Mr. Allen began publishing the “Klondike Nugget.”  The paper took an important place in the romantic history of the gold rush days.  Mr. Bankston’s book is the story of this farthest North newspaper, its struggle for survival, its ultimate success and the realization of Mr. Allen’s ambition.

April 18, 1935

  • South End Dock To Be Lighted by Tacoma Ferry Group – Rounding out a year of entertainment and activity for its members, climaxed by obtaining a well-equipped waiting station at the ferry dock at Tahlequah, coupled with the promise that the slip will be lighted within a short time the, South End Community Club will assemble Saturday night in the club rooms for the first annual election of officers.  At the last meeting of the club, Mitchell Skansie, president of the Washington Navigation Company, operating ferries between Tacoma, Tahlequah, Gig Harbor and other points, assured the members that his concern will pay for the lighting of the ferry dock, providing King county will install the electrical equipment.  Lighting fixtures will be placed on the slip in the near future, County Engineer Dodd declared in response to a letter of request, written three weeks ago by Secretary Miller.  Mr. Skansie gave an interesting outline of his company’s activities in the transportation field, and declared that the fact he had no competition in this district would in no way deter him from improving his service whenever traffic conditions warranted.  An effort will be made by Secretary Miller to obtain protection for Island residents parking their cars at the Pt. Defiance ferry slip or at the pavilion.  At present an objection is raised by Tacoma police to parking autos overnight at the pavilion, but Mr. Miller has written Frank T. Callender, public safety officer in Tacoma, asking for permission to leave cars there.  If they are parked at the ferry slip, the chances are they will be stripped of accessories or the fuel tanks drained, as there is no protection at this point. 

  • Patty Doebbler Wins First Place in County Declamatory Contest – The selection which Patty gave in her usual charming manner, was “The Show Must Go On.”

  • Many Improvement Are Made by Workers At Island Club House – Rapid strides are being made in the remodeling and renovation of the Island Club, and when the work is finished it will be a meeting place to which the entire Island can point with pride.

  • Two Island Men Given Citizenship Papers – Accompanied by R.E. Stafford, who has assisted them in their preparations, George Olson and Nels Didricksen were granted their final citizenship papers in Seattle last Saturday.  More than a hundred made application for final citizenship before Judge Bowen, one of the largest groups ever appearing for that purpose in King county.

  • Ellisport Items – There was quite a lot of excitement at Ellisport, especially the north part.  It pays to be very careful of setting fires, as this kind of weather a fire can easily get out of control and cause a lot of damage to our beautiful woods.

  • Tahlequah Notes – With the advent of a few days of warm weather, gardening is going forward here in great shape.  Already some of the folks have enjoyed rhubarb pie made from stalks plucked from their own gardens.  Green peas are in blossom in one or two gardens, and beets, carrots, turnips and parsnips are showing up.

  • Roger Bargelt Now Manager Of Local Laundry – Announcement was recently made that Roger Bargelt had assumed the position of manager of the local laundry.  He is also serving in the capacity of route man, taking over the duties formerly carried by Russel Hall.  Russel has not severed his connection with the laundry, but is still working on the inside.  Undoubtedly as they become more accustomed to the change, patrons will find that the present arrangement is as agreeable to them as it is proving to the management of the Vashon Laundry.

  • Operetta At Columbia School Interests Listeners – The operetta, “Aunt Drusilla’s Garden” was given by the Columbia grade school under the direction of Mrs. Laurel Thompson, principal of the school.

April 25, 1935

  • Will Close On Saturdays – In keeping with the custom of weekly newspaper offices in all parts of the country, The News-Record will shut up shop on Saturday, unless in case of emergency.  Saturday in the country shops that stay open is just a day that is frittered away, devoted to the useless little tasks that could be tucked in with other work.  By common consent the force has decided that they will lock the door on Saturday and spend the time fighting weeds in the garden.  If an increase of business makes a reversal of this policy necessary we shall not complain, for one of our hard and fast rules is never to turn away business, even if the garden needs weeding.

  • District Leaguers To Hold Convention At Beulah Park

  • South End Group Secure Lighting for Tahlequah Dock – The work was authorized by County engineer Dodd, and the lighting bill will be paid by the Washington Navigation Company.

  • Tahlequah Notes – Pheasants are doing so much damage to gardens here that an appeal has been made to the state game commissioners.  The marauders are destroying garden peas in the same manner that a vice squad cleans up a “Chink” lottery.  As many as three plantings of peas have been necessary in an attempt to outwit the birds.

  • Tahlequah Notes – That the southern part of Vashon Island is an ideal garden spot for early flowers and vegetables is proven by the fact that George Sheffield has been supplying Tacoma florists with tulips for more than a week.  The blooms were being picked at the rate of 400 a day for the Easter trade.

  • Have Given Up Madrona Lodge – Mr. and Mrs. Alex Morrison, who have occupied Madrona Lodge, at Ellisport, for the past year, have given it up and are moving into the house they recently purchased from Mrs. Jennie Taylor.  New taxes and increasing costs have made the Morrisons realize that it would be difficult to operate the Lodge successfully.

  • Freak Birds Seen By Island Resident – Dr. Maybelle Park reports that for several days two odd birds were seen about her home.  Both were robins, one entirely white with the exception of its breast which was a lighter shade that the ordinary robin, while the second bird had white wings.  Dr. Park watched them for several days, hoping that they would remain, but they finally disappeared.  There is a probability that they are still here, but are too busy setting up housekeeping to call on the neighbors.

  • Cephas Ramquist With Superior Service Laundry – With this issue of The News-Record the Superior Service Laundry, of Tacoma, announces that an Island man, C.J. Ramquist, has been put on the local route.

back to top 

May 1935

May 2, 1935

  • Island Japanese Celebrate Emperor’s Birthday – Island Japanese elaborately celebrated the birthday of the emperor of their native land on Monday evening at the Island Club.  Speeches and traditional dances and music were features of the program.

  • South End Club Elects Officers at Meeting Held Saturday Eve – Fred Smith, well-known Tacoma business man, and prominent in Vashon Island civic affairs, is the new president of the South End Community Club, which boasts the largest membership of any similar organization in this district.  The South End Community Club is the first organization to join the Vashon Island Commercial Club, having decided Saturday night to purchase a membership, which will be represented personally by Secretary Miller.  The South End Community Club has already proved its worth to Island residents, and by close co-operation with the Commercial Club, it is believed, still greater things can be accomplished.  It was decided to petition the Metropolitan Park Board, of Tacoma, for better police protection for cars parked at the ferry slip. 

  • Two Business Houses Close In Vashon – During the past week the doors of two business places have closed in Vashon, a theatre and a variety store.  The closing of the theatre has been pending for sometime, and with the loss of a part of the equipment last week the long expected event was culminated.  Refusing to become entangled with the new sales tax which went into effect on Wednesday, W.D. Garvin has closed his store at Vashon and will sell his stock in its entirety, this vacating an attractive business location.

  • Fire Threatens The Vashon Grammar School Sunday – A fire in the woods to the north threatened the Vashon Grammar school for a short time on Sunday.  The fire burned so fiercely and the flames mounted so high that from Vashon it looked as though the roof of the gymnasium were on fire.  The unusually dry weather of the past few weeks have produced conditions similar to those of the usual autumn, and it is not surprising that the fires have occurred.  In fact the air on Sunday was so filled with smoke that it was hard for one to believe that it was April and not September.

  • Voters Support Levy For High School at Saturday’s Election

  • Dockton News – Leonard and Andrew Ness have returned from the fishing banks and will be at home pending the settlement of the strike.

  • Tahlequah Notes – If your garden is suffering from onslaughts of quail and pheasants, just continue to be a little Santa Claus and feed ‘em liberally so that they’ll be in excellent shape to put in the nimrods’ stew-pot when the hunting season rolls ‘round.  That’s all you can do, so you’ll have to take it on the chin in approved fashion.  An appeal was made to the state game commission by C.R. Roediger, but the only advice forthcoming was to cover peas and corn with fir boughs, string up bright lids of cans in the garden and try soaking pea seeds overnight in coal oil.  Two deputy wardens, who came to Tahlequah in response to the call for help, said that complaints of the damage being done by pheasants and quail from numerous parts of the state, and that probably an effort would be made to trap the birds this fall, and move them to a locality where truck gardens are not so numerous.

  • Cove, Cedarhurst and Colvos Items – The Martindale, new fishing schooner of Ole and Berger Edwards, left Tuesday for the fishing grounds.

  • Local Items of Interest – Charles “Chuck” Livers was excused from the closing weeks of high school and entered a CCC camp for the summer.

May 9, 1935

  • Vashon Eighth Grade Students Honored at Dinner Tuesday Night – Honoring the twenty-three members of the Vashon eighth grade, forty-three boys and girls, pupils of Mr. Grant’s room, together with the teachers, Mrs. Bess Godsey, Irene Baker, Louise Brisbin, and Mr. and Mrs. Grant, were entertained at dinner on Tuesday evening.  Tables were set in the lunch room of the school.  Hostesses were Mesdames Rand, Petersen, Cronander, Jones and Smock, in charge of tables, and Mrs. Dolly Tjomsland as general hostess.  From first to last the party was a delightful affair and provided a fitting climax to the eight years which practically the entire eighth grade has spent in the Vashon grammar school.

  • Summer Carnival Will be Held at Island Club House

  • Four Projects Under Consideration for Good Roads Association – One of the most interesting and important topics discussed Tuesday evening at a meeting of the advisory committee of the Vashon Island Commercial Club was the proposed projects to be submitted under the latest government program for the improvement of highways and elimination of grade crossings.  Twelve million dollars has become available to the state from government funds.  Unlike other projects of similar nature this amount is an outright gift and does not have to be matched by state funds directly.  A committee will go to Olympia in the very near future to lay before Lacey Morrow, of the state highway department, three projects, namely: Number one will be the paving, or hard surfacing of some type, of the North to South highway from Center to Tahlequah.  Number two is the repairing and gravelling of the road from Judd Creek bridge to the top of the Ellisport, or gravel pit road, via the Pioneer monument, Portage and Ellisport.  Number three will be the completion of the Farm-to-Market highway from north of Cove to Cedarhurst.  In the near future a committee will meet with county officials and lay before them a request for $30,000 for a new South End dock, and certain repairs on the Burton dock which are badly needed.  The matter of the jail seems to be for the moment pigeon-holed after its recent flurry, but this work will undoubtedly be undertaken in the near future.  There seems to be a feeling among the officials that the jail should be built in one of the more thickly populated sections rather than on some of the county-owned properties which are under consideration.  The most recent suggestion is a stockade for machinery on county-owned property and a jail and offices in one of the villages.

  • Beauty Converted Into Profit – Some years ago R.K. Beymer set out a clump of lilies of the valley.  As they increased he transplanted them until now he has several large beds.  Originally Mr. Beymer regarded the plants and blossoms merely as things of beauty, but now it seems they are proving to be decidedly profitable, as he can sell any number of the pips at 5 cents each in Tacoma markets.

  • Cove, Cedarhurst and Colvos Items – The Celtic, Pauline, Anne and Bernice, the Edwards’ fishing schooners, left for the fishing grounds in Alaska last Tuesday morning.

  • Improvement in Remodeling of Morrissey Building at Burton Described by Marjory Stanley – Among the notable improvements in Burton recently is the redecorating of the Burton Pharmacy by Mr. Shaw, and the remodeling of the building in which houses it.  This building, now owned by Mr. Morrissey, is one of the pioneer buildings of Burton.  It was built by Mr. Hatch fifty-five years ago, and was used as a post office and general store for many years.  At present it accommodates the drug store, meat market and lunch room.  Old timers regret that the recent improvements necessitated cutting down the beautiful maple trees that had so long bordered the sidewalk in front of the building.  But their roots were undermining the foundation, and in order to save the building it was necessary to remove them.  Following their removal the top story of the building was torn off, and the entire front remodeled and painted.  A handsome marquee now shades the windows from the afternoon sun.  At night these windows and the new cement sidewalk in front are lighted by a row of electric bulbs installed along the inside of the marquee. 

  • High School Notes – Senior Play Proves A Great Success – The Senior Play, “Are You A Mason,” which was presented last Friday evening, May 3rd, was a huge success.

  • “Vashon” Back On Run After Complete Overhaul – The ferry “Vashon” is again back on the run after a complete overhauling in the ship yards at Winslow, in preparation for a brisk summer business.  All indications point to the heaviest season for a number of years and the Kitsap County Navigation Company is making every preparation to handle it in the most efficient manner possible.  During the time that the “Vashon” was being overhauled the “Kitsap” was on the run.  Although at the time she was built the latter boat seemed the last word in speed it was rather amusing to hear regular commuters used to riding on the “Vashon” complain of the slowness of the “Kitsap.”

  • Not Accidental – On Saturday the editor was one of a party visiting the bog near the Goodwill Farm.  Coming in from the east, and the Rindahl home, two fires by the side of the trail leading down to Glen Acres were discovered.  From the very nature of the location, with its dense shake, dampness and thick growth of ferns no match or cigarette accidentally thrown down could have started the fire.  There can be no doubt that the fire was not accidental.  Not in the memory of many of us have the forest fires begun so early in the year, nor have they been attended by such suspicious circumstances.  If the fires are being set by criminal intent it should be the duty of everyone interested in the beauty of our woods to help the proper authorities bring about summary punishment to the offender, no matter who it may be.

  • He Will Have His Joke – Garner Kimmel just insists on having his own special brand of jokes.  Recently he was sending in his tax statement which always provides him with so much fun while he is making it out.  As he addressed the envelope he was seized by an inspiration and wrote “Nuisance Tax Division.”

  • Who Traded Hats? – We have in The News-Record office a man’s nice-looking grey hat  At the dance given at Center two weeks ago there was an exchange of hats, almost identical, one lined, the other unlined.  The owner wants his lined hat as the other is a bit too large, and he thinks possibly that the lining may make his hat just a bit too small for the other fellow.  The exchange may be effected at this office.

  • It’s Got Us, Too – Maybe you don’t think the chain letter bug has bitten Island citizens.  And maybe you wouldn’t be surprised if you had a list of the sane and sensible folk who are getting a brain kink trying to figure out just how many dimes or dollars they will get in the next week.  One Vashon business man was giving his friends a break by offering to sell them a half interest in his next week’s mail for $250.  Everybody’s doing it apparently, and the receipts of the post offices are going up by leaps and bounds.

  • D.S. Fitzpatrick Has New Dairy Truck – D.S. Fitzpatrick is feeling very grand these days as his new International truck has been delivered and he is all ready to take care of the brisk summer business already beginning.  Mr. Fitzpatrick suffered the loss of his milk truck several weeks ago in the accident which also resulted in serious injury to his eldest son, who was visiting on the Island.

  • Tennis Courts At High School Now In Fine Shape For Play – These courts are in splendid condition and are available to the public.  The privilege should be recognized and each person using the courts do his share in keeping them in first class condition.

  • George Stevens is in the Swedish hospital, where he is recovering from a general break-down.

May 16, 1935

  • Audubon Society of Seattle Visits Island Points of Interest – About twenty members of the Seattle Audubon Society visited the Island last Sunday and spent the day on one of their monthly bird walks under the leadership of Alf Norkett.  Visiting the bog they were amazed at the interesting things they found there, and the variety of birds which are now nesting in our woods.  The next visit was at the S.J. Harmeling home where a coral humming bird has made her nest.  Madame Humming Bird was not at home to receive them, but although the interest is primarily in birds the members of the party enjoyed the flowers, and the unique and charming personality of Mr. Harmeling, who is a fountain of wisdom and wit.  After dinner a visit to the old Miner place, now owned by Mr. Norkett, brought new surprises and delights.  Here they saw several humming birds nests, as well as a flicker’s and a mallard’s.  One of the veteran members stated that here she heard a new bird call that she had never previously heard.

