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1932 Vashon Island News-Record Summary (Mike Sudduth)

January 1932

January 7, 1932

  • Two Hundred Enjoy Cabaret Dinner – The second annual cabaret dinner on New Year’s Eve was enjoyed by about two hundred Island people and guests.  The tables were placed so effectively that there was plenty of room in the center of the floor for dancing.  The time between courses was enlivened by dancing, for which an orchestra, composed of Lois Clark, Kenneth Dowling, Bill Dunlap, Donna Moe Bedford, Donald Dunbar and Embert Kalland furnished excellent music.  Don Parker and Marjorie Stanley had been at work for several weeks and the program they presented was a credit to both of these versatile geniuses.  In the opening number, a radio skit, Don demonstrated that he had had considerable previous radio experience.  The dancing of the two little Clark girls, Mary Alice and Polly Ann, who are as nimble with their feet, as their grandfather, Tim, is with his tongue, was clever and entertaining.  Although only four and seven years of age they displayed unmistakable talent, and furnished one of the best numbers of the evening’s program.  Joy Billingsley gave two beautiful dance numbers that were enthusiastically received.  The Parker-Flenner mind reading number furnished a lot of diversion, as well as creating a number of situations that have required considerable explanation.  The prize fight was a bit of a surprise even to those who staged it, and Bob Harmeling and Don Canfield, the pugilists, proved that they were equally at ease, regardless of whether they were victor or vanquished.  The fashion show was all that was anticipated, and more.  It would require an extra edition to sufficiently enlarge upon the grace and beauty displayed in this number, so sufficient to say that never, on land or sea, was such a galaxy of form and beauty, not to say charm and modesty, ever witnessed.  Several skits planned and executed by Dr. McMurray, with the help of Eve and John Metzenberg, and Mrs. McMurray, were just as clever and funny as Dr. McMurray’s literary gems always are.  One wonders why he sticks to the medical profession.  A fitting close to the evening’s program was the wedding of Gus and Doc, who were joined in marriage by W.D., who is growing quite expert along clerical lines.  Taking it from start to finish, it was a good program, with all of the local color that folk enjoy.  And best of all, the Vashon bed at the Orthopedic Hospital is provided for for another year.

  • To Present Show Saturday, Jan. 16 – One of the funniest, cleverest plays ever staged on the Island is “The Three Wise Fools,” which will be offered to the public Saturday evening, January 16th.  The curtain is scheduled to go up promptly at 8:15; there are no reserved seats, so it will be advisable to be at the high school early, for the sale of tickets indicate that there is going to be a large audience.  The three old men, who think that they are so wise, yet in the end are beautifully fooled, fall heir to a child, left to them by the will of the woman whom in youth they had all loved.  One of them is almost murdered by an ex-convict, pal of the child’s father, who had served a prison term.  The two butlers (L.C. Beall and George McCormick) are good at their respective jobs.  The machinations of the detective and policeman involved in the plot furnish the thrills that Benny, the Duck, overlooks.  Of course there is a beautiful heroine, a brave hero, and a housekeeper that is par-excellent, for she has had a number of years of actual experience on the professional stage.  It would be unfair to spoil the surprise in store for all who are going to see “The Three Wise Fools” by telling too much about the plot.  The characters will be taken by John Metzenberg, Gus Bacchus, Joe Lindstrom, Dr. Coutts, Chas. Van Olinda, L.C. Beall, Geo. McCormick, Bud Flenner, Martin Tjomsland, Ed Harmeling, with Shirley Coutts and Mrs. Ralph Robinson taking the feminine roles.  Don Parker and Marjorie Stanley are directing the production.

  • Experimenting In Acoustics Of Gymnasium – This week Don Parker is working hard in an attempt to improve the acoustics of the high school auditorium.  It has been difficult for those sitting at the back of the room to hear what is said on the stage.  Acting on the suggestion of experts along this line Mr. Parker is stringing wires which can be tightened by turning buckles to the tautness of piano strings.  This has been done, with success in many instances where the sound properties of a room were poor, changing them entirely.  Since the high school auditorium is the only large hall on the Island, and is of necessity used for all large gatherings, it is necessary that the sound properties be as good as possible.  It is evident that this fact was overlooked when the room was planned, and there has been much criticism because of it.  It will be interesting to note the effect of Mr. Parker’s work, since many others have wanted to try the experiment (for a consideration) while he is doing the work free, for the good of all who use the auditorium.

  • Two Vashon Island Men Suffer Similar Accidents – On Monday two Island men started the year out badly by cutting their hands with axes.  W.E. Bambrick, of Burton and Mr. Esterle, of Vashon, while cutting wood received bad cuts.  It is not anticipated that either will suffer any ill after effects.

  • Two Disastrous Fires This Week – Two disastrous fires have occurred on the Island during the week. On Monday night, in some unknown manner fire started in one of the cottages at Indian Point.  It is supposed defective wiring was the cause.  Fanned by high wind the flames spread rapidly and before help arrived three cottages were consumed.  On Tuesday afternoon while the Monnings, of Lisabeula, were away from home their house caught fire and burned to the ground, with a total loss of all the contents.  Coming at this time of the year it is indeed a sad loss to them.  Since coming to the Island Mr. Monning has played in hard luck.  An injury to his hand last winter, resulted in heavy financial loss, and now the loss of their home is apparently more than they deserve in the way of financial reverses.  With the help of sympathetic neighbors the Monnings will soon be in a new home, however, for they do not anticipate leaving the Island, although they own property in the city.

  • Dockton News – Depression does not seem to dampen the ardor of the young people of Dockton, for five young couples have been married in the last year.

  • Lisabeula Items – Relatives and neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. Monning, whose home burned on Tuesday afternoon, are rallying to their aid, and hope soon to see them comfortably established in the little house on their place.

  • The Christmas tree that “Vyed” with the public tree in beauty, was the Vye Christmas tree, a living tree in his front yard, beautifully decorated with colored lights, and being located in such a slightly place could be seen from different parts of the Island.  And the show window in Morrissey’s meat market with its different artistic arrangement – pool of fish in the center, a miniature forest fire burning in one end, but never consuming the birds in the trees nearby, colored lights popping on and off among the tiny trees, made this interesting sight long to be remembered.

  • Burton News Items – About eight o’clock Monday evening, three cottages just south of Indian Point were destroyed by fire and the beach people fought hard to save other buildings nearby.  None of the owners had occupied the cottages since last summer.  Probably the fire started from a “Lucky Strike” which had been “toasted” too long!

  • The Report of the Financial Condition of the Vashon State Bank, at the close of business on the 31st day of December, 1931, shows total assets of $304,795.00.

  • Ellisport Items – A letter from Alva Brown of Selah, to his mother states that they have two feet of snow at that place.  Here we still have roses, violets, mums, etc., but we regret to say that the high tides and strong east wind accompanied by heavy drift wood battered down the Hill bulkhead and our beach walk.  The Flenner boat also met a sad fate.

January 14, 1932

  • Miss Vashon Island Has Been Chosen – It was announced by officers of the Commercial Club this week that Margaret Petersen, one of the high school’s most popular students, had been chosen to represent the Island at the banquet of the Consolidated South District Commercial Club, to be held at the Chamber of Commerce in Seattle, Saturday evening, January 23. 

  • Experiment At High School Successful – The results obtained from stretching wires across the auditorium of the high school have been more than gratifying, according to the reports of those who heard the rehearsal of the “Three Wise Fools” Tuesday evening.  The voice of each player could distinctly be heard in all parts of the room.  The sound qualities of the high school auditorium have been the subject of remark since the room was first used.  Used as a combination auditorium and gymnasium it was difficult to build a room with good acoustic qualities.  It has been suggested time and again that an improvement could be made by stretching wires.  Don Parker, after realizing how impossible it was to hear in certain parts of the room what was being said on the stage, determined to try the experiment. 

  • Weather Playing Many Mean Tricks – It is always a dangerous thing to mention the subject of weather on this Island, for if one remarks about its excellence it becomes bad almost at once; while if the weather is bad and one notes the fact it immediately becomes worse.  But is it possible to add any variety to the salad the weather,man has served up to us during the past week?  Last Sunday morning it was as mild as a spring morning after the violent winds of the previous week.  By afternoon it was raw and cold; coming on down during the week through cold, clear weather to a real snow Wednesday night.  The greenhouse owners are praying that the snow will stop falling before it reaches the danger point.  At the present writing it is hard to say just what is indicated.  This past week has been much like the one which preceded the heavy snow of nine years ago with its resultant damage.  On the 14th of February the snow was two feet deep; the hill at the North End was almost impossible to negotiate, and the weather played unheard of tricks even in a country where the usual thing is “unusual weather.”  Here’s hoping there will be no repetition!   O.E. Ramquist reports that on Sunday night, January 10th, between 8 o’clock in the evening and early the next morning 1.66 inches of rain fell.  During December there was a rainfall of 10.25 inches, a record for that month.  But even so, it’s a mighty fine country after all.  We aren’t feeling the depression half as bad as they are in other parts of the nation; Puget Sound hasn’t frozen up yet or overflowed like the old Mississippi is doing, and if all of us could only get over our colds so the laundry bills wouldn’t be so big we’ll be morally certain that there is no place in the world like Vashon-Maury Island.  And speaking of weather, how does a temperature here, varying from 28 to 31 degrees at its worst, compare with 42 degrees below zero?

  • We Apologize To Dr. McMurray – Dr. McMurray states that if we were only a man that he would challenge us to mortal combat for our alleged insulting remarks about him and his literary ability.  Even considering the thing from a biased, as well as an unbiased angle we still maintain that we knew what we were saying.  Our inference was that even though we know that Dr. McMurray as a physician can’t be beat we think that he has such rare literary ability that he should make it his life work.  (But just try to tell that to some of those patients whose lives he has saved.)  Anyway we approve of him regardless of whether he is dispensing pills or laughs.

  • Island Hens Doing Their Best – Whether it has been the recent high winds, the depression, or war in the far East no one seems to know just why, but the Island hens have been working overtime to produce large eggs.  The first of the week one of the hens of K. Paulsen’s flock laid an egg that measured 9 1-4 inches around the long way and 5 1-3 inches the short way and weighed 5 1-3 ounces.  On Wednesday of this week one of the hens belonging to D.S. Siegrist laid an egg that measured 9 3-4 inches around the long way and 7 7-8 inches around the short way.  The weight of this egg was 7 ounces.  It was accidentally broken.  Inside was a normal sized white and yolk and another standard size egg, with a smooth, perfect shell.

  • Judge Armbruster was able to hold court last week and two misdemeanors were disposed of by fining Kelly Weiss of Vashon for reckless driving, and Jack Collier of Vashon was given 90 days suspended sentence in order to pay up delinquencies in payment for auto licenses.

January 21, 1932

  •  “Three Wise Fools” To Be Given Again – Despite the bad weather a fair sized audience turned out to see the “Three Wise Fools,” a three act comedy presented by members of the Vashon Island Golf Club at the high school last Saturday evening.

  • Only Family Men Get Work On Road – With $10,000 available for work on the Burton-Tahlequah road about 40 men are already at work.  A list of about 50 more will be put to work if possible.  All of these men have families, single men not being considered.  The men work in nine day shifts.  This work is proving a real relief measure for many of the men who have had no steady work for months.  There is a daily pay roll of $175.  This work was pushed, and the money appropriated for this road in the 1931 budget was made available through the co-operation of Commissioner Brinton and Supervisor Wiltse, working in conjunction with the road committee of the Commercial Club, of which C.L. Garner is chairman.  Had a few days more elapsed it would have reverted to the general funds.  The county commissioners have designed as arterial highways the road from Vashon Heights to Dockton and from Burton to Tahlequah.  The question of reducing the blind corner hazards will also be considered in the very near future.

  • Among the list of prize winners in a Mother Goose verse contest staged recently in Seattle was the name of our own Dr. Jones, who won a $5 prize.  The poet laureate of the Island just can’t keep out of any jingle contest she hears of, and it makes it mighty fine in these days of depression when the sport carries with it financial reward.

  • The Wires Did The Work – It was gratifying to Don Parker, and the audience who enjoyed the “Three Wise Fools” last Saturday night to note the difference which the wires strung across the auditorium made to the acoustic qualities of the room.  A rather laughable proof was given when Miss Marjorie Stanley, standing back of the curtain, with her back to the audience, prompted one of the players and her words were heard back in the balcony.  Not only the work of stringing the wires, but the material as well was donated by Don Parker, in an effort to produce the best conditions for hearing each word spoken on the stage.  And the results were good, for no one with normal hearing could fail to hear all that was said.

January 28, 1932

  • Receives Letter Of Much Local Interest – We feel deeply gratified to Mr. P.S. Pettelle for sending in the following letter.  Many of the fruit growers are asking themselves the same question that prompted Mr. Pettelle to make the inquiry of Mr. Hatch that led to this reply.  We shall be glad to pass on to our readers any such bits of cheer and enlightenment that may help to throw a little ray of hope on what now seems to be a gloomy future for the Island’s leading occupations.  The columns of the News-Record are at all times open to any constructive suggestions or criticisms that will help others interested in the agricultural pursuits that mean success or failure to the Island farmers.  The letter follows: January 20, 1932 Dear Mr. Pettelle: Replying to your inquiry of the 18th instant with reference to loganberries.  Our records show that you delivered 3905 pounds of loganberries during the 1931 season.  You have been advanced upon these loganberries to date 2 ½ cents per pound.  Due to the general demoralized condition of all markets it is hard to make any reliable estimates of what any goods will bring short of the time you have the funds from collections actually in hand.  I would estimate that we would probably pay about 4 ½ cents per pound on loganberries.  The actual sum may be somewhat above or below this figure.  We hope to make a further advance upon this item before so very long.  At the figure of 4 ½ cents per pound loganberries have shrunk less in value than most other varieties of fruit during the past year.  In my judgment loganberries are in a better position than many other kinds of fruit at this time.  It looks as though the main loganberry production will be confined to the Willamette Valley for a long time to come.  All canners in the Puget Sound Basin desire some quantities of loganberries to complete assortments.  On this basis there will always be a demand for a considerable quantity of berries, profitable crops only comparatively near tide water.  Hence the territory in which they will be grown is somewhat limited.  I would say that whether a person is justified in the continuing of growing loganberries depends very much on whether he can produce loganberries profitably at a price that will range from 4 cents to 5 ½ cents per pound.  These prices are about the range of loganberry prices over a period of years.  I do not know how much ground it took to product your 3905 pounds of berries.  It has appeared to me that a person must produce at least 5,000 pounds of loganberries per acre to make the growing of these berries profitable.  I note you are considering the planting of sour cherries.  I think the deciding factor in whether or not to grow sour cherries is a person’s idea of what price they must sell these cherries to make the production profitable.  I am very sure that prices of 5 cents per pound and upward for cherries are gone for a very considerable time period.  I think we must fix our ideas on prices of 3 or 4 cents per pound.  Undoubtedly the market for sour cherries is going to be very much depressed for the next two or three years.  This state of affairs has been foreseen for the last four or five years.  Growers have not heeded the advice offered and have continued to plant.  Judging by past experience the planting of sour cherries all over the United States will slow down very markedly.  I actually believe that now is a better time to plant than at any time during the past five years.  Based on past experience cherries planted now should come into bearing during a cycle of increasing prices.  We are asked every day by growers what to plant to make a profit.  I am sorry to say that we have no infallible method by which we can offer advice upon the subject, but we do think that both loganberries and cherries show more promise than a number of other items commonly grown in the Pacific Northwest.  You inquire about Revolving Fund Certificates.  These certificates bear 6 per cent interest payable on the first of March of each year, and are redeemable by the Association five years from date of issuance.  The certificate that you received on account of deductions from your 1930 crop is dated March 1, 1931, and will be redeemable March 1, 1936.  This Revolving Fund is used in the financing of the business of the Association.  These certificates hold virtually the position of preferred stock.  Sincerely yours, L.M. Hatch, Pres.

  • Lovely Star Appears Wednesday Evening – On Wednesday evening about six o’clock a number of Islanders witnessed an unusually lovely sight.  Southeast of Vashon, about halfway up in the sky was a very bright star.  As one looked at it it turned various colors, resembling nothing so much as a perfect diamond, turning in a bright light and showing multi-colors.  In an hour or so it had disappeared from sight.  At first those who saw it thought it was an airplane light but after observing that it was stationary decided it was a heavenly visitor.  We’ll be glad to publish any authoritative explanation of the beautiful changing lights it presented.

  • Attends 20th Annual Newspaper Institute – On last Friday and Saturday Mrs. Agnes L. Smock attended the 20th annual Newspaper Institute of the Washington Press Association at the University of Washington.  Friday evening C.J. Denny attended the dinner of the Association held at the Meany Hall.  There was a program of excellent talks and interchange of ideas.  The newspaper has been hit as hard by the present financial depression as almost any other line of business, yet there was little “crepe-hanging” although all seemed to realize the gravity of the situation.  No one tried to foretell “when the depression would end.”  They seem to reserve that for the reading public.

  • High School Notes – The past few weeks have been unusually bad for the Island roads.  As a consequence, school buses on some of the outlying roads experience difficulty in getting through.  However, up to the present date, they have been making the trips on time.

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February 1932

February 4, 1932

  • Maury Island Rancher Robbed – On Wednesday evening, L. Isaacson, a resident of Maury Island was the victim of a brutal attack and robbery.  Mr. Isaacson, who lives alone on his ranch at Maury Center, just across the road from the Geo. Carty place, was working about in his kitchen.  Hearing a rap at the door, Mr. Isaacson, thinking it one of the neighbors, called “come in”, and started toward the door.  What ensued is a blank to him, as before he could get even a glance of the intruder he was struck on the side of the head.  He lay unconscious for almost three hours.  When he regained consciousness he found that his purse had been taken from his pocket and emptied.  Fortunately it contained only a few dollars.  Money seemed to be what his assailant was after for nothing else was apparently taken.

  • School Board Expects To Reduce Tax Levy – At the regular meeting of the high school board on Tuesday evening of this week the matter of the budget for the coming year was discussed at great length, but no definite action was taken.  It is a difficult matter to estimate accurately the funds available for school purposes for the coming year, since the assessors of the state have definitely agreed to cut real estate valuation 15 per cent.  A reduction in teachers’ salaries is contemplated as one of the economies to be practiced in a program of retrenchment in 1932.

  • Not So Bad As It Might Have Been – John Podich reminded the workers at the Beall Greenhouse that fourteen years ago the snow on the Island was 36 inches deep on the level.  Many recall that nine years ago, on February 12, 13 and 14, the snow was knee deep and that the roads previous to the snow were so icy that cars could scarcely operate.  During that spell of bad weather, the bus, for the only time in the history of the Transportation Company missed a boat.  This was due to ice on the hill at the North End.  The winter of 1928-29 the snow remained unmelted for 21 days, with weather dropping to 14 degrees above, while the lowest reported during the past week was 19 above.  So after all we’ve lived through worse cold spells that this.

  • District Uses Lots Of Water – T.N. Thompson reports that during the past calendar year the Vashon Water District used the almost unbelievable amount of 1,725,509 gallons of water.

  • Severe Weather Slows Up Transportation – Winter descended on the Northwest and as usual found us unprepared for the few days of hardships that back East we used to suffer uncomplainingly for several months, and accept as the regular order of things.  So far the predictions of the weather man have gone wrong, although the temperature is milder and there seems to be promise of less rigorous weather than experienced earlier in the week.  On Sunday the high wind made unloading cars at the Fauntleroy dock well nigh impossible.  While attempting to leave the ferry the new Lincoln car belonging to the Vashon Transportation Company, was struck by the apron on the slip and was very badly damaged.  It struck the car in such a manner that the transportation was broken from the engine, and the main drive shaft was bent.  On Monday the waves were still too high to make landing at Fauntleroy safe or advisable.  The trucks of the Auto Freight, however, succeeded in making their regular trips.  Battered by a log on the south side of the new North End dock the guides for the counter weights were so badly bent that the weight fouled, making it impossible to raise or lower the movable part of the slip.  Workmen from the Met-Cro Garage cut the iron with an acetylene torch, freeing the weights.  Although numerous cars had to be pulled from the ditch no serious accidents resulted from the unusual amount of ice and snow.  With few exceptions the school buses ran practically on schedule.  Supt. Thompson reported that so many faucets were allowed to run the early part of the week that it was necessary to connect with the Portage system in order to keep the water tank at Vashon full.  Although the groundhog, the editor and other such false prophets have been prophesying continued cold weather for some time longer as we go to press the sun is shining and it looks as though the “cold spell of 1932” might be drawing to a close.

  • Would Remove Tax From Home – Petitions are being placed in a number of places on the Island for the signature of the voters of the state.  If the proper number of signatures can be secured Initiative Measure N. 59 will be placed on the ballet this coming fall.  This initiative measure is “An act exempting homes from taxation, and from lis pendens, levy distraint, or seizure, except in certain cases, defining what shall constitute homes for the purposes of the act, providing for the valuation of land on which homes are situated in its primitive state and prescribing the duties of certain officers in connections therewith.”

  • Colvos has been having a flu epidemic.  Had it not been for the willingness of the neighbors to help each other there must have been some suffering among the well.  Mr. Ugland and Mr. Carl Johannesen have been especially good going from one home to the other milking, feeding, cutting wood, doing anything to make life better.  Mr. Hans Hammer is the latest flu victim.

  • Burton News Items – With the help of the operator at the telephone office notifying neighbors of the fire at the Penny place in Burton, Wednesday night, a crowd soon gathered and found the fruit house burning a few feet from the dwelling house.  Prompt action, without which Mr. Penny stated, the home would have gone, brought the fire under control without much loss.

  • High School Notes – The following students are on the honor roll for the first semester:  Post graduate – Frank Plumb.  Seniors – Isabel Urquhart, Mary Lou Streets, Margaret Petersen, Helen Yoshimura, Esther Petersen, Elizabeth Keyes, Harriet Fuller, Margaret Edwards, Lillian Edwards, Esther Bruner, June Beaumont, Virginia Jeffers, Astrid Nystedt, Norma Petersen, Homer Morris, Howard Mattson.  Juniors – Lewis Schmidt, Don Dunbar, Kenneth Beall, Mable Wilbur, Pat Smith, Elsie Merry, Margaret Takasuka, Elsie Huston, Yuri Hoshi, Eleanor Beall, Sylvia Besonen, Vernon Greet, Amos Fromback.  Sophomores – Dick Slagle, Tuckie Smith, Coy Meredith, Phillip Green, Ona Nelson, Leah Kirkland, Clara Johnson, Mildred Castle, Alice Ensing, Geneva Jeffers, Sadie Edwards.  Freshmen – Yukio Fujioka, Eleanor Larsen, Eloise Hoel, Bonnie Dunsford, Joe Ramquist, Donna Mae Bedford, Charlie Meyer, Don Matsumoto, Gilbert Holland, Joe Bourgeois, Stanley Anderson, Bonnie McIntyre, Lorna Urquhart, Rosalie Therkelsen.

February 11, 1932

  • School Pupil Injured In Coasting Accident – During the snow of last week a coasting accident occurred on the cemetery hill, the most serious of recent years, the victims being three high school boys.  One of the sleds ran into loose snow and stopped so suddenly that the momentum carried its riders off.  The night was particularly dark and the occupants of the sled coming down the hill behind the first one did not see what had just happened and ran into the first sled, ramming into the boys who had been upset.  Louis Schmidt was the most seriously injured, receiving a bad abdominal cut that required several stitches.  New complications have developed and the boy’s condition is more serious than was first thought.  Donald Canfield received a cut chin that required several stitches, while Ferguson Beall received bruises and scratches about the head.

  • Lisabeula Items – Much improving is going on at the beach resort, new sidewalks, painting of cottages, inside and out, attractive new curtains, etc.  The proprietors are also, before the tourist season begins, planning to have showers, stationary tubs, and many other conveniences for their summer guests.