  • Tahlequah Ferry Dock Now Boasts Of New Lights – Eliminating the hazards of a dark approach, the ferry dock at Tahlequah, where thousands of passengers and motorists board the M.F. Skansonia and M.F. Defiance for Tacoma, is now lighted.  There will also be an electric fog horn.  Credit for obtaining the lights goes to John Miller, recently re-elected secretary-treasurer of the South End Community Club.  He appealed to the King county commissioners and Mitchell Skansie, president of the Washington Navigation Company, operating ferries between Tacoma and the south end of Vashon Island, and other inner Sound points.  King county wired the dock, Skansie will pay the electic bill, and Tahlequahites provided the globes.  The waiting station, which is also the result of Miller’s efforts, will also be lighted.

  • History of Vashon-Maury Island Being Compiled by Island Pioneer – The question has often been asked by residents of the Island, “Why doesn’t someone write a history of the Islands?”  With the passing of Prof. Meany, source of much of the recorded history of the Northwest, this question becomes still more pertinent.  His death made all of us who are honestly interested in perpetuating local history more conscious than ever that time is passing, and that each year is claiming its toll of those who constitute historical authority.  Here on Vashon Island we have a writer of no mean ability.  He is also one who does not believe in parading his words and deeds, however.  Only recently has it come to light that O. S. VanOlinda has been engaged for some time in collecting historical material, and he is now actually engaged in writing a history of Vashon-Maury Island.  He has already written 15,000 words, but considers it just a fair beginning.  Mr. VanOlinda is a member of one of the early families, and has lived some of the history which he will put in his book.  He has been engaged at times in newspaper work and has a clever style of writing.  The history of Vashon-Maury will not be the author’s first attempt at historical writing.  A few years ago he wrote a collection of historical stories dealing with the section of Nebraska which the VanOlinda family pioneered.  The printing of the history will, we hope, be done in the shop of The News-Record, keeping it a strictly local project.  Older residents who have heard of this book are looking forward to its publication with much interest.

  • Forty-Two Will Graduate With High School Class of ’35 – Gilbert Holland with the highest average, gained the coveted honor of valedictorian, while Eloise Hoel won second place.  The salutatory will be delivered by Eleanor Larsen, who was only a few points below Eloise.  The class colors, blue and white, will be employed in the stage decorations.  The motto of the Senior Class is “To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.”  The Class of ’35 is: Hildur Agren, Alda Andersen, Stanley Andersen, John Lewis Beall, Donna Mae Bedford, Joseph Bengston, Orville Benson, Paul Billingsley, Joseph Bourgeois, Elizabeth Callaway, Charlotte Canfield, Earlin Coffin, Howard Collings, Louise Hahl, Bonnie Dunsford, Miriam Haugland, Alex Hidell, Eloise Hoel, Gilbert Holland, Gustay Jacobson, Ruth Johnson, Denton Jones, David Keyes, Charles Kimball, Eleanor Larsen, William Lees, Hugh Little, Ruthven Martindale, Don Matsumoto, Lawrence Mattson, Louis McPherson, William Meyer, Massoa Nakamichi, George Nelson, James Pettelle, William Poage, Joseph Ramquist, Maurice Steen, Rosalie Therkelsen, Marguerite Thompson, Lorna Urquhart, Lois Williams, and Elaine Zuber.

  • Eighth Grade Graduates – Those who are completing the eighth grade, and who will enter high school number fifty-five.  The size of the classes range from one graduate from the Lisabeula school to twenty-three from Vashon, the largest eighth grade class in a number of years.  Those who will comprise next fall’s Freshman class are: BURTON SCHOOL – Joice Bedford, Dolly Cristman, Herbert Hanson, Arnold Hartvigson, Edwin Lewis, Billie McKinstry, Annie Rolando, Ronald Wood. CENTER SCHOOL – Robert Cahoon, Spencer Cahoon, Carl Fuller, Gordon Furbush, James Moore, Fred Sharp, Marie Therkelsen, Max Therkelsen.  COLUMBIA SCHOOL – Carol E. Burner, Don R. Bruner, Arlene O. Edwards, Meredith M. Ellison, Raymond A. Fosmark, Barney J. Huseby, Harry Livers, and Henry Olsen.  DOCKTON SCHOOL – Ruth Danielsen, Dorothy Mauritson, John Ljubich.  LISABEULA SCHOOL – Marguerite Wagner.  MAURY SCHOOL – Howard Bennett, Frances Eddy, Clarence Garner, and Dannie Meyer.  VASHON SCHOOL – Helen Margaret Anderson, Leola Bacon, Geneva Edison, Helen Harmeling, Elsie Kimmel, Marguerite McCrary, Fransu Smock, Margaret Spalding, Ruth Strom, Ruth Wilson, Toyoko Yoshida, Freida Jones, George Braidwood, Bazil Canfield, James Cronander, Garfield Jacobson.  Billy Kimball, James Mace, Allan Metzenberg, Bob Tjomsland, Donald Urquhart, Fred Jones, Yoshiwa Nakamichi.

  • Mill Strike Works Hardship Here – Local egg packers are finding it difficult to get egg crates, due to the lumber mill strikes on the mainland.  If this condition continues indefinitely it will work a hardship on the producers, as there will be no adequate manner of storage.  A possible solution may be found in the new mill at Ellisport, which is making boxes at the present time.  Although the output is limited it would be a source of supply in case of a continued strike.  With the berry season coming on and the box factories out on strike, there is a chance that the sale of small fruits may be seriously handicapped by a shortage of crates and containers.  This would be tragic in the face of better prices and prospects for marketing.  Our interdependence is drawn to our attention at times like this and we are impressed by the fact that our benefits are dependent on the activities of types of workers of whom we seldom think.

  • Local Items of Interest – Word comes from Washington State College that Eleanor Beall has been pledged to the Washington State chapter of Delta Phi Delta, national art honorary.

  • Local Items of Interest - And Island man received a dime chain letter recently.  The first name on the list was Clarence D. Martin.  The recipient of the letter immediately mailed the governor 50 nice, shine, new tokens.

  • Will Operate Dance Hall This Summer – Miss Ruby Roessler, accompanied by her mother was a guest on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. F.J. Shattuck.  Miss Roessler is having her property, the Bayview Pavilion, completely renovated and made ready for the summer dances.

May 23, 1935

  • Burton Boy Scouts Hold Court Of Honor Tuesday Eve – With about forty of the home folks present and twenty visiting Scouts, members of the troop of Ship 110, the Burton Troop of Boy Scouts, held a court of honor Tuesday evening, May 17th.  Skipper L.E. Green, assisted by Alex McLean, officiated.  Tenderfoot tests were passed by Arnold Spinning, while Dick Young was advanced to second class.  Two of the members of Burton Troop have practically completed the work which will make them eligible to Eagle Scout.  Merit badges were given to the two boys, James Butler and Lowell Hansen, in subjects which are necessary before they can fully qualify.

  • Local Items of Interest – Matt Jensen is building a large chicken house, 140 feet in length.  He believes there is still a future in chickens.

  • George Eder Will Operate Vashon Theatre – The Vashon Theatre is in process of remodeling, and will open on or about June 8th.  It is now under the management of George Eder, who is well known to many on the Island.  The Vashon show house, which has for the past six years been the pawn in many ventures, has passed out of the hands of the former owners.  Mr. Eder will remodel  the interior of the building and will have new equipment installed before the theatre is reopened.

May 30, 1935

  • Moonlight Mystery Cruise Will Take Place June 8 – Sponsored by the “Island Cruises,” a moonlight mystery cruise will afford entertainment for Island and Seattle people Saturday evening, June 8th.  This cruise will be made on the “Chippewa.”

  • Transients Succeeded In Getting Through – A good deal of merriment on the part of Burton residents was caused Sunday by the fact that a party of transient visitors succeeded in doing something Island residents couldn’t, namely, driving through from Shawnee to Burton.  Coy Meredith says that if any car could survive the road, which has been closed for months, there must still be some hopes that it will eventually be useable.  The visitors, who owned a tract of ground near Burton, were hunting for a real estate agent to handle the property.  That should not have been so hopeless as to render them desperate, for we have several such agents, good ones, too, on the Island.

  • Effect Of Court Decision Is Felt Here – Results of the decision of the Supreme Court that the NRA was unconstitutional were felt almost immediately on Vashon Island.  The decision was made public Monday afternoon and early Tuesday morning local greenhouses with ripe tomatoes ready to market received telephone calls from Seattle commission houses instructing them to ship at once all marketable tomatoes.

  • Commercial Club Folders Now Available – A large number of the folders recently put out by the Commercial Club are now ready and can be secured either at the studio of Norman Edson or at the office of The News-Record.  The folders are very artistic with a number of accurate pictures of various points of interest and beauty.  They are of a size that will fit in the ordinary envelope and can be enclosed with a letter.  Island residents can do much to publicize the Island by enclosing one of these little folders in letters going to distant correspondents.

  • Vashon Fire Department Makes Record Time – In response to a call by the telephone operator Saturday morning eleven of the twelve members of the Business Men’s volunteer fire department responded in record time.  George McCormick and Garner Kimmel arrived from Cedarhurst in just seven minutes after they were called.  In twelve minutes the hose was connected, the fire truck was pumping away, and all the men lacked was a good brisk fire to fight.  Fortunately this was entirely lacking.  With the co-operation of the phone company Chief Metzenberg has worked out a plan whereby certain residents will be called before a general alarm is given.  A complete check has been made of all equipment to which more will be added as finances permit.  The fire truck has been put in first-class condition and is ready for any emergency.  During the winter the gas line of the truck had been cut and the engine put out of commission.  This matter was taken up with the prosecuting attorney, who rendered the opinion that such a misdemeanor was punishable with a stiff penitentiary sentence of the guilty person was apprehended.

  • Vashon Side Streets Treated To Coat Of Oil – The dust nuisance is somewhat abated in the village with the oiling of the side streets east and west at the bank corner, and the street between the Weiss and Kimmel stores.  This oiling of the streets was made possible by the enterprise of the Vashon business houses directly benefitting, in conjunction with the Business Men’s Club.

  • Island Tomatoes Now Being Shipped To Local Markets – A harvest which has just started on the Island, and which during years past has been quite substantial, is the tomato crop.  The several Island greenhouses started picking during the last week.  The demand is good and the crop is of the best grade, making the marketing much more easy than when the crop is of an inferior quality.

  • Pest Particularly Active This Year – It is a certainty that no matter how the depression may be operating in other lines there is no depression as far as the insect pests on Vashon Island are concerned.  Having become intensely garden-minded, the editor is becoming absolutely morbid on the subject of bugs.  They have made lace work of our corn, our lettuce, our beans.  Cabbages, of course, furnish a grand feast, while cucumber plants are just the best diet ever.  Dr. V.C. Coutts is not only a good dentist but he is a fine bug-finder.  He showed us one of the little demons who are doing the dastardly work, so we are going after them with a spray gun.  One expert gardener says that we could avoid all this by putting a pinch of crude naphthalene just at the bottom of each plant once a week.  Another says that a little naphthalene and sulpher mixed with the dirt in each cucumber hill will insure plenty of pickles next fall.  We are going to try every suggestion that is offered us, and if we don’t have a good garden it will be because of bugs and hay fever.

  • Island Hen Lays Mammoth Egg – When Conrad Christensen gathered the eggs layed by his hens last Friday he was confronted by a sight that made him wonder whether his eyes had suddenly begun to deceive him.  In one of the nests he saw the hugest egg it had ever been in his lot to gather.  He made sure no stray goose or turkey had gotten into his flock, and then arrived at the obvious conclusion that the egg had been layed by one of his two-year-old S.C. White Leghorns.  The egg, which is of a good shape and color, has a perfect shell, with the exception of a ridge across one side.  It is nine inches in circumference the long way and seven and three-eighths inches the other.  Weighed on druggist’s scales it tipped them at five and three-quarters ounces, strong.  Some idea of the size of the egg can be gained from the fact that the average weight of a dozen eggs, standard size, is 22 ounces, while a dozen eggs this size would weigh 69 ounces.  Mr. Christensen stated that he felt sure this egg was just another proof of the excellent quality of the laying mash manufactured by England and Petersen.  It is reported that several merchants are already trying to contract the entire output of eggs of this size that the Christensen hens produce in the future.  The egg is on display at The News-Record office

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June 1935

June 6, 1935

  • Jack Taylor Presents Program at Commercial Club Meet – Following his talk Mr. Taylor listened to question from those members with suggestions to offer.  Apparently the most urgent need just at the moment is the light oiling of the highway to Tahlequah.  At present the dust constitutes a real menace to motorists, and there have been a number of near accidents.  South End residents feel that the condition of the road discourages city people from choosing the Island as their summer home.  Apparently the majority of those present agreed with Mr. Taylor’s idea that the roads we already have should be improved and kept in the best possible position rather than constructing more roads.

  • Co-Op Hatchery Produces 160,000 Chicks This Year – The Vashon Island Co-Op Hatchery reports the close of the longest hatching season for many years, from December 23rd to May 18th.  Two hundred fourteen thousand and eighteen eggs were set from which 160,000 saleable chicks were produced, giving an average hatch of near 73 per cent from all eggs set.

  • Mukai Cannery to Open June 6; Short Crop of Strawberries – The B.D. Mukai Cannery will open June 6th, with 40 Island residents employed.  It is planned to employ only white help in the cannery.  About 200 pickers will be at work in the fields.  With the arrival of British Columbia Indians, and jobs scarce locally no lack of pickers is anticipated.  Shortage of moisture will shorten the strawberry crop.

  • Local Men Now Employed At Theatre – For the past two weeks an average of ten men have been employed in the remodeling of the Vashon Theatre which will open June 7th, under the management of George Eder. 

  • South End Club Meets Saturday Night; Makes Several Endorsements -

  • Has Never Missed A Memorial Service In 44 Years – Among those in attendance at the Memorial Day services held at the Island cemetery Thursday was C.A. Barton, a veteran of the Civil War.  For forty-four consecutive years Mr. Barton has on each Memorial Day attended the services at the cemetery, not missing one.  Another veteran, Steve G. Stewart, was also present.  He is past 92 years in age and is the oldest veteran in King county.  Mr. Stewart’s boast is that he is going to live to be the last veteran in the country, and from all appearances he will make good his boast, for in spite of his 92 years he is hale and hearty.

  • Island Lily Show Only One Of Its Kind in Whole World – The Lily Show should be an All-Island project, and not just the problem of the small group who have the greatest burden of making it the regular success and publicity-getter it has become.

  • Local Men Now Employed At Theatre – For the past two weeks an average of ten men have been employed in the remodeling of the Vashon Theatre which will open June 7th, under the management of George Eder.  Among those who have been working at top speed are G.C. Field, of Seattle, but who is a summer resident of the Island, owning a home in Maury Park.  Mr. Field is an architect and has planned the new arrangement of the show house along the most modern lines.  Charles S. Eddy, carpenter contractor has been assisted by Herb Condon, George Middlecoff and others.  The decorating has been done by Abe Abrahamson and H.C. Viney, while F.J. Shattuck has been in charge of the concrete work, and Albert Abrams of the plumbing.  All possible materials which have been used in the work have been purchased locally, making the entire job as far as possible a local project.

  • Seven Years Of Perfect Attendance – Elsie Kimmel has made a record that many youngsters could well be proud of.  In the past seven years Elsie has been neither absent nor tardy.  She is a pupil in the Vashon grammar school, and recently graduated with a fine record, from the eighth grade.

  • May Turns Out To Be Unusually Dry Moth – The month of May was the driest that Vashon Island has experienced for many years.  Gardens are suffering for lack of rain and berry crops will be affected.  According to the records of O.E. Ramquist, government weather observer, only three-tenths of an inch of rain fell during the 31 days.  During that time the maximum temperature was 61 degrees and the minimum 40.  There were 25 clear days and six partially cloudy.  But even so, the reports we hear of the Middle West, where rains are destroying crops and homes, and taking lives, and of Colorado where floods alternate with dust storms we can still boast that we have the finest climate in the world.