  • High School Notes – Due to minor injuries sustained while bob-sledding near Center, Lewis Schmidt is unable to take part in the junior play.  Miss O’Mahoney has made changes in the cast as follows: Don Dunbar as Mr. Gervase; Palgrave Coates as Bobby Coates and Elsie Merry as Ern.  These slight changes in the cast will in no way injure the production of the “Romantic Age,” so we urge you to buy your tickets early.

February 18, 1932

  • High School Play Well Received – “The Romantic Age,” a three-act play by A.A. Milne, was presented by the junior class of the Vashon Island high school last Friday evening in the school auditorium.

  • Dock Injured By Winds – The high winds of Monday took out several of the piling of the Glen Acres dock.  For some unknown reason, although not used at present, this dock is being maintained by the county, and the piling were replaced on Wednesday.

  • New Industry Will Start On Our Island – About 600 fur bearing rabbits have been purchased and will be brought to the Hess place, west of Vashon, as soon as hutches are completed.  The project is being financed by the owner of the place.  Raising of fur bearing rabbits has become a profitable industry since the development of the talkies.  From rabbit fur is manufactured the only noiseless “silk” known to the trade.  Even at the present low price the fur is bringing nine dollars per pound.

  • Highway Signs Erected – This week Supevisor Rhulen has been busy overseeing the erection of arterial highway signs along the main highway of the Island.  These are being placed from the North End to Dockton and Burton, and with the completion of the new South End road will be posed to the Tahlequah dock.

  • High School Notes – The senior class had decided to publish a year book instead of an annual.  The year book differs from an annual in that is has no advertising.  This should please the Island business men.  The book will be in the form of a memory book and will contain snapshots.  The cost of publishing such a book will be approximately one-fourth of the cost of an annual.  Margaret (Mickey) Edwards has been elected editor and Junior Shallenberger elected business manager.  Work will begin immediately and the seniors feel that they can publish a book which will be a credit to the senior class as well as the Vashon Island high school.

  • High School Notes – The “Romantic Age,” a play given Friday the twelfth by the junior class, seemed to take the fancy of many of the Island people.  The gross proceeds amounted to $108.

February 25, 1932

  • Happy Day Hatchery Running Full Blast – Last Saturday the Happy Day Hatchery was about the noisiest place on the Island, with three thousand chicks voicing their protest at being sent from the four modern, cozy batteries they were occupying, out into the inclement weather.  This was the largest shipment of chicks that Mr. Wick has sent out so far this season and they were sent to Chas. Hiersch, on the Island, and part to a farm near Olalla, fine large vigorous youngsters, only a few days old, yet starting to grow real feathers.  The Happy Day Hatchery has grown by leaps and bounds since its arrival on the Island less than three years ago.

  • Burton News Items – Mr. George Hofmeister is taking advantage of the dull times and with his boys have been working and who ever heard of a Hofmeister out of work – clearing a five acre tract of land across the road from Capt. Phillip’s place, leaving only a beautiful little grove of trees where they have built a berry shed, 18 x 40 feet, to handle strawberries that will accrue from 25,000 plants.  Mr. Hofmeister hopes to realize something for his labors and here’s hoping his hopes will bring him even more than he hopes for.

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March 1932

March 3, 1932

  • Many Land Slides Occur On island – The heavy rains of last Wednesday and Thursday, preceded by an unusual amount of rainfall all during February resulted in a number of slides on the Island.  Perhaps the most spectacular was the one at the Heights.  This was apparently not so much a landslide as it was a house simply letting go its moorings and starting out to toboggan down the hill.  The house which behaved in such an erratic manner was the little cottage perched on the side of the hill, near the dock, back of the house belonging to the Cowans.  It was built by Royce Weiss, but was not owned by him at the present time.  The occupants, Mrs. Adams and her son, Bill Able, were awakened by gravel, which they at first mistook for hail, striking the side of the house.  It was followed by a dull thud on the roof, which was quickly followed by more earth from the bank above.  Suddenly the house began to heave and then it started to slide toward the bay.  Simultaneously all of the contents of the house, people, furniture and all, began sliding across the floor, in the same direction, at an even greater rate of speed than the house was going.  The house struck a stump which halted its progress only slightly as the floor was torn up.  When the house finally stopped in its flight down the hillside it was almost turned on its side.  The occupants climbed out into the pouring rain, unhurt.  It is miraculous that they had escaped being badly injured, but aside from the shock were able next day to laugh at their experience.  A slide occurred near the Standard Oil plant on the Portage-Ellisport road early Friday morning.  Louis Larsen, on his way to the early ferry, ran into it before his lights showed him the danger.  His car was damaged by the protruding logs.  The bus, on its first run, came very nearly running into the same slide.  On the old Vashon road, north of the dock, a large slide occurred that put the Vashon water system out of commission for a week.  There were a number of slides along this road which will probably mean that the road will be abandoned, as it is used very little, except by the mail carrier.  A slide at Shawnee demolished a cottage that fortunately was unoccupied.  Just below the campgrounds on the Cove road a bad slide occurred which stopped traffic and delayed the mail for Vashon, Ellisport and Portage.

  • Three Mill Special Levy for High School – We understand that considerable comment has been caused by an inadvertent error appearing in last week’s News-Record.  It was stated that a special levy of only two mills would be asked, whereas a special levy of 3 mills will be necessary to carry on the work of the high school.  The 15 percent cut in property valuation agreed upon by the assessors of the state is in a measure responsible for the necessity of this special levy, which the board had hoped to dispense with this year.  Our use of the term “12 mills” was possibly misleading.  Taxpayers often fail to remember that regardless of their vote there is always a levy of 10 mills for school purposes.  Any special levy voted by the district simply means that the special levy is in addition to the regular 10 mill levy, so for instance, if there is a special levy of 3 additional mills for general school purposes this means that 13 mills is required for the operation of a school.  While our information on the high school levy came from a source that in most instances is reliable we refuse to implicate anyone, but we are glad to make this effort to clear up any misunderstanding.  The three mill levy asked for the high school will be about equal in taxes paid in past years on a two mill levy.

  • Leaders Organize To Carry On 4-H Work – Leaders of the various 4-H groups of the Island held an enthusiastic meeting at the home of Agnes L. Smock last Thursday evening.  Organization of leaders was formed with Carl Wick president and Mrs. Cora Stone, secretary and treasurer.  Each leader is a committee of one to represent his own group, the entire group of leaders functioning as an executive committee in Island 4-H matters.

  • The bright new Ford truck, which one now observes on the highways of the Island, is not a part of the fire department, but is the most recent addition to the equipment of the Beall poultry farm.  For the information of all who see it bears the inscription “Beall’s Pedigreed Leghorns.”

  • A resident of Dilworth reports that the snow of Wednesday was the seventeenth of the winter.  We can readily believe she speaks the truth.

  • Burton News Items – “The Raleigh Man”, name not learned yet, has moved his family into the McIntyre cottage, which he will decide to rent indefinitely if the location is satisfactory for his business.  This means an addition to our community and school, which is always welcome.

  • Burton News Items – Praises be!  We are going to have a place to eat and have a cup of coffee in Burton pretty soon.  Wm. G. Allen has leased a good sized room next door to Morrissey’s butcher shop and is painting and primping up preparatory to opening up for business soon.  Allen says it will be called a “Coffee Shop” but he is too close to beef steak and pork chops to put off customers with a cup of coffee!  We’ll see what we’ll see!

  • Burton News Items – John Nilsen as engineer, and Robert Poirson as assistant left this week on the cannery tender, “Excursion,” for Alaskan waters, to be gone all summer.

  • The I.O.O.F. building committee enjoyed a lovely dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F.M. Sherman on Monday night, February 29, celebrating the birthday of Mr. Sherman, who has a birthday only every four years.

  • Southern Heights News – Friday night a landslide demolished the Edson cottage at Paradise Cove.  Fortunately no one was living in it.

  • Lisabeula Items – Lisabeula will soon be on the map again, thru the re-opening of the post office.  This is a great convenience for permanent residents living near the beach and for the summer colony.  It means permanent boat service, and is in all respects an asset to the entire community.

  • Lisabeula Items – With the peeping of baby chicks throughout the day and the croaking of frogs at night we feel assured spring is close at hand, and what could have more appeal than spring and summer on Vashon Island.


March 10, 1932

  • Funds Are Needed For Relief Work – Even though the weather is milder, and conditions generally seem to be improving there are still a number of families on our Island who are feeling the pinch of poverty.  The welfare committee, under the efficient and benignant guidance of W.D. Garvin, has functioned constantly, ever since the first intimation of need reached Mr. Garvin last fall.  Some 12 or 15 families have been given assistance.  The fathers, in a number of these families have found work, while others still need the help that has been given them through the winter.  Only this week Mr. Garvin very accidently learned of the plight of a family.  Practically without food for the past several days; the mother just beginning to recover from a serious illness; a number of small children in the family; strangers, with no knowledge of where to go for help, the family was in a pitiful plight.  Mr. Garvin sent them an order of groceries at once and fitted the children out with shoes.  Clothing for the boys, anything suitable for boys of from eight to twelve will be gratefully received.  All of the relief work has not been done by the committee, for there has been fine spirit of cooperation between the organizations desiring to help, and the welfare committee.  Among those who have helped are the Ellisport Women’s Club, the Cove Lutheran, Lisabeula and Presyterian Ladies’ Aids, the D.A.R. and the P.T.A. of the Center and Vashon schools, serving hot lunches and mild to undernourished children.  Several individuals have given a regular amount each month.  One man, with no children of his own, has given $5 each month “to keep some child from going hungry.”  The committee, as far as money is concerned, have come to the end of its resources.  All has been spent and there are bills outstanding that must be met.  There are still hungry human beings in need of food, right here on our beautiful Island.  Many of us are already overburdened and have many demands on our slender resources yet if it is possible every one should make just a little greater sacrifice and contribute something, be it however small.  It may seem ridiculous to give 25 or 50 cents to this fund, but how much better spirit it would show for fifty persons to give a half dollar each than for one individual to give $25.  Let it be, if you will, our thank offering that our own babies have enough to eat.  Mr. Garvin requests that all checks or contributions of money be sent to Mrs. Grace Beall.  Contributions of useable clothing may be left with Mr. Garvin.

  • Vashon Has New Business Firm – This week’s News-Record carries the advertisement of a new business, which has been established here during the past month.  N. Lipin has opened a watch and jewelry repair shop in the rear room of the Sanitary Barber Shop.  He has had many years of experience, and has been working in Seattle shops for the past eight years, having been employed in some of the largest shops in that city.  Island customers report his service excellent and his prices much less than usually charged elsewhere.  Mrs. Lipin is better known to many as the former Leora Steinforth.  Both Mrs. Lipin and her husband are very musical.  Mr. Lipin is not only an accomplished pianist but has a very fine voice and they are a great addition to the Island from a cultural standpoint.  As conditions improve, and his business seems to warrant Mr. Lipin put out a stock of jewelry.  He likes the Island and is anxious to remain here.  Mr. and Mrs. Lipin are making their home with Mrs. Lipin’s mother, Mrs. Mary Steinforth, at Lisabeula.

  • Island Milk Route Changes Hands – This week a business change on the Island became effective when Leonard F. Johnson purchased the milk route of the Houghton Dairy.  Mr. Johnson, through the contacts made while salesman for a city bakery, needs no introduction to the Island people.  He is courteous, dependable, aggressive.  Mr. Johnson will sell Carnation products.  He will also handle the raw milk from the Houghton Dairy.  Mrs. Houghton has been retained as the Island representative of the fresh milk division of the Carnation Company.  She is well acquainted with the Island people and enjoys the regard of the customers she has served during the past years.  The Carnation Company has shown more of an interest in the Island than the amount of local business would seem to justify.  Mr. Pettelle, of the ice cream division, has interested himself, not along in his branch of the work, but whenever he could help the Island by speaking a good word he has done so.  He has given the customers of his division the best service, and in addition has interested Mr. Bryan, head of the Fresh Mild Division, in developing the Island field.  

  • Louis and Chas. Deppman arrived home this week from California with a load of oranges, part of which they disposed of here, the balance in Port Angeles.  They will leave again on Friday, with another load of apples and return with a second load of oranges.  Worley Zimmerman, who made the trip with the Deppmans returned with them, after a pleasant visit with relatives.

  • Center News – At the school election held at Center school last Saturday, Mr. J.W.P. Dunlap was elected for a three year term, and Mr. Neil Flenner for a one year term.  Mr. Otto Therkelsen is the other member of the board.


March 17, 1932

  • Changes In Water Rates Of Vashon – At a recent meeting of the directors of Water District 19, serving Vashon and vicinity it was decided to make a change in the current rates.  The new minimum charge will be $1.25 per month for 500 cubic feet or less.  There will be a discount of 25 cents if the bill is paid on or before the 10th of the month following service..  Formerly there was a discount of 10 percent on the entire bill of paid on or before the 10th of the month.  This did not comply with the practice of other utilities whose books are audited by the state auditor’s office, and it was because of serious objection on the part of the state office that this change was made.

  • Island Responds To Appeal For Aid – In response to the appeal made through the columns of this paper by W.D. Garvin, chairman of the Island welfare committee a number of organizations have launched movements for the relief of the needy.  On Saturday, between ten in the morning and seven in the evening delicious, piping hot waffles and coffee will be served at the Burton Pharmacy by the ladies of the Island Community Church Guild, the proceeds of this sale to go toward the relief of those in need.  Parts of the funds realized will go toward buying milk for undernourished children, while the other part will be turned over to the welfare committee, to be used to the best advantage.  There are still men on the Island out of work, willing to work for only a small wage.  If one can afford to put these men to work even for a few days it will result in an improvement in Island property and will give a dignified relief that will strengthen the courage of those who would rather work than accept help of a gratuitous nature.

  • Our Mistake, Their Treat – Of course we mean that the bean dinner the Scouts are giving will be a real treat but that dinner is to be on March 23 and the Court of Honor is to be the next Monday night, March 21.  It will give the youngsters and their leaders a lot of encouragement if there is a good turnout of all interested in boys.  No one can deny that Vashon Island is a place of “great distances,” and that it is hard to get out in the evening, but the boys need interest and encouragement.

  • Aged Negro Disappears From Shawnee Home – Disappearing just as dust Saturday evening Jefferson Harrison, colored, employed in the Stanley Morrison home at Shawnee, has been the object of an almost constant search which up to the present has been without results.  Harrison, 69 years of age, a retired sergeant, had had 30 years continuous service in the army.  He was in poor health and crippled slightly.  For the past five months he had been employed on the Island and was a familiar figure about Shawnee and Indian Point.  On Saturday evening he did not respond when called to dinner and the Morrison family upon inquiry learned that about seven o’clock he had been seen on the board walk between Shawnee and Indian Point.  Deputy Sheriff Shattuck was notified and a search of the woods was made.  Crews of boats and ferries brought no further information, and it is certain that with so few colored people traveling to and from the Island, and the fact that Harrison was noticeably crippled, some one would have remembered seeing him if he left the Island.  When no trace of the missing man was found in the woods apparatus and help was secured from the sheriff’s office and dragging operations have been carried on from the wharfs in the neighborhood on the supposition that Harrison met death in the waters of the Sound.  As yet the search has been without results.

  • Lisabeula Items - Monnings are moving this week to Vashon.  Our loss is their gain as they are fine neighborly folks.  We hope to see them back in the fall, when they hope to rebuild on their property here.

  • Maury Notes – More than twenty men met at Maury Hall last Thursday to plow and grade the grounds and plant a grove of trees.  The women served hot lunch at noon.  After lunch the regular meeting of the Maury Women’s Club was held and a native fir tree planted as Washington memorial.


March 24, 1932

  • Remodeling New Quarters – The Burton Boy Scouts during the last week have been working on their new headquarters, the use of which was so generously given them by Mr. and Mrs. Billingsley of Quartermaster.  The building is located at the north end of Billingsley’s grape field and directly across the road from A.L. Smith’s home.  The Burton troop expects to have a Court of Honor soon, at which Mr. Curtis, Tacoma Scout Executive, will be present and they hope to have their new headquarters in condition for this event.

  • Bean Dinner Monday Evening, March 28 – On next Monday evening, March 28, the Vashon Boy Scouts will give another one of their famous bean dinners.  The boys are showing excellent interest and need all of the encouragement that can be given them.  The money earned from this dinner will be used to maintain the cabin and make some very necessary alterations in it.  The cabin is a particularly suitable meeting place for the junior organizations but might be a bit strenuous for the meeting places usually frequented by the adults.  While the kitchen is not as well equipped as the Island Club’s there is more space for the youngsters to move about and less that can be injured by their activities.  In helping the Scouts to equip their cabin the public is benefitting all junior organizations needing such a meeting place.

  • 4-H Party A Big Success – Last Friday evening between fifty and sixty members of Island 4-H clubs participated in a mixer at the Vashon Scout cabin.  Games under the direction of Hubert Spalding, Mabel Dennis, Clarence Svinth and Carl Wick kept the youngsters busy and happy during a decidedly strenuous evening.  Mr. Svinth, county leader, who came over from Seattle for the occasion, entered into the activities, and expressed himself as delighted with the party and the class of material the Island youngsters offer the 4-H work.  At the close of the evening refreshments of sandwiches, cakes and cocoa were served by the leaders, and mothers.  Those who assisted were Mrs. Cora Stone, Mrs. John Marshal, Irene Ward, Frances Odion, Mabel Dennis, Agnes L. Smock and Elsie Huston.

  • Burton News Items – F.B. Vye is remodeling his apartments in their big house on the hill.  While he is working inside, some Auburn men have been putting out 17,000 gold seal plants in the garden by the house.  Here’s hoping the gold will soon materialize in fact as well as in name, and that it won’t be sealed.  We all need a little!


  • High School Notes – The cherry trees that the Japanese purchased in Japan for the high school grounds were planted with appropriate ceremony on Thursday by members of the Japanese community organization.

  • Advertisement - Fitzpatrick Dairy Grows – The past 8 years we have served our patrons with Quality Dairy Products, prompt delivery, and right prices.  They have appreciated it with a hearty response; which has enabled us to add better cows, T.B. tested; electric milkers and all up-to-date equipment, making our dairy sanitary.  We have also added 35 acres of pasture lately, which adds to the flavor of our products.  We are now service Vashon consumers with our Quality Products.  Take advantage of this today!  Why pay more for mainland products of lesser value.

March 31, 1932

  • Parents Enjoy Bean Dinner – On Wednesday evening parents and friends enjoyed a good dinner served by the Vashon Boy Scouts at their cabin.  The food had been prepared by the mothers of the boys, and had been kept piping hot.  It was served to the guests with speed and skill by the Scouts.  The menu consisted of baked beans, brown bread, mashed potatoes, carrot and apple salad, jelly, pickles, pie and coffee.  The Vashon troop has been in existence for eight years, and while not a large troop has one of the best cabins in the district.

  • Automobiles Collide South Of Vashon – On Sunday evening, while returning from Vashon to Ellisport with five girls, Mrs. Lesh was the victim of an automobile accident that wrecked her car and a truck belonging to J. Sakamoto, or Paradise Valley.  Mrs. Lesh was driving south on the pavement and as she was opposite the Lincoln house a car came over the brow of the hill at the intersection just south.  Blinded by the lights shining through the heavy rain, Mrs. Lesh stopped the car rather than take any chance of injury to her young passengers.  Her supposition was that she was over to the edge of the pavement, and the position after the accident indicated that her car was to the right of the center, but not as near to the edge of the pavement as she had judged.  After striking Mrs. Lesh’s car the driver lost control of the truck and ran off of the pavement back of her car.  A front wheel, found later in Reifschneider’s front yard, was torn off of Mrs. Lesh’s car and the fenders were stripped off of the truck.  It was indeed fortunate that none of the occupants of either car were injured.

  • Local Japanese Society Present Cherry Trees To Island High School – Last Thursday afternoon at the high school a simple, yet impressive ceremony marked the formal presentation, acceptance and planting of the cherry trees given by the local Japanese society to the high school.  The trees were brought from Japan more than a year ago, but could not be planted because the grounds had not been graded.  Conflicting plans made it impossible to make the formal presentation at two previous dates planned this spring.  Mr. U. Nishiyori, acting in behalf of the society, presented the trees, expressing the following sentiments:  “In presenting these trees to the Island high school the Japanese Society of Vashon Island expresses a deep appreciation for the educational advantages our children have enjoyed in your schools.  It had been our intention to hold these ceremonies on Washington’s Birthday, but unforeseen circumstances prevented this.  We had hoped in this manner to honor the first president of the United States and pay our respect to his memory, and at the same time to show to the people of Vashon Island our love for our Island home in this, the land of our adoption.  Though this was impossible on that date we wish at this later time to convey the same feelings.  When the new high school was finished it was the desire of our society to make a gift that would show our deep regard.  In our native land, beautiful far away Japan, the blossom of the cherry tree is considered the most beautiful of all the many blossoms of the Flowery Kingdom.  We decided that no other gift could express in such a beautiful way how we appreciate the educational advantages our children have received here.  The trees were ordered from Japan and arrived a year ago.  The grounds were not then ready, and the trees have been taken care of by Mr. Siegrist, until today, when we begin planting them here.  The Japanese cherry trees have beautified Washington D.C. and have become one of the wonder sights of our national capital.  We trust that the trees planted here today will in like manner thrive, making the grounds of our high school one of the Island’s beauty spots.  The cherry trees of Washington D.C. were the gift of the city of Tokyo, Japan.  The trees, which we present today, are our gift to a community, which has treated us and our children as neighbors and friends rather than people of another race and country.  It is our hope that in the years to come these trees, symbol of the land of our birth, may grow and flourish, making more lovely our Vashon Island.  In the same manner we trust that our beautiful friendship may continue to grow as our children work side by side in our splendid Island schools.”  Mr. Siegrist, retiring chairman of the high school board, and Mr. Robertson, head of the high school, both expressed their appreciation of the gift, and their gratification of the splendid manner in which the Japanese and Americans had co-operated in the maintenance of a fine spirit that has assisted materially in the upbuilding of the Island schools.  Following the planting of the first tree there was a program in the assembly room during which the tryout for first place in the oratorical contest took place.

  • Takes To The Ditch Again – It seems that Sam Morris, our genial mail carrier just can’t resist the ditch and last Saturday evening he tried it again with that classy new truck of his.  He insists that his friends always manage to get the facts in the case twisted, and denies that he ever tried to drive through a culvert with the old Ford, so we are not going to attempt any details.  The accident occurred near O. Madison’s, on the Cove road, and it is reported that the truck tipped over, but that Mr. Morris stuck manfully by the ship.  Just so he doesn’t choose the outbound trip on Thursday evening we’re to register no objections to Sam having all the fun he can bouncing around in his truck.

  • Mrs. Harriet Ward received a bit of news over the radio the other evening that made her feel that her pullet that laid the four-yolk egg had been outclassed.  A report from California stated that a hen down there had laid an egg with five yolks.  California still insists on keeping ahead when it comes to yellow news!

  • The Statement of the Ownership, Management, Circulation, etc. of the Vashon Island News-Record for April 1, 1932 shows Chas. J. Denny as business manager, and Agnes L. Smock as editor, publisher and owner.

  • High School Notes = Due to a lack of funds baseball, as an interschool activity, may be dropped for the present year.  We are hoping that some means will be found to maintain this sport as its elimination will be a great loss to the school.

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April 1932

April 7, 1932

  • Consolidation Between Columbia and Vashon Schools Is Considered – Petitions are being circulated called for an election on April 30th at the schoolhouses of the Columbia and Vashon districts.  The purpose of this election is to determine the sentiment of the patrons in regard to the consolidation of the two districts.  Approximately there are 150 pupils in the Vashon district and 70 in the Columbia district.  A careful check of property valuations, income from county and state, etc., indicate that with the savings in lights, fuel, janitor service, etc., that would result by operating one building instead of two, consolidation would be a wise move.  This despite the fact that bus service for the West Side children would be necessary.

  • Old Dock Road Restored – It is never too late to mention work well done.  Although this paper has been somewhat remiss in mentioning it Supervisor Rhulen has done some excellent work in restoring the old Vashon Landing road to an even better condition that it was in previous to the slide last month which completely blocked it.  Scenically this is one of the prettiest drives on the Island, and those who utilize the old brick yard and environs for picnics were distressed when it seemed as though the powers that were about to decree the abandonment of this road.

  • Local Deputy Takes In Third Barracks Bandit – On Tuesday evening Deputy Sheriff F.J. Shattuck arrested E.B. Elmore, 21 year old soldier, whom he suspected as one of the three bandits who last Thursday night held up sixteen men in the 10th Field barracks, Fort Lewis, and robbed them of $300.  Elmore was arrested at midnight at the Jeff Hayes ranch on Maury. 

  • Lewis Schmidt Wins County Contest – Fellow students and friends who attended the district oratorical contest in the auditorium of the Chamber of Commerce in Seattle last Saturday were indeed proud of the manner in which Lewis Schmidt carried off the honors.  There is little doubt in the minds of those who heard him that he will be the state champion this year. 

  • Two Auto Accidents During Past Week; Cars Badly Damaged – Two automobile crashes during the week resulted in three badly wrecked cars.  Sunday evening Merril Sampson, of Seattle, driving a new Ford sedan, on his way to the ferry attempted to pass a car ahead of him.  He failed to see a car, belonging to Elmo Paluso, of Burton, coming from the north.  By the time he observed the approaching car the second car in the string in from of him had slowed up just enough to leave no room for him to get back on the right side of the pavement.  He headed toward the right but the rear of his car struck the Paluso car, a Chevrolet, which was literally demolished.  The Ford landed on its top in the ditch, with damage, to the extent of about $200 which was not covered by insurance.  Neither of the young men were injured.  The accident occurred opposite the H.A. Nelson residence.  On Tuesday afternoon L. Plancich had a miraculous escape.  Witnesses of the accident, as well as the driver, are still wondering how it all happened.  Plancich, driving north on the pavement at a moderate rate of speed, had just reached the Ernest Lindley corner when his car was struck by a terrific gale of wind.  Those who were out in that wind cannot doubt that it was strong enough to hinder driving.  Instead of making the turn the Essex went straight ahead and 150 feet down the embankment.  The driver was practically unhurt, but the car was badly damaged.  This is the third accident that has occurred at this point.  About two years ago Bob Middling was badly injured when his car was wrecked in a dense fog.  The following winter a bus full of high school students overturned on the icy pavement and very nearly went over the embankment.

  • On Saturday of this week the editor and business manager will attend an all-day meeting of the Washington Press Association at the Edward Meany hotel in the University district.  At this meeting the various newspaper folk will decide just what can be done to end the depression.  Next week the country newspapers of Kitsap-King and Pierce counties will publish the glad tidings and we’ll all be out of the depression that has received so much publicity, just like Henry Ford’s peace party got the boys out of the trenches by Christmas, that time some of us older people recall having read about. 

  • More Relief Is Urged For Needy – W.D. Garvin, chairman of the welfare committee for the Island relief urges that all financial aid be given by those who can possibly do so.  Due to the late spring work is hard to find, and as much aid is necessary now as at any time during the winter.  Good men, at $2 per day are available, and Mr. Garvin urges that those contemplating having work done on their places do so now, this giving these men a chance to earn instead of being forced to accept charity.  All contributions of money should be sent as soon as possible to Mrs. Grace Beall.

April 14, 1932

  • Many Favorable Features In School Consolidation Continue To Show Up – As new facts develop in the question of consolidation of the Vashon and Columbia districts many favorable features continue to show up.  Income for Cove District – Figures prepared by the office of the county superintendent show that for the coming year the Cove district will have a state and county apportionment of $2,032, figured on a basis of 160 days.  Since the term is in reality 180 days this amount would be raised $236.50.  In addition to the above the district would have an income of the regular levy on $173,590, the assessed valuation for 1931.  In case of consolidation there would be an additional bonus of $100 which the state gives.  Savings to District – Opposed to this there would be no outlay for new school equipment, since desks, etc., now in the Columbia building are in good condition and could be utilized for many years.  Advantages of Modern Building – Instead of four grades to each teacher, as is now the case in the Columbia school, with five teachers there would be no more than two grades to a teacher and in case of crowded rooms there would be only one grade to a teacher.  There are the advantages of modern heating and ventilating systems such as the Vashon school is equipped with.  Vashon Not Greatly Affected – Consolidation, as far as Vashon is concerned, would not involve such a radical change as it would to Columbia district.  The principal advantage would be at least one more teacher added to the corps.  The advantages of increased efficiency that comes with more teachers would far outweigh the value of the Vashon plant.  Transportation Necessary – At the present time no school buses are in use in the Columbia school.  In case of consolidation bus service would be necessary.  A conservative estimate is that bus service would cost $900 for the children from the West Side of Vashon.  This additional expense is, however, as before stated, more than offset by savings in building operation.

  • L. Plancich Not In Auto Accident – It was reported in this paper from supposedly reliable sources that the driver of the car which went over the embankment at the Lindley corner was L. Plancich.  The driver of the car was Ted Artless, of Seattle, a middle aged man, who had been spending the day visiting friends at Dockton.  Mr. Plancich has been besieged by phone calls from interested friends.  We regret that this error was made in last week’s paper.

  • Senior Class Fund Swelled By Play – Before a well-filled house that netted the senior class about a $100 last Friday evening, the class of our high school presented one of the most cleverly staged comedies the Island has ever had the opportunity to enjoy.  The choice of play was particularly fortunate, and the “Charm School” was a tribute to the good taste and intelligence of whoever was responsible for its selection.  Full of good, clean humor and with enough plot to make it interesting from start to finish, there was lots of opportunity for the really clever acting of our local young people.  With just a minimum of the romantic the whole play was replete with the clean fun that called forth laugh after laugh from the audience.  The very excellent cast presenting the play was: Austin Bevan - Junior Shallenberger; David McKenzie - David Compton; George Boyd – Homer Morris; Jim Simpkins – Earl Hendricksen; Tim Simpkins – Howard Mattson; Homer Johns – Jim Pettelle; Elsie Benedotti – Isobel Urquhart; Miss Hayes – Virginia Jeffers; Miss Curtis – Margaret Petersen; Sally Boyd – Mary Lou Streets; Muriel Doughty – Elizabeth Keyes; Ethel Spelvin – Astrid Nystedt; Alix Mercier – Alice Olson; Madge Kent – Ellen Hendricksen; Lillian Stafford – Harriet Fuller.

  • Vashon School District To Vote On Two Question Saturday, April 23rd – On Saturday, April 23, between the hours of one and eight p.m. an election will be held in the school buildings of the Columbia and Vashon districts to vote on the consolidation of the two districts.  In the Vashon district a second proposition will be submitted to the vote of the people.  In March patrons of Vashon district voted a 2 mill levy for the purpose of connecting up with the Vashon water system.  On April 23rd they will be asked to vote to substitute “a water system” for “the Vashon Water System.”  The school board is considering connecting up the school with the North End system for several reasons.  The tank of the North End system is enough higher than the Vashon building to insure good pressure from gravity, whereas the tank of the Vashon system is level with the second floor of the Vashon building and in order to secure proper pressure for fire protection it would either be necessary for the Vashon Water District to install an electric pump at Vashon, or for the school district to install one at some point down the hill.  The North End Water Company has made a very attractive offer to the school district to run a pipe line from the Ed Mace corner to the Vashon building, ready for connection, for $700.  This would include a membership in the company.  The only additional expense would be the meter and connection with the present plumbing.  In the near future the North End district will be using water from the springs on the Puget Mill property back of the Matt Johnson place, as was originally planned.  This will mean pure spring water, superior to the water now being used.  There will be a supply sufficient to furnish water for the entire North End of the Island.  Should the water be brought to the school it would be an easy matter to connect up the North End and Vashon systems, as the Center and Vashon systems are now connected and all three systems could use from one plant in case of emergency.  Or during the winter months, when less water is used one plant could be operated to furnish water for the North End and Vashon.  This latter would not be particularly feasible, however, since the cost of operation is low.  The school board asks that the school patrons consider the matter carefully. 

  • We Do Not Entirely Advocate Consolidation – In order to state our position in the matter of consolidation we want to say that we do not unreservedly favor consolidation.  From the standpoint of efficiency, economy, good results, doing the best by our children, etc., we can see the points in favor of the consolidation of the Columbia and Vashon districts.  Instead of our teachers giving their time to two grades; instead of having the rooms crowded we can have all of the advantages of a city school and none of the drawbacks.  Now there is a “West Side”, a “North End”; a “Cove”, a “Vashon.”  If our children attended school together; if they have common interests it will not be long until we of the north section of Vashon Island will be unified by the strongest ties, our children.  All that was predicted favorably for the high school has not materialized.  Neither have many of the dire ills foretold by doubting Thomases.  The people of the Island are more unified than they were five or ten years ago, and who can say that our union high school is not in a large measure responsible?  There are those in Columbia district, should the majority vote in favor of consolidation, who would very grudgingly give up their school.  Likewise there are those in the Vashon district who would be loath to have their school lose its identity.  It is altogether probable that the children would not be entirely pleased by such a consolidation.  They have their own little group of friends which would be lost in a larger group of children.  It is pleasant to keep undisturbed those friendships formed and retained through the elementary grades.  An editor should have firm convictions and the courage to express them but in this case it is so easy to see various sides of the matter, and visualize the various reactions.  And although we know that good sound business judgment presents undeniable arguments in favor of consolidation; though we feel sure that the levelheaded, unsentimental view will prevail in the end, we can’t help feeling just a bit sad for those who stick to old loves, be they big or little children.  And being one of this class, although we realize that our taxes will be less; that we will have a better school; that we will all be better friends and neighbors; all this and more too we still have the courage to say that we cannot whole-heartedly advocate consolidation, even knowing we’ll be glad if it happens.

  • Burton News Items – The County is finishing up the right of way to Tallequah.  We understand the contract for grading, graveling, etc., will be let April 26.

  • Burton News Items – A dozen new lights illuminate the main street in Burton nightly, besides the regular street lights.  The business people have decided to let their lights shine for the pleasing appearance of our city and for protection.  Now with burglar alarms on tap, let anyone try to “get in!”

  • Mrs. Agnes L. Smock and C.J. Denny spent Saturday in Seattle, where they attended an all-day meeting with thirty weekly editors of the Northwest section of the Washington Press Association.  While the matter of the depression was pretty thoroughly discussed nothing definite was done about the matter.

  • High School Notes – The senior play, “The Charm School,” brought in $101.60.  The approximate expenses amounted to $35, so that the senior class may well imagine their efforts, directed by Mr. Keyes, won some degree of success.

April 21, 1932

  • $1,000,000 County Bond Issue Asked By Commissioners – A decision to call upon the voters of King County to approve a $1,000,000 bond issue for unemployment relief was reached by the county commissioners Wednesday.  The board asked Prosecutor R.M. Burgunder to prepare a resolution calling on the county election board to order a special election within the ensuing forty-five days, at which the bond issue may be submitted to a popular vote.

  • Open Shop In Bremerton – A party of their friends will go to Bremerton on Friday to attend the opening of the specialty food shop which is to be operated by Mrs. Adelle F. Adams and Marjorie Stanley.  That city has not felt the pangs of depression, and since there is no other business like that of Mrs. Adams and Miss Stanley their friends are prophesying that they will “make a million.”  Here’s hoping.  The only regret the News-Record feels is that this move has robbed us of our “Bootlegger’s Corner” as Miss Stanley was “The Bootlegger” who occupied the corner.  She informs us that she has reformed so we many expect no more “bootleg” from her.

  • School Election This Saturday Afternoon From 1 Until 8 P.M. – A rather lukewarm interest is being shown in the school election which is scheduled for next Saturday at the Columbia and Vashon schools.  In the Cove district the proposition to be voted on is whether Columbia school shall consolidate with District 176, (Vashon).

  • Ferry Launched Today For South End Transportation – On last Tuesday evening a letter was read at the Commercial Club meeting which President Van Olinda had received from Mr. Skansie, president of the Washington Navigation Company in which he stated that a new ferry was to be launched at Gig Harbor on Thursday, April 21st.  This boat is to be christened the Vashonia and he requested that an Island girl be sent to christen the boat.  Mr. Van Olinda informed Mr. Skansie that a party would be present from here and that Margaret Petersen, “Miss Vashon Island,” would christen the boat.  The new boat is to be used to supplement those already operated on the Tacoma-Tallequah run and marks a step in the progress of the company.

  • Executive Committee Of Commercial Club Talk Transportation – On Tuesday evening the executive committee of the Commercial Club held its regular meeting.  Routine reports of committees were heard and remarked upon.  The report of the transportation committee caused considerable comment.  Present at the meeting was Mr. Garnett, president of the Harper Commercial Club and the Southworth Improvement Club.  He spoke principally on the need of a cheaper rate on the Island bus from Fauntleroy into the city if the patronage of the mainland people is to be secured.  He stated that if there was a 15 cent fare, and if the bus made the circle up into the shopping district that many from Harper, Colby, etc., would take advantage of that mode of transportation rather than going in on the early boat to the city.  A great deal of time was given to the discussion of rates both on the bus and on the ferry, the consensus of opinion being that the rates in both cases were too high.

  • Letter To The Editor: - Editor Vashon News-Record: There are many things regarding the Vashon-Columbia consolidation movement that have not been brought to the attention of the voters and some that have not been correctly stated.  If you can find room I would like to have the following reproduced in your good paper:  After a personal interview with Mr. Hulse, county superintendent of schools, I have a few facts for the voters interested in the Columbia-Vashon consolidation movement.  The Columbia district’s representation on the board of directors is assured by law.  Until the next regular election both boards serve jointly.  In the meantime the county superintendent divides the new district into three sections according to population.  Then one director is elected from each section.  Vashon’s two mill levy of this year for water cannot be assessed on Columbia as it was voted by Vashon and will have to be paid by their taxes only.  Expense is of primary interest.  The income at Vashon provides for that school without additional levy.  We must then figure what part of Columbia’s income will go to carry on combined schools.  After a careful checking of the number of children, according to grades, it is found that only one more teacher will be needed at Vashon for the consolidated schools at a salary of $1350.  Good bus transportation can be procured for not more than $1000 and $40 will cover the extra fuel, light and water needed.  Additional school supplies will not exceed the $200 allowed at Columbia.  The estimated income at Columbia for next year is $3,463.00.  The saving is obvious.  Then add to this saving the state bonus for consolidation, in this instance $355.00 each year, we have a sum that proves the consolidation of districts is economical.  It has been stated that property values on the West Side will decrease if consolidation carries, but there are many who do not share that opinion.  There are residents who have come here during recent years who feel that the only drawback to this section is our lack of modern school facilities.  Prospective buyers are not cold on sentiment for an old landmark.  Most of them will come from the city and it so happens that not all of the property in the district is within walking distance of the school.  It stands to reason these parents would prefer to have their children picked up by a bus at or near their door to attend a school where they will have a considerable number of the advantages of the city school from which they came.  They would prefer this to a long walk in all kinds of weather to a school that does not nearly measure up to the same standard.  We could indeed point with pride to a school such as we could have as a consolidated district.  A splendid building, correct even temperature, large airy uncrowded rooms, lunchroom, and a gymnasium with a supervisor for play during recess in bad weather.  Music lessons may be had by a competent teacher during the school day.  Some points may be made against bus transportation but equally unsatisfactory things may be said against a long walk and especially through the woods as is necessary to reach Columbia school.  I was informed by Mr. Hulse that over 2000 King County school children are carried to and from schools in buses with absolute safety and not ill effects.  The health of these children averages the same as pupils who walk to their schools.  The sentiment felt toward Columbia schools has been likened to a mother’s feeling for her baby’s first shoes.  But the mother would not have her baby wear those shoes for thirty years.  Let us progress with the years.  – John K. Ober.

  • High School Notes – Japanese Cherry Tree Died – On the night of the Junior Prom, the Japanese cherry tree at the right corner of the school ground was run over by an auto.  The tree is broken and withered, and will undoubtedly have to be replaced by a new one.

  • High School Notes – Did Rose Berry “Murder the King’s English?” – This is the issue in a mock trial begun Thursday in the English class of the Vashon high school, under the direction of Mrs. Keyes, teacher.  Miss Berry, a well-known student of the class is “accused” of using the sentence, “She ought of did it,” while chatting with a group of students at a dance in the high school gym the evening of April 1st.  The accused student stoutly denies that she slaughtered His Majesty’s grammar, but Homer Morris, the prosecuting attorney says that he has a strong case against her.  Miss Berry has retained Rob’t Snow as her attorney.  Glen Willock is presiding as judge at the trial.  The witnesses for the prosecution are Elizabeth Keyes, who preferred the charges against the defendant; and Benito Laureta, Harriet Fuller, and Cecil Fuller.  The defense, at its witnesses has called Mary Lou Street, Karl Steinforth, Astrid Nystedt, and Rose Berry.  Alfred Curtis is clerk of the court and Fred Sunberg Bailiff.  The jury is composed of the following:  Lloyd Hansen foremen, June Beaumont, Charlotte Krokset, Ellen Hendricksen, Bob E. Thompson, Virginia Morrow, and Epitanio Marzan.  After the customary preliminaries, Homer Morris set before the court the case he intended to prove.  The prosecution’s witnesses were called; cross examined and dismissed.  This was followed by the questioning and examining of two of the defense’s witnesses.  As the time was quickly drawing to a close, the judge ordered the court closed, suspending the trial till a future date.

April 28, 1932

  • Star Route From Seattle Proposed – Communications have been received at the various Island post offices in regard to a proposed change in the method of transporting mail to the Island from Seattle.  Whereas the mail is now brought to the Island by passenger boat, then transferred to auto truck at Cove, thence to Vashon, Ellisport and Portage at the north of the Island.  The same boat delivers mail at Lisabeula.  At Magnolia, Burton and Dockton the mail is landed directly from the Concordia, coming from Tacoma.  If the proposed change goes into effect mail will come via Seattle, leaving the terminal station at 6:40 am and 4:05 pm.  It will be distributed to the various post offices.  The proposed schedule provides for very expeditious delivery of the mail.  Investigation has shown to the satisfaction of the postal authorities that the mail can be handled in this manner at a decided saving.  In addition to the economy resulting there will be a direct handling of Island mail, such as there is not now.  For instance at the present time a letter mailed in Portage to a person in Burton travels to Seattle, thence to Tacoma, arriving the next day at Burton.  If the mail were brought from Seattle by auto freight there would be the direct interchange of mail between the Island offices.  This is a step that has been discussed seriously for the past several years, and while objections will be raised it is in keeping with present day efficiency and progress.  The Star Route for the transportation of the Island mail would in no manner interfere with the present rural routes.  The only route which would be affected would be the Star Route from Portage to Cove.

  • Camulos Club Holds Dedication Services – There was more than usual interest at the last meeting of the Camulos Club on Friday, April 22.  There have been ten memorial trees planted on the grounds of the Vashon Community Club and the dedications services were held at this last meeting.  Advice of experts was sought in regard to what variety of trees to plant and it was decided the native trees were most suitable.  The program which was under the chairmanship of Mrs. Jack Wood was carried out in accordance with the American Tree Planting and the Bicentennial Commission.  So ten George Washington Bicentennial Memorial Trees now grace the Community Club grounds and it is hoped they will live and grow and that their shade and beauty will be everlasting and shared alike by all.

  • Attend Republican Convention In Seattle – Those from the Island who attended the Republican convention at the Olympic Hotel last Saturday were, I.M. Krokset and Ralph Towne, Cove; Chas Van Olinda and Frances Sherman, Quartermaster; Ira Case, Burton; T.N. Thompson and Agnes L. Smock, Vashon precinct.

  • Consolidation Of School Voted Down – At Saturday’s election on the consolidation of the Columbia and Vashon districts the West Siders turned thumbs down on the proposition in a no certain manner.  The vote on the West Side was 155 against consolidation and 53 in favor of it.  In the Vashon district 11 votes were cast against consolidation while 106 voted in favor of it.  Proposition No. 2, in regard to granting the school board permission to connect up with any water system passed with 14 votes against the proposition and 107 in favor of it.  At the Saturday election, in spite of all predictions, the heaviest school vote was polled of any time in the history of the two districts. 

  • Attend Boat Launching – Nine Islanders made up the party which attended the launching of the ferry “Vashonia” at Gig Harbor on Thursday afternoon.  Margaret Petersen, in her usual gracious manner christened the boat with a bottle of Puget Sound water as it took to the water.  This ferry will eventually be put on the Vashon-Pt. Defiance run, and it was suitable that our Island queen should have been given the honor of christening it.  Those who accompanied Margaret were her mother, Mrs. A.H. Petersen, Chas. Van Olinda, Ira Case, R.W.F. Martin, Dr. and Mrs. Grandy, and Mr. and Mrs. Coy Meredith.

  • Organizations Urge Road Construction – Various civic organizations in the state are endorsing a movement to request Governor Hartley to call a special session of the legislature for the purpose of calling a moratorium on all road contracts and to spend all the road money available on day labor work on the roads.  The members of the legislature are to be pledged to meet for one day only and then to adjourn with this problem as the only one to be taken up.  Although it is conceded that the day labor method of carrying out the road program might cost more than with the use of road machinery the unemployment relief that would result would more than offset a difference to the taxpayers.

  • Tree Planting Dedication – On Saturday, April 30th at 2:30 p.m. the D.A.R. will dedicate a Japanese cherry tree planted in front of the Boy Scout cabin in honor of the Washington Bicentennial.  The public is invited to be present at this ceremony.

  • Contract Let On South End Road – The bid for improving and grading of 3.6 miles of road between Burton and Tallequah has been awarded to the Erickson Paving Co. of Seattle, their bid of $37,138.30 being the lowest submitted.  Fourteen bids were made by contracting firms throughout the state ranging from that of the Erickson Company to $59,789.05.  The specifications call for the clearing and grubbing of the right-of-way, crushed stone from Shawnee, approximately one-half mile southwest of Burton, to the ferry landing at Tallequah.  The highway will consist of two sections separated by one-half mile of the existing Vashon-Tallequah road over which there is no improvement.  The work awarded on this contract will begin in approximately ten days and is to be completed on or before December, 1932.  It is evident that with the funds available for this work that there will be enough money left to complete the road on through to Burton.  This new road will be a long step toward the ultimate realization of the dream of a north to south paved highway from the North End dock to the Tallequah dock.  When completed in December this new section of road will be perfectly prepared for pavement when the taxpayers of the South End decide in favor of it.

  • Business Men Do A Good Deed – The South District Improvement Club may have its flying squadron, but it hasn’t anything on the Vashon Business Men’s Club, for that organization had a broom squadron that isn’t superior to getting out and cleaning up the village.  This (Thursday) morning the fire truck was used to wash the streets, while the various merchants presided with brooms and what have you.  It must have been spring in the air that prompted this good deed.  (Speaking of spring, wasn’t that a short summer we had?)

  • High School Notes – New Books for School Library – Miss Stewart, head librarian of the high school, has recently purchased, with the library fines, four new interesting books for the school.  “Adventures in Reading,” by M.L. Buker, “Ramona” by Helen Hunt Jackson, “Land of the Long Knight” by duChailler, and “Forty-four Essays” by Christopher Morley are the splendid new books that have now found their home on the high school library shelves.

  • High School Notes – Japanese Cherry Trees In Blossoms – The Japanese cherry trees, donated by the Japanese Club of Vashon Island, are in blossom.  The first blossom appeared on the first tree planted during the ceremony by the president of the Japanese Club.  Some of the flowers are pink and some are white.

  • High School Notes – Mr. Silas Nelson has completed a set of blue prints in connection with the laying out of the high school grounds for landscaping.  As soon as possible, these prints will be distributed to interested organizations on the Island.  It is hoped that through cooperative effort, the grounds will receive a considerable amount of improvement even though the district has no funds to devote to this work.

  • High School Notes – Who Says Suckers Don’t Bite? – One of Vashon high school’s native sons was unceremoniously fished out of the East Pass last Thursday night, by Mr. Parker of Keplo Beach, and Martin Garner.  Ferguson Beall and his dog were taking a moonlight sail on a raft of the aforesaid construction.  The raft suddenly decided to part company about half way across the pass and Fergie, and his dog were forced to take to the largest log they could find.  He lost his paddle in the process of saving the dog but what’s a paddle to a dog?  The school boy drifted from Dilworth Point to Keplo Beach before he was discovered and brought to land.