  • All Indications Point To Many Summer People – Monday is not considered an unusually heavy day as far as travel to Vashon Island is concerned, but on the Verona run (5:30 p.m.) the number of passengers from the city out to Fauntleroy filled two buses and two taxis.  The largest per cent of the summer commuters will not arrive until after school is out, so the summer business is in reality only beginning.  Reports from the South End indicate that the Island cottages are filling up rapidly and that there will be the greatest number of Tacoma commuters in many years.  All of which is welcome news to those of us who feel that the Island has a future which appeared blasted for several years past.

  • Accident at Cove Road Sunday Night Injures Island Woman – Crashing through the heavy guard rail on the east side of the pavement at the Cove turn late Sunday night, a Ford sedan catapulted down the embankment and turning over it landed on its top.  So completely was it wrecked that only a miracle saved the lives of the two men and two women occupants.  The car was driven by A.D. Chisholm, of Silverdale.  The passengers were Mrs. Chisholm, and another man from Silverdale, and Mrs. W.D. Roberts, for Beulah Park, whom they were visiting.  From all indications the car was coming at a terrific speed from the direction of Cove and the driver failed to realize that he was nearing a turn until too late to stop.  Marks at the side of the pavement showed that the brakes had been applied but had failed to prevent the accident.  Supported by rotted posts the rail broke from the terrific impact and the car went on over the edge.  The occupants of a second car with the party summoned help and the victims were taken from the wreckage.  They were taken to the office of Dr. McMurray, but the serious injuries of Mrs. Roberts made it necessary to rush her to a Seattle hospital.  The other three received only severe bruises for which first aid treatment was given.  Mrs. Roberts suffered several broken ribs, but the entire extent of the internal injuries cannot be accurately determined, and the outcome is still in doubt.

  • Local Theatre Opens Under Entirely New Set-Up – On Friday evening, June 7th, the Vashon Theatre will re-open under entirely new management.  The former owners have disposed of the property and the new owners have leased the theatre to George Eder, for many years a summer resident on Maury Island.  The interior of the building has been finished with celotex, a new wood pulp material, which is as nearly sound-proof as any material on the market.  New machines and sound equipment, together with a new curtain, have been installed.  The foyer is particularly artistic with its red plastic finish walls shading up to cream ceiling.  The opening show is to be “Ruggles of Red Gap,” in which Charles Laughton takes the lead.  For the present Mr. Eder plans to have four shows with two changes each week.

  • South End Club Meets Saturday Night; Makes Several Endorsements – Already recognized as a power in Island affairs, the South End Community Club at its meeting Saturday  night added still more names to the roster of those interested in developing this district.  A resolution introduced by C.R. Roediger calls for John Miller, secretary-treasurer, contacting the King county commissioners to urge the appointment of M.F. Zuber, or some other Island resident to fill the vacancy in the state legislature for the 30th District caused by the resignation of Marcus Nelson.  The South End Community Club does not dabble in politics, it was pointed out by President Smith, but in this instance is pleased to endorse an Island resident for the post vacated by Representative Nelson.  The idea of the club is to endorse any project that will be beneficial to Vashon and Maury Islands.  Ira Case was appointed to confer with the Commercial Club in an effort to see if something can be done in the way of getting the highway oiled from the ferry dock to Burton and Vashon.  Numerous complaints have been made by Tacomans and others using this highway that they will not drive on it because it is too dusty, Mr. Case declared.  In other words, travel to the Island is being impaired because of dusty roads that should be taken care of by Commissioner Jack Taylor.  Complaints were also made that the road receives but little attention from Commissioner Taylor.  Through the efforts of Secretary Miller, persons leaving their cars at the Point Defiance ferry slip will receive police protection at least for a few hours in the evening.  A communication was read from the Metropolitan Park Board stating that the new motorcycle officer recently added to the park patrol force will cover the ferry slip during his rounds.  While this is not by any means adequate protection, it will tend at least to cut pilfering of automobiles owned by Island residents.

  • Tahlequah Notes – Through the efforts of “Chuck” Huhn and Dr. Cook the diving board on the ferry slip is now ready for those enjoying aquatic sports.

  • Mrs. E.H. Gorsuch Raises New Breed Of Ducks – Mrs. E.H. Gorsuch is much interested in developing new and better breeds of poultry, but she has surprised even herself with her most recent success.  Among a large number of ducks hatched last Sunday was one which can boast for four legs, a set just back of the regular ones.  The second pair of legs are just a little shorter than the others and so are not useable at the present.  But it would not be hard to figure out what an advantage a four-legged duck would be in a large family – for think of the drumsticks there would be.

June 13, 1935

  • Local Berries Being Harvested; Rain Helps Late Fields – Due to lack of white help on the Island, a large number of Indians have been imported for the strawberry season.  Local pickers report that they are able to make from $1.50 to $2 per day and say that they are well satisfied with the going wage.

  • Local Boys Form Group of Junior Birdmen Squadron – Without suggestion or help from their elders, a group of Vashon boys has organized a unit of the Junior Birdmen of American – Flight Squadron 113.  The club was formed in April and regular meetings have been held each week.  The members are spending a good deal of time working on model planes in accordance with the rules of the national organization.  Not all of their building is planes, however, for the boys are spending part of their time in building a club house on the rear of the Cronander property from lumber which they salvaged from the old cannery, and donations from parents.  Along with the construction of models, which include a Curtis Hawk P6E Boeing F 4 B 4, modified C1 Pursuit, etc. they are also required to study certain principles of aviation.  Last week the members enjoyed a hike to Vashon Lake, where they ate three meals and spent the night.  They are planning other vacation activities.  The boys in this new club are Clyde Smith, commander; Jim Cronander, captain, and Don Bacchus, sergeant-at-arms; Bill Smith, Tom and Lad Bacchus, Jack Petersen, Bob Tjomsland and Allan Metzenberg.

  • Strawberry Festival To Be Held At Vashon – Members of the Vashon Methodist Epworth League will hold a strawberry festival Saturday, June 15th from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. in the vacant lot just south of the Vashon post office.  The festival will be given to raise funds to send delegates to the convention which will be held next month at Epworth Heights, near Redondo.

  • Island Boys Leave For Minnesota Wheat Fields – Four Cove boys, Herman and Albert Paulson, Raydar Fjeldal and Kermit Swensen, left Monday morning for Minnesota, where they hope to find work in the wheat fields.  They plan to return to the Island as soon as the harvest season is over.

  • Unique Sign Board Made For Theatre – Community theatres are no novelty, but the local show house can boast of a feature such as no other show house in the state can boast.  Silver letters on the marquee are the handiwork of W.V. Garvin, 89 years of age.  “Grandpa” Garvin has a flock of chickens to care for, a big lawn to cut, besides assisting and directing his son, Will, with a big garden.  In addition to all of this he still finds time to help out his neighbors.  The letters are cut out of 5-ply board and are six inches in height.  In all 84 will be required to make the changes announcing coming shows.  The management of the theatre feels that the Vashon house has a unique sign that beats Neon set-up.

  • Tahlequah Notes – The 76th birthday of R.K. Beymer was celebrated in approved fashion last Friday.  His daughter, Miss Fana Beymer, and friends, the Misses Ruth Sedahl and Elsie McLaughlin, came from Tacoma with gifts and everything else that goes to make an occasion of this caliber a merry one.  And when “Dad” Beymer displayed the presents the one that took the eye of most everyone was a pair of the new zipper pants for which one doesn’t dare lose the combination.

  • Local Items of Interest – Bonnie Dunsford has joined the ranks of the Island merchants, and is operating the little store at Ellisport formerly owned by Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Bethen.

June 20, 1935

  • County Commissioner Promises Help With Striping of Highway – County Commissioner Jack Taylor recently assured Thomas P. Dunn, president of the Vashon-Maury Island Progressive Club, that he will endeavor to obtain the services of the state highway department to stripe the highway from Vashon Heights to Center.

  • To Certain Adamic Males – That word “Adamic” may or may not be in the dictionary.  By it we mean those men who still retain the mental characteristics of Adam.  To them we wish to state that without exception, we write our own editorials.  And we not only write them, but in them we express our own views.  We do not feel that in not being of your sex we are under any handicap.  Naturally we know that the average male, no matter how mad he is, will not undertake to beat up a woman editor.  This has been known to happen to many a man editor.  But we do not take advantage of this when we express ourselves editorially.  So again, once and for all, the editor of The News-Record, despite her sex writes and stands back of her editorials.

  • County Officials Pay Visit To South End Group – A slip or gangway, similar to the ones in use at ferry docks at various landings in King county, will be provided for Tahlequah, according to John Miller, secretary of the South End Community club.  A float is now being completed at the dock under the supervision of Kenneth G. Fry and Dr. David B. Cook, and will be very popular with bathers, out-boarders, canoeists and row-boat fans, as well as for landing parties from cruisers.

  • Catholic Organization Leases Summer Camp – The following story, taken from the Northwest Progress of June 14th, indicates the growing popularity of Vashon Island as a safe summer home for young people.  The Y.L.I., a Catholic organization, has leased with an option to buy, the old Manson homestead near Portage.  “As a step toward establishing a permanent summer camp, Y.L.I. Juniors voted to lease the Potter cabin at Portage on Quartermaster Harbor, Vashon Island, for the summer months and have taken an option on the adjoining five-acre Nelse Matson property where development of an ideal camp will be begun.  Fronting both Quartermaster and Tramp Harbors, the camp site affords a sheltered bathing beach where water sports of all kinds may be enjoyed.”

  • Burton News Items - The Shawnee road was opened to travel last week.  It has been given a coat of gravel, and the ditches have been cleaned out, permitting better drainage.

June 27, 1935

  • New Schedule Of Tariffs For Vashon Island – In a schedule of tariffs which will go into effect July 1st, local rates on the bus have been adjusted.  This will affect the fares at certain points between Burton and Vashon, and between Vashon and the Heights, the same fares between those points and the Heights and Seattle remaining the same.  In spite of the consistent opposition of a group who consider the bus line as an invasion of their constitutional rights it is increasing in popularity and Mr. Zuber is receiving just as much commendation for the service he is giving.

  • Kingsbury Lodge Leased For Summer – Mrs. Jessie Leason, who has leased Kingsbury Lodge for the summer, moved over from Seattle last week.

  • Island To Receive Untold Publicity From Lily Growers

  • Corpse Found In Bay On West Side – The body of a man apparently about 65 years of age was discovered just south of Cove Tuesday afternoon by Nels Paulsen.  W.D. Garvin when notified called the coroner’s office and the body was picked up and taken to Seattle.  From all indications it was a case of drowning probably within the 24 hours previous to the discovery of the body.  No details have been received to date by Mr. Garvin, who is deputy coroner.

  • Numerous Motor Accidents Bring New Deal For Garages – Beginning late Sunday afternoon Vashon Island seems destined to a busy week as far as auto accidents are concerned.  Sunday evening a heavy touring car, driven by Jim Butler, of Burton left the road just below the William Field place on the brick yard road.  When the five passengers crawled gingerly out the car was hanging by one wheel on the edge of a bank.  Monday morning on its way to an early ferry a truck belonging to A.J. Lewis ran into the end of an E. & P. truck on the Heights hill and came out of the encounter with a badly damaged front end.  The big truck was obliged to turn out for a car incorrectly parked on the pavement, and the Lewis car was too close to the truck ahead to be able to avoid hitting it after passing the car.  Tuesday afternoon on his way home Gerald Grant failed to see one of the Bacchus cars coming up the hill and the net result of the meeting was a couple of dented fenders.  About the time this was happening the Ford truck belonging to the Bacchus Lumber Company, driven by Don Bacchus, made the turn at the Pioneers’ Monument simultaneously with the car owned and driven by A.B. Cook.  In this encounter the truck had a badly bent fender and running board.  Several other cars have had to be towed into garages as the result of mechanical difficulties, so taking it all in all this has been a good week for garages and a rather poor one for the operators of motor vehicles.

  • Camp Sealth to Be Scene Of Special Instruction For Nation Guardians – Camp Sealth, the salt water summer home of Seattle Camp Fire Girls, tucked away in a wooded spot on the southwest end of Vashon Island, has been selected by the national Camp Fire Girls’ headquarters in New York as the place for the Northwest district national summer leadership training course June 27th until July 1st.  This camp, which will be in its sixteenth season this summer, is one of the five largest organization camps in the United States, and has accommodations for over 250 campers.

  • Warning To Children And Grown-Ups – A warning is issued by local postal authorities to those who make the mistake of using U.S. mail boxes in connection with their Fourth of July celebrations.  Such persons are liable to a fine of something in the vicinity of $300, and a chance to be a boarder at the expense of the government.  Last year on one of the routes a mail box was torn to pieces by a person with more exuberance than intelligence.  It is also well to remember that the government has a detective service and that the sleuthing does not have to be done by local authorities who might be inclined to leniency.

  • Defective Lights Must Be Corrected – According to Deputy Ray Seelye too many cars are operating on the Island highways with only one headlight and no tail light.  Many of the drivers have been given sufficient warning.  Drastic steps will be taken in the very near future to enforce the law, and to impress the drivers that it is being done in the best interests of everybody involved.

  • County Commissioner Promises Equipment Building For Island – In an interview with Commissioner Jack Taylor on Monday, Deputy Ray Seelye was informed that the Vashon Island county building, which will house a jail and offices for the deputy sheriff, the road supervisor and engineer, will be built this summer.  The exact site has not been announced, but the jail has been definitely promised.  Mr. Taylor said that he had made application to the PWA for 45 per cent of the cost of the building, and if his request is granted a much better building can be built.  Within three weeks he will know whether his request is to be granted.  In accordance with pre-election promises the Island is to have a resident full-time deputy sheriff.  With a full-time officer, who is not afraid of hard work, and eventually a place to incarcerate those who do not observe the rights of others, Vashon-Maury Island should be made one of the best regulated districts of King county.

  • Personal Publicity? No! – That our readers have been deeply interested in our editorials dealing with the relief situation cannot be doubted.  We have had phone calls, written commendation, personal calls, requests to use our editorials in other publications, and various and sundry pats on the back.  All of which is very acceptable to an editor.  But that was not our purpose in writing the editorials.  We have no quarrel with those who are on relief because they cannot find work.  Our complaint is of those who choose relief as a means of dodging the personal responsibility of providing food for one’s self and one’s children.  At a time when those of us who are carrying on are doing so by an almost superhuman struggle.  When each step forward is costing countless hours of thought and work.  At a time when paying one’s taxes means just so much less on the grocery and clothing budget the wonder is not that someone should voice natural resentment concerning those who refuse to work.  The wonder is that those of us who are carrying on do not employ some of the same methods that too many who are on relief are using.  It is not necessary for The News-Record to tell its readers that right here on Vashon Island there are people who are laughing at you and me because we not only earn our own sustenance but because we are working in the gardens which produce food for our families next winter.  It might be surprising if a survey were made and the results published concerning those who are on relief and who, as the local relief worker says, should be at home “working in their gardens and getting in their winter’s wood” rather than spending their time picking fruit for a few beggarly dollars.  Were it not for the stigma of the word “charity” possibly more of us would be on hand each Tuesday morning to get our canned meat, milk and what-not.  If you, our readers, are as interested as you would have us believe, take the time some Tuesday and go to your nearest relief station.  Hang around one of the grocery stores and see, as we have seen, how those on relief can eat food that you cannot afford to buy for your children.  Some of the able-bodied men who show up weekly for their share of governmental generosity would faint if they were presented with a hoe or an axe.  And you, too, would laugh or boil, according to your disposition, at the suggestion that these men should be at work tending to their gardens and getting their winter’s wood.  Try offering them a job of hoeing or chopping that would amount each week to what they are handed out by their “relief lady,” and see with what enthusiasm they would accept your offer of a job.  We do not entirely blame those on relief.  They are the products of a vicious practice that is sapping our entire American system.  We do not entirely blame the relief workers who encourage this form of indigency.  Their jobs depend on how many are added to the relief rolls.  But we do bemoan the fact that this country of ours which has always been symbolic of independence and freedom should have, through political patronage and laxity, encouraged those traits which is daily undermining more deeply our national independence and decency.  No, to be on relief is not of itself a disgrace.  Sickness or accident may place any one of us at the receiving end of the line.  But to remain on relief when there is work to be done is shame unspeakable.