  • The pupils of Miss Jones’ fifth grade of the Vashon school were required to write a paper on “Why I Like to Live on Vashon Island.”  Some very excellent papers were turned in, among them one which ended “and even though my mother is cross I like to live on Vashon Island.”  No, it was written by one of the boys of the class.

  • Vashon Shoe Repair Shop Moves Into Middling Bldg. – A. Reifschneider, Vashon shoe builder is planning some quick work for Friday evening.  He is moving his shop from the present location to a room recently fitted up in the Middling block and expects to take care of his Friday’s business on one side of the street and the Saturday’s business on the other side of the street.  Mr. Reifschneider has reduced his prices to the lowest level, yet refuses to sacrifice his good workmanship on iota.  Feeling that the Island people deserve the same low prices which competition in the city has developed he has cut prices to the quick.  Mr. Reifschneider solicits the patronage of the Island people, and deserves to receive it, for he is a master workman and stands back of the repair work he turns out.

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May 1932

May 5, 1932

  • Arrested For Rifling Cottages On West Side – Rifling of cottages and boats along the beach from Sylvan Beach on south past the Colvos dock led to the arrest last Thursday of Ted McLean, 20 year old cripple.  Suspicion was aroused when Deb Harrington, Paul Thorsen, Geo. McCormick, Guy Clark and Rodney Derr discovered Wednesday night that their motor boat anchored at Cedarhurst had been stripped.  Working on a slight clue they started out on an all night’s hunt that led to the discovery of McLean with fishing gear from their boat.  Along with their property he had other things known to have been taken from beach cottages.  Deputy Sheriff Shattuck was called and arrested the boy, who insisted that not he, but two other boys who had gone back to Seattle, had stolen the property.  The subsequent arrest and questioning of the other two boys proved that McLean’s story was a fabrication.  The boy is a relative of the governor, who, it is generally supposed, has exerted his influence on different occasions to get him out of difficulties.

  • Arrested On Drunken Brawl – On the complaint of his housekeeper Frank R. Chambers was arrested in his home north of Vashon last Friday night.  His arrest was the result of a drunken brawl and a free for all fight between Chambers and his housekeeper, a young woman by the name of Eastman, who called Deputy Sheriff Shattuck and made the complaint that led to the arrest.  A search of the premises netted 37 bottles of beer and Chambers was charged with possession.  Taken before Judge R.W.F. Martin evidence was presented which showed that Chambers was guilty of a number of misdemeanors and was fined $250.  Not being able to pay the fine the accused was taken to the county jail.

  • Piano Pupils To Be Heard In Recital – At 4 o’clock Sunday afternoon the pupils of Mrs. Morgan Doebbler will be heard in recital at the Vashon Presbyterian Church.  Mrs. Doebbler’s class offers an interesting range of ages from the little pre-school youngsters to adults.  Little Marjery Lou Steen and Russel Cronander, although not yet attending school have had considerable training in piano and show remarkable talent.  Muriel Morley, Bobby Wright, Rachel Anne Blekkink, Margaret Spalding, Allan Metzenberg, Dorothy Wight, Shirlie Jean Blekkink, Elsie Kimmel, and Patty Doebbler are in grammar school.  Charles Kimball and Wendall Matthews are high school students, while Mrs. Helen McElvain, Mrs. Henrietta William and Miss Nadine Everett compose the adult group.

  • Modern Bakery To Locate At Vashon – This week work has been progressing rapidly on the Thompson building which is being remodeled.  Partitions have been put in, the entire front part is being repainted and a clean attractive room prepared for the occupancy of a new business which will be added to Vashon the first of next month.  Fulfilling the dream of many years D.W. McGillivray, of West Seattle, is moving his equipment for a modern bakery to the Island, where he expects to conduct the same sort of business he has carried on in West Seattle for the past seven years.  Keen competition has forced on the McGillivrays such long hours that they no longer cared to continue in West Seattle.  The candlery department of England & Petersen which occupied the Thompson building is being moved this week back into its old quarters across the street.

  • Fred Stevenson Is Manager Of Station – His many former friends are indeed glad to welcome home Fred Stevenson who has returned to Vashon Island after an absence of more than nine years.  Mr. Stevenson, for many years a resident of the Island, was for several years associated with Bob Middling in the bus business, and has a host of friends.  After leaving here he went into the service station business in Seattle.  Mr. Stevenson has been placed in full charge of the Fuller Service Station at Vashon.  His business belief is “No Service, no customers.”  Greasing, polishing and washing of cars will be the line in which Mr. Stevenson will specialize.

  • More Money Needed For Charity Here – Possibly you do not know that here are people on these Islands who have not the necessities of life.  Mr. Garvin tells us that there are such cases and he is short of funds to supply their actual needs.  It is up to those who have, to help those who have not, we are sure that you do not want any on in our community to suffer through our thoughtlessness.  To alleviate this condition there \will be a petition circulated asking you to contribute a stated sum every month.  You can find one of these petitions at Tim’s Place. – Special Welfare Committee, Commercial Club.

  • High School Notes – Esther Bruner, a member of the senior class, cut her hand on a knife Sunday night.  Six stitches were taken by Dr. McMurray.  Many of the students envy Esther for her releases from the shorthand and typing classes.

  • Depression Has Advantages – Although there is a lot of weeping over present conditions the depression evidently has its advantages and is making folks unusually sympathetic.  The Met-Cro Garage owners got to feeling so sorry for the motorists who were going about with spark plugs not up to par that they are going to give free aid in their behalf.  From May 6th to 16th anyone who want to have spark plugs tested can do so, free of charge at the Met-Cro.

May 12, 1932

  • Teachers Given Cut In Salaries – At a meeting of the high school board last week all of the present teachers were re-elected for next year to their present positions.  It is anticipated that all will return in the fall with the exception of Miss Lawen.  On Saturday evening the directors of the Vashon district met and voted to extend contracts to the present corps of teachers.  It is worthy to note, and highly commendable that in both cases the boards adhered to their schedule of salary increase before making the promised 10 percent cut.  It is unfortunate that shortage of funds make it necessary for a reduction in teachers’ salaries.  Although in the main there are not so many demands made on our Island teachers as there are on the city teachers their salaries are none too high.  Considering the expense of preparing for the profession, which represents a considerable investment, a teacher who is doing acceptable work is seldom receiving a commensurate salary.  One of the greatest detriments to our Island schools in the past has been that they have been training schools for young teachers just out of normal schools.  The majority of teachers in our Island schools at the present have been with us for two or more years, have proved their worth and should be encouraged to remain as long as they are doing good work. 

  • Island Bakery Changes Hands – This week C.S. Denny, a brother of Arnold Nelson, took over a lease to the Vashon Bakery.  Failing health has forced Mr. Markham to relinquish some of the responsibility, although he will remain for the present at least to carry on the baking.  Arthur Poultney will continue as route man under the new management.  Mr. Denny will also work on the outside.  While the new manager is not a baker by trade he feels that there is a chance for a good business in that line here on the Island.  Mr. Denny states that he will endeavor to give the Island people good bread, uniform in quality, and equal to any imported bread.

  • Fire Badly Damages Greenhouse Plant – Fire originating from an unknown source caused a damage of almost a thousand dollars to the greenhouse plant of Dick Fuller in Paradise Valley last Monday night.  When the family arose at a little after six they discovered the smoking ruins of the seed house and boiler shed.  It is supposed that the fire broke out about two hours earlier but was not discovered by anyone.  The new greenhouse, built last fall, shut off a view from the house of the west end of the plant, where the fire occurred.  A practically new Ray burner is a total loss.  Glass in the end and roof of the greenhouse nearest the fire was broken by the heat.  Sixteen barrels of fuel oil was also destroyed.  Mr. Fuller carried no insurance.  Fortunately with the tomatoes and cucumbers being raised in the greenhouses far enough along, and with the weather as favorable as it now is there will be little damage to the crop.  It is, however, unfortunate that Mr. Fuller should have suffered this loss at a time when prices are not up to standard.

  • Former Resident Seeks Old Friends – The following letter was received recently by Mr. D.M. Cahoon, manager of the Vashon Local Wash. Co-op, and we publish it in part, trusting that in this manner the writer may be able to renew his contacts with old Island friends:  “I lived on Vashon Island for many years.  I am writing to see of there is still a “naybor” hood paper, a weekly still published at Vashon-Center.  It was formerly edited by Olly VanOlinda and most everybody had to have it.  We couldn’t seem to get along without it.  Is the college still going, down near Quartermaster Harbor?  Is Fuller’s store still doing business, and the Gorsuch store at Vashon-Center?  I understand that Ira Thompson’s parents are dead, old friends of mine.  Other friends were Herb Stark, of Vermontville, and the Cutler boys, Harry Kimmel, who married one of the Snow sister, Harris Ward, who married another.  I expect many I knew have moved away.  I lived on a piece of land, 20 acres, on the north end of Mr. Blackburn’s land, across the road from Tom Steffenson and Conrad Tjomsland.  I wonder if they are still living there.  My sister married Lester Blackburn.  She is now a widow and lives in Seattle.  Pardon me for such a large order of questions.  If you have the last copy of any paper with the news of the vicinity please send it to me.  I am thinking of renewing several old friendships, if I can.  Sincerely, Lloyd A. Wright, Nooksack, Wash, Rt. 2”

  • Dockton News – The “Narada,” owned and operated by Capt. J. Manson, is being completely overhauled, repainted and being generally fixed up for the summer.

  • High School Notes – The boys, in a club meeting conducted by Louis Smith, the president, have agreed to stop smoking for the rest of the school year.  This excellent idea was initiated by Mr. Robertson.  In spite of the cigarette laws and the school regulations, the boys who are under age have still been able to obtain smokes.  The Boys’ Club intends having a try at settling the problem by appealing to that peculiar quantity called “will power.”

  • High School Notes – Although the orchestra is losing several senior members, new recruits have been taken in and are busy practicing in order to play for graduation.  The new members are Wendell Matthews, piano; Dorothy Premberton and Phil Green, trumpets; and Coy Meredith, clarinet.

  • Cove, Cedarhurst and Colvos Items – Fruit Growers’ Association met with the local board at the Walls home on Wednesday.  The outlook for berries is no more promising than for anything else.  They stated that they expect to pack as usual and make a small advance to the growers.

  • Center News – Mr. R.D. Fuller had a sad misfortune Monday morning, when the boiler shed to the greenhouses burned.  Fire in the oil tank burned most of the day, doing several hundred dollars’ worth of damage to the plant.

  • Maurice Dunsford has the contract and is building a new float for the county at the North End dock.

  • Burton News Items – Mr. and Mrs. E.N. Reed of Seattle were on the Island on business Wednesday.  Mr. Reed with his father published the Vashon News at Vashon some twenty-four years ago.  They called on old friends in Burton before leaving.

  • Burton News Items – Lumber is being hauled for a new float the county is putting in at the Burton dock.

  • Burton News Items – Under petition of citizens of Burton precinct, the Board of County Commissioners, in regular session May 4, 1932, appointed Alex W. Smith to fill the unexpired term of the late Justice of the Peace P.M. Armbruster.

  • Citywide Garden Club Tours Island – More than 100 members of the City Wide Garden Club, of Seattle visited the Island last Thursday afternoon and made a tour of the Island.  Their place of meeting was the tulip gardens of Mr. and Mrs. W.D. Covingtonm which presented a riot of exquisite coloring that delighted the visitors, as it has the scores of others who have visited the gardens this spring.  A tour of the Island included the Beall Greenhouses, the imposing rock gardens of B.D. Mukai, Twickenham Estate, and other gardens.  The visitors were impressed with the fact that Vashon is an Island of lovely gardens.

May 19, 1932

  • Thirty-Eight To Receive Diplomas – Commencement exercises will be held Tuesday evening in the high school auditorium.  These exercises are open to the public and everyone is cordially invited to attend.  The graduating class, which consists of 38 members, is the first to have spent its entire four years in the new Union high school.  It is worthy of note that 33 of the 38 members of the class have attended no other high school.  Five members have entered this institution from other high schools.  Those that graduate are:  Howard Lee Mattson, George Junior Shallenberger, Alfred Earl Curtis, Astrid Leona Nystedt, Helen Y. Yoshimura, Virginia Lee Jeffers, Norma Peteresen, Homer Eugene Morris, Earl Hendrickson, Chester Robert Wingerd, Harriett Emma Fuller, Vivien Tucker, Hanaka Florence Abo, Esther Petersen, Mary Lou Streets, Rose Theodora Berry, Frank Yoshitaka Matsumoto, John Karl Steinforth, Cecil Rollin Fuller, Ted Tanimura, Esther Bruner, June Estelle Beaumont, Ella Hilda Johansen, Elizabeth Ruth Keyes, Margaret M. Petersen, Margaret A. Edwards, Ellen Juanita Hendricksen, Alice Olson, Lillian Othelia Edwards, Ruth Agnes Molvik, Isobel S. Urquhart, Virginia Irene Morrow, Lillian Charlotte Krokset, Aasta Pauline Johnson, Ken Kengo Yorioka, Glencora Willock, Fredrick E. Sundberg, Phyllis K. Schwartz.

  • Airplane Lands On Island Golf Course – On last Friday a small airplane landed on the local golf course, affording some of the players somewhat of a surprise.  The pilot alighted, walked down the hill for a visit with friends, returning later for a game of golf.  When it was finished he took off, leaving scarcely a mark on the third green to show that he had been there.  The visitor stated that he was so well pleased with the course that he would plan to come over for a game at least once a week during the summer.

  • Co-Op Officers Elected For Year – On Tuesday evening the Vashon Local of the Washington Co-Op Egg and Poultry Association met at the Island Club.  The most important business transacted during the evening was the election of officers which resulted in the election of S.H. Clement, president; H.A. Nelson, vice-president; Neil D. Slagel, secretary-treasurer; Carl Wick and E.Faull, directors; L.C. Beall and H.A. Nelson, delegates to United Locals.

  • High School Notes –Dick Brammar athlete of Vashon high school, due to over-work or something, lost a wisdom tooth – the only one he had!  Dick, you have our heart felt sympathy in your hour of need.  May we suggest that you call “Painless Parker” for reinforcements!

  • Much good work is being done by the local road maintenance crew in widening, leveling and repairing the roads.  Several bad blind corners have been eliminated.

  • Vashon gives promise of being about the cleanest little town in this part of the country.  On Wednesday the streets were thoroughly washed and scrubbed, until they resembled those of “Spotless Town.”  It is planned to repeat the performance once a week during the summer.

  • Resolutions – Resolution adopted by Mark P. Waterman Lodge No. 177 F. & A. M., whereas the supreme Architect of the Universe has in his infinite Wisdon, seen fit to take from our membership our esteemed Brother Martin K. Teig, resolved that we express to the family of the deceased Brother our sincere sympathy in his hour of their bereavement.  Be it further resolved, that this tribute to the memory of our departed Brother be spread upon the minutes, copy sent to the family of the deceased Brother and that the same be published in the Vashon Island News-Record.  -Adolph H. Hiersch, F.J. Shattuck and R.W.F. Martin.

  • Burton got a good thrill Monday, when a hydroplane circled around the town and landed on the inner harbor where a crowd soon gathered.  In the plane were three officers from the U.S.S. Lexington at Bremerton, one of them a cousin of the Edson family, Mr. O’Connor, who was near enough to the beach to send greetings back and forth, to the Edsons and a promise to return soon.   In a few minutes the plane was gone without inducing Mr. Edson to be a passenger.

  • Burton News Items – Could there be a more beautiful sight than watching the Akron sailing across the blue sky Tuesday – low enough to be so plainly visible.  Then the question flew around among those watching, “What is the size of the Akron, carry how many passengers, largest dirigible in the world, cost, use, etc., and as some were trying to answer, the ship sailed away in the blue.

May 26, 1932

  • Giant Dirigible Akron Thrills Island Populace – Island residents were thrilled by the sight of the giant dirigible, Akron, as it passed diagonally over the Island on its way from Tacoma to Seattle.  So smoothly did it float through the air that it seemed scarcely possible that it was going at a speed of 50 miles an hour.  Against a background of stormy wind tossed clouds the appearance was in contrast to that presented by the ill-fated Shenandoah when she visited the Northwest eight years ago.

  • 800 Attend Commencement – In the presence of between eight and nine hundred relatives and friends the thirty-eight members of the Vashon Island high school class of 1932 closed their high school career.  Margaret Petersen, valedictorian, spoke on the subject of friendship, very cleverly enlarging upon the idea that a true appreciation of friendship depended on the consideration of the various elements which must necessarily be present before true friendship could exist, such as loyalty, unselfishness, understanding, etc.  She stated that during their four years of working side by side friendships had been developed that would last far into the future and although this was the class’s final appearance in a ceremony of the school it was not the end of the close associations that had been formed.  Helen Yoshimura, salutatorian, delivered her address and spoke feelingly of the significance of the evening; of the ties that were being severed; of the uncertainties of the life into which each student was entering.  The words Helen spoke made those whose graduation days were in the past feel the extreme youth of those who were facing the world with the great choices of life yet to be made.

  • Mukai’s Cannery Will Start June 5 – In anticipation of a good crop of strawberries, B.D. Mukai is making plans to open his cannery on June 5th, operating with a capacity crew.  With the prices of berries at the lowest in years, and with little hope of getting returns that would pay even for the picking of the fruit it will help out the growers to have a local cash market for their strawberries.  Knowing that canneries on the mainland were not intending to operate to full capacity Mr. Mukai anticipated that many growers would have a surplus of berries that would otherwise go to waste.  He has no more assurance of the future market for barreled fruit than anyone else in these days of uncertainty, but he has taken chances before on Island berries and is willing to do so again.

  • To Decorate Graves Of All War Veterans – All veterans are invited to participate in the Memorial Day exercises to be held at the Vashon cemetery at 10:30 Monday morning.  Rev. Spalding will deliver the address.  Anyone having flowers for decorating the graves of soldiers of all wars will please communicate with C.G. Kimmel, or with any member of the Vashon Troop, Boy Scouts.  Each grave will also be marked with a flag.

  • Attack By Strangers – Last Saturday afternoon, while remonstrating with three young fellows who were stealing a boat moored on his beach, a Mr. Stump, residing on Sunset Beach was badly beaten up, receiving a bad scalp wound, and a cut over one eye.  Dr. McMurray was obliged to take a number of stitches in each wound.  The men were strangers to Mr. Stump, and up to the present time no clue to who his attackers were.  It is believed that they were drifters, as the Island man was sure he had seen none of them before.  Sunset Beach is near Lisabeula, and it seems that the west side of the Island is suffering from more than its share of lawlessness.

  • Some “Acorn” – During the excitement at Vashon over the approach of the big airship on Tuesday the small son excitedly asked, “Where is the Acorn?”  Gus facetiously remarked that it would be “some oak that would grow from that acorn.”

  • New Bakery to Open June 5th – It is many years since any Vashon building has been as completely renovated and redecorated as has the Thompson building in the past few weeks.  Inside and out it is as spotless as paint can make it.  Even the dingy store room in the rear has been given a coat of whitewash.  The building will house Vashon’s latest industry, an up-to-the-minute bakery plant.  Electrically equipped, with all of the latest machinery the shop will manufacture and sell quality bread, and pastries extraordinary.  Mr. D.W. McGillivray, the owner of the bakery is not a stranger to many Island people.  A surprising number have been customers of his ever since the ferry has been running to Fauntleroy.  For the past seven years he has been in the same location near the Junction in West Seattle, and has been in West Seattle since 1914.  Mr. McGillivray has spent a lifetime in the business and comes from a line of bakers.  He is Scotch by birth, but those who are familiar with the good things he bakes say he does not display the closeness usually attributed to his nationality for he skimps on no ingredient that makes for delicious pastry.  Mr. McGillivray states that on Friday he expects a 5-ton shipment of Montana hard wheat flour.  He feels that uniform products should be given his customers and says that only by buying flour in large quantities can this be assured.

  • The strings of cars that passed through Vashon over the double holiday were no indication that the country was in the throes of the worst financial condition of this generation.  Several parties of Islanders who made trips on the mainland reported that cottages were at such a premium that they were unable to obtain accommodations at the beach tourist camps and had to either sleep in their cars or return inland.

  • Mr. and Mrs. D.W. McGillivray and son, Jack, are located in the apartment over their bakery shop, in the building formerly occupied by the Fox River Butter Company.

  • The eighth grade graduation exercises at the Columbia school were very interesting and well attended, each of the upper grades being represented on the program.  The fifth and sixth grades sang “When It’s Springtime In the Rockies,” accompanied by Betty Reeves on the piano, Mr. Kreider, Jack Reeves and Lloyd Hansen on violins.  Jack and Lloyd then played a violin duet, accompanied by Betty.  Lanchia Hotchkins gave an entertaining little talk to the eighth grade bidding them goodbye.  Charlotte Andersen, a sixth grade pupil, played a very pretty piano solo.  She possesses an unusual music ability.  The valedictory by Dorothy Petersen and the salutatory by Kenneth Hendricksen were both good.  Amy Johansen gave the class prophecy, and the members of the class were rather surprised to learn what and where they would be twenty years from now.  Those graduating were Dorothy Petersen, Kenneth Hendricksen, Amy Johansen, Marion Fjeldal, Velma Accola, Florence Doyle, Paul Petersen, Lester Sundberg and Ole Oleson.

  • Center News – The graduates from Center school are Edith Sundt, Charles Pettelle, Alice Houghton, Robert Wilber, Vernon Burton, Charlotte Flenner, Mary Jane Keyes, David Swartz, Betty Wendler, Georgia Livers, Bob Stolts, and Howard Morford.  Mrs. E. May Rodda has reason to feel proud of her class of 1932 as three of them, Bob Wilber, Charles Pettelle and Mary Keyes were 7th graders, who had taken both 7th and 8th grade work the past semester.

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June 1932

June 2, 1932

  • Local Berries Now Moving – Local strawberries are now being sold in the Island stores, and are of excellent quality and very cheap.  The slump over Memorial Day was rather alarming to the growers, but the market has strengthened slightly, and everyone is feeling some better.  The Mukai cannery will begin packing on Sunday.  A small crew of Indian pickers are already on hand to begin work.  Mr. Mukai plans on packing as many berries as he can secure, choosing to take a chance on what he will make when they are sold.

  • June 4th Is Opening Day For The Island Bakery – As announced in last week’s News-Record the new Island Bakery will be open for business Saturday, June 4th, with a full line of bread, rolls, and delicious pastries.

  • Sam Scott Again Arrested – On last Thursday Sam Scott, of Vashon, again fell into the toils of the law, and was arrested for manufacturing and possessing moonshine.  Since this was the second offense he was given a sentence of a fine of $500 and four months in jail by Judge R.W.F. Martin.

  • Carnival To Be Held In July – At a meeting of the Vashon Business Men’s Club on last Tuesday evening it was decided to hold the annual carnival as usual in July.  A definite date could not be decided upon, and must await word from the Parker Carnival Company which has furnished the equipment for the past four years.  The Business Men’s carnival is a clean, legitimate event, the proceeds from which are spent right here on the Island for local improvements.

  • Cecil Solley Here June 4 – On Saturday, June 4th from 10 am to 2 pm, Cecil Solley will be at the home of Mrs. J.W. Roberts, where he will have the material to make practical demonstrations.  Mr. Solley, an expert on gardening subjects, who has become well known through his advisory work, and his radio talks, has been on the Island twice before this summer.

  • Resorts Enjoy Good Business – The Island summer resorts enjoyed a good business over the weekend and Memorial Day.  Indications are that if the weather warms up sufficiently that the summer business will be good for the entire season.  This summer the Island has two new resorts.  The Lisabeula camp, under the management of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Seclye, has been newly fitted out.  The cottages have been thoroughly cleaned and redecorated, modern plumbing and electricity for lighting and cooking has been installed.  Shower baths and a laundry have been added.  The Kingsbury Lodge on Quartermaster Harbor is the old Kingsbury home, which has been converted into an attractive summer resort.  It is under the management of Mr. and Mrs. Davis.  Mrs. Davis is better known to a wide circle of friends as Fannie Kingsbury.