  • Maury Island Man Found Dead Thursday – Discovered by neighbor children the body of Ferdinand Billingston was found in his yard on Maury Island last Thursday morning.  Death, due to chronic myocarditis, had probably occurred some time Monday.  Deceased was born in Iowa May 29, 1865.  For the past four years he had resided on Maury Island.  He was a veteran of the Spanish-American War, serving some time in the Phillipine Islands.

  • Pot-Pourri – The Union Guaranty Company of Seattle purchased a twenty-three acre tract on Vashon Island.  Bert Murley, executive of the Kitsap County Transportation Company, bought the Albert Hansen estate at Port Madison.  The Vashon property, which includes 600 feet of waterfront, will be extensively developed, it was reported.  It was sold by Harriet Reynolds. – (Seattle P-I)

  • Dockton News – A.C. Stuckey is working at Gig Harbor this week on the boat “Liberty Bell.”

  • Local Items of Interest – Ward Clark will leave the latter part of next month for the East Coast.  He is now employed on the “Edward Luckenbach”, the largest and fasters of the Luckenbach freighters.  He expects to be away for 72 days, and will have about two weeks in New York City.

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July 1935

July 4, 1935

  • Island’s Ninth Annual Lily Show Attracts Visitors From All Over State: 51 Varieties Displayed – About twenty Island growers displayed flowers of every variety and hue, which arranged against green lattices, converted the large room at the Island Club into a veritable bower.  Native greens were used as a background.

  • Labor Trouble Among Indians And Filipinos – With the spirit of unrest resulting in labor troubles on the mainland, Vashon Island is not entirely free from the malady.  Labor trouble developed this week among the Indian and Filipino pickers in the Mukai fields.  Although the 50 whites working in the Mukai fields are still picking, the 40 or 50 Filipinos and 160 Indians are idle.  The Cowichan Indians are willing to work at the compromise wage, but are intimidated and afraid to work while the fields are picketed by the leaders demanding a still higher wage.  The Mukai cannery is running at full capacity, and will be in operation until the fifteenth of the berries can be harvested.

  • Local News Items Of Vashon And Vicinity – Much interest is being created in the tracts of land in the Twickenham Estate, which have been recently offered for sale.  They offer 1,000 feet of sandy beach and an exceptional view of the Sound and Mountain.

  • Magnolia Improvement Club Elects Officers – At a meeting held recently practically the same corps of officers were elected by the Magnolia Beach Improvement Club for 1935-36.  They are Ira Case, president; Tony Hull, secretary; Sam Wilson, treasurer, and Forbes Haskell, Jr., attorney.

  • Sportsmen To Meet Friday Evening – A representative of the state game commission will be on the Island Friday, inspecting the proposed game preserve, and in the evening he will be present at the meeting to explain his findings.

  • WARNING – Notice is hereby given that we will not cash any of our picking tickets in the hands of those not our actual pickers. B.D.Mukai & Son.

  • Local Items of Interest – Ellisport residents are delighted with the new service being given them by Mr. Zuber, of the Island Transportation company, whereby the buses come up through the town as far as the McClintock Homestead corner on every trip.  This gives Ellisport the best service it has ever enjoyed and it is greatly appreciated by both the summer and year-round residents.

  • Local Items of Interest – George Hofmeister is building a new float at Magnolia Beach, at the dock maintained by the Magnolia Beach Improvement Club.

July 11, 1935

  • Carnival Will Be At Island Club this Friday and Saturday – The entire proceeds of the carnival which will be in progress not only Friday evening, but all day Saturday, as well, will be divided equally between the Island Club and the Vashon Business Men’s Club.

  • Labor Shortage Threatens Cherry Crop – Picking of sour cherries will begin the first of next week, and pickers will be paid one-half cent per pound.  Producers are having difficulty in finding enough pickers to harvest their crops, and the Filipinos who have been engaged in the Mukai fields are already at work in the cherries.  Vashon Island is noted for the fine cherries produced here, and it is to be hoped that shortage of labor will not endanger the crop.

  • Busy Rearing Their Families – It may be amusing to us humans, but we’ll wager that life is very real and earnest these days to the robins.  For some reason they are evidently afraid of race suicide.  Early last spring they started out in the serious business of home making and of rearing a family.  They finished that job nicely, then began the same thing all over.  And now we’re blessed if the poor dears aren’t scurrying about building another nest for another family.  It is not at all unusual for a pair of robins to rear two families in a season, but it is rather strange for them to produce a third nestful of birds.  But at least they start all over with a clean slate, or rather a clean new house, with each brood.

  • New Island Organization – Choosing a fitting day the newly organized club, the Sons of the Beaches, enjoyed a pleasant Fourth at Hell’s Half Acre on Quartermaster Harbor.  There were seven grown sons and as many daughters, as well as a generous sprinkling of grandchildren.  All present report a rip-roaring good time.

  • Pot-Pourri – Subdivision of a mile of water front property on the south end of Vashon Island into homesites was reported by the Puget Mill Company, owners.  This firm also will place 1,000 acres of the Island’s back-land on the market, dividing it into tracts of from one to five acres.  A community beach is to be reserved for purchases of the back-land – (Seattle P-I)

July 18, 1935

  • Work Projects Are Requested By County Commissioner Taylor – A request has been made by County Commissioner Jack Taylor for the assistance of South District clubs, organizations and individuals.  He requests that they submit to him plans and suggestions for needed improvements in the district, such as drainage, general road work, ditching, improvement of parks and grounds; in short any kind of needed work on which men may be employed.  Such suggestions are to be mailed or delivered personally to Mr. Taylor’s office in the County-City building, where he promises to give them his immediate attention.  Members of his staff have been detailed to check each plan.  Those found feasible and in line with federal requirements will be placed before the federal agency for quick action.  In this manner a definite program which will help in obtaining government funds under the Works Progress Administration can be offered.

  • Soil Shows Marvelous Fertility – Just what can be carved out of an apparently hopeless situation here on Vashon Island is nicely demonstrated on the farm of Carl Wick north of Vashon.  Two years ago the place was a dense jungle of alder, stumps and underbrush, just typical logged off land.  Today it is producing enough to support a family of five.  The fertility of the soil is almost unbelievable as a field of oats 8 feet tall now being cut will testify.  Mr. Wick is making a rather extensive experiment in growing alfalfa, ordinarily believed impossible in this climate.  He is raising excellent sweet potatoes, for the second year. 

  • Carnival Nets Clubs Tidy Sum; Many Visit Annual Summer Event – Despite the short notice and limited time to prepare for the annual carnival of the Vashon Business Men’s Club the affair was a greater success than even the most optimistic could hope for.  The proceeds were divided equally between the Business Men’s Club and the Island Club, each receiving between $90 and $100.

July 25, 1935

  • Oiling Operations On Six Miles of Island Roads Starts Today – Road Supervisor Ruhlen reports that according to instructions received from District Supervisor Swain this work will start Thursday morning and the oil will be spread with the new 4,000 gallon outfit recently built in the Kent shops.  Beginning at the end of the pavement the road will be oiled from Center to Burton.  The highway running east from the telephone office will also be oiled, as well as another mile which to date had not been determined.  This oiling will be for the purpose of abating the dust which makes travel over our roads dangerous as well as annoying. 

  • Vashon Farmer Returns Purse – A concrete lesson in honesty and decency was given last Monday morning by Fred Rindahl, a well-known rancher living north of Vashon.  Mr. Rindahl was on his way to Vashon about 7 o’clock and found a purse lying by the side of the pavement at the Cove intersection.  Without opening it he brought it to The News-Record office.  Investigation of the contents proved that the owner was Mrs. Ray Morley.  The purse contained a roll of bills with which Mrs. Morley intended to pay all debts remaining after the harvest of their summer crops, and the loss would have meant much to the Morley family.  We may argue that in returning the purse Mr. Ringdahl acted only as an honest person should, but in this day of financial want and doubtful principles it is good to find that real old-fashioned honesty still has its place in the scheme of things.  And one gains a new vision of hope that ultimately we will return to the same standards that prompted this action – basic honesty and decency, combined with a feeling of good-will toward our neighbors.

  • Passing Of Captain John L. (Louie) MacMillan – His many friends on Vashon and Maury Islands will regret to hear of the passing of Captain John L. (Louie) Macmillan, formerly skipper of the Daring and Dart, steamers of the McDowell Steamship Company, which furnished passenger and freight service to the Islands before the inauguration of our present ferry system.

  • Teacher Elected At Vashon Grade School – Miss Sigrun Hallgrimson, of Seattle, was elected this week by the directors of District 176 to fill the vacancy in the third and fourth grades of the Vashon grammar school caused by the resignation of Miss Irene Baker.

  • Island Pioneers Will Hold Picnic Saturday At Odd Fellows’ Hall – Although time is relentlessly thinning the ranks of the first generation pioneers, and gray hair is the prevailing style among the second generation, with the third generation coming along to take its place in the affairs of the Island, all will meet on a common ground next Saturday, when the Vashon Maury Island Pioneer Society holds its annual picnic.  The Pioneers’ Society is an Island organization that is able to function successfully even though the meetings are held only once a year.  Original members were those living on the Island prior to 1891.  Their children and grandchildren are now eligible to membership.  Of the first three white families settling on Vashon Island only one mother is left, Mrs. John Gilman, now of Olympia.  Those of us living on Vashon-Maury Island with its paved highway, electricity, telephones, modern houses, frequent ferry service, pleasant and easy living can only with difficulty imagine what the experiences of the early settlers must have been.  One who came to the Island as a boy in 1889 was telling us of the hardships of that time.  In conclusion he said “And we couldn’t go to the government to ask for help, and we got by some way.”  Others remember the time when there was nothing but a trail through the woods from Vashon to Burton and the length of time it took to make the trip which can now be made in just a few minutes.  Grandma Hansen, now past ninety, tells amusing tales, among them one of how she used to walk to Ellisport from Center for the weekly mail.  She considers the most important letter ever received in their home, the one from Iowa which announced the birth of her grandson, Howard, now state supervisor of banking.  Tim Clark recalls most vividly certain school teachers, but refuses to specify whether the pretty young ladies who taught him by the gender method, or the sturdy schoolmasters who wielded the rod diligently, made the more lasting impression.  Advancing years will make impossible the attendance of C.A. Barton, one of the Island’s earliest and best loved teachers.  This year will fail to find Mrs. Blackburn among those present, since during the past year she joined those other pioneers who have passed into the Beyond.  Doubtlessly Ollie VanOlinda will have his pencil and notebook with him to make note of any item that can be added to the history of Vashon-Maury which will be printed ere long.  Saturday will be a day of happy reunion.  It will be a day of sad memories.  It will find reborn funny and laughable experiences that gave to those early days a quality the present cannot claim.  But no matter whether you are of the first, second or third generation each person eligible to membership in the Vashon-Maury Pioneer Society is urged to lay aside work and worry on the day and to meet with former friends for a good old fashioned visit and a bounteous picnic dinner.

  • Tahlequah Notes – Driven from their accustomed haunts on the north and central part of the Island, by recent brush fires, hundreds of crows are making inroads into gardens here.  Some of them have already been dropped by lead pellets, but so far none have been found with a leg band that might bring a reward to the hunter.

  • Tahlequah Notes – Splendid catches of cut-throat and salmon trout have been reported during the last week.  The fishing ground is from the ferry slip to Spring Beach.  Rock cod is plentiful too.

  • Dockton News – A.C. Stuckey and John Radin left Sunday morning on the “Liberty Girl” for the salmon banks.  They will be gone six weeks.

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August 1935

August 1, 1935

  • Former Students of Vashon College to Hold Reunion Saturday – Already former students of Vashon College are arriving for the annual reunion to be held in the Masonic Hall Sunday, August 4th.  Vashon College, which opened in the fall of 1892 under the direction of Professor and Mrs. A.C. Jones, filled a definite educational and cultural need which made it the leading institution, practically the only one of its kind in the Northwest.  A feature of the reunion several years ago was the opening of the copper box which had been sealed in the corner stone of the old main college building.  This hall was built after the college had been conducted for possibly a year, so that there were many mementos of the first days of it.  There is not a person who was privileged to be present when the box was opened who will ever forget the peculiar sensation experienced.  It was as though a period of time long past had literally been resurrected.  There was a feeling as though a grave had been opened to give up its dead.  And somewhat the same feeling of awe is again experienced each year when the old copper box is reopened.  The suggestion was made last year that the box and its contents be given to the Ferry Museum in Tacoma, but the majority felt that this should not be done for a few more years.  On Sunday the old programs, pictures, mementoes and reminders of that early day will again be brought to light and old times will be renewed.

  • Glen Lewis Injured In Truck Wreck In Seattle – Glen Lewis escaped serious injury last Wednesday when the truck he was driving crashed into a light pole on Avalon Way in Seattle.  He was coming out from the city and in some manner lost control of his machine which crossed the street and struck a pole on the left side of the street.  This is the second accident driver and truck have suffered since the beginning of the berry season.

  • Pioneers Gather For Annual Picnic Meeting – The Vashon-Maury Pioneer Society held its annual meeting and picnic last Saturday in the Odd Fellows Hall, with forty-four members present, a decrease of about thirty per cent from the usual attendance.  Sickness and lack of physical ability among many of the old-timers accounted for this and it is with more regret than we can express that we note how time is doing its work to rob us of our most valued Pioneers.  Mrs. J.P. Blackburn, Mrs. Mary Hanson and Mrs. Charles O’Keefe ended long lives of usefulness during this past year, and news came to us at our meeting of the passing of W.H. Clarke, on the morning of our meeting day.  All were active members and took great pride in being Vashon Pioneers, as well they might.  Each played a prominent part in the building of this little Island Empire and, as is the way of the world, their names may be forgotten, but they have left works and influence undying. – O.S. VanOlinda.

  • Oiling Of Island Roads To Be Resumed Soon – Oiling of Island roads was interrupted when the equipment refused to function.  The truck was returned to the shops at Kent for repairs and will be brought over again in the near future.  One light coat of oil was spread from the end of the pavement at Center to Burton and from the telephone office to the top of the Brockway Hill; also a short strip in Dockton.  Additional oiling will be sought from Tahlequah to a 1,400 foot strip which has been done at Magnolia Beach by property owners.  The dust nuisance has made travel on our roads extremely hazardous and until such time when a permanent finish can be applied the light oiling is the best solution to a serious problem.

  • Wm. Henry Clarke, Island Pioneer, Passes Saturday in Seattle – Moving to Washington in 1883, the Clarke family came directly to Vashon Island, where they took a homestead on what is now the Highland Park ranch, overlooking Quartermaster Harbor.  Here the seven Clarke children were reared.

  • Tahlequah Notes – Installation of a new tail-shaft for the M.F. Skansonia will be completed by August 10th, it was announced today by officials of the Washington Navigation Company, operating ferries to a number of points in the inner Sound.  The run from Point Defiance to Tahlequah and Gig Harbor is being taken temporarily by the M.F. City of Tacoma, which is faster than the Skansonia, but very antiquated from the point of service.

  • Tahlequah Notes – Mrs. Warren Bachelor and the Misses Helen Gormley, Montgomery, Eileen Bachelor, Betty Siegle and Patricia Smith enjoyed a rowboat tour around Vashon Island last week.  Three days were required to complete the trip.  They slept under the stars, and did the cooking over camp fires.

  • Tahlequah Notes – A 13-foot hollyhock, practically in full bloom, and still growing, is attracting attention at the C.R. Roediger beach residence.

  • Proposals For Wood – Sealed proposals for furnishing fuel wood for School District No. 79 will be received by the Board of Directors until noon August 10th, 1935, as follows: 6 cords 16 inch wood for Maury Center School, 15 cords 24 inch wood for Dockton School.  Wood to be clean, sound, first growth fir free from konk or rot and to be delivered and piled in or near sheds on the school premises.  The Board reserves the right to increase or decrease the specified amounts by ten per cent or to reject any or all proposals.  Address proposals to – C.M. Ruhlen, Clerk School District No. 79, Dockton, Washington.

  • Filipino Stabbed By Fellow Countryman – Running amok last Thursday noon, Mariano Marcado, a Filipino laborer on the Mukai berry ranch, stabbed Pascuel Asombrado, another Filipino, in the back.  The blow was struck as Asombrado was bending over, washing his hands.  The knife entered in the region of the kidneys, and had it been higher doubtless the victim of the attack would have been killed instantly.  As it is he has a chance for recovery in the county hospital, where he was taken.  Marcado was arrested and taken to Seattle, where on Monday he entered a plea of guilty to a charge of second degree assault in Judge William Hoar’s court.  He will be returned to his native land at an early date.  The court experienced considerable difficulty in getting to the bottom of the trouble and what led up to the fracas, but it was evident that ill feeling had developed between the two men.

  • Ellisport felt quite honored last Friday night when the brilliantly lighted new streamlined ferry Kalakala, rounded the point and saluted the little colony with a resounding whistle.

August 8, 1935

  • New Flower Named For Vashon Island – A party, composed of Mrs. J.W. Roberts, Mrs. Dorothy Allen and Miss Lula Meeds, spent several hours on Monday at the Biles Phlox Farm, near Issaquah.  At the invitation of Mrs. Biles the Island visitors named three of her beautiful new seedlings.  Mrs. Allen and Miss Meeds selected two lovely pink blossoms and gave their own names to them, while Mrs. Roberts chose a purple flower, naming it “Vashon.”

  • Forty-One Attend Vashon College Reunion Sunday – Forty-one former pupils and teachers were present last Sunday at the annual Vashon College reunion held at the Masonic Hall in Burton.  It was voted to present the copper box taken from the corner stone of the old college building when it was demolished, to the Ferry Museum in Tacoma.

  • Enochs Take over Vashon Café – Mr. and Mrs. Frank Enochs have taken over the management of the Vashon Café, and from all reports the quality of their cooking is meeting with the approval of all who have partaken of it.

  • Change Ordered In Sale Of Ferry Tickets By State Commission – The Kitsap County Transportation Company has been notified by the Department of Public Works that the sale of strip tickets by garages and filling stations on Vashon Island is in violation of the intension of the commutation plan and constitutes discrimination.  The company has been ordered to submit a plan whereby books of commutation tickets will be non-transferable and can be used only by the purchaser and members of his immediate family.  These, and other facts were brought out in a conference between officials of the company and a committee from the Vashon Island Commercial Club held Monday afternoon in Seattle.  This action was taken by the department in response to a letter received from the Tacoma Chamber of Commerce, complaining of the sale of tickets by garages on the Island.  Immediate action on the part of the North End ferry company was ordered but a delay of 20 days was finally secured.  At the end of this time it is hoped that a plan equitable to all concerned can be worked out.  With the present cash fare of 60 cents as opposed to the strip ticket fare of 40 cents the effect on the casual auto passenger is apparent. To the driver traveling each day the investment in a book of tickets does not mean as much as to the person who makes the trip once a week, or less.  It means that in order to take advantage of the saving one must invest in a book of tickets, more than the year ‘round dweller on Vashon Island cares to do.

  • Tahlequah to be Scene of Unique Party Saturday – Reminiscent of the Indian pow-wows of pioneer days, the South End Community Club will entertain Saturday night at a get-together dinner on the beach fronting Dr. David B. Cook’s property at Tahlequah.  Folks who want to take a dip in the salt water before dinner are invited to come at 6 o’clock.  The beach is ideal for swimming at the Cook residence and with good weather promised there should be a large turnout.  Miss Dolly Huhn will have charge of the life guards, and will also instruct in swimming.

  • Dancing Classes To Begin Monday – Instruction in all of the latest kinds of dancing, to include ballroom, classical and beginning and advanced taps, will be given by Yukichi Nishiyori in the classes which will be held in the ballroom of the former Steen home beginning Monday, August 12th at 2 o’clock.

  • Tahlequah Notes – Hoodlums are making a great deal of trouble for Tahlequah residents leaving their automobiles at the site of the old Neriedes bathhouse at the Point Defiance ferry slip.  One day thirteen tires were punctured, and last Saturday some one purloined a tire off Dr. David B. Cook’s car.  A motorcycle patrolman is supposed to make regular trips to the parking station, but the vandals evidently know when he is not likely to be around.

  • Advertisement – Berlin School of Dancing – Classes will begin Monday, August 12th – Private and Class Lessons – For appointment call Yukichi Nishiyori – Black 43

  • Cove, Cedarhurst and Colvos Items – Tuesday morning Colvos was the center of excitement when an aeroplane circled around about five times and finally dropped a large box.  Then it circled around once more to see the curious neighbors as they gathered to see what was in it.  Upon opening it they found it contained fruit for the Tronas family.

August 15, 1935

  • South End Community Club Proves to be Genial Host at Beach Dinner Saturday Eve – The South End Community Club really does things!  Such was the opinion of nearly 200 persons who attended the get-together dinner and entertainment staged Saturday night on the beach fronting the Dr. David B. Cook residence at Tahlequah.

  • Oiling Operations Stopped By Break-Down Of Truck – A broken connecting rod stopped the oiling of Island roads last Thursday.  The truck was returned to the shops at Kent for repairs.  According to present plans the work will be continued this week.  This is the second delay in the job of oiling the roads, but eventually the work will be accomplished and we will have a short abatement of the dust nuisance before the fall rains set in.

  • Pleasant Party Monday Evening At Park Home – The ballroom at the Park home was the scene of a pleasant party Monday evening when friends and neighbors gathered for a social evening complimentary to Yukichi Nishiyori, who the same afternoon had opened a dance studio, a branch of his Seattle studio, the Berlin School of Dancing.  Old fashioned square dances, as well as more modern ones were enjoyed by young and old until a late hour, when refreshments were served.

  • Junior Birdmen Come To Earth – They may be bona fide birdmen, but they certainly came very close to Mother Earth last week-end.  Nine members of the local organization of Junior Birdmen of America camped for two days at the old brick yard near Vashon Landing.  In all fairness it should be stated that their skill in opening a can of beans, and in arranging themselves for the night in a circle about the fire were tricks learned from Scouting.  The party was composed of Clyde and Bill Smith, Roy Bailey, Bob Tjomsland, Jim Cronander, Allan Metzenberg, Don, Tom and Lad Bacchus, with that other very important adjunct to the Bacchus family, Tarzan, apparently as important as any of the boys.

  • Double Celebration At Berry Home – The Theo Berry home at Dockton had more than ordinary reason for celebration Friday, August 9th, for it was not only the birthday of the little granddaughter, Arline, but it was also the birthday of that young lady’s mother, Mrs. Katherine Peterson, as well.

  • Junior Band To Be Here Two Days – Island members of the Veterans of Foreign Wars are attempting a rather arduous undertaking which will offer an unusual musical treat to the Island in the near future.  They are bringing a 100-piece juvenile band, champions of the state, here for two days, Sunday and Monday, September 1st and 2nd.  The purpose of bringing this band to the Island is three-fold.  Primarily it is to encourage members of the juvenile band, in the second place it is an attempt to interest the Island young people in a fife and drum corps, and in the third place the veterans feel that the Island people will appreciate the concerts to be given.

  • New Oil Burner Installed At Vashon Grammar School – Installation of a new oil burner in the Vashon grammar school has been completed.  The old one was so badly worn out that it was only with a great deal of trouble that it was possible to get through until warm weather.  The new burner was purchased without indebtedness to the district through careful management on the part of the directors.

  • Seattle Exchange Club Holds Picnic at Goodwill Farm Last Saturday; Group Views Efforts – About eighty persons, members of the Exchange Club of Seattle, and their families enjoyed the annual picnic at the Goodwill Farm last Saturday.  The Exchange Club, an aggregation of Seattle business men, has met with serious reverses during the past five difficult years and the membership has declined from 150 to about 40.  In spite of this they have kept up the payment on the Goodwill Farm, as well as insurance and taxes.  The purpose of the club is practical charity and its funds are used in such a manner that the members can see and know the actual results of each dollar spent, rather than in contribution to a fund that is dissipated for administrative, propaganda, publicity, and the like.  Their experience at the Goodwill Farm in the beginning was a great disappointment, and it seemed at first that the experiment was doomed to failure.  To start with the Farm took care of fifteen inmates and was not in any sense self-supporting.  During the past four years, under the good business management of Charles England and Mrs. Johnson the Farm has been able to practically pay its own way, although the number of inmates being cared for now is almost twice as many as five years ago.

  • Tahlequah Notes – Tahlequah now has a first-class walk from the ferry slip west to the entrance of the West Pass.  The folks turned out en masse Sunday for the construction work, and did the job in short order.

August 22, 1935

  • Island Berry Receives State-Wide Notice As Fine Producer – A news item in a recent issue of a Spokane paper called attention to a wonderful berry which is being raised with a marked degree of success in the vicinity of that city.  In describing it one grower stated, “The vines grow profusely and are hardy, bearing fruit the first year, with increasing yields as they grow older.”  The berry so described is the “Olympic” which war propagated right here on Vashon Island by Peter Erickson of Center.  Mr. Erickson, who has a patent pending has developed the berry after years of patient work.

  • Farmers Protest Against Island Game Preserve – At a meeting held Tuesday evening at the Cove Community Hall about fifty interested persons were present, including farmers both in and outside of the proposed area for a game preserve and members of the Sportsmen’s Club which is sponsoring the project.  There was a spirited discussion of various phases of the game code and of the rules and regulations which the farmers believe will result in hardships for them.  The opposition apparently is not so much against the rapid multiplication of the pheasant and other game birds which will result from the closing of the 4,000 acres involved, as it is to the protection of other birds and animals which the farmers feel constitute a nuisance and pest.  Petitions protesting against the propose reserve are being circulated and signed within the area.  A second petition for those living outside of the area is being circulated.

  • Captain Wiman At Marine Hospital – Captain Wiman, who has been in poor health for some time, is now in the Marine hospital, where he recently submitted to an operation.  According to the report of his doctor it will be at least two months before Mr. Wiman will be able to return to his home.

  • Tahlequah Notes – Battling and cavorting in the placid waters, a school of from 25 to 30 black mouth entertained hundreds yesterday at Point Defiance park, and passengers on the ferries and mosquito fleet operating in the Inner Sound.  The school came in from the East Pass around 9:30 a.m. and continued their antics until dark, when they made their way out the West Pass.

  • Tahlequah Notes – After more than a month on the grid for installation of a new tail-shaft, the M.F. Skansonia is back on the run between Point Defiance, Gig Harbor and Tahlequah.

August 29, 1935

  • Factory Representative To Be At Beauty Parlor Friday – Women of Vashon-Maury Island will be interested in a demonstration to be given at the Vashon Beauty Shop on Friday, August 30th.  A factory representative will demonstrate the Paramount permanent wave machine.  The new Paramount permanent wave machine is the most comfortable process of permanent waving in America today.  By reason of controlled heat which regulates the amount of current to the number of units in use it is much cooler.  In fact there is no noticeable heat on the head.

  • Juvenile Band Will Not Appear In Concerts Here – The local post of the Veterans of Foreign Wars has been advised by the Seattle office that it will be impossible for the junior band scheduled to appear here Labor Day to do so.  In a long distance phone conversation a member of the committee was informed that the Seattle Musicians’ Union had forbidden the band to appear here if they were donating their services.

  • A Service For Students – As an inducement for students from Vashon-Maury Islands, who are going away to schools of high-education this fall; The News-Record will be sent, free of charge, to any who wish it.

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September 1935

September 5, 1935

  • Dances To Begin Saturday Evening – Beginning next Saturday evening the Dockton Community Club will hold dances each second Saturday during the winter.  Those community dances furnish entertainment not only for the community of Dockton, but for residents of all parts of the Island.  They are given under the auspices of the Dockton Community Club, one of the Island’s liveliest organizations.  This is one of the clubs that knows no depression nor financial difficulty.  The membership is drawn only from the village of Dockton and the organization is maintained in such a thrifty manner that the hall is kept in A-1 condition and free of encumbrances.

  • Ned Holmes Receives Fractured Shoulder – In a collision with an England and Petersen feed truck last Thursday afternoon Ned Holmes, Island representative of the Seattle Star, suffered severe injury to his left shoulder.  As he was driving toward Lisabeula Ned turned out to pass a truck driven by Garner Steen just as the truck turned into the Bengston road.  Neither driver could account for the accident as each felt sure he had taken all of the precautions proper under similar circumstances.  The coupe which Holmes was driving was turned over on to its top, but was not otherwise damaged.

  • Junction In Road Improved – Work has been completed at the junction of the pavement and the Cove road, to correct an error in judgment if not in engineering, made some fifteen years ago.  When the pavement was laid no space was allowed between the road and the bulkhead.  Near accidents to pedestrians have been narrowly averted there many times.  The old bullrail had rotted so badly that it failed to hold a car running into it about two months ago, and a bad accident resulted.  The shoulder on either side of the road has now been widened and new rails installed.

  • Paintings On Display At Vashon Theatre – An interesting group of paintings will be on display this week in the lobby of the new Vashon Theatre, the work of C.L. Garner.  While Mr. Garner’s vocation is a purely business one, his avocation is far removed.  As manager of the local branch of the Puget Sound Power and Light Company, he works for his company diligently and well fifty weeks each year, reserving the annual two-weeks’ vacation for a sketching tour and a sight-seeing trip to various parks and peaks of the glorious Northwest.  His latest trip, in company with two of his sons, was made recently to Canada, where he secured some lovely sketches.  The paintings which will be displayed this week at the local show house, include scenes from the Ocean, Jasper Park, Glacier National Park, Mount Rainier, Mount Hood, Wallowa Valley and some Vashon Island scenes.  All are well worth seeing.

  • Young People Narrowly Escape Death In Car Crash – How two young people escaped death last Friday evening will always remain an unsolved mystery.  The accident occurred at the top of the Heights hill when a coupe driven by Wesley Middling overturned on the pavement, then righting itself backed down an embankment at least seventy-five feet high without overturning and with the two passengers still in the rumble seat.  The driver and Ruth Strom were thrown clear of the car as it overturned on the pavement, and suffered merely severe body bruises.  Allan Pruitt and Elizabeth Percy, a summer resident, who were still in the car when it stopped on the Twickenham Estate road likewise suffered injuries entirely out of proportion, although the Percy girl had scalp cuts that required eight stitches.  According to the story of the driver, who was satisfied that he was not driving in excess of 35 miles per hour, the car was thrown across the pavement by a depression, near the Garrison place, which resulted from the crash of a large tree in last October’s gale.  Thrown out of gear when it turned over on the pavement there was no resistance when the car began to back down the embankment on the east side of the pavement.  That it remained upright as it went down the steep grade is just another freak of circumstances.

  • Large Number Return To Dockton For Picnic – Almost 150 attended the Dockton homecoming picnic which was held last Sunday at the Community Hall. Dockton has a well-known reputation for the loyalty and co-operation of both the past and present residents, and this spirit is made stronger by reason of the yearly reunions.

  • Island Schools Open With An Average Pupil Enrollment – An incomplete report of the enrollment in various Island schools indicate that the enrollment is practically the same as last year’s.

  • Tahlequah Notes – Charles G. Huhn and Fred C. Smith hold the cribbage championship for the series of games played aboard the ferries during the summer.  They won by a margin of three games over Richard Cussell and Dr. David B. Cook, taking 27 out of 51 games.