  • A number of Island people visited Vashon cemetery Sunday and decorated graves of loved ones, and also on Monday, Memorial Day, attended services there and covered with beautiful flowers the resting place of many.

  • The Burton Boy Scouts left Wednesday morning for a two day cruise on the “Janet G” around the Islands of Puget Sound.  Mr. Phil Green generously donated the use of his boat and his services.  Sixteen Scouts besides the Scoutmaster, Joe Green and Mr. Green, enjoyed the trip.

  • Burton News Items – Work has commenced at this end of the new road leading to Tahlequah ferry.  More men will be put on soon and the road completed on contract time.

June 9, 1932

  • New Bakery Opens With Brisk Business – The Island Bakery opened on Saturday, with the finest line of breads and pastries that has ever been on sale on Vashon-Maury Island.  Mr. and Mrs. D.W. McGillivray were overwhelmed by the lovely flowers received from Island business houses, expressing a fine feeling of goodwill.  The Island Bakery is just what the Island has needed for a long time.  It produces bread that is as near the kind that “mother used to make” as could be imagined.

  • 18 Year Old Paper Shows Local Changes – In an old Ellisport house now undergoing remodeling, a Vashon Island News of July 2, 1914 was discovered.  It is interesting and amusing, yet withal sad, to read the paper and to compare conditions then and now.  Among the leading articles, “Vashon Electric Company Takes Over Phone” told of the purchase by the Vashon Electric Company of the interests of the Inland Empire Telephone & Telegraph’s Island interests.  Three Tree Point eighteen years ago seemed to be the logical point of contact with the Island.

  • I.O.O.F. Hall Being Remodeled – The Odd Fellows Hall at Center is undergoing remodeling that will improve it greatly.  An addition is being made to the south side to provide for the men’s rest room and furnace room.  Later the lodge room will be remodeled, with an addition added for the rostrum, leaving the space it now occupies cleared.  This will greatly improve the room, which is now rather small for drill work.

  • Vashon Island Berries Bring Highest Prices – It was reported to this office, by an Island visitor, that on Sunday, when other berries were being sold at five cents a box, that Vashon berries were going rapidly at two for fifteen cents.  Whether a higher price for local berries will continue to be the case is doubtful, but the fact remains that Vashon Island berries are the best that grow, and it is a pitiful state of affairs when the growers are receiving no more than they are this year.  It is reported, also on good authority, that a number of Island growers have cancelled arrangements for pickers, and will not harvest their exceptionally fine fruit this year.

  • So much has been said on the subject of the weather that we arise to say, for the benefit of our readers off of the Island, that as we go to press the sun is still shining – has been, in fact, since early morning, and it really looks as though our winter were past.  Anyway, we like this climate, even if next month we are all raving about how unusually dry July has been.  Or maybe those political conventions in Chicago will prevent that state of affairs, since Rockefeller is doing his “bit”.

  • Outside Relief Is Not Needed – On last Sunday a number of Island people were approached by a stranger who represented himself as an organizer of the Unemployed Citizens’ Relief “corporation.”  He made startling statements as to the amount of actual suffering here on Vashon-Maury Islands, and outlined a plan for relief through his organization; which consisted, briefly in an exchange of farm products and labor for food and clothing.  He stated that in none of the transactions of the organization was there an exchange of money, and that those to whom relief was given must pay the organization either in farm products or in labor.  The statement was made that the county had set aside $800 for relief on Vashon Island and that the ferries would be forced to carry the trucks which would make regular deliveries of food stuffs, clothing, etc., free of charge.  In short that the relief work of the county, state and nation would soon be under the administration of this organization.  In a telephone conversation this morning with a county official in Seattle it was learned that no amount had been set aside for relief on Vashon-Maury Island, and that this organization has in no way been recognized in county relief work.  The manner in which the Island has taken care of the present situation has been a matter of surprise and admiration, and as soon as Mr. Garvin needed money to care for those whom the community could not care for, we would be given aid out of the $15,000 recently set aside for relief work in the South District.  It was urged that the people of Vashon-Maury continue as they have been doing, relying on the sound judgment of the committee which has been carrying on the relief work so well, rather than align themselves with a movement of which there is a great deal of skepticism and uncertainly.  A meeting was held at Lisabeula this week to organize an Unemployed Citizen’s Relief unit but final organization was deferred until a mass meeting which will be held at the high school next Tuesday evening.  It would be well for all who are interested in the welfare and best interests of the Island to be present at this meeting and if there seems to the majority, to be merit, well and good, but if there are any entangling alliances let us weigh the matter carefully before committing ourselves to outside interests.

  • Lisabeula Items – Tuesday evening there was a meeting at the schoolhouse to discuss the Island unemployment situation.  Mr. Hyde, state organizer of the Unemployed Citizen’s League discussed the work of that organization to a crowd of interested people.

  • Young People’s Society Appoint Committees – In the last issue of the News-Record an announcement was made concerning the organization of the Vashon Union Young People’s Society with the remark that additional information would be printed later.  At a meeting held at the John’s residence on last Friday evening the following committees were appointed: Program, George Fosmark, Bill Dunlap and Helen Johns; music, Simon Jorgenson, Rowena Edson, Charlotte Krokset, Betty Reeves, Bertha Anderson, Valborg Sarvold, Kenneth Beall and Coy Meredith; advertising, Gerhard Raaum, Morris Rockness and Dave Compton.  According to present plans evangelistic meetings are to be held every Sunday evening throughout the summer.  The purpose being to bring the gospel to as many as possible especially during the summer months when several of the Island churches will discontinue their Sunday evening services.

June 16, 1932

  • Sales Tax Will Affect Nation – It is suggested that all citizens, interested in thrifty buying inquire of their grocer just what effect the sales tax, which becomes effective June 21st will have.  For example, matches, which now cost 35 or 40 cents a carton, will be almost double in price next week.  A partial list of items which will take a sharp increase in prices includes malt syrup, toilet soap, candy, chewing gum, cereal beverages, grape juice, ginger ale, mineral water, automobile tires, cosmetics, etc.  Those who remember the conditions that existed in war times will almost imagine time has turned back.  At the same time postal rates will be increased, so if Uncle Sam doesn’t get us one way he will another.

  • Island Store Has Lending Library – Residents of the Island are now to have the advantage of a lending library, the first to be established here.  In response to a popular demand, particularly in the north part of the Island, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, of the Vashon Sweet Shop, have purchased a popular line of books which will be rented out after the fashion of the city lending libraries.  A nominal charge per day for the books will be made.

  • Seattle Unemployed Invade Vashon Island – Considerable concern is felt by the Island people over the arrival this week of a delegation of members of the Unemployment Citizen’s League of Seattle.  The first installment numbering twenty or thirty arrived Monday evening and set up their camp on the Jake Seland place on the West Side, taking over the berry fields of Seland, regardless of the fact that the local marketing association has a mortgage on the crop for money advanced for fertilizer, etc.  It appears that Seland’s place during the past months has been under the care of two Filipino boys who held a contract for a half share of the berries.  It is reported that intimidation methods were employed, and that the boys left, supposing they were dealing with government representatives.  Upon learning that the Seattle men had taken possession of the Seland fields a director of the Marketing Association went to the men and explained to them the situation, offering them 3-4 cents a pound for picking the berries.  Upon learning that they would probably not make more than two dollars a day apiece, the offer was refused.  The berries are now being picked and shipped to Seattle.  One of the trucks coming over on the ferry Monday evening was filled with strawberry crates, but no boxes.  Asked about this one of the party said that it had been reported to them that the berries on Vashon Island were so large that boxes were unnecessary.  This may offer a suggestion to the Island growers, and make them realize that money spent for boxes in the past has been an extravagance.  A second delegation of the same organization was reported as having arrived on Tuesday, with a chance that more would come later.  The question in the minds of many seems to be who invited these men to come to the Island.  A number of instances of where they have created disturbances have been reported.  Doubtless the organization sending them has done excellent work in the city, but it is entirely out of place for them to wish on the rural communities an element that is not in sympathy with our law-abiding practices.

  • Berry Pickers Hard To Get – Despite the rumors of hard times and the complaint that there is no work to be had never in the history of Vashon Island have pickers been as hard to find as they are this year, according to Conrad Tjomsland, director of the Vashon Island Marketing Association.  Mr. Tjomsland states that the going wage for pickers is three-fours cent per pound for strawberries, currents, logans and cherries, and one-half cent for gooseberries.  While this price is not as high as in former years it is possible to make a living wage.  We are all facing the coming winter with more or less apprehension, yet it is reported that a number who had to be helped through last winter are not even making the effort to plant gardens.  When asked by he did not have a garden one man said that it didn’t pay to raise a garden when vegetables were so cheap in the stores.  The fact that he had little or nothing with which to buy the vegetables mattered little apparently.  With sugar and fruit at an unprecedented price in many years the provident housewife is filling every jar.  Some who do not feel as though they can afford sugar just now are canning fruit without it.  Those who study the situation without prejudice can see nothing that will improve conditions in the very near future.  For this reason the attitude of those in need of work who refuse it because they cannot earn as much as in years when wages were high seems hard to understand, likewise the ones who refuse to face the necessity of making all possible provision for the winter ahead.

  • League Gets Little Support – On Tuesday evening the auditorium of the high school was well filled with Island citizens and a considerable addition of imported Seattle unemployed.  The purpose of the meeting was to organize a local branch of the Citizen’s Unemployment League, now called the United Producers’ League.  Feeling that the local organizations were taking care of the relief work in a highly satisfactory way, and that there was no necessity of an outside organization coming in to duplicate local activities, was instrumental in bringing out such a large crowd.  Graham Maloney, temporary chairman, introduced two representative of the league, who together consumed about one and a half hours in telling of the work of the organization in Seattle.  Although an attempt was made to show how it was possible to align city and county forces in the relief work no definite plan of action was presented, and the organizers were frank in saying that they could make no promises of any local relief.  Their plan was a Utopian scheme for the exchange of farm products for groceries, shoes and remodeled clothing, yet they apparently had nothing definite to offer.  They stated that although their commissaries were ready for use in the country that they were not in actual operation outside of the cities.  After an exchange of comments on the part of a few who felt that an organization of this sort would be of benefit to us, and a large majority who felt that such an organization would be of no benefit and would simply complicate matters the meeting adjourned.  Since the sentiment of the entire meeting was so plainly adverse the invitation to form a local organization was accepted by only a small group.  Since the spending of the county money for relief work has been delegated to the Island Commercial Club there will be little incentive and it is anticipated that the United Producers’ League will gain little support here.

  • Notice –Dr. A.E. Young, dentist, will open offices in Burton about June 27th over Meredith’s Store.

June 23, 1932

  • Island Lily Show Will Be July 2-3 – The Vashon Lily Show will be held on Saturday and Sunday, July 2nd and 3rd at the Island Club, as in former years, and no doubt will attract many visitors.  A new plan will be tried this year which is decidedly unique.  The show will not be confined to any particular variety, but is an opportunity for Island growers to exhibit any flower of shrub they may have in their gardens.

  • Burton Market Installed New Refrigerator Case – Vashon Island may be a rural district, but it remained to one of our merchants to introduce store equipment that is the last word, the most modern in the state.  This week Mr. M.H. Morrissey had installed in his market at Burton, a refrigerator case de luxe.  It is a Friedrich Dreadnaught, and is properly named.  Perfectly insulated, beautiful in appearance, constructed and finished for perfect cleanliness, the new case is a marvel.  It is twenty feet long, three feet deep, and has a capacity of 1,000 pounds of meat.

  • Donald Morgan To Write For News-Record Columns – During the summer months the readers of the News-Record will have the opportunity of reading a variety of articles on subjects, serious and otherwise, written by our own Donald Morgan, of whim we are all so justly proud.

  • July 15-16 Are Dates For Vashon Carnival – A letter received this week from the Parker Carnival Company has verified the dates of July 15 and 16 for the annual carnival of the Vashon Business Men’s Club. 

  • American Legion To Be Organized – Feeling that in the present situation there should be an Island post of the American Legion, a group of ex-service men are discussing the organization of one.  State officials have been interested in the formation of such an organization on the Island.  While the Legion is not in any sense a law enforcement group it has always stood for good American principals and has had the courage to enforce that for which it stands.  Recently in Bothell the town was invaded by an undesirable element, and without any fuss or display the Legionaires delivered their ultimatum and in a very few hours the town was rid of the uninvited guests.  It is estimated that there are from 60 to 70 veterans here on Vashon-Maury, and there should be the nucleus of a strong post.

  • Deppman Brothers Purchase New Truck – Last week a large Studebaker truck was delivered to the Deppman Brothers for the new business they are developing.  The new truck is equipped with balloon tires which they felt were best for hauling perishable fruits.  While the new line will not haul freight between the Island and the mainland, Charles and Louis Deppman have already been working overtime with loads of berries and farm produce.  Later in the season they will do trucking between this vicinity and California.  Last year several trips were made with the exchange of Christmas trees and Washington apples for citrus fruit proving a profitable business.  They will also handle local and long distance furniture moving.  The business is not a new one to the men, both being among the pioneers in the line here on the Island.

  • Money Will Provide Local Relief Direct – At a recent meeting of the Commercial Club it was decided that the relief money received from the county funds should be expended in making improvements that would not otherwise be made on Island roads.  In other words the money will be used in hiring labor to do road work that the regular road crew would not have time for.  It is the plan to pay in orders on local stores rather than in cash.  With the use of this method there would be the assurance that actual relief was furnished.  The Island has been wonderfully blessed in taking care of its own.  None of us have much more than we need, but unless there is an influx of undesirables we can weather through.

  • Enochs Donates Cup – The men of the Vashon Island Golf Club will engage in a tournament on next Sunday, playing 36 holes for the cup donated by Harry Enochs.  The cup is now on display in the window of Tim’s Place. 

  • Pickers Hard To Find – A visit to the Mukai packing plant this week found it a busy place, in spite of the low price of barreled berries.  Mr. Mukai admits that he is taking a long chance in keeping the plant in operation this summer, yet feels that it is better to do so than to let the fruit go to waste.  A crew of about twenty-five are employed in the plant, the best and most efficient that has ever worked there, so Mr. Mukai states.  This, however, cannot be said of his crew of pickers, for never in the time that he has been on the Island has he had so much difficulty in securing helpers.  Mr. Mukai, like other growers, felt that with the present depressed state of finances generally, that pickers would be easy to find.  For years the complaint has been made that Island pickers could find no work while Indian and Filipino help was being imported.  Feeling that it was only fair to give Island white help an opportunity to work Mr. Mukai refused to bring his usual crew of Indian pickers from British Columbia.  He had found Filipino help undependable and had turned them down.  Now he is faced with a shortage of pickers that gives him real cause for worry.  Other growers state that there have never been so few applicants, and that there is a real hardship resulting from their attempt to give preference to local help.  Officer Rammage, while here, told of a road project in the county, where the use of men in place of machinery was specified in the contract.  The offer of $4.50 per day brought few men, but when a crew of Italian laborers were hired there was a protest from those who had previously refused the wage.  The result was that the contractor was obliged to cut his force, employing about half the original number at $5.50 per day.  It is a paradox that with money so scarce, and so many unemployed that help should be so difficult to find.

  • In making an editorial declaration of rights we do not wish to antagonize anyone, nor are we making a play for the approbation of any section.  Various criticisms has been made of the News-Record for our use of the term “Vashon-Maury Island.”  It has been brought to our attention that the use of the two names is antiquated; that the Islands are now one; that in retaining the old name we are fostering sectionalism, etc., etc.  Such is not the case.  While we are not as familiar with the genealogy and history of the two Islands as we should be we have been told that at one time both were equally independent of each other.  It is a wonderful fact that through the forces of nature two such lovely islands should have been made one.  We feel that there is just as much reason for residents of Maury Island to resent loss of identity as there would be for the wave of protest that would arise should insistence be made that Vashon be dropped and the name Maury alone used.  The use of the hyphenated name appeals to us.  We do not insist that others use it just because the News-Record does.  “What’s in a name?” inquires the great poet, stating also that “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.”  The name of our Island, be it single or compound matters little.  Being made in the Divine image it is up to those of us who strive for the advancement of our community to emulate the example of the sea, and as it has built up a lasting union, and as nature has covered the new soil with verdure, it is up to us humans to build up a connecting link of brotherhood and common interest and clothe it in the verdure of concern in our common welfare, rather than in sticking to sectional ideas.  If “in union there is strength” then does not the compound name “Vashon-Maury” indicate something stronger and more unique, two islands in one, rather than a single island that is as nature first constructed it?  And while there are those who prefer to speak of “Vashon Island” when speaking of our entire Island let us concede the same right to those who prefer to speak of it as “Vashon-Maury.”

  • Dockton News – The fishing boats Good Partner, I.Kerios II and Christine left for Cape Flattery for summer fishing Sunday.

  • Dockton News – The P. Manson pile driver crew is fixing the wharves in the Harbor this week.

  • Portage Notes – The beautiful yacht Codrew made an imposing sight as she lay at anchor in front of Kingsbury Lodge on Wednesday night.

  • Cross’ Landing Notes – A new road was recently completed north of the old Cross’ dock for the benefit of the many people who are building along the beach.

  • Dr. Young Opens Dental Office At Burton June 27 – On next Monday Dr. A.E. Young will open offices over Meredith’s store at Burton and resume regular practice after practicing only part time.  Dr. Young is a dentist of long years of experience, and it is welcome news to those who know of his ability that he will again return to the work.

  • Mrs. E. Morgan and three children arrived home Monday from Chicago where they visited relatives reroute from Ithaca, N.Y.  Donald attended the Republican convention as the “Vashon Island representative, self-appointed,” so he says. 

  • Burton News Items – Citizens of Burton had the main street oiled last week.  Another coat will be put on soon.

  • Burton News Items – A pleasure trip that nearly ended in tragedy happened at Burton Thursday of last week, when Captain Andrew Griswold of Seattle, a former Island resident, brought his private yacht “Caddrew” to Burton to call for his old friends, Mrs. Ingalls and Mrs. Sutter.  On his yacht besides his family were some California guests, Mr. and Mrs. Davis (Fannie Kingsbury) and Mrs. Bessie Beall of Portage.  In descending the ladder from the upper deck, Mrs. Ingalls lost her hold and fell over backwards in the water without telling her friends where she was going or uttering a sound of protest.  The second time she arose, one of the crew rescued her, and after being put in bed, she insisted that the cruise be continued and proved herself a good sport in spite of the shock and her regrets that her dive was not more graceful.

June 30, 1932

  • New Hybrid Lily Produced Here – Local flower lovers are much interested in the news that on Vashon Island there has been produced a new hybrid lily.  It was given to Stephen J. Harmeling, dean of Vashon Island flower fanciers, to produce this new hybrid, an accomplishment realized by few.  We trust Mr. Harmeling will leave the naming of this beautiful child of his creation to the Vashon Island Lily Association and that “Vashon” will be the ultimate choice.

  • Island Bakery Working Overtime – Despite the fact that a number of bread wagons from off of the Island are operating here the new Island Bakery is going full blast.  Last Saturday it was necessary to bake a second lot of bread which was being delivered, hot from the big electric ovens, as late as four o’clock in the afternoon.

  • One Hundred Attend Benefit Dessert Bridge – On Tuesday afternoon more than a hundred women attended a benefit dessert bridge at lovely Moxtwood, the Island home of Mr. and Mrs. E.H. Miller, of Maury.  The affair was given under the auspices of the Vashon Orthopedic Auxilliary and $21 will be turned over to the hospital as the result.

  • Fire Damages Clausen Home – Last Monday morning, while hanging up clothes in the back yard, Mrs. Peter Clausen, attracted by a crackling sound looked up and discovered that the roof of her house was on fire.  She called to Mr. Clausen, who was in the house, then ran to the England home, where the maid summoned the Vashon fire department.  Within a very short time the truck, with its large tank of water was on hand.  While the water was being thrown on the blazing roof neighbors carried out practically all of the furniture.

  • Glen Acres Woman Takes Own Life – Melancholia, the result of several years of ill health, is the reason ascribed to the death of Mrs. Ida Mary Nepage, of Glen Acres, who committed suicide last Monday.  A 38 caliber Colt revolver by her side told of what had occurred.  A note addressed to her husband was found on the dresser.

  • Water Carnival Will Be Staged July 4th – Manzanita Beach’s water carnival will be a mecca for hundreds of Islanders as well as persons from the mainland Monday, July 4.  This affair will include all popular acquatic events.  Rowing, outboard racing, canoeing, aqua planning and swimming events will entertain the large crowd expected.  Manzanita Beach, the original site of the Tacoma Yacht Club, is an ideal location for water sports.  Plenty of free parking space has been donated through the courtesy of the Manzanita Provision Co.

  • Center News – The Happy-Go-Lucky club met at the home of Mrs. Bob Marshall. 

  • Burton News Items – E.A. Woods has his Burton Service Garage, an attractive looking building, ready for business at any time he says.

  • Stewart Gardens Are Lovely With Blossoms – Located at a strategic position on the highway and near the ferry the gardens of Mrs. Josephine Stewart are receiving many visitors these days.  Mrs. Steward, who specializes in delphinium, has one of the largest collections, and widest ranges of varieties in the Northwest.

  • Edwin Woods Opens Garage At Burton – Convinced that Vashon-Maury Island is about the best place to establish a business and a home Edwin A. Woods is opening a modern garage and service station at Burton, just north of the Masonic Hall.  He will handle every kind of general garage and repair work, specializing in lubrication.  The garage building was built by John Jensen, and is complete in every detail.  It has fine modern rest rooms. It is finished in stippled stucco and is a real addition to the village of Burton.

  • Many Visitors See New Refrigerator Case – On last Saturday the Morrissey Market at Burton was about the busiest place hereabouts, with a constant stream of visitors, coming and going.   They came to see the beautiful new refrigerator case, put into service last week.

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July 1932

July 7, 1932

  • Rare Lilies Shown At Island Flower Show – The Laughlin Lily Farm contributed some wonderful peonies along with a wide assortment of find lilies, including five varieties of new yellow spotted hybrids produced by Dr. Griffith at the government bulb station at Bellingham.  Mrs. Alex Stewart had a large exhibit of her fine delphinium and other blooms, besides ten varieties of lilies, including some small red species that are quite rare.  The annual Vashon Island lily show has become an institution of which the community can be justly proud.

  • Windstorm Visits Vashon-Maury Island – The inclement weather over the weekend and Fourth upset the plans of a good many tourists who were planning on an enjoyable outing.  A number of the Island resorts were filled to overflowing but the lack of sunshine made hiking, bathing and golfing a rather doubtful pleasure.  A number of local people who had planned camping trips lost their courage after the violent storm of Saturday night and remained home.  Old residents insist that the wind Saturday night was the worst summer wind that the Island has ever experienced.  It was no greater in velocity possibly than many winter winds but was a new experience for the summer months.  The North End and east side of the Island felt its fury particularly.  In the Stewart gardens at the North End the delphinium and other tall flowers were simply mowed to the ground and had to be carried out and thrown away.  Cherry trees were stripped of their half ripened fruit, and the ground was covered not only with the cherries, but with green leaves and fruit spurs.  The the E.H. Miller gardens, equal havoc was wrought, flowers blown down and fruit blown from the trees.  Both of these places were exposed to the North.  Fortunately the Regale lilies, now bursting into bloom, were damaged only slightly.  While buds were bruised few stalks were broken.  The Regale is a native of the wind blown slopes of Thibet and have developed a tough, wiry stalk that requires a strong wind to break it.  In the berry fields, all over the Island, a great deal of ripened fruit was shaken off of the vines.  It would seem that the elements, as well as financial and political forces were conspiring to do their worst with the farmer.  There is a ray of hope, however, in the fact that even the most narrow minded is forced to admit that “the wind that came out of the North” last Saturday night cannot be blamed on the present administration, nor can it be attributed as an aftermath to the Democratic convention since it was not from the East.