September 12, 1935

  • WPA Project For Island Receives Endorsement Of State Officials – Just as we go to press word comes that a WPA project amounting to $10,900, covering widening of shoulders for a distance of one and one-quarter miles along the main highway, removal of blind corners and other obstructions, tending to improve safety of traffic, has been approved by Mr. Gannon and the King County Board of Commissioners, and forwarded to Washington D.C., for final approval.  Other projects are still under consideration.

  • Massa Mukai Seriously Hurt By Gun Shot – The entire community was shocked by the accidental shooting of Massa Mukai which occurred early Friday morning at the home of his parents, where he and Mrs. Mukai were living during the elder Mukai’s absence on a vacation trip.  He was rushed to the Seattle General Hospital on the early ferry, where an operation was performed.  Entering his left side, the steel bullet, from a 32 caliber automatic passed entirely through the body.  The course of the bullet was through the upper bowels and stomach.  It passed through one kidney which was so badly injured that its removal was necessary.  At first his condition seemed so critical that not much home was entertained for the life of the patient, but after a blood transfusion Friday evening he rallied and has gained a little each day, so that now ultimate recovery can logically be hoped for.  Mr. and Mrs. B.D. Mukai had not informed their son of the exact itinerary of their travels and although every possible effort was made to locate them by radio and California state police it was to no avail.  Word was received here Monday that they would spend the day in Corvallis, Oregon, and an appeal was made to the Oregon highway department with no success.  It was not until Mr. Mukai called on a friend in Portland about noon Tuesday that he learned of his son’s condition.  He left immediately for Seattle, reaching there less than four and a half hours later.  The unusual devotion of father and son, which is recognized by all who know them, added tragedy to the situation.  Second only to anxiety regarding the condition of Massa the community has been deeply concerned over locating the parents, and all possible leads were followed.  All who know them felt a sense of relief when it was reported on the Island that the parents had reached their son’s bedside.  As we go to press (at 1:30 Wednesday afternoon) word has come that the most recent report from Dr. Moseman is favorable and that his patient is decidedly stronger today.  With the consistent improvement which has been apparent since Sunday evening, and the danger of peritonitis practically passed, there is every reason to hope that Massa will make a satisfactory recovery.

  • Saturday Show Continuous Beginning At 4:30 P.M. – On Saturday, September 14th, and the following Saturday, the 21st, the shows at the local theatre will begin at 4:30 and run continuously so that parents and children may have the chance to see “Sequoia” and “David Copperfield” without waiting to stand in line.  This is of particular benefit to parents of young children.  That Island theatre goers appreciate the kind of pictures that are being given is clearly shown by the fact that the “Standing Room Only” sign has had to be hoisted on several different occasions lately.  G.L. Eder, manager of the show house promises that the winter will bring the highest type program the Island has ever enjoyed.

  • Freighter Runs Aground on Island Saturday – Held fast aground for twelve hours on the beach between Robinson Point and Fernheath, just below the Sarah Johnson cottage, the Harry Luckenbach, a large freighter belonging to the Luckenbach Steamship Company, was refloated at 12:26 Saturday afternoon.  The boat was bound from Everett to Tacoma with a cargo of oil   With a dense fog over the Sound and visibility almost nil the Harry Luckenbach was well off her course when she struck Maury Island at 11:50 p.m., with her bow not more than 100 feet from shore.  Presumably the pilot thought he was rounding the point of the Island.  The Harry Luckenbach, a twin-screw vessel, is 448 feet long, 60 foot beam and was built in 1919 at Chester, Pennsylvania.  She is 6355 gross tons and 3967 net.  She usually carries a cargo of lumber and when she went aground was only partly loaded.  Two tugs, the Goliah and Snohomish, assisted by the ship’s power, succeeded in pulling the big boat off of the sand that held her fast.  Many Island people drove to the beach and stayed to witness the feat of getting the freighter on her way. Running aground in the manner she did the boat was uninjured, and preceded on her way to Tacoma.

  • Island Bus to Make Trips to Puyallup Fair – M.F. Zuber, owner of the Island bus line, announced this week that if a sufficient number of Island people want to attend the Fair at Puyallup next week several special trips will be made at a very reasonable fare.

  • Local Items of Interest – T.N. Thompson is planning to leave for California the latter part of the week.  He has disposed of his property interests here and is planning to leave the Island for an indefinite time.

  • Guy Elliott, Harold Creevey, Gilbert Erickson and the Editor paid a visit to Vashon Island last week-end with their wives.  The swimming was fine and Guy had a good workout rowing Harold to Point Defiance and back. – (Rainier Valley Times)

September 19, 1935

  • Roads Under Improvement – Huckleberry pickers will welcome the improvement being made on the road which runs west from Vashon.  It is being nicely graveled.  The many abandoned farms on that particular piece of road have grown up to huckleberry.  Strange as it may seem the land which failed to produce a man-made crop is growing a luxuriant crop of native bushes which refuse to grow under cultivation.

  • Rains Good For Late Gardens – The long hoped for rains that have been falling lately have surely given a new lease on life to late gardens.  Delicious strawberries are on sale at 10 cents a box, new beans are growing on vines that were apparently through with their work.  While lawns are making us forget it was every necessary to apologize for them.

  • Capt. Wiman Dies After Long Illness; Was Pioneer Sound Steamboat Man – Services conducted by Rev. T.S. Fretz were held from the Garvin Chapel Friday afternoon for Captain Wiman.  Friends and associates from various parts of this section of the state were present to pay a last tribute to a man who had been an outstanding figure in the steamboat history of Puget Sound.  Capt. Wiman passed away early Thursday morning at the Marine hospital following an illness of many months.  Burial was in Olympia.  He worked as a deckhand on the Lottie, a propeller vessel, engaged in carrying lime from Roche Harbor to the up Sound ports.  Near the end of the summer of 1884, Capt. Wiman changed over to the sternwheeler Messenger, operating in the freight and passenger business in the Shelton, Olympia and Tacoma route.  After a year as deckhand on the Messenger, Capt. Wiman transferred to the sternwheeler Clara Brown, operating in the cargo and passenger business in the Shelton, Olympia, Tacoma and Seattle run.  Capt. Wiman remained three years on the Clara Brown, as deckhand, fireman and then as mate.  He then obtained his license as master and was appointed to the command of the passenger and freight carrier Estella which had been chartered for one year by the Tacoma Chamber of Commerce.  In an effort to build up trade for Tacoma, the Chamber of Commerce operated the vessel between that port and Sydney, now known as Port Orchard.  At the end of the year, Capt. Wiman was appointed master of the steamer Des Moines, operating in the passenger and freight business between Tacoma and Gig Harbor, holding that command for slightly more than three years, or until 1894.  In that year he determined to get into business for himself and he bought a half interest in a passenger and freight service established by F.W. Bibbins in the Tacoma-Quartermaster Harbor route, the two men organizing as Bibbins and Wiman.  They owned and operated the steamer Sophia.  In 1897 they built a new carrier, the Norwood, which sank recently at a dock in Seattle harbor, the vessel being a product of the Haskell and Crawford yard in Old Town, Tacoma.  In 1904, Capt. Wiman and Mr. Bibbins dissolved their partnership.  Mr. Bibbins retiring from water transportation.  Capt. Wiman and John Manson then formed the Vashon Navigation Company and built the steamer Vashon at the Martinolich yard in Dockton, the vessel being the first product of that plant.  Mr. Manson was the old engineer of the Puget Sound Drydock Company, owned by the St. Paul and Tacoma Mill Company.  Its drydock plant, the only one on the Sound for large vessels, was located at what is now Dockton.  In 1910 Capt. Wiman and Mr. Manson built the faster steamer Verona at the Martinolich yard.  Seven years later they built the Vashon II in the yard of Charles E. Taylor at Burton.  Mr. Taylor is now manager of the Lake Washington Shipyards, which owns and operates a large shipbuilding and ship repair yard on Lake Washington.  In July, 1919, Capt. Wiman sold out to the Manson interests and joined the fleet of King County as master of the ferryboat Vashon Island.  Later he transferred to the command of the ferryboat Washington, operating in the Seattle, Vashon Heights and Harper route.  At the end of 1921 the county’s ferry fleet on the Sound was taken over by the Kitsap County Transportation Company which retained Capt. Wiman as master of the Washington.  He served on that vessel until the company built the motor ferry Kitsap, the first of its fleet of diesel-powered automobile and passenger ferry boats.  Capt. Wiman was promoted to the command of the new vessel and continued on her bridge until his retirement in 1928.

  • Truck And Car Collide East Of Vashon – Aside from the surprise and ruffled tempers that always attend a collision of motor vehicles the accident which occurred in front of the Blekkink home east of Vashon did not result seriously.  Just as a truck load of lumber, belonging to the Bacchus Lumber Co., and driven by Johnny Edson, turned to go into the driveway an auto driven by H. Baskin attempted to pass the truck.  Realizing too late that this was an error the driver was powerless to correct it as an arterial highway sign post was in the way, and prevented his turning into the ditch.  The auto was dented up and a handle torn off of the door, while the truck was uninjured.

  • We Wonder That He Meant – A city salesman, a regular visitor to Vashon, so report goes, stopped at a local garage and inquired of the owner if he knew where he could rent a truck and trailer.  Wondering what in the world the visitor wanted with a truck and trailer, since his line was dry goods, the Island man asked him what he was going to haul.  The reply was “I just want someone to go along behind me and pick up the parts of my car as they shake off on the way to Tahlequah.”

  • Gilbert Holland Writes Of His Experiences Of First Few Days In CCC – Camp Twin, P-220 Port Angeles, Wash.  September 10th, 1935 – Dear Mrs. Smock: Well, at last we’re in the army, or rather the CCC’s.  We underwent a physical examination in Seattle last Friday morning and got here at Camp Twin at about 8:30 Friday night.  Camp Twin is located approximately 40 miles west of Port Angeles, and is about a mile from the Sound.  There are 200 CCC workers, besides the usual number of officers, leaders, etc.  The four barracks house 50 men each, as there are 25 double bunks.  “Scoop” Matthews and I have bunks side by side, while Orville Benson and Barney Sivertsen bunk together in Barrack No. 3.  Besides the four barracks there is a mess hall, infirmary, tool shed, garage, power house, forestry headquarters, wash house and shower room, and one large building in which is the camp store, recreation hall, supply room and the headquarters of the camp commander, Captain Brown.  Personally, I have no great complaint to make about the camp, except the language which some of the fellows use.  Our captain is a good scout, and so is the first lieutenant.  Today, while two other fellows and I were digging a five-foot, the captain came strolling by.  Noticing how hard we were sweating, he remarked, “You know, it’s an old saying that when you join the navy you see the world through the porthole, but when you join the army you see the world foot by foot!”  By that he meant that while we were digging deeper we were seeing more of the world.  However, we really are not in the army at all.  True, we do have reveille at 6 o’clock in the morning and retreat at 5 p.m., but outside of this there is little indication of military discipline.  At “retreat” we stand at attention while the flag is being lowered.  Finally we are getting settled won after getting our clothes and equipment this afternoon.  The clothes include two pairs of pants, two shirts, two sets of underwear, four pairs of socks, two pairs of shoes, two caps, a slicker, a pair of gloves, a forest-green dress coat, and a regulation necktie.  Saturday we got our bedding, mess kit, shaving kit, tooth brush and tooth paste, towels and soap, darning kit and a comb.  As far as personal comfort is concerned, I am quite satisfied.  Everything is kept in a fairly sanitary condition.  The grub is fair and we eat all we want.  At present we are using army mess kits until the regular dishes arrive.  Besides washing our mess kits, we are required to make our beds and sweep around them.  Then, too, we have to wash and darn our clothes.  Another throwback is that we get no newspaper at camp.  We may be in another land for all we know.  But then, it’s all right in the way that we won’t know how Mussolini is massacring his own countrymen.  Wish I could write more, but the lights blinked and we have to be in  bed in five minutes, at 10 o’clock to be exact.   Send our greetings to all our friends on the Island, and if they wish to reach us, our address is Camp Twin P-220, Port Angeles, Wash.  Will write more later.  Sincerely, Gilbert Holland.

  • Tahlequah Notes – Sweeping in with great intensity, a Sou’wester Sunday gave Tahlequah the first taste of the storms that tend to make life “just one damn thing after another” during the winter months.  The blow, at times, equaled in intensity the storm that created such havoc last October, and kept the folks busy for weeks after repairing bulkheads. 

  • Tahlequah Notes – Rain over the weekend extinguished the brush fires that for a time threatened property here.  The blaze started up the gulch adjoining the state highway, and spread with great rapidity.  Some reports were current that a woman and two men touched off some dry grass, while trekking through the woods near a rancher’s house west of George Sheffield’s residence, but the well-founded belief of Tahlequahites was that it was set.

  • Failing to obtain any action through other channels, T.P.Dunn, president of the Vashon-Maury Island Progressive Club, has appealed to the state highway department to have the highway striped from Vashon Heights to Center.  Several serious accidents have occurred on this road during the last year, and Mr. Dunn feels that if the highway were striped it would tend to avert some of the hazards of this none too wide stretch of pavement.

  • August Weather Report Shows Month To Be Dry – The occasional rains of the past ten days makes us glad that all months are not as dry as August, when only .4 of an inch of moisture was below the average precipitation of .67 over a period of 44 years.

September 26, 1935

  • New Logging Firm Operating On Island – One of the largest and best tracts of merchantable old growth standing timber left on Vashon Island was recently purchased by A.T. Lelles and Barton Johanson, members of the firm of A.T. Lelles and Johanson Fuel and Logging Company, at Colvos.  This land was secured from the Puget Mills.  The tract is situated on the West Side near Colvos.  Mr. Lelles has had extensive business experience in the logging business and was formerly connected with Lelles and Walker Logging Company.  He has also owned a large number of general merchandise stores, as well as a coal mine.  Gerhard O. Raaum is also connected with this new company, and has charge of hauling the wood products to the market.

  • Massa Mukai Recovering Nicely At Seattle Hospital – Climaxing the shooting of Massa Mukai, which occurred at his father’s home on the morning of September 6th, Mrs. Mamie Mukai, his wife, was arrested September 20th, at the Seattle General hospital, when attempting to see her husband.  Mrs. Mukai was charged with first degree assault in Justice William Hoar’s court.  Bond, set at $5,000, was furnished two day after her arrest.  The charge against Mrs. Mukai was filed by Deputy Prosecutor Carl R. Huessy, after he and Deputy Sheriff Ray Seelye became convinced that the shooting was not accidental as at first believed.  Mr. Mukai, who is slowing recovering from the injury which at first seemed destined to be fatal, has, through his attorneys filed suit for divorce.  According to reliable information the suit will be uncontested and the father will be given entire custody of their fifteen-months old son.

  • Tahlequah Notes – Bull Schmidt, of Seattle, who designed the Kalakala, the first streamline ferry to be built in the world, was a weekend guest of R.K. Beymer

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October 1935

October 3, 1935

  • Island Will Receive PWA Allotment – An allotment of close to $11,000 in PWA funds was made last week for Vashon Island.  This money will be spent in the erection of a service building, for the housing of road equipment, and for a much-needed jail.  The matter of a jail for Vashon Island has long been discussed, largely in the city newspapers who seemed to feel that there was more humor than necessity in our situation.  The promise of the Brinton administration was renewed by the present incumbent, commissioner for the South District, and one of the oft repeated pre-election promises was that the jail would be forthcoming early in 1935.  It is to be hoped that nothing will occur, now that the situation rests with the federal powers that be, to indefinitely delay the erection of the jail.  It may seem funny to mainland dwellers to think of a prisoner chained to the foot of the deputy-sheriff’s bed, but there have been quite a few times when it has scarcely been a laughing matter, despite the fact that Vashon Island is primarily a law abiding community.  While no official statement has been made as to what road is to benefit from federal funds the general assumption is that the money will be spent on the Burton-Shawnee road.  Although a project for surfacing the road from Center to Burton was turned in this was rejected on the basis that the cost of material was too great in proportion to the labor required.

  • Theatre Changes Schedule For Winter – During the winter months the mid-week shows will be discontinued and the Vashon Theatre will operate on Saturdays and Sundays only. 

  • Nice Line Of Electrical Goods On Display – Those who have not paid a visit recently to the Electric Shop at Vashon will be surprised at the nice line of goods on display.  Mr. Warner has added practically all of the items, such as electric ranges, lamps, refrigerators and other appliances found in the average city shop.  These are in addition to a line of radios and accessories.

  • Island Man Is Member Of Advisory Committee – According to a story appearing last week in a Seattle daily paper, R.W.F. Martin has been made a member of the advisory committee of the Seattle Civic Opera Association, a credit to Mr. Martin’s interest in the work of the organization.

  • Boys Arrive Home From Middle West – Four Island boys, who left here on June 10th, arrived home Saturday morning, glad indeed to be back on the coast after a summer spent in the harvest fields of the Middle West.  They are Kermit Swensen, Ray Fjeldal, Herman and Albert Paulsen.

  • The old Williams’ Mill property is being razed this week.  The work is being done under the direction of Dan Landers.

  • Community Club Of South End Hold Interesting Meeting Last Saturday Eve – Seattleites have a splendid reputation as purveyors of hokum, but when it comes to promoting anything for the welfare of Vashon and Maury Islands they are as quiet as a chloroformed clam.  At least such is the impression broadcast Saturday night by Ira Case in his address before the South End Community Club, outlining the work he did at the State Good Roads Association meeting in Olympia last week.  Case declared the Tacoma delegation, nineteen strong, backed him up in every way and made plain the fact that Tacoma will support Vashon Island in any road measures or other projects put forward.  Case believes the state should make the road from Vashon Heights to Tahlequah a state highway, and hard surface it.  He also would like the state to operate the ferry system.  While speaking before the Good Roads delegates he took an opportunity to boost the growing of figs, which is fast becoming an industry on Vashon Island.

  • Guard Rails Being Built And Painted – M.T. Neal, bridge superintendent for the South District, is on the Island this week superintending the painting of guard rails.  Seven Island men have been added to those already employed on the roads, bringing the entire number to about thirty.  This additional help will be employed in completing the painting before inclement weather sets in, and in building about 2,500 feet of new guard rails.  The road at the Mace corner has been widened out to the east and will have rails built along the edge of the shoulder.  Other rails will be built at dangerous points along the pavement and along the highway to Dockton.

  • Vashon Streets To Receive Weekly Bath – Early risers in the vicinity of Vashon need feel no alarm when they hear the fire truck rumbling through the streets just after dawn next Friday morning to the accompaniment of male voices.  At a meeting of the Business Men’s Club held at the Sweet Shop Tuesday it was decided to give the streets of Vashon a weekly bath each Friday morning, at least until the rainy season sets in.  Then there will probably be the same session of rejoicing that Ethiopia is now enjoying with the end of their rainy season.

  • Son Of Cove Couple Dies In Auto Accident – Funeral services were held in Seattle Tuesday for Al Wickland, son of Mr. and Mrs. Axel Wickland, of Cove.  Mr. Wickland was the victim of an auto accident which occurred near Idaho Falls.

  • Tahlequah Notes – Vandalism continues unabated where Vashon Islanders and Gig Harborites park their cars on the site of the old Nereides Baths at Point Defiance.  Paradoxical as it may seem, more damage has been done to parked automobiles since the addition of the motorcycle policeman to the Park patrol force than at any time during the last four years, it is declared.  Friday night two windows and the windshield of Richard Cussell’s car were shattered.  The car was not locked, and the melee evidently took place inside as the glass was shoved onto the road.  The same night George Campbell’s car was broken into, and two windows shattered.  Tools and other equipment were stolen.  The Tacoma police were notified, but declared that due to a small force it is impossible to provide police protection for cars parked at the ferry slip.

  • Tahlequah Notes – The S.S. Virginia, operating between Tacoma and Seattle, serving small communities en route, was off the run last Thursday, Friday and Saturday.  The S.S. Atlanta, resembling an oversize cruiser, took the run.

October 10, 1935

  • September Weather Is Exceptional – That this has been an unusually warm fall has been the contention of many of the older residents of Vashon-Maury Island, and this statement is borne out by figures furnished us by O.E. Ramquist, local government statistician.  September just past was free of frost, the lowest temperature during the month being on the 17th and 24th, when the mercury dropped to 43.  The average maximum temperature of 66.26 degrees and the minimum of 48.12 degrees does not alter the high and low established for the Island over a period of 34 years of 93 degrees in 1924 and 32 degrees in 1926, with an average of 57.8 for that period of years.

  • Work Starts On Island Projects – While making a hurried visit to the Island Tuesday, George W. Swain, road supervisor for the South District, and Mr. Bond, from Senator Gannon’s office, called at the News-Record office and briefly outlined the work which will be undertaken by the first of November, and which will furnish employment for a large number of unemployed. Under the PWA set-up a jail and equipment sheds will be built on a tract to be selected in the very near future.  This report, which had previously been made by Sheriff Severyns, was confirmed by Mr. Swain.  A survey is being made by a crew from the county engineer’s office of the highway from Center, the end of the pavement, to Burton.  This portion of the road will be covered with bituminous paving, a premix of asphalt, sand and gravel, which is rapidly taking the place of concrete paving, as it is much less expensive, and is easier to drive over.  A WPA project will be the widening of the shoulder on the east side of the pavement from Vashon to the Glen Acres road, and portions along the highway on the Heights hill.  A smaller project inspected by Mr. Swain and Mr. Bond was the construction of a retaining wall to hold dirt excavated from the Burton street which will be pushed down to the beach and made to widen the curve to the Shawnee road.  Later on another project will be undertaken through Federal funds which will provide a trestle on the Burton-Shawnee road.  This trestle will be built at the point nearer Shawnee, where springs and quick sand make the permanent construction of a road practically impossible.  With a trestle the sliding sand will simply fill in underneath, and the present curve in the road will be done away with.  Mr. Swain also reports that a striping machine has been purchased by the county for the use of the North and South road districts.  This is being tried out at Boeing Field, and if it proves satisfactory will be brought over to the Island the latter part of the week, our pavement receiving the first highway striping to be done with the new machine.  A more complete report of this work will be made to the News-Record by Mr. Swain before our next issue, he stated, and any additional information on work to be done here will be passed on to our readers.

  • Masa Mukai is gaining rapidly, and is so improved in health that he will be able to return home probably within the next week.

 October 17, 1935

  • Hundred Hunting Licenses Sold In One Day – Last Saturday was about the busiest day at the Vashon Hardware that has been experienced in a long time.  In addition to his usual rush of Saturday business George McCormick reports that he sold exactly one hundred hunting licenses.

  • One Man Grader Here – The long expected, devoutly hoped for one-man grader arrived on the Island Saturday from the Kent shops, where it has been reconditioned and placed in first-class order.  The machine will be operated by Charles Hiersch and will release two other workmen for other jobs.  The machine has a scarifier and a grader blade so arranged that a road can be torn up and graded with one operation, thus cutting operating costs in two.  This type of grader is in operation wherever modern road maintenance equipment is in use, and will replace the obsolete graders that were eligible to retirement long ago.

  • Commissioner Details All Island Work – In a communication received this week from the office of the county commissioners it is stated that release by Comptroller General J.R. McCarl, at Washington D.C., is expected hourly on a number of South District WPA projects, among them a number for Vashon Island totaling $10,950.  When this release is granted it will mean the quick allocation of funds by the treasury department and work for practically all Island men now on relief.  The projects for the Island include widening of shoulders on one and a half miles of the paved road, starting at the dock, and the same on one and a quarter miles from Vashon to the Glen Acres road.  Improvement of the Newcomb road, and the regarding of the Biloxi road are also included.  Other parts of the South District will receive WPA funds to the extent of: Enumclaw, $20,161; Bryn Mawr, $18, 302; White Center, $16,788; Kent and Maple Valley, $16,237.  While on the Island last Friday afternoon Jack Taylor, commissioner for the South District, stated that a new road would be built at Glen Acres, to replace the present road along the beach with one that goes directly north, eliminating the last curve where the road turns to the dock.  This is being done to remove the road from the front of some valuable beach property.  This is to be done with WPA funds.  Other projects will be the extension, widening and drainage of the Mileta road; drainage and widening of three-quarters of a mile on the Dockton road, and the improvement of the Tahlequah road, near the dock.  The Center to Burton road is being surveyed and work will start soon on widening and drainage of it.  This is preparatory to the surfacing, which, with the building of the jail, will be done with PWA funds.  The two Judd Cree bridges have been repaired and painted.  Although not entirely in keeping with the most artistic ideas as to color combinations the vivid yellow and green paint makes one entirely aware that these wooden structures are well protected.  Material is on the ground for the installation of 1800 feet of new guard rail in various parts of the Island.

October 24, 1935

  • Watch Repair Shop To Open At Burton – E.V. Comstock is opening a watch repair shop in Burton.  When he arrived to make his home with his daughter, Mrs. Martin Larsen, and family at Burton, Mr. Comstock did not expect to take up the work he has spent a lifetime at.  He found that it is hard for a good workman to refuse when requested to make repairs on articles which he understands about, and so he found himself again back into the work he thought he was done with.  A room will be fitted up in the old Burton hotel to accommodate Mr. Comstock, and where he will be able to take care of the repairing of clocks, watches, jewelry and electrical apparatus.

  • Striping Machine Starts Work Tuesday On Island – Work was begun Tuesday afternoon with the new striping machine recently purchased by King county.  The pavement will be striped its entire length.  As some difficulty is being met with, those in charge of the work anticipate that it will take at least three days to complete a job, which will contribute much to the safety of those driving on our highway.

  • Egg Candling Machine Invented To Help Poultrymen – The October meeting of the Island Poultry Local was held in the Island Clubhouse with a large attendance present.  V.W. Morrow, manager of the Seattle station, disclosed the fact that the newest and most advanced machine for candling and grading eggs has been developed by the Washington Co-Op in conjunction with Mr. Johnson, an inventor.  The most accurate grading of eggs made possible by this machine increases the members’ eggs going into the extra grade by about six percent.  The machine also increases the uniformity of the quality of the association product for the reason that the process is more accurate and has less strain on the operator of the machine.  All eggs shipped through the Vashon station are now candled by this machine. - Richard Winsor, Sec’y.

  • Tahlequah Notes – Purse-seiners are doing a splendid business off Spring Beach, Paradise Cove and Sunrise.  Excellent catches are reported in silvers, including scads of the big hook-nose ones that tip the scales at from 14 to 20 pounds.  Very few dog salmon are reported, so far.

  • Tahlequah Notes – Replacing the launch Ramona, which burned to the water’s edge at her dock at Spring Beach, the trim cruiser Yankee Boy is now on the run from Spring Beach to Point Defiance.  The purr of the Yankee’s engine is a decided change from the “poof-poof” of the Ramona’s one-lunger.

October 31, 1935 Missing

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November 1935

November 7, 1935 Missing

November 14, 1935

  • Strike Ties Up North End Ferry; Anderson Gives Replay – Company Forced to Discontinue – by Captain J.L. Anderson – The interests of three groups are involved in the strike which has interrupted the ferry service of the Kitsap County Transportation Company; the company, the employees, and that much larger group of citizens dependent on the company service for daily transportation.  In our dealings with the unions, which bargain for our employees, we of necessity have to consider the interests of the company, but we have also kept the interests of our patrons constantly in mind.  We believe our patrons are entitled to a statement in detail of the reasons, which impelled us to submit to this strike rather than to accede to the demands made by the unions.  During the past two-and-one-half years our operating costs have been greatly increased by increased in wages and numbers of crews.  At the time that demands for further increases of wages and reduction of hours were submitted to arbitration, we had reached our full limit of ability to pay.  Had the arbitration board granted the demands of the unions, we would have had to abide by the decision and would have been forced to increase our rates to our patrons and reduce service to meet the expense.  Disregarding their agreement to abide by arbitration, the unions made new demands and ordered a strike, when those demands were refused.  Of course it would have avoided interruption of service, if this company had given in to the unions and filed a new schedule of rates and fares to recover the increased operating cost from its patrons, but we have no right to disregard the interests of our patrons to save trouble for ourselves.  Also, the principle of arbitration was involved.  If arbitration is thrown overboard, neither the company nor its patrons have any defense against continuous demands by the unions.  It seemed better for the company and its patrons to fight for the principal of arbitration; to accept trouble now rather than to face continuous trouble in the future.  It is evident from the statement of strike leaders that they are not concerned about the ability of the company to pay increased operating costs.  Certainly, however, our patrons who depend upon our service, and from whom our revenue is derived, are deeply concerned.  It is a matter of common knowledge that every corporation, which did not have a large reserve accumulated from fat years, has been hard pressed to maintain its operations.  This company is no exception.  It never possessed a large capital on which to operate and, during the good years preceding 1930, its earnings above operating expenses all went into improvements of service.  There were no dividends paid to stockholders.  Earnings, however, were far from sufficient to build the three large ferries in five years, which improved service to the islands and across the Sound.  It was necessary to resort to bond issues to meet these costs, and the interest on the bonds is a fixed expense which must be met our of traffic revenues.  Struggling as we have been to meet increased operating costs, we have been further crippled by new additional taxes imposed by the state legislature.  In addition to the taxes we pay on our vessels and real estate, this company now pays an average of $400 per month tax on the fuel oil it consumes; $400 per month on the gross receipts tax and $130 per month on sales tax; approximately $1,000 per month which must be met by savings in operating costs, as there is no net or reserves from which to draw.  Beginning in January, we are facing another heavy tax for unemployment insurance, amounting to two per cent of the annual pay roll.  Naturally this company would rather pay this additional $1,000 per month to its employees that to the tax collector, but there is no escape.  Taxes have to be paid first.  Others get theirs from what is left.  Patrons have a right to know what wages we are paying on our vessels.  Masters are paid $179.55 per month; mates $145 per month; pursers, $120 per month, and deck hands $83.70.  To meet present union demands, and still maintain present service, it would be necessary not only to raise these wages but also to hire additional crews an impossibility under our present revenues.  We have resisted these last demands, in the belief that our patrons would prefer to suffer some present inconvenience rather than to have an increase of rates forced upon them, and with no assurance that peace would be preserved in the future.  It is for our patrons to decide whether or not our stand is well taken.

  • Virginia To Run Extra Schedule – Captain N.G. Christensen, manager of the West Pass Transportation Company, has arranged during the duration of the strike to give Vashon Island residents two round trips to Seattle each day, in place of only the single morning trip.  The Virginia V will leave Colvos on weekdays at 8:30 a.m. and 3 p.m. for Seattle.  She will leave Seattle on week days at 11 a.m. and 5 p.m.  Bus service is maintained with the first trip corresponding to the regular second trip, leaving Burton at 7:25 a.m., while the second trip corresponds to the regular trip which leaves Burton at 1:55 p.m.

  • Verona Will Make Trips To Fauntleroy – In order to give the Island residents the latest news on the ferry strike printing of The News-Record was delayed until Thursday morning.  While the main issue is still unsettled, a committee, representing the Vashon Island Commercial Club, has been instrumental in securing concessions on the part of officials of the striking unions, which will supply the Island with some boat service from the North End.  From all indications the final settlement of the strike rests now with the ultimate decision of the ferry company in regard to the fate of one of their small passenger boats, which operating at a steady loss for the past five years, stands in the way of the company’s ability to meet union demands.  According to latest reports the fate of this boat and the action the ferry operators will make hinges on a meeting of the stockholders of the Kitsap Company scheduled for Wednesday evening, but postponed until nine o’clock this (Thursday) morning.  The Verona will leave Vashon Heights at – 6:15 a.m., 10:00 a.m., 2:30 p.m.  Landing at Fauntleroy a bus will meet each trip.  From Fauntleroy the Verona will leave at – 10:30 a.m., 3:00 p.m., 6:00 p.m.  The boat will tie up at the Heights for the night to meet emergencies.