  • Unemployed Official Resents Attitude – The following letter was received last week from an official of the Unemployed Citizens’ Relief.  It is self-explanatory:  Our first inclination was to ignore it, just as we do many other protests, but after more mature consideration we decided that it would be of interest to our readers, as well as our answer to Mr. Brannin.  It has never been our intention to belittle the work of his organization.  But we feel that we have but shared the very natural resentment of the best element of the Island people, in having outsiders thrust upon us for relief.  Had this organization possessed something concrete and definite to offer our Island people we would have given it our support.  As it was none but the most gullible could have been confused by the contradictory half promises that were made. 

  • Editor, Vashon News, Vashon Island.  Dear Sirs: It has come to our attention that you are carrying stories in your paper reflecting upon the unemployed in general and the Unemployed Citizens’ League in particular.  At this time, when thousands of our citizens in this state who are facing suffering and want are trying to help themselves, we feel that criticisms such as you have made are not only unkind, but are unfair, and are working real hardships upon their worthy efforts.  The members of our organization are honestly trying to help themselves in every possible way.  They have no unworthy, selfish end in view, and people everywhere should be giving them assistance instead of opposing their efforts.  We have found, however, that in every community there are individuals and reactionary groups, dominated by self-seeking politicians, who have sought to tear down our efforts.  We do not fear these false attacks because in the long run they will defeat their purpose.  The better element in every community is behind our work and on Vashon Island, as elsewhere, we appeal to this element for cooperation.  Very truly yours, Carl Brannin, Executive Sec’y. 

  • Mr. Carl Brannin, Executive Sec’y, Unemployed Citizens’ League, Seattle, Wash.  Dear Sir:  We regret that you have been misinformed and that our motives have been so patently misrepresented to you.  At no time has the News-Record carried stories reflecting on your organization.  It has done a good work in the city.  We are not in sympathy with many of the principals expressed by some representative member of your organization, but that is no indication that the organization is wrong.  We do feel, however, as all but a small radical element of the Vashon-Maury Island citizens do, that the recent influx of unemployed from Seattle was a rank imposition.  We possess a sturdy independence that resents interference from outsiders.  We of the Island have done our best to take care of our won relief work.  We have not asked for county help and the $1,000 recently assigned for local relief came unsolicited.  To have your representatives come in, tell us of the suffering in our community, make elaborate promises in one breath, then admit they could not guarantee fulfillment in the next aroused a natural resentment and suspicion in the mind of our level headed, thinking people.  We have, of course, a very small element of people here on the Island who are non-conformists and radicals; who are always out of step with the best interests of the community and so the ideas of your organization as represented by your “contact man” met with the approval of this very small minority.  The group of men from your organization sent over here took possession of a mortgaged crop.  It is reported, on reliable information that one of your officials unlawfully represented himself as a government representative in order to intimidate two Filipinos, thereby causing them to lose what little profit they expected to gain from a year of hard work.  The same man publicly voiced sentiments that to say the least were un-American, and that naturally stirred up resentment in a community that is essentially American, despite the fact that we are also hard hit by the present state of financial affairs.  Your men refused to work here for a small wage, choosing rather to eat the bread of charity.  Here on Vashon Island is an element that accepts charity only as a last resort.  Had the News-Record voiced one-tenth of what we were asked to you would have had some cause to complain.  As it is we feel that we have been surprisingly conservative.  If you will view the situation impartially, imagine, if you can the attitude of a sturdy, independent people such as the majority of ours here on Vashon-Maury Island; a people who view voluntary unemployment as a stigma, rather than an honor; a citizenry who care not whether a wage is “legal” so long as it pays for the necessities of life without charity; real law abiding property owners who feel that by paying taxes we are building up our community.  Then you will be able to see just how entirely out of step the sentiments of your organization as they were voiced here on our Island are with our daily principles and practices.  We have asked nothing of Seattle and ask only that they take care of their own relief, allowing us the same privilege.  With all good wishes for your organization, I am sincerely, Agnes L. Smock.

  • The new hour of 9 o’clock which the McClintocks have set as the time for everybody to leave the beach in the evening is meeting with approval from all the residents of Ellisport.  It makes the village much quieter in the evening and gives everyone a chance to really rest and get the most benefit from the time they have to spend here.

  • The Report of the Financial Condition of the Vashon State Bank at the close of business on the 30th day of June, 1932 shows total assets of $267,864.63.

July 14, 1932

  • Seattle Man Takes His Own Life – On Saturday afternoon searchers found the body of Marcus Mickelson, 44, dead in a field near Lisabeula.  He had been missing from the home of his sister, Mrs. John Jensen, since Friday morning.  Mr. Mickelson, an ex-service man, had visited his sister the previous weekend and was very despondent over the danger of being out of work.

  • Vashon Island Peas Prove Paying Crop – The high winds of Saturday night and Sunday brought with them more havoc to the Island gardens, and what damage the winds of the previous weekend failed to do those of this weekend accomplished.  Cherries now ripening split from the rain and a heavy percentage will be a total loss.  About the only crop this year raised here on the Island that will bring results commensurate with the expense of producing will be the pea crop.  K. Yorioka, who has 16 acres of peas just coming into bearing is receiving 4 cents a pound, shipping several tons each day.  These are being shipped to the east in refrigerator cars.  Another Japanese gardener, on the Dumbleton place, has seven acres of peas ready to pick.  Harry Copestick, on the old Kimmel place, is trying an interesting experiment in growing 2 acres of cabbage which have been contracted for by Bergoust & Davis.  This company finds difficulty in finding enough cabbage for the manufacture of sauerkraut, for which there is a growing demand.  Agriculture this year has been a gamble, with most of the farmers guessing the wrong cards to play, and it is encouraging to know that a few Vashon Islanders have proven the exception to the rule.

  • New Commutation Rate Filed In Olympia By Transportation Co. – It has been announced that a new commutation rate of 30 cents per trip, regardless of size of car, tickets good for 17 days, in 30 ticket lots, has been filed in Olympia by the Kitsap County Transportation Company. 

  • Mail Route Will Not Be Changed – In view of the fact that the readjustment of service proposed would result in discontinuance of both star and boat routes, we have decided to take no further action in the matter for the present, but will give consideration to the advisability of restating the service in the next general advertisement, inviting proposals for service for the four year contract term beginning July 1, 1934.  Sincerely yours, (Sgd) W. Irving Glover, Second Assistant Postmaster General.

  • Rumor Without Foundation – The report that the Negro who disappeared mysteriously from Shawnee last winter had been found murdered in a beach cottage, was without foundation.  It seemed to arise from the fact that “one bread man told another bread man” something that in the repetition resulted in the report which was rapidly broadcast.  The solution of the mystery surrounding the disappearance of the Negro, who was employed in the Stanley Morrison home, has never been found.  The waters near the dock were dragged for several days, the woods searched by all with no results.

  • The editor of the News-Record, upon a number of occasions has been asked, “Who wrote your editorial this week” on this or that subject.  We have never figured out why a woman could not have the courage and conviction to think and write.  We are tempted to emulate the example of one of our fellow editors and sign each editorial we write, but until that time our readers will have to proceed on the supposition that we write all of the editorials.  Quite often our news stories are contributed, but the editor is personally responsible for any stand which the paper takes.  We think the finest compliment ever paid us was by a man, very much opposed to us who said, “You are dangerous because you have such a reputation for honesty.”  According to all popular beliefs a reputation for honesty is the last thing any newspaper should aspire to, but we have it, and just like excessive weight it seems to us hard to get rid of.  Even a diet, occasionally observed, wouldn’t help in reducing it, even if we did want to gain another reputation.  And we’re glad we have it, not the excessive weight, but the reputation for being painfully honest.

  • Burton News Items – More equipment and more men have arrived to push work on the new road to Tahlequah.  At this end of the road they are working back of the Shaw place.

July 21, 1932

  • Carnival Proceeds Exceed Expectations – The 4th annual carnival of the Vashon Business Men’s Club is now a thing of the past, but the members are still exulting over the splendid success it proved to be.  On Friday morning, President Tim would have taken a small sum for chances of breaking even financially, and till evening the weather continued bad.  However, about the time patrons began to assemble the wind died down and the moon broke through the clouds.  The result was that a goodly crowd enjoyed some clean, wholesome fun.

  • Will Move Dental Office To Vashon – Workmen are completing a suite of offices above the Weiss store to be occupied, about the first of August, by Dr. J.C. Bennett.  Dr. Bennett has decided that if the Island is a good place to live it is also a good place to do business.  His new office will be very pleasant and a credit to a rural community.

  • Show Prices Reduced – This week’s edition carries an advertisement that will interest the movie fans.  The local show house, in keeping with the spirit of the times, has reduced the prices of admission.  Mr. Thompson, the present manager, is showing fine films, many of them first run pictures.  Mr. Thompson owns the theatre at Port Orchard and by running the two houses in conjunction he has been able to bring these excellent films to the Island.

  • Ex-Service Men See Need To Organize – With the discussion regarding organizing an American Legion post there seems to be a certain amount of misunderstanding.  At the suggestion of Bert Saterbo, L.A. Williams, adjutant of Rainier Noble Post No. 1 has furnished the News-Record with the requirements of obtaining a charter.  “Fifteen men are required to sign a petition to organize, who have honorable discharges for World War service and forward same to the Department Headquarters, 6145 Arcade Bldg., Seattle.  When the petition is approved and the national and state dues paid a charter will be granted.”  Mr. Williams states that if the ex-servicemen of the Island are interested that he would be glad to come over some evening to help with any plans they might contemplate.  The following letter will be of interest to all ex-servicemen, and states graphically the need of a post, or of some organization of a similar nature:  To the Editor Vashon Island News-Record:  It has come to my attention that an effort to gather the ex-servicemen of the Island for a particular civic job has resulted in quite a bit of discussion pro and con for organizing the local veterans into a club.  With your kind indulgence I would like to express my ideas of such action.  I am most heartily in favor of the veterans resident upon the Island forming some sort of an organization.  Every man who was called upon to serve under the colors during wartime found himself peculiarly situated.  To adjust himself properly he had to look at things from an impersonal angle.  He had ceased to function as an individual, had to subordinate his individual desires and look toward the common good.  If he were a thinking man he formed a new philosophy of life.  Government ceased to be an abstract idea and became a real entity, and he an integral part of it.  It is true that some failed to adjust themselves, and came out of the service suffering from a wounded ego, many of these now clamoring loudly for financial reimbursement for the inconvenience or suffering that was pressed upon them.  Nevertheless the great majority came through the mental stress of wartime service with higher and nobler ideas of their status as citizens than can be acquired in a lifetime of civilian pursuits.  These ideals of citizenship and service should be encouraged to grow, not to stagnate.  In every community where the veterans have had a live organization many worthy projects have been carried out for the benefit of the community and to the lasting good of the members.  Everyone can call to mind some instance where the press dispatches tell of catastrophes where the local veterans saved the day by being on the job, they being the only group available familiar with disciplined action.  We all hope that our fair Island shall never see the day that the servicemen shall be needed for any cause such as above mentioned but there are many things needed on the Island that only a service group can do.  Besides the care of the graves of the old G.A.R. veterans at our cemetery, there are the school properties needing things beyond the ability of the taxpayers and other public needs.  I do not mean that the servicemen are strong enough to do these things alone but that they furnish the necessary leadership and inspiration to see that they are done.  Their bond of unity is not sectional which would mean that they are the logical nucleus around which could center the Island-wide efforts of service.  As to a local organization of veterans unaffiliated with a national organization I would be in favor of it if that would be the best we could get, but if possible I would prefer to have national affiliation.  The membership in a national organization makes for continuity of interest.  A purely local organization might put so much into one effort that they would grow tired and lose interest.  The contact with other organizations similarly situated would be of great help to the local organization.  The dues in these organizations are not high and only the smaller part goes to national effort.  The greatest efforts of members are in doing things for local community beyond what they pay in dues.  Local servicemen should get together now in some organization or other.  To fail to organize for community service now appears to me as great a failure as had they failed to answer the call in 1917-1918, the penalty being not so great or sudden but nevertheless sure.  – B.C. Saterbo.

  • There Is No Closed Season On Geo-Ducks – The following will be of considerable interest to Island geo-duck “hunters” as it appears that several beaches have been posted in such a manner as to indicate that there is a closed season on “the birds.”  The letter is in reply to an inquiry made of the county game warden by John Metzenberg.  Dear Sir:  Replying to your query of July 13th relative to seasons and bag limit on clams and geo-ducks, say that there is no season in clams for your own personal use, “take not to exceed 20 lbs. in weight, including shells of clams, in any one day for personal use without license.”  There is no closed season on geo-ducks for your own personal use.  It was closed for three years, but opened now for purposes of canning or selling.  “Take not to exceed three geo-ducks in any one day, with fork, pick or shovel operated by hand by one person for personal use.”  Trusting this is the desired information, I am Very truly yours, A.J. Beach, Game Warden.

  • Frank Fuller To Open New Garage – On Saturday the new garage now nearing completion at the Fuller Service Station will be opened for business under the capable management of Clyde Smith, better known to a wide circle of friends as “Bud.”  Mr. Smith, during the past six years has made many friends on the Island who will be interested in the fact that he is now completely in charge of the new garage.  He is an excellent mechanic, has a happy ability for making friends.  He will do his best to give service of which there can be no complaint.  The garage has been built by John Jensen.  It will be equipped with all of the machinery necessary to do a general line of automobile repairing.  Fred Stevenson will continue to handle the service station end of the plant. 

  • Fruit And Vegetable Market At Vashon – The Deppman brothers, Charlie and Louie, are putting up a building at Vashon, just across the street from the Fuller Service Station and will open up a fruit and vegetable market in the near future.  They are making regular trips to Yakima and Wenatchee and will bring over fruit and vegetables which will be sold here at very reasonable prices.  The Deppmans have had a busy season and have made a great many trips over the mountains with their new truck.

  • Island Boys Will See Olympic Games – A party of Island boys left Sunday morning by auto with the Olympic games opening at Palo Alto the last of this month as their objective.  The quartette was composed of Jimmie and Paul Pettelle and Vernon and Earl Hendrickson.  They will probably be done a month or six weeks.

  • Large Audience Hears Lewis Randal – Last Sunday evening about 200 were present at the young peoples’ outdoor meeting held at McClintock Point at Ellisport.  This despite the cold weather.  Lewis Randal gave a very fine talk and splendid musical numbers were given by the young people.

July 28, 1932

  • Long Tom Bread Is Made At Vashon Bakery – There seems to be a question in the minds of many bread consumers as to whether the Island Bakery is making the “Long Tom” bread now for sale in various Island grocery stores.  This loaf is being made by the Island Bakery in response to a demand for a long sandwich loaf.  Mr. McGilliveray had had wrappers made for a shorter loaf, not anticipating that he would have to make a different type for the Island trade.  The bread in the Long Tom wrappers is identical with that in the distinctive Island Bakery wrappers.  The entire difference lies in the wrappers, not in the quality of the bread.  The Long Tom wrapper is a stock wrapper, and is used because of the time it takes to fill an order for individually designed wrappers.

  • Japanese Consul Visits Island – On Friday about 50 Japanese residents of the Island met at the Island Club to welcome Mr. K. Uchiyama, Japanese consul, who, accompanied by his daughter, visited the Island to become better acquainted with local Japanese.  A splendid spirit of welcome and good fellowship was evidenced. 

  • On Friday Mrs. Nelle Young, Miss Katherine Parker, Dr. N.P. Jones, Agnes L. Smock and Mr. S.A. Parker visited the new Ford plant in Seattle.

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August 1932

August 4, 1932

  • Gordie Deppman Opens New Market – This week’s issue of the News-Record carries an interesting advertisement, interesting from several standpoints.  It advertises the newest Island business project, which is conducted by our youngest advertiser, and possibly the youngest person on the Island to have entire responsibility of a place of business.  Just south of Vashon a new fruit and vegetable market under the complete management of Gordie Deppman has been opened.  A fine line of fruits and vegetables are on sale at prices which make the amateur gardener wonder if it is worthwhile to raise a garden.  Of particular interest to the thrifty housewife are the canning fruits brought direct from east of the mountains.  The Deppman brothers are making trips several times a week to Yakima and Wenatchee and bring on their return trips the fruits and vegetables that grow so well in those hot valleys.  In regard to the young manager of the new market it is hard to realize that the youngsters of today are the business men of tomorrow, and that the boys that the older ones of our community remember as school boys are ready to take their places in the commercial world.  Gordie has a world of friends, young and old, who will be interested in this, his first business venture, and will wish him success.

  • Back Buick Car Through Garage – Saturday noon, while driving his car out of the space between the theatre and the Presbyterian church, H. Schmidt, of Cross’ Landing, became confused on the subject of gears and went backward instead of forward.  It was fortunate that he struck the pastor’s garage at the rear of the church instead of the church itself, for he backed right through the structure.  Rev. Randal seems to be playing in hard luck as regards to cars.  First he lost a car that turned out to be stolen property, now he has lost the residence of his second car.  Fortunately he is leaving for a month’s vacation which may change his luck.

  • Finds Car Hard To Manage – We considered that it would be taking an unfair advantage last week to mention the accident Mr. John McIntosh suffered with his new car when he turned it bottom side up on the Bibbin’s hill, but since everything came out all right and the car has been made as good as new we are going to tell what we heard about it.  Mr. McIntosh has been driving a Ford car almost ever since they began to make the things and had reached the point that his foot was mighty skillful.  When the new, latest model Fords came on the market he decided he must have one of them but determined he was going to be careful, realizing that he was liable to step on the wrong gadget.  After some days of studying and theoretical practice he started out on the road.  Mrs. McIntosh refused to take a chance on going with him, but her sister, Mrs. Rowland was a bit braver and offered herself as a sacrifice.  In the process of shifting gears on the Bibbin’s hill, Mr. McIntosh shifted into reverse of low and the Ford began to cut all manner of capers finally upsetting beside the road.  Neither of the occupants were injured but the shiny new car was somewhat the worse for the experience.  It has, however, been all fixed up, good as new, and Mr. McIntosh, with true Scotch determination is slowing mastering the intricacies of the new model.  Mrs. McIntosh has not as yet enough courage in his ability to trust herself with him, so when she insists on going along her husband drives the older Ford.

  • Customers Request Local Advertising – A company whose goods are guaranteed to be A-1 has entered the ranks of News-Record advertisers this week.  The American Furriers inform us that they are running an ad in the News-Record at the request of Island customers, which is always good news to hear.  They request that prospective customers visiting their store tell them of seeing their ad in the local paper.  In this way a double service can be given.

  • Island Pioneers Have Their Day – The Pioneer Society of Vashon-Maury held its annual meeting and picnic last Saturday at Center, with some fifty members in attendance.  Only in the neighborhood of a dozen of these were of the original, honest-to-goodness pioneers, the rest being descendants, with a few guests.  Membership is based on a residence here prior to and including 1890.  To replenish our membership it is necessary for the stork to put one over occasionally on our children and grandchildren.  He seems to be attending fairly well to his job as regards numbers, but only time can demonstrate as to the perpetuation of the pioneer spirit.  Those present from abroad were:  Mrs. J. Blackburn, Mrs. Chas. Tilton and son, Mrs. Myrtle Foster, Will Clark, Mr. and Mrs. C.M. Griswold, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Griswold, Mr. and Mrs. Halsey Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Clark, all of Seattle; Mr. and Mrs. G.E. Price and daughters of Kent.  The ladies spread a truly bounteous banquet, which put everyone in a good humor, if that were necessary.  The W.K. Depression took one look at the groaning tables, and when last heard from was traveling west at a terrific speed.  The business meeting was held, and officers, F.M. Sherman, president; Mrs. M.L. Hansen, vice-president; O.S. VanOlinda, secretary-treasurer, were re-elected for the fifth successive year.

  • The residents of Ellisport and the summer people enjoyed another fine display of fireworks Saturday night, given by the Hitt boys who are members of the well-known Hitt Fireworks Co., of Seattle.  The Hitt family is spending a few weeks at their summer home at Ellisport.

  • Several pioneer families of Ellisport, attending the annual Pioneer meeting at Center last Saturday and afterward enjoyed a cruise around the Island on the “Cadrew” owned by Mr. Andrew Griswold, of Seattle and Los Angeles, who is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Griswold, early settlers on the Island.  The “Cadrew” is rated as one of the finest yachts on the coast.

  • Portage Notes – After attending the Pioneers’ picnic at Center on Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Griswold delighted all present with a yacht ride from Vashon Heights to Burton.  The Cadrew then anchored in front of Kingsbury Lodge for the night, and all on board were callers at the Lodge.

  • Burton News Items – Mrs. Phil Green and little daughter, Janet, left Friday for a week’s visit with her folks at Friday Harbor on the Sound.  Mrs. Green said she would show her men folks how to catch fish while away – not the kind wrapped in cellophane as you pull them out of the water!

August 11, 1932

  • Receives Unpleasant Thrill – On Wednesday, while trying out Howard Hansen’s Lincoln car to locate engine trouble, H.C. Cronander received a severe shaking up when a wheel of the car suddenly started on an independent journey.  The accident occurred in front of the Vashon Laundry.  Fortunately there were no other cars in the immediate vicinity at that particular time so the entire damage was to the Hansen car.

  • Rabbit Growers To Go To Auburn – A number of Island growers will attend the meeting of the Rabbit Growers’ Association to be held in Auburn Friday evening.  There are now five engaged in the growing of Angora rabbits, which seems to be an industry that has many possibilities locally.  The price of Angora rabbit fur has taken a sharp upward turn and bids fair to go even higher.

  • Representative Of Imperial Gov’t Here – On last Thursday Mr. and Mrs. L.C. Beall entertained at luncheon Mr. Isamu Ohno, an official of the Zoo technical Experiment Station, Chibe, Japan.  Mr. Ohno, who has been on his present trip for more than a year, has been traveling in Europe and the United States, making a study and survey of agricultural conditions, particularly in regard to rabbit and poultry culture.  The Imperial government has made a number of purchases of Beall stock and the reports received are all highly complementary.

  • Dental Office Equipment Arrives To Be Installed – Equipment for the new dental offices to be opened soon by Dr. J.G. Bennett in the Weiss block, arrived today.

  • Shoots Hole In One – Last week Mrs. Mary Clark succeeded in accomplishing that which had heretofore seemed impossible and shot a hole in one on the No. 5 green of the local golf course.  This is the first time that such a thing has been done by either an amateur or professional player on the Island course and her friends and family feel that Mrs. Clark has every reason to be mighty proud of standing in a class by herself.

  • New Club Meets – The fourth bi-monthly meeting of the Beach Combers’ Club was held last Tuesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L.P. Black at Vashon Heights.

  • 40 Dockton Residents Attend Old Settlers’ Picnic At Fauntleroy – The 3rd annual picnic of the old settlers of Dockton was held at Lincoln Park at Fauntleroy on Sunday, August 5th.  There were about 40 old residents present with their families which made quite a large crowd.

  • Burton To Have Public Beach – J.M. Staples has donated the use of his property on Burton beach for the public to use as a picnic ground, which will probably be handled by the Burton Improvement Club more especially next season when improvements will be made in the way of cooking equipment and shelter.  The ground is cleared of logs and will be ready for an early opening next season.

August 18, 1932

  • Storm Damages Telephone Lines – Although the average Island resident will deny the allegation that we ever have electrical storms worth noticing the storm on Monday morning did plenty of damage to the phone lines.  Not all of the trouble has yet been located although the employees have been working night and day.  A cable buried out some place between Vashon and Center is continuing hard to repair.  Several transformers were affected, while at the Menees corner one exploded and the top was blown entirely off with one flash of lightning.  Phones in that part of the Island were badly burned out, while in other parts of the Island they were less badly damaged.  With the flash which did the greatest amount of damage sparks flew from light switches, while several reported that lights flashed on for an instant.  No other property damage has been reported, and the phone company will soon have all repairs made on their lines.

  • Dr. Bennett Opens Offices – This week Dr. J.G. Bennett opened his offices in the Weiss block and has already taken care of a number of patients.  Dr. Bennett has an attractive suite of offices, attractively furnished and fitted with all the latest dental equipment.

  • Hydraulic Lift At Service Station – This week the Fuller Service Station and Garage received a truck load of new equipment, the latest and best in its line.  Among the new equipment is a hydraulic lift to raise cars for greasing and overhauling; latest type of high pressure grease guns; a machine for valve resurfacing, etc.

  • Suit Filed To Halt County Ferry Lease – In an effort to release the county ferries now operating on Lake Washington and Puget Sound, Robert Ripley, a taxpayer has brought a civil suit seeking cancellation of the Anderson lease and compelling the county to operate its own system.  He claims that he is suing on behalf of other taxpayers who patronize the ferries.  On Monday a hearing was scheduled at which Capt. J.L. Anderson and the county commissioners were to show cause in Superior Court why they should not be restrained from budgeting anything for lease operation of the county owned ferry facilities for the coming year.  The captain and the commissioners were successful in securing a postponement of this hearing, however, so the outcome is safe to date.  It is almost a certainty that when the grand jury is finally called that the subject of the ferries will be brought up.  The Kitsap County and Lake Washington Navigation Companies have previously been successful in outwitting the efforts of the taxpayers to force some compensation for the use of county owned properties, but with the sentiment so strongly against the present arrangement there is a possibility that these companies may be forced to pay for the maintenance of the ferry facilities rather than receive help from the county, or the county may be force to again operate the ferries.  What effect such a change would have on Vashon Island is highly problematic.  While the Lake Washington boats are county property the boats on this run have been built by the Kitsap company.  Should Ripley win his case, and the county be forced to again take over the operation of the ferries the Vashon-Harper run would be without ferries.

  • Attend Pile Drivers’ Picnic at Pt. Defiance – Dockton – Mr. and Mrs. John Peterson and sons, Walter and Harold Peterson attended the pile drivers’ picnic at Point Defiance Park last Sunday.

August 25, 1932

  • Kindergarten For Vashon Island Soon – The Kindergarten committee of the Preschool Association of Vashon Island held an interesting meeting in the high school building, Monday evening, August 22, 1932, to discuss a plan of procedure for the establishment of a consolidated kindergarten for the Island.  Some of the points discussed were: State aid, location, transportation, and certain legal phases in the establishment of public kindergarten.  It was decided at the meeting that Vashon Island must go forward in its educational program, consequently the Preschool Association plan was adopted and a thorough canvass of the Island for children kindergarten age be made.  The members of the kindergarten committee are: Mrs. Kenneth Van House, Mrs. W.C. Smith and Mrs. Angenette Lee.

  • Yacht Clubs Join Cruise to Lisabeula – Lights from 56 pleasure launches made Lisabeula a bright and busy harbor while 300 yacht club members and visitors enjoyed their fourth annual regatta on Vashon Island, sponsored by the Queen City Yacht Club of Seattle.  Yachts from Everett, Bremerton, Olympia and Tacoma gathered for the Saturday evening and Sunday party.

  • Child Injured By Vicious Dog – The five year old daughter of Rev. A.J. Bard, of Seattle, was severely bitten by a vicious dog last Monday morning.  The family was returning to Seattle after several weeks spent on the Island during which the father had been conducting meetings at Beulah Park.  They stopped at the home of a West Side farmer and the little girl, Phyllis, alighted from the car, probably startled the dog, which attacked her.  The child was frightfully torn about the eyes, one tear gland being torn loose.  She was rushed to the city to the family doctor who was obliged to take 30 stitches in the eyelid and about the eyes. 

  • Relief Committee Members Chosen – At a meeting at Vashon Wednesday evening, called by the president of the Commercial Club the following were appointed to carry on the relief work on the Island for the coming winter: F.J. Shattuck, chairman; J.G. Bennett, Vashon Heights; C. August Peterson, Cove; Alex Smith, Burton; Geo. Sheffield, Southern Heights; C.L. Garner, Maury; C.M. Rhulen, Dockton, in charge of labor for relief fund; C.F. VanOlinda, charge of special county relief fund for road labor; W.D. Garvin, general employment agency.  Problems confronting the Island during the coming months were discussed briefly.  It is inevitable that there will be need of relief, for wages have been low, work scarce and many have had little opportunity to make provision for the winter months.  Notwithstanding statements to the contrary Vashon-Maury Island last winter did an excellent job of taking care of its own relief problems.  We have received as our quota of the county relief fund $1,000.  This will probably not be enough for this winter.  Petitions will be circulated among the various communities of the Island asking for individual donations of 50 cents from all Island people able to contribute.  This will augment the county fund and in this manner we will again be able to care for our own.  The committee decided also to adhere to the original idea of requiring those who received relief to work on the Island roads doing clearing and improving that the county road crew could not otherwise find time for.

  • Becomes Partner In News-Record – A working partnership between the owner of the News-Record and C.J. Denny will become effective with the first issue of September.  Mr. Denny has been employed in the office of this paper for the past two years.  He has worked conscientiously for the interest of the paper, but has been handicapped by the fact that he was an employee, regardless of how earnestly he endeavored to assume his share of the responsibility.  It is believed that in forming a partnership of this nature that he will be in a position to assume a responsibility that will be acceptable to the patrons of the paper and shop.  Mrs. Smock still retains full ownership of the News-Record and will continue as editor.  The policy of the paper will in no manner be changed.  The new arrangement will mean a division of responsibility with Mrs. Smock in charge of the front office and Mr. Denny responsible for the mechanical end of the work.  The editor wishes to express a deep appreciation for the manner in which the people of the Island have helped in carrying on for the past several years.  It is the intention, under the new arrangement to conduct the business in such a way that the News-Record will retain all of the old friends as well as making new ones.

  • Editorial – That our position may be made clear on the political situation the editor of the News-Record wishes to call attention to the fact that politically the paper is independent.  We consider it neither wise or expedient to take issue in a primary campaign.  We have our own ideas ordinarily on whom we consider the best man, but in this campaign particularly our convictions are not strong enough to justify us in an attempt to mold the opinion of readers as intelligent and clear thinking as we consider our’s.  The stories concerning the various candidates which have appeared in the News-Record have, with very few exceptions been courtesy stories, run in conjunction with advertising.  This does not mean that we believe that there are not among the candidates for office some who deserve our support.  It means that we do not consider ourselves in a position to judge infallibly.  The exception which we have made are these:  We whole-heartedly endorse….[sic]  The final analysis for each voter then must be not the opinion from one but from many sources, passed upon by the best judgment of the individual.  If we were personally convinced we would feel free to express our opinion.  As it is, we dare not attempt to mold the opinion of others.

  • Dockton News - The fishing boats, “I Koross” and “Christene” have quit fishing for the season.

  • Ellisport News – While fishing off of the Ellisport dock one of the Tibbitt boys caught a small octopus with a hook and line.  The creature is on display at the Ellisport Rodda store.

  • Porch Gives Way, One Person Injured – What might have been a tragedy but fortunately turned out to be less serious was the breaking away of the side porch of the Garvin house in Burton, Thursday night, letting down five people who were on the porch which made too great a strain for it.  Mrs. Lula Taylor, whose back was wrenched, was taken to Dr. Grandy’s office and X-Rayed.  It was found no bones were broken, and she is recovering nicely, being able to sit up most of the time.

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September 1932

September 1, 1932

  • Allied Citizens To Meet Saturday Evening – There will be a meeting of the Allied Citizens of Vashon Island on Saturday evening at the high school.  The speaker of the evening is to be Emery Asbury.  Mr. Asbury will be remembered as the speaker at one of the P.T.A. mixers held last winter.

  • Beach In Readiness For Labor Day Picnic – All former residents of Dockton, as well as other residents of the Island are urged to remember the picnic on Stuckey’s Beach all day on Labor Day.  The beach has been cleared and all is in readiness to take care of the large crowd that is expected.  Many on the mainland who claimed Dockton as their former home have signified their intention of coming back for this event.  For the amusement of the guests there will be a free dance at the hall during the afternoon, with good music – a good dance floor and the usual good time which the Dockton folks always provide their guest.

  • Visits Island In Interest Of Ferry Company – Louis Garnett was on the Island Thursday in the interest of the Kitsap County Transportation Company.  He was making particular inquiry as to the sentiment of patrons in general in regard to the last ferry.  Some have expressed a sentiment in favor of the present arrangement, while others have expressed themselves in favor of having the last boat leave as formerly at midnight.  Although he could not make a definite statement in regard to the winter schedule Mr. Garnett said that he did not anticipate more than minor changes.

  • Dental X-Ray for Vashon-Maury Island – With the opening of the offices of Dr. J.G. Bennett in Vashon the Island now has the advantages of dental X-Ray at prices equal to the most reasonable obtainable in any large city.  Dental X-Ray with equipment adapted to the work has heretofore seemed out of the question for our community.  Dr. Bennett’s office is equipped with a Ritter machine, the best obtainable.  He has also a perfectly equipped X-Ray laboratory, and can take and develop pictures within a very short time.  And best of all is the fact that the Island residents need no longer make the trip to the city for this service.

  • Angora Rabbit Growing Popular – A number of Island people are becoming interested in the raising of Angora rabbits on a large scale.  This week work was completed on hutches of the latest improved type for Roy Dennis, of Quartermaster, who is starting with 12 breeders of the Malet stock.

  • New Road Favored By Rep. Costello – L.J. Costello, representative from this district and candidate for reelection on the Republican ticket is one of the members of the last legislature entitled to some credit for the new road on the Island.  Costello actively supported Mr. McKinnon, a member of the Roads and Bridge Committee, in his efforts to land this appropriation.  Because of the good work Mr. Costello will be able to do if returned to the legislature the News-Record unhesitatingly endorses him and urges his return to Olympia.

  • Warning – Local and transient trespassers will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. A.E. Long.

September 8, 1932

  • Welfare Committee Makes Report – Feeling that it would be of interest to the residents of the Island to know the source of the funds with which the relief work has been carried on for the past nine months, W.D. Garvin, chairman of the welfare committee has submitted the following report, prepared by Mrs. Grace G. Beall, treasurer.  Total contributions were $260.30, of which $173.10 came from contributions by individuals.  That same amount, $260.30, was expended, with groceries being the largest expenditure, totaling $202.54.

  • Union U High School Enrollment Heavy – Union U high school opened Tuesday morning according to schedule, with 224 enrolled.  This is 29 pupils more than last year, with one less teacher to handle the classes.  To date the enrollment is 95 girls and 129 boys, a rather unusual state of affairs, since as a rule a greater number of girls than boys attend high school.

  • Island Angora Wool Growers Organize – On last Tuesday evening a group of Angora rabbit breeders met at the Scout Cabin to discuss the problem of this new industry.  Mr. W.L. Campbell and Mr. A.C. Ullman of the Snohomish Angora Association and Mr. P.C. Wilhelm, of Edmonds were present.  They presented the plans of an organization to cover the entire state, with the possibility of a national organization later.  It was pointed out that only by pooling the wool can this market be reached as the mills using the wool do not consider buying from individuals, as few growers produce a sufficient amount.  It was decided to organize a local unit, and the officers elected were Ira Thompson, president and director and Geo. Leslie, secretary and treasurer.  Those who signed up for membership were Geo. L. Leslie, A.D. Malet, I.R. Thompson, S.R. Thompson and Lillian Warren.  A number of others expect to engage in this new industry and will become members of this new cooperative group.

  • Island Preparing For Relief Work – As summer passes more and more consideration is being given to the subject of relief and welfare work that is facing the Island during the coming winter.  It is conceded that the $1,000 with which the county commissioners have entrusted the local Commercial Club will not be enough and a canvass of the Island will be made to secure signers to pledges of 50 cents a month for the coming year to augment this fund.  There seems to be a growing sentiment among those who might contribute to this fund that they do not feel like doing so until they are assured that the money will be used for the relief of bona fide Island residents and not the drifting element which has injected itself into our community.  The plan of the committee is to make residence on the Island for a certain length of time a requisite for relief.  The plan is also to give orders on local firms in payment for the labor of the head of the house on road work that the county men will not otherwise do.  All of us have been hard hit by the state of financial affairs but everyone in business is giving his time to earning enough to pay the taxes from which the county relied comes, and there is no reason why those who receive direct benefit from these funds should not give a certain amount of work in return.  Surprising as it may seem there are those who have been misled into thinking that the unemployed citizens relief organization has resources other than the supplies distributed by county commissaries.  This mistaken idea has originated with the trial made by the county commissioners in allowing the unemployed, at their own insistence, to manage the county commissaries.  The food dispensed by those commissaries never was, or never will be, anything except the food that you and I are paying for with our taxes and which your children and mine will likely continue to pay for for years to come if relief continues to go on at the rate it is now being carried on.  Bonds must be sold to secure funds for carrying on relief work.  What success the Unemployed Citizens’ League had in eliminating graft is a matter of common knowledge.  This week the commissioners replaced men chosen from the ranks of the unemployed with men chosen by the commissioners themselves.  A case which occurred on the Island shows what claims are being made without foundation.  A certain woman applied to the deputy sheriff for groceries.  Before she received them through the county welfare agency she was informed by a local representative of the Citizens’ Relief organization that she was to ignore the deputy sheriff and was to tell him that she didn’t need groceries; that this organization would provide for her needs.  This man went to the welfare department in the county-city building and resenting their refusal to render aid until the case had been investigated grew abusive and maligned the deputy-sheriff with the result that he was ordered out of the office.  In the meantime the Island woman waited for her groceries much longer than had she depended on the regular course to get them.  Despite all claims to the contrary the commissaries these representatives claim to have access to are no more or less than the regular county commissaries.  It is pitiful how many, feeling sure of help during the winter, are being misled by false promises.  The Island welfare committee expects to pursue the course that Jack Early, the courageous commissioner of the North District has taken.  All who eat must work, just as those of us who are carrying on and trying to do our bit are having to do.  If the same course were pursued in all parts of King County many who are “unemployed” by choice would find “sweet charity” not so sweet.  We have very few of that type on our Island, fortunately, and with cooperation we can get through the winter without suffering.

  • Mrs. Geo. Hofmeister brought to the office Saturday a plate full of luscious big strawberries from their berry ranch.  If this nice weather continues there will be more to follow.

  • Labor Day Picnic To Be Annual Affair – Dockton – The Labor Day picnic for former residents of Dockton was such an enjoyable affair that it was decided to make it an annual feature, and an organization was formed, with W.J. Stuckey, president, W.G. Greet, vice-president and Theo Berry, secretary.  The dancing, which was a much enjoyed feature of the day was continued until a late hour.

  • Fred C. Brown Island Property Owner 25 Years – Fred C. Brown, candidate for Department No. 12, Superior Court, has been a resident of the north end for the past twenty years.

September 15, 1932

  • First Dance Of Season At Dockton – Next Saturday night the first dance of the winter season will be given at the Dockton hall with the same good music and good time assured.  Ed Wood’s orchestra will provide the music for the occasion.  While the Dockton dances are public dances in every respect they express in rather an unusual way the spirit of Dockton, which is one of hospitality.  They are so much more family affairs than most dances, and are attended by all ages, with parents and children meeting and enjoying an evening together on a common plane.

  • Plans Are Progressing For Local Kindergarten – The Kindergarten committee of the Island Pre-school Association reports that progress is being made on our public Island kindergarten.  Members of the association canvassed all districts on the Island this week for elementary children whose parents can and will pay a small tuition fee each month.  The school district on the Island while in accord with the movement to establish a kindergarten, are unable to render financial assistance hence the necessity of tuition fee, until next year, when state money automatically becomes available, the amount of which is based on this year’s attendance.

  • How Vashon Island and State Voted – In spite of an unusually heavy registration, surprisingly few Island residents turned out to vote on Tuesday of this week.  This did not prevent the most surprising election in the memory of the present generation of voters on the Island.  A few weeks ago the Island was canvassed to locate enough Democrats to provide each precinct with a committeeman, yet on Tuesday practically as many Democratic ballots were called for as Republicans.  Undoubtedly many Republicans called for Democratic ballots so that they could vote for Homer T. Bone, who received the largest number of votes of any party candidate.  That the Island Republicans stuck to conservative principals and were not greatly concerned over the wet and dry question was shown by the number of votes cast for Asbury.  A total of 911 votes were cast by Islanders, 414 by Democrats and 497 by Republicans.  Judges of the Supreme Court Four Year Term – Position No. 12 – Fred C. Brown received the most votes of 191.

  • Celebrates Fiftieth Wedding Anniversary – On last Saturday evening members of the Walls family gathered at Land’s summer cottage to honor Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Walls who have rounded out fifty years of married life, and are still happy to be starting out toward many more anniversaries together.

  • Tearing Down Old Docks – A crew of men working under the direction of Thos. Blum, of the county bridge and wharf department have begun with the old Heights dock to tear out the various old docks about the Island that constitute not only an eyesore but a menace to venturesome youngsters.  The list of old docks  to go include Colvos, Cross Landing, Kingsbury, Mileta, Maury, Fernheath, Portage, Ellisport and Vashon Landing.  A part of the piling and other lumber can be salvaged by the county and used or sold, but there is a certain amount that while not useable for construction work will make excellent fire wood.  This may be had by anyone desiring to haul it away.  Those wanting this lumber should call Red 783 or seen Mr. Blum at one of the docks being torn down.

  • Mrs. Chas. Taylor of Ketchikan, Alaska, a sister-in-law of Mrs. J.F. Shaw has presented the Burton Pharmacy with a beautiful specimen of an Alaska Elk head to add to the collection of curios.  Mr. Shaw has quite a collection of curios which decorate the walls of his pharmacy.

  • Fire Destroys Dwelling – Last Saturday fire entirely destroyed the frame dwelling of Paul Paulsen, just north of the K.J. Fjeld residence on the pavement.  Mr. Paulsen was burning brush and had left the fire to cultivate in another part of his farm when a sudden wind scattered the spark, setting fire to the house.  The fire had made rapid progress and was burning so furiously when discovered that it could not be checked.  The Vashon fire truck responded to the call for help but the fire had made such headway by the time the truck arrived that nothing would be done.  Only a few pieces of furniture were saved.

September 22, 1932

  • An Island Makes A Difference – An interesting incident which shows that Vashon-Maury Island is considered unique in the business world came to light last week when Mr. J.F. Shaw of Burton was given the agency for “Crazy Crystals” a popular new remedy for rheumatism.  Normally only available through the city agencies, Mr. Shaw applied for an agency, explaining that this being an Island the customers found it difficult to buy through the city agencies.  The request went through the Seattle agency to the headquarters and after the situation had been outlined they recognized the justice of his request and he was given the agency – just because he was located on an Island.  Proving that even concerns in barren Texas can appreciate the importance of our Vashon-Maury Island.  Now, instead of depending on Seattle or Tacoma agencies the users of Crazy Crystals can now get the magic mineral which added to ordinary water produces the health giving drink.  Like Ponce de Leon our local mixer of drugs not only has found the fountain of Youth but can dispense the secret to all who wish to buy.

  • Heights Residents Enjoy Better Water – Work was completed last Saturday on connection the huge springs on the Puget Hills Company property with the mains of the Heights Water Company and patrons at the North End are now enjoying cold, pure, soft spring water.  The new water is found to be much preferable to the water from Shingle Mill creek, the former source of supply.  The springs on the Puget Mill tract have a daily capacity of 250,000 gallons per day, half of which may be used by the Heights Water Company.  A certain number of water rights were exchanged for a tract 200 feet square immediately surrounding the springs, a right of way across the property for the water lines and half of the capacity of the springs.  The other half is reserved by the company in event of the development of their beach property.  The lines from the North End are being extended south and will reach the Vashon grammar school.  Plans are rapidly being made to connect up this system with the Vashon system.  The Vashon and Portage systems are already hooked up.  When completed there will be a line of mains from the north end of the Island to Portage, a rather unusual distance for a rural district.  It is hoped that before long the West Side water system will also be linked with the other Island systems.  Much credit is due to the officers of the Heights Water Company for the enterprise and untiring zeal they have shown in developing the system.  They are Royce Wise, president; L.C. Beall, Jr., vice-president and Dr. J.G. Bennett.  L.F. Black, as water superintendent has worked untiringly and to him belongs much credit for what has been accomplished.

  • Forest Fire Brings Fire Warden Here – Clayton Courtwright, county fire warden, made an official visit to the Island on Wednesday to determine the origin and fix the blame, if possible of the fire which last week destroyed several beach cottages between Manzanita and Rosehilla and the Claus barn on Maury Island.  Although there were conflicting rumors as to the origin of the fire Mr. Courtwright felt sure that it had been started by a rancher burning without a permit.  The penalty for this is a fine of from $10 to $100.  The fire is now completely under control.  Mr. Courtwright remarked on the remarkably few forest fires from which the Island had suffered this season.

  • Repairing Pavement – On Wednesday county highway workmen were engaged in filling all seams and cracks of the pavement with tar.  The concrete is in remarkably good condition after its more than ten years of service.

  • Only Four Pages Again – A number of our subscribers were nonplussed last week by the shrinkage in the size of the News-Record.  This was made more puzzling by the fact that we failed to make the proper change in the numbering of the last page which made it appear that the insert had been omitted.  With the temporary withdrawal of some of our regular advertisers, the regular winter decrease in the ferry schedule it has become impractical to fill up six pages.  The four page paper is, we hope only temporary.  A number of our exchanges normally publishing eight pages cut down to four several months ago, so we feel fortunate in not having had to do the same before now.  News was never harder to find than now, which is also the result of the times, but we shall endeavor to make up in quality what we lack in quantity until we again feel that six pages is necessary.

September 29, 1932

  • Pulls Horse Out Of Well – It was proved that auto wreckers are sometimes used for other purposes than to aid cars in distress when recently the Met-Cro wrecker was called upon to remove a drowned horse from a well at Center.  Straying from the pasture into the door yard at the J.H. Rodda home the horse stepped on the plank curbing of a well and fell head foremost ten feet into the water.  Although Islanders in years past have at times been met with the problem of snakes and rats in their wells this was probably the first time that one of our citizens had ever been called upon to fish a horse out of a well.  A rope was fastened around the animal’s hind legs and it was then lifted out by the wrecker, with a surprisingly small amount of damage to the well.

  • Kindergarten Will Need Public Subscription – The kindergarten situation on the Island to date is this:  A canvass of children of kindergarten age has been made; a room has been secured and a teacher with splendid training is available.  The committee is ready to proceed to the next step which will be a canvass of all business concerns, organizations and individuals for financial assistance.  This is necessary the first year because no state aid can be secured until an attendance record is submitted.  The committee hopes every concern, organization and individual will give the matter earnest consideration and render what aid is possible.  Voluntary contributions will be greatly appreciated and checks may be made payable to the Island Pre-school Association, with the notation “for kindergarten fund” and mailed to the treasurer, Mrs. Elmer Miller, Vashon.

  • Organized 12 Years Ago – After a three months’ vacation the Junior League of the Cove Methodist church has begun its year’s work in real earnest.  This fall the league is starting on its 12th year, having organized October 24, 1920.  During that time many members beginning in the junior league have grown up and have gone on into the Epworth League to continue in the training received.  A great deal of the credit for the interest and value of this church group belongs to Mrs. Frank Sigrist, their superintendent.  Mrs. Sigrist is constantly planning new ways to keep the boys and girls interested.  To work with her and to have the influence of Mrs. Sigrist’s lovely personality is a splendid opportunity for the young members.  The officers elected at the annual meeting are Florence Doyle, president; Carol Bruner, vice-president; Laincha Hotchkin, secretary and Paul Petersen, treasurer. 

  • Neighbors Rebuilding Burned Paulson Home – A fine spirit of neighborliness is being evidenced by the rebuilding of the Paul Paulson home which was destroyed by fire several weeks ago.  The cold weather will not find Mr. Paulson without a home for with eleven friends and neighbors on the job the house is very near completion.  Capt. H. Anderson was responsible for securing the lumber for the new home, while John Jensen is supervising the building of the house, which is assurance that Mr. Paulson will have a well-built new home.

  • To Leave For Japan – Helen Yoshimura, class of 1932, will leave next week for Kyoto, Japan, where she has a choice of teaching English either in a public high school or in a private school.  Helen, who was salutatorian of her class, and one of the most able pupils to graduate from our Island schools, is fitted for the work she will take up. 

  • “Good Partner” Destroyed By Fire – While enroute to Seattle from Dockton last Monday morning about 5:00 o’clock the purse seine boat, “Good Partner” caught fire in the engine room and in a short time was completely burned.  The boat, which was being taken by the owner, Capt. M. Planchard and Engineer A.C. Stuckey for overhauling before starting south for the winter’s sardine fishing out of San Pedro, Calif., represented a value of about $6,000, which was completely covered by insurance.  The fire broke out as the boat was near the gravel bunkers.  When the men aboard saw that the blaze was beyond their control they headed the boat for the Island and got ashore as best they could.  Aside from a rather chilly bath they were none the worse for their experience.  The “Good Partner” is one of the veteran fishing boats of the Island, and her loss leaves Capt. Planchard without a means of carrying on the winter’s fishing.  For a number of years he has spent each winter in the south sardine fishing.

  • Fire Destroys Chicken House – Fire early Monday morning entirely destroyed a large chicken house and all of the chickens belonging to A. Halvorsen.  It is presumed that a short circuit in the electric wiring was responsible for the blaze.  This is a serious loss to the Halvorsens.

  • Ellisport Items – Another eye sore is being removed from our midst these days with the tearing down of the old dock.

  • Important Matters Discussed At Meeting – On last Tuesday evening the executive committee of the Commercial Club met at Watseka Lodge.  After a very excellent dinner the accumulated business of several months was disposed of.  Various committees reported progress being made.  The Welfare committee gave an interesting report which indicated that the County Welfare department would help in carrying on the relief work this year, furnishing help for the sick and infirm not able to work, leaving the original $1,000 for the relief of those able to work for groceries received.  Certain supplies are available from the Red Cross in addition to the flour which has been furnished for several months.  The materials which the Red Cross will furnish will be made into children’s clothing by a committee of women of the Commercial Club.  It was learned that there would be a balance remaining after the completion of the new South End highway, according to the highway committee’s report.  There was a general discussion as to what would be more advisable, the completion of the section of the road between Sheffield’s and Lara’s not provided for in the contract or the construction of the portion from Shawnee to Burton.  This matter will be taken up in a conference with the highway engineer in Seattle soon. 

  • The Burton dock is undergoing some repairs with the county pile driver and crew doing the work.

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October 1932

October 6, 1932

  • Dwelling At Colvos Saved From Blaze – A fire which assumed threatening proportions and seemed for a long time entirely out of control occurred at Colvos Tuesday.  It originated with a brush fire on the Siegrist place.  All of the men of the neighborhood turned out to fight the fire, and although the Myers cottage, just above the Colvos dock caught fire it was saved with only little damage.  The Vashon truck responded to the call for help.  A bad fire just back of the Goodwill farm the first of the week also threatened property and was hard to control.  However, no serious property damage resulted.

  • Kindergarten Will Require Local Aid – While only a general survey of the possibilities for a public kindergarten for Vashon-Maury Island has been made, and whether or not it will materialize, it is felt that possibly there has been a lack of definite information given to the public at large.  The matter has been thoroughly discussed in the meetings of the Pre-School Association and in a number of meetings of interested parties, but the News-Record has been remiss in putting the facts in the case before its readers.

  • The Hofmeister family is still picking strawberries, and luscious, big ones, from their berry ranch, which is yielding them a second crop, due to the warm weather we are having as the berries are not of the ever-bearing variety.  They also have a few buckshot left from the hunting season which could be used to advantage in case trespassers venture too close.

  • Joe Green, while out in the woods hunting for mushrooms some four months ago, ran into a nest of pheasant eggs, brought them home, borrowed a bantam hen of Mr. Edson and put her to work on those eggs.  He now has twelve pheasants, beautiful birds which he has in a yard, wired top and sides, and after obtaining permission from the proper authorities in Seattle to keep them, he has a busy time digging worms and furnishing other food, how proud he is and should be of his possession.

  • John Tronas is excavating for the new home he will build south of the Colvos store.

October 13, 1932

  • South End Road Will Be Extended – Through the prompt action of the road committee of the Commercial Club and the co-operation of Rep. A.J. McKinnon the new South End road is to be completed through to Burton.  There is also a possibility that the strip from Sheffield’s to Lara’s, which was not included in the original contract will also be completed.  This is to be done with the balance of the money secured from state funds two years ago by the determined effort of Mr. McKinnon.  State surveyors are now at work laying out the section from Shawnee to Burton dock.  State Engineer Schere has called for bids, and at his suggestion Mr. Erickson, of the Erickson Construction Company, has left the machinery used on the other road here for the time being, until the contract is let.  This company will of course submit their bid on the work.  In a telephone conversation recently Mr. McKinnon stated that if he returned to Olympia this winter that he would do everything possible to have the new road continued to the pavement.  This will make a long stretch of highway under the state system, which would mean that the maintenance will be up to the state instead of the county.  When Mr. McKinnon announced his candidacy two years ago one of the promises he made was that he would make every effort to see that Vashon Island was given a fairer deal in the matter of state road money than it had been given in the past.  His immediate district of Enumclaw was at that time making every effort toward the completion of the Natches highway as well as other roads which would mean much to their district.  Mr. McKinnon was given the sanction of his constituency to cut off of the appropriation they were seeking to keep faith with the Vashon district.  As a member of the road and bridge committee, Mr. McKinnon remained firm in his demands for the Island and succeeded in getting an appropriation of $80,000.  With $10,000 appropriated by the county commissioners for improvement of the South End road practically all of the clearing of the right of way was done, giving work to Island men at a time last winter that it was desperately needed.  This preliminary work done with county funds resulted in a balance of the state funds that will mean a fine highway from Tahlequah to Burton dock.  That Archie McKinnon will make good his promise to do his best to secure a continuation of this road goes without saying.  He has a real interest in the Island; his home district has a friendly spirit toward the Island and will support Mr. McKinnon in anything he does for us.  There is little doubt that the Island people will show their appreciation at the general election, as they did at the primary election of what Mr. McKinnon, with the support of his running mate, Mr. Costello, has done for our road system.

  • Receives Shipment Of Angora Rabbits – On Wednesday G.F. Hess, of Seattle, delivered a shipment of Angora rabbits to Chas. England, which consisted of 20 does and 5 bucks.  Some of these rabbits will be kept at the hutches being built on the England property north of Vashon and a few placed at the Goodwill farm.  Leland England, who will remain at home this winter, will take charge of the animals, which are conceded to be some of the best that can be purchased in this part of the country.  These rabbits are from Farne stock and all are pedigreed.

  • The Report of the Financial Condition of the Vashon State Bank at the close of business on the 30th day of September, 1932 shows total assets of $258,255.45.

  • The Statement of the Ownership, Management, Circulation, etc. of Vashon Island News-Record for October 1, 1932 lists Chas. J. Denny as business manager and Agnes L. Smock as editor, publisher and owner.

  • Island visitors on Thursday were Dr. Dickson, county health officer, Thos. Willsie, road supervisor for the South District and A.J. McKinnon.  Dr. Dickson spoke at the high school and the Vashon and Burton grammar schools.  An outbreak of diphtheria in a section of King County has led to an educational campaign for a county-wide inoculation for the disease.

  • Wins $2.50 Prize – Mary Jane Keyes was the winner of a prize of $2.50 awarded by the Mason Bell Ringers for the most accurate report of the sermon delivered Wednesday evening of last week.  Her reproduction was surprisingly accurate, and almost letter perfect.

October 20, 1932

  • Donates Shrubbery To H.S. – Mr. N. Hoshi recently presented the high school with a number of find evergreens which have been planted by Mr. McElvain and his class.  These shrubs will add greatly to the appearance of the grounds, and Mr. Hoshi’s gift is greatly appreciated.  The Japanese residents of the Island have done much toward beautifying the high school grounds, their association presenting last year 100 fine Japanese cherry trees.

  • Lisabeula Items – Mr. Boutin is out from the city harvesting his grapes and apples.  He reports the restaurant business exceeding slow.  The greater portion of his grapes are sold to the Piggly Wiggly stores at a fair price.

  • County Taxes Increase 44 ½ Percent In 4 Years

  • Beall Stock Being Blood Tested – The force of the Beall poultry farm is composed of some very tired people when quitting time comes each evening.  For four days they have been taking blood tests for B.W.D.  This involves taking a blook sample of every breeder and cockerel on the ranch.  These samples are sent to the experiment station, where the tests are made.  This year 2,000 breeders and 525 cockerels are being tested.  Since last year the blood tests showed a complete absence of B.W.D.  It is anticipated that this year’s test will also be free.

  • Water Systems To Join – Workmen are digging from both the north and the south end and will soon have the lines of the North End and Vashon water systems connected at the Vashon grammar school.  When this is completed there will be a continuous system from the North End of the Island through to Portage.  This will insure against a shortage in case of a breakdown in any one of the three systems.

  • While driving to the South End after the high school party Wednesday evening the Nash car belonging to Wallace Beall, driven by Ferguson Beall slipped off of the shoulder of the old Shawnee road and turned over on its top.  It was a fortunate accident, for aside from two small dents in the fenders the car was uninjured, as were the occupants.

October 27, 1932

  • Dry Parade Next Saturday – 40 or more towns and cities of Washington are having parades in protest of Initiative No. 61.  There will be one held in Spokane this Saturday, and one in Seattle on the 5th of November.  The dry forces of Vashon Island have been aroused to action by the provisions of this bill.  All the Island churches and Sunday schools arranged last Sunday to rally their forces for a parade next Saturday afternoon.  The line of march will assemble at the M.E. church at 2:30 and start the parade at 3, marching with banners to the Club House grounds where a brief address will be made.  Then, with the children in trucks and with other cars, a tour of the Island will be made.  The Boy Scouts will act on highway patrol duty.

  • Interesting Picture To Be Shown Here – On next Saturday and Sunday evenings the patrons of the Vashon Theatre will have the opportunity of seeing an interesting and unusual film entitled, “Behind The Scenes With Plymouth.”  This picture gives interesting details of the manufacture and testing of the Plymouth cars.  It is a forerunner of the announcement of a startling price reduction which is to be announced November 17th.  The film shows tests made in Death Valley where the temperature is 140 degrees; where the car is allowed to plunge down a hill, through the alkali sands, under frightful road conditions, then it is driven to the top of Mr. Wilson, where further tests are made at a temperature of almost freezing.

  • Paul Thorsen Held Up In Seattle Last Sunday – Last Sunday evening Paul Thorsen was the victim of a hold-up that was about as fortunate as could be imagined, although ten dollars changed hands very suddenly.  The young man had just reached the end of a perfect day.  In his car, which was parked before her home he was bidding farewell to a very charming young lady, with whom he had been spending the evening.  A car drew up beside his to which he paid no attention, believing it was some acquaintance indulging in a practical joke.  A flashlight was turned into the car and a demand made for Paul to hand over his money.  In replay Paul handed out his billfold containing ten dollars, and the car drove off.  Fortunately the hold-up did not suspect that his victim was carrying a considerable amount.  Paul had made collections for the Beall Greenhouse Company on Saturday, and had had no opportunity to turn the money over, as he was among those present at the football game on Saturday and elsewhere on Sunday.  Consequently Paul feels that his experience might have been a lot worse than it was.

  • Dockton News – The purse seiner I.Kovos II belonging to Capt. Luke Plancich is fishing at Utsalady.

  • Good Music Secured For Dockton Dance – On Saturday night at Dockton the “Four Chesterfields,” one of the best small dance orchestras in the Northwest will be heard for the first time on the Island.  Bill Lee, the leader of this orchestra, has recently become a Dockton resident.  The occasion is the regular bi-monthly dance at the Community Hall.  The “Four Chesterfields” orchestra has been playing for some months together, and during that time they have played in the largest Tacoma hotels, proving very popular.  Whether one cares to dance or not, on Saturday evening those who attend will enjoy hearing the four boys, each one an artist who compose the “Four Chesterfields” orchestra.

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November 1932

November 3, 1932

  • Overturns In Ditch – While returning home from a trip to Cove last Tuesday evening J.F. Shaw took to the ditch rather hurriedly.  Just between the Cristman and Bibbins homes on the Quartermaster road the lights of the car suddenly went out.  It was pitch dark, and although Mr. Shaw was driving at a moderate rate of speed his car overturned in the soft ground where recent grading had been done.  He crawled out of an open window, and after satisfying himself that nothing could be done until morning started to walk to Burton through the pouring rain.  When hauled out of the ditch by the Zarth wrecker on Wednesday morning the Shaw car was found to be uninjured and needed only a couple of new lights, a fresh supply of oil and water, and it was ready to go.

  • Presents Principles Of Liberty Party – The meeting sponsored by the Liberty Party last Monday night at the Island Club was attended by a small but attentive group.  A number who came out of curiosity left much impressed by what they heard.  Unlike the other parties the Liberty party welcomes speakers of other affiliations.  At his own request Roy Misener was given the opportunity to speak first.  He immediately launched into a vitriolic attack on the candidates on the North District opposed to the radio speaker whom he represented, making charge after charge, and closing with a statement concerning the character of Roy Zachary, Liberty party candidate for commissioner.  Mr. Zachary was the second speaker.  His natural resentment of the insinuations cast by the first speaker led Mr. Zachary to make some rather startling statements as to the honesty and integrity of Mr. Misener, later expressing regret that he had allowed his feeling to carry him away.

  • In Regard To The Initiative No. 4 – We have been requested to explain Initiative Measure No. 61.  We appreciate that expression of confidence in the News-Record.  Initiative No. 61 is so vague in stating the territory covered; it covers such a wide field that few have had the time or opportunity to study it and really learn just what laws will be nullified.  In voting “Against” we will vote to keep the laws as they now are, and liquor control under the county and state control.  A final analysis then for the thinking person shows that the entire matter resolves itself to a matter of ethics.  At any rate if we vote “For” we’ll be all ready when the great day comes, and in case it never comes we’ll find ourselves feeling about that like a lot of other things people have prepared themselves for, and never had them happen.

  • Receives Mammoth Goldfish Shipment – On Tuesday, of this week, the largest shipment of goldfish ever to arrive on the Pacific Coast was received from Japan by E.J. Moy, of the Twickenham Estate Water Gardens at Vashon Heights.  It required five trucks to haul the 1,653 tubs of fish to the Island.  It is estimated that there were at least a million fish in the shipment, ranging is size from 1-2 inch to 18 inches in length, and in value from a few cents to 10 or 15 dollars each in value.  Twickenham Estate Water Gardens has grown from an experiment started by Mr. Moy about four years ago.  From a few private pools his plant has grown until it is the largest of its kind within several thousand miles.  It now consists of more than forty pools and ponds and 100 large storage tanks.  Mr. Moy has an office in Kobe, and a representative who buys from the largest hatcheries in Japan.

  • Moving Shop To West Side – Next week O.E. Ramquist will move his cleaning and pressing shop to a building near his residence on the West Side.  Mr. Ramquist states that this is an economy measure forced upon him by present conditions, but that he hopes by spring to again move back to Vashon.

  • Meeting To Form Women’s Relief Organization – There will be a meeting Monday, November 7, afternoon at 2 o’clock, at the home of Mrs. Agnes L. Smock in Vashon, for all women interested in forming an organization for relief work on Vashon Island.  This organization will be formed for the purpose of sewing, principally.

  • High School Notes – The Unemployment Relief Commission of the Island assigned two men to help with the planting of the shrubbery that was donated to the school by Mr. Hoshi.

  • Burton News Items – Not much damage was done around town Hallowe’en.  The boys who hauled down traffic signs will “get theirs” a little later.  The boys who exerted themselves so strenuously moving a boat up from the beach to main street, and changing heavy iron gates, won’t be able to split wood for several weeks or do any other kind of helpful work around the house. 

November 10, 1932

  • Is The Puget Sound Climate Changing? – A friend who had been bathing in the waters of the Pacific in California came north to Moclips and found the temperature of the Pacific several degrees warmer.  The Nisqually glacier has receded about a mile since 1894 and lately took a big plunge.  There are many other indications that we are not facing another glacial period, and that the correspondent for the P-I is not having a summer night’s dream when he says that the California climate is moving northward.  I am amazed at the great number of semi-tropical species and genera of plants that will thrive here and feel at home, bearing seed abundantly as if they mean to stay in their adopted environment.  Take for instance the Romneys Coulteri or Matillja Poppy.  Its native habitat is southern California.  It is a shrubby perennial.  It is hardy on Vashon Island, blooms profusely and is maturing viable seed.  If the California climate is moving northward, let us hope that it will not deprive us of the advantage we have in the humidity that we enjoy at present.  – Stephen J. Harmeling, Vashon, Wash.

  • Girl’s Eye Is Improving – Ellen Hendricksen, who suffered a powder burn in her eye, is recovering nicely and with the help of colored glasses has been able to discard the bandage she has been wearing.  While examining a Hallowe’en favor the explosive in it was set off, and a bit of powder flew into the girl’s eye.  The favor which was supposed to be non-explosive,  and supposedly could be set off only by friction was purchased by Mr. W.D. Garvin from a Seattle wholesale house.  An effort is being made to trace down the manufacturer of the article and place the blame for the improper use of an explosive such as caused the injury.

  • Burton Rallies To Club Dinner – The Burton Improvement Club had a large turn out last Thursday, November 3rd, to enjoy the “depression dinner” served by the Newport ladies, with Mrs. E.E. Stone as chairman.  Members came in “depression” costume and each contributed to the program of the evening or paid a fine to the club.  Mr. Phil Green appeared carrying two large salmon representing “The Return of the Fishermen.”  The salmon were auctioned off to increase the club treasury.  The Improvement Club has arranged to rebuild the sidewalks from town, east, to the hill.  Planks will be used for curbing and county trucks will supply gravel.  An interesting meeting is anticipated next month when the Burton ladies serve a “prosperity dinner.”

  • Moves Shop From Vashon – On Wednesday O.E. Ramquist dismantled his shop in the Garvin building at Vashon, moving his stock and furnishings to a building near his residence on the West Side, where he will carry on his cleaning and pressing business.  He will establish several routes, calling on customers, in place of depending on business being brought to the shop.  Mr. Ramquist finds that in dull times people economize on cleaning as one of the first means of cutting expenses. 

  • Vashon-Maury Island Cast Democratic Vote – For the first time in its history Vashon-Maury Island cast the majority of its votes for a Democratic president, although the badly scratched tickets showed that a good many refused to vote straight and the Republican candidates ran well in several instances.  An unusually heavy vote was cast.

  • Co-op Hatchery Taking Blood Tests – This has been a busy week for the Vashon Island Co-Operative Hatchery.  The annual blood testing of all the breeding hens for B.W.D. combined with one of the most severe of the periodic cullings by the inspector will have taken the whole week.

November 17, 1932

  • Island Should Have Garbage Dump – Complaints have come to this office of the unsightly appearance made by having garbage dumped along our Island highways.  Particularly noticeable in this respect are the Glen Acres road, where a considerable amount of trash has been dumped on either side of the fill just east of the pavement, and the old Vashon Landing road, where so much has been dumped down the bank between the brick yard and the old dock that it is ruining the beach.  A county ordinance forbids dumping of trash or garbage along the highways, and signs have been posted along the two named roads, and while the same persons, apparently, do not continue to dump garbage after being warned, others pay little attention to the signs.  The ordinance in regard to garbage makes no provision for any manner of disposal in the rural sections except by burying or burning.  The cities have their dumps, and it would seem that the county health officials could find a spot on a territory as large as the Island, which could be designated as an Island dump, where there would be no danger of pollution of streams or springs, such as is now the case in several instances.

  • Knights Templar Drill Team Here – For the first time in its history the people of Vashon Island will have the opportunity on Saturday evening, November 26th, of seeing a drill on the Island by one of the best drill teams in the Northwest.  Three officers and twenty-four men, accompanied by their own electrician to arrange and engineer special lighting effects, member of Seattle Commandery, No. 2, will appear at our first annual ball of Vashon Island Commandery Knights Templar.  This one feature would be worth the price of admission.

  • Burton News Items – Mr. Vernon Lamoreux has been exhibiting some gold dust or “color” he panned out from Judd Creek some time ago – not enough to build him a house, but enough to make one thrill for adventure and hope for more.  Our mining engineer does not predict much gold on the Island, though some must have washed in during the glacial period and might be found in “pockets” – not of individuals, but forty feet below the surface.  What a chance for the unemployed!

  • Burton News Items – The “Duke of Wellington” for short “Duke” was over from Oak Harbor several days last week visiting his friend Norman Edson.  The two are artists of much prominence though we must admit we prefer the “home grown” variety to any foreign title.

  • Maury Notes – The fishing boat Bull Moose and its crew came into port at the close of the season Thursday.

November 24, 1932

  • Southern Heights News – There is no driving on the Shawnee dock these days as there is a bad washout in the road, just at the approach to the dock.

  • News-Record’s Publication Day Changed to Wednesday – Beginning with this issue the News-Record will go to press on Wednesdays so that it will reach the subscribers on Thursday, instead of on Friday as heretofore.

  • How It Happened – If the past, present and future tenses of our verbs seem a bit confused in this issue, it is not to be wondered at.  Some of our subscribers will get their papers on Wednesday evening, while the rural patrons will not receive theirs until Friday, hence in writing up our items concerning Thanksgiving we had tried to compromise and split 50-50 so the ones receiving their papers on Wednesday evening will not be confused and think, they are receiving one of last November’s papers.

  • Lessees of Gov’t Lands Added to Tax Rolls – Residents on the abandoned United States military reservation on the South End of the Island, which was sold some years ago by the government to the lessees, will be added to the tax rolls next March, as they have just received their final patents from Washington D.C.

  • Island Chickens Go To Shanghai, China – This week a valuable shipment of Island chickens was made.  The birds were sent by express to Vancouver, B.C. and there put on board the S.S. Tyndarius bound for Shanghai, China.

  • A recent addition to the News-Record staff of correspondents is Louis Dahl, of Tahlequah.  Louis, a student in the high school, has an ability for writing and a sense of news value that is quite unusual for a girl of her age.

  • Betty Wendler, who was badly burned about the face and chest several weeks ago when starting a fire with kerosene oil, was taken to a Seattle hospital on Friday of last week.  She has suffered terribly, and as the burned surface refused to heal the only alternative remaining was skin grafting.

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December 1932

December 1, 1932

  • Orders Carload Of Automobile Tires – Convinced that this depression that has been receiving so much notoriety of late is almost a thing of the past.  Fred Stevenson, manager of the Fuller Service Station, last week ordered a carload of Goodyear tires. 

  • Clearing House Day December 12 – Island folks who have used clothing that is still wearable but no longer of use to its owners can exchange it for articles that are useful to them at the “clearing house” day at the Island Club House on Monday, December 12, from 1 to 4 in the afternoon.  By patronizing the “clearing house” you may help someone much more in need than yourself, yet receive something in return.  Mrs. F.J. Shattuck, sponsor of the “clearing house” day, has found in her experience with distribution of Red Cross clothing on the Island that many who would like to contribute some of their surplus clothing are in need of certain other wearing apparel.  By exchanging, instead of merely giving, mutual benefit can be gained, hence the idea of a rummage sale that will require no cash in your pocket.

  • Basketball Season Is Now With Us – The first basketball turnout of the Vashon high school was held Monday.  The following first string letter men are back:  Phil Green, Alex Kelly, Don Matsumoto, and Chester Olson.  Frank Matsumoto is acting as assistant coach.   There is a new ten second rule which will probably change the game a great deal.  The rule is that the ball must be advanced beyond the center line within a period of ten seconds.  This rule will eliminate stalling in the back court and encourage faster and more aggressive basketball.

  • Declares Arterial Highways On Island – At a recent meeting of the board of county commissioners enough evidence was presented to warrant certain Island roads being designated as arterial highways.  These roads will be posted as such.  The roads