  • Efforts Being Made to Have Ferry Service Resumed – In an effort to have the ferry “Vashon” serving the Island released from a strike that has kept it tied in Eagle Harbor on Bainbridge Island since last Thursday, November 7th, a committee of Island business men appealed to union officials, Captain John Fox and C.W. Deal, on Monday.  The committee consisted of Charles England, Wallace Beall, M.F. Zuber and C.G. Soike.  Arthur Barr, of Harper, representing the mainland contingent.  During the day three separate meetings with the union and officials of the Kitsap County Transportation Company were held.  A proposal of the Vashon representation to guarantee the difference in present wages of the men working on the ferries and that demanded by the union was rejected, although it was a similar guarantee to that of the milk shippers of the Peninsula, which had been instrumental in the release of the Ballard-Port Ludlow boat.  In reply to the first appeal, made to Capt. Fox, he produced documentary evidence that the Island was being well taken care of, with frequent service by the Virginia V, “almost hourly service from the South End by way of Tacoma,” and regular freight service by water.  The committee explained that while the service being given by the Virginia V was a life-saver to many commuters, that to reach Seattle by way of Tacoma involved about a hundred additional miles, which worked a great hardship on those making the trip each day, and that the “freight service” consisted of a visit each month or six weeks.  The source of Capt. Fox’ information was no divulged.  Recent newcomers from San Francisco and with information so patently misleading it was hard for union officials to appreciate the plight of the Island.  The Island representatives were allowed to state their case and then dismissed to consult with the ferry owners.  A conference with Capt. John Anderson resulted in a plan which appeared feasible to the committee, but this when presented was rejected by the union as damaging to the fight they are waging.  On Tuesday members of the same committee were fortunate in meeting with John H Conners, state labor commissioner.  Walter G. Mathews, federal conciliator, the three members of the department of public works and their attorney.  During this conference the Island men were successful in presenting their case in such a manner that all of the state and federal officials were able to see the matter in the light of an emergency which called for the releasing of a ferry for Vashon Island.  Capt. Fox finally agreed to release the ferry to Vashon, but felt that service to Harper could not be viewed In the light of an “emergency.”  When the committee returned home in the evening it was with a hopeful feeling that Vashon Island would have its ferry service restored by noon on Wednesday.  They awaited a report until midnight, but heard nothing, so returned to Seattle Wednesday morning.  Meeting with the various officials again Wednesday morning made them still more optimistic and hopeful of an early settlement in so far as service to Vashon Island was concerned.  Further disruption of service to various parts of Puget Sound reported early this week, together with the fact that Capt. Howard Payne, whose boat serves the Ballard-Port Ludlow run, has broken away from the ship-owners and signed an agreement, indicates that optimism regarding an early settlement of the entire situation is unfounded.  Shipowners feel that since the strike was declared in the face of agreement in abide by the decision of the arbiter, and contrary to instructions from national headquarters that they are justified in holding out for the decision of the arbiter.  William Gaines, who was the choice of both the union officials and the shipowners.

  • Resolution Of Sympathy – The Angel of Death has again entered Island Rebekah Lodge No. 277, and taken our beloved Sister Cynthia C. Williams, P.N.G., whose life of love and kind deeds will live long in our memories.  Our golden chain has lost one more link in the passing of our dear Sister who has been a member of our lodge since April, 1920.  Our hearts are heavy with sorrow, but we must submit to the Master’s call and when it comes we must answer.  Be it Resolved, that we extend to her family our sympathy and love.  That our charter be draped for a period of 30 days in her memory.  That a copy of these resolutions be spread upon our minutes.  A copy be sent to family, and a copy be sent to the News-Record for publication.  Her smile had the warmth of Sunshine, her heart was brimming with love; She has left our midst to receive her reward In that Promised Land above.  Elizabeth Hearst, P.N.G., Maude Zimmerman, P.N.G. and Myrtle Wilber, P.N.G.

November 21, 1935 Missing

November 28, 1935

  • Hunting Trophy Goes To Island Resident – The annual trophy awarded by the hunters registering with Eddie Bauer was awarded to Elmer Harmeling this year for bringing in a 296-pound deer.  The award was a high power Winchester rifle.  Last week Mr. Harmeling was informed that he had been awarded first place in the National Hardware contest for Washington and Oregon.  The prize was $35 in cash, for the largest deer shot in these two states during 1935.

  • Car Fails To Make Turn; Ronny Wood Injured – On their way to the Vodvil last Friday evening Mr. Pritchard’s car, with Ronny Wood and Joe Milligan riding with him, failed to make the turn at the Francis Sherman corner.  Ronny was pinned under the wreckage of the overturned auto for about an hour.  Fortunately he suffered no more than a badly cut foot.  The other occupants of the machine were uninjured.

  • Cove Store Offering Many Bargains At Sale – In this issue of The News-Record will be found an advertisement of the Cove store, which is offering many bargains to Island people.  Lloyd Marsh, owner, wishes to emphatically understood that he is not quitting the business, but merely reducing the stock to make room for the spring goods which he will offer to the buying public.

  • WPA Work Started on Island Roads – Work started Monday morning on the local WPA relief program.  Due to lack of tools very little was accomplished the first day, but the program promises enough work to keep the relief rolls clear, and all relief and borderline cases employed, with the added possibility that from ten to fifteen per cent as many more men seeking jobs will be taken care of during the winter.  The work included in King County project proposals S-10 embraces (1) the widening of the shoulder from four to six feet of the paved highway from the dock to the top of the Heights hill.  Dirt for this will be obtained from the Biloxi road, which is to be re-graded; (2) the widening of the east shoulder of the pavement from the Glen Acres road to Vashon, dirt for which will be obtained by the removal of the bank now obstructing the highway at the Deppman corner.  Estimates for this work are $4,470 for shoulder on the Heights hill; $2,360 shoulder from Glen Acres to Vashon; $3,520, re-grade of Biloxi road; $300 for removal of bank at Deppman corner.  This corner is designated on county markers as the “Newcomb corner.”  The work will be primarily under the supervision of George Swain, road supervisor for the South District.  C.M. Ruhlen will be directly in charge, with a sub-foreman for each 20 or 25 men.

  • Ferry Resumes Service – After a period of 15 days without ferry service into Seattle from the North End, Island residents were much relieved when there was a resumption of service Friday afternoon, November 22.  Through the courtesy of Captain John Anderson, who had been using it on the lake run, the ferry “Washington” was put at the disposal of the county commissioners, who had, after days of consultation with officials of the striking unions, and others involved, worked out a plan of operation.  Due to the slower speed of the “Washington” the heavy traffic from the mainland, which is now rerouted by way of Harper, the lessening of efficiency bound to result in any similar undertaking without experienced management, no pretense of regard to schedule could be made.  One must forget schedule and be resigned to waiting for the next boat that comes along.  The traffic from Harper end is tremendous, due to the tie-up of the Black Ball boats.  Twenty-four hour service is being maintained and as far as possible trucks are being carried at night.  Rumor has it that the receipts from Saturday’s business amounted to around $500.  This cannot be confused with normal business since the run is not serving the Bremerton runs, and points farther up the peninsula.  From certain indications it would appear that the strike was nearing an end, while on the other hand those professing to know predict that it will drag on for several weeks more.  In the meantime the traveling public, coming and going, to and from Seattle will have to make plans accordingly to chance, rather than to a pre-arranged schedule, remembering that in taking on the business of running a ferry system, with out-dated equipment, is one of the jobs our county commissioner, Jack Taylor, did not anticipate when he entered office.

  • The Ferry Situation – Although we have heard a few scattering words of appreciation for the fact that our ferries are running, and are still receiving letters from a certain few, advocating county operation, the utter disruption of schedules; the higher rates being charged regular trucking patrons, whose business runs into thousands of dollars each year; the almost prohibitive cost of commuting; the uncertainty and inconvenience of travelling under existing conditions; the irritation of the traveling element of the Island’s population, has drowned out the praise.  Naturally the county, or whoever is running the ferries, will not accept commutation tickets for which the Kitsap County Transportation Company has already received the money, and tickets, which would not be redeemable.  However, charging the highest rate, and allowing no opportunity to buy tickets under the lower provisions on file with the department of public works seems like taking advantage of a situation when we have our hands ties, or pointed skyward.  Island people, who do not yet realize just how badly the regular operation of the boats has been disrupted should not be disappointed when the stage, which must run on regular schedule, does not get them into the city with the promptness and regularity of the old days.  It must leave the Island and city points scheduled, and 3rd and Virginia, on time.  However, no power on earth can determine when one will reach a destination with a wide expanse of water ahead, and a ferry that no longer has a regular schedule.  We must awaken to the fact that with public operation of the ferry we can take a backward view and realize too late the excellent service we have enjoyed in the past, and the saving that resulted from the commutation rates against which we protested so bitterly.  With all due respect to the work of the county commissioners in getting the ferry again into operation we still maintain that it is too bad that King county, in general, and Seattle in particular, is losing by reason of the present contrasting service at the north and south ends of the Island.  With only the kindliest feelings toward Tacoma, we are still a part of King county, and under present conditions business connections are being made by Island businesses that will probably never return to Seattle.  How long the ferry strike will continue is in the lap of the gods.  When there will be a resumption of the former service we enjoyed at the North End is likewise in the crystal ball.  Despite the appointment of a manager, a fine, upstanding citizen, for whom, personally all who know him have the highest regard, it is not in the cards that a man who has spent his life behind the counter of a store can rapidly reduce disorder into a system.  What would we suggest?  First, a settlement of the present strike; second a contract with a private company which would be as fair to the company as to King county.  But, if the strike is to continue indefinitely we would suggest that Vashon Island, which is the only part of King County being served by the present arrangement, be given a regular schedule of rates and service before it is too late, with all unpleasant political suggestion eliminated.  We will suffer for years to come for the fact that our transportation can be disrupted without right of redress.  We are still Americans by birth, but we have been shown that we have not the right to liberty and pursuit of happiness we fondly believed ours.  In the meantime we stand as unalterably opposed as ever to county operation of our ferries unless it is a rapid means to the end – state operation as a part of our highway system.

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December 1935

December 5, 1935

  • Island Greens Go East For Decorations – Mrs. E. Morgan was busy the early part of the week gathering huckleberry greens which were shipped East to be used in St. Louis for the decorations at the wedding of a niece.  Surely nothing lovelier nor more unique could be found in the Middle West.

  • Interest Growing in Move For State-Owned Ferries – With the realization that Vashon Island is at the mercy of unlooked for emergencies in the operation of our ferries there is a growing sentiment in favor of operation by the state of the two systems.  That the ferries operating in Puget Sound waters can properly speaking be considered movable bridges, and as such might legitimately be a part of our state highway system is the big argument in favor of state operation.  Those advocating such an arrangement feel that while there are certain drawbacks to such an arrangement, a good talking point is the fact that with the authority of the state behind the operation of the boats there would be practically no danger of interrupted service, such as that which has paralyzed our Island for the past three weeks.  To bring this about will take a considerable amount of work and organization before the next legislature meets.  This work calls for funds to carry it on, and subscription lists are in the hands of Coy Meredith, Theo Berry, Ira Thompson and Charles Van Olinda.  The sentiment against a free ferry is strong.  The feeling seems to be that with free ferries there would be added to our community an undesirable element.  Then too, there would be little economy in such operation unless it could be at least partially self-supporting, its advocates say.  But operation by the state would mean lower fares and more frequent service, with the necessity of profit removed.  Already several Island organizations have taken up the matter of state operation of our ferries with a view to the finding of facts in the case possibilities and feasibilities, and contacts will be made in the very near future with other communities dependent as are we, on regular and safe ferry transportation.

December 12, 1935

  • Ferry “Vashon” On Regular Run! – As we go to press at 3:15 p.m. Wednesday afternoon word comes that the ferry “Vashon” has made its first trip to the Island since the ferry strike was declared 32 days ago.  It will maintain its regular schedule, according to members of the crew.  This is welcome news to everybody, as it will mean that the Island bus will again be able to maintain its regular schedule; that dinners many again be served on time in the homes of commuters, and that life will again assume the even tenor of its ways, which was interrupted so rudely.

  • Commission Will Review Points At Issue In Strike – The ferry strike is over!  Strikers and operators Tuesday night signed an agreement sending Puget Sound ferries, strikebound for thirty-three days, back into service last night and today.  The agreement was presented by Gov. Clarence D. Martin at the close of a day of wrangling by both factions over how they should comply with the governor’s peace plan which both had accepted.  Under the agreement, Governor Martin will select three men to compose a “commission of review and arbitration” before Monday morning, while the men return to work today.  The commission will review the issues presented to the former board of arbitration, against whose award the unions went on strike, and “may require and consider any other factors deemed necessary for the determination of wages, hours and working conditions.” – (Seattle P-I)

December 19, 1935 

  • Recreation Park Funds Available – The appropriation of $39,970 for a recreation park has been given Vashon Island if residents will provide a suitable site.  The county commissioners have approved this, $36,000 of the money to be spent on labor and $3,970 on material.  A site that would include a good bathing beach, baseball diamond, tennis court and picnic grounds has been suggested, preferably on the inner Quartermaster Harbor if available.  It would be necessary for Island residents to purchase the site and present the deed, upon which the money will be turned over for this use.

  • We Can’t Wait For This ! – As a group Vashon Island can accomplish an undertaking that has long been a need beyond description.  And this enterprise is one that has been talked of on numerous occasions, not by any one organization, but by several.  There is no need here to talk of politics or religion, of the West Side, the East Side, South or North End.  What is needed is a concerted effort by the Island AS A WHOLE!  The bone this time is an All-Island Park.  The money for development is available and can be had for the asking.  In fact these funds are now in the hands of the county commissioners.  This sum is sufficient to develop a tract of approximately twenty acres for park purposes, which would make it second to none in the state.  And of the sum mentioned is not enough, there is more, as we are informed.  Now, if all civic organizations will get together in a meeting, forgetting all about where they are located and what their own local needs may be, and make this concerted effort to select a site, then settle the question of finance, get all shoulders to the wheel, and something can be accomplished.  This is not idle hearsay, but the facts.  The money is ready.  Let’s call a mass meeting of a committee representing all these civic groups and break the ice of the pond of sectional suicide.  This project is too large for any one organization to handle.  It will take us all to put it over, so let’s get going before this chance has slipped through our fingers.  The full particulars are available.  They are in the hands of a group that realizes the magnitude of this undertaking, they also recognize the need for a park on the Island, and are willing to go the limit in the realization of the dream of all the people on Vashon Island.  Vashon Island, the iron is hot.  Let the Island be as one.  Let’s step out in front and secure this park.  The $39,970 now available will make a park paradise for you and your friends!

  • Burton News Items – Among the newest books added to the shelves of the Burton Library are: “North of the Orient,” Ann Lindberg; “Honey in the Horn,” H.L. Davis; “The Spy Paramount,” Oppenheim, and “Vein of Iron,” Ellen Glasgow.

December 26, 1935

  • Park Mass Meeting Friday Evening – Mass Meeting At Island Club Friday Eve – Representatives of all Island civic clubs are asked to attend an important meeting to be held at the Island Club at 8 o’clock Friday evening, December 27th.  Holiday activities and a limited time for arrangements made it practically impossible to notify executives of all Island clubs, but the importance of the meeting is such that no one should stand upon ceremony and every Island organization should be well represented.  The purpose of this meeting is for the organization of a Vashon Island Park Association.  Although this first meeting is being called by the Commercial Club, the park project is too large for that organization to handle, and if the funds now available are going to be utilized action must be taken very quickly.  It is, therefore, advisable that a separate organization be effected, representative of all parts of Vashon-Maury Island. 

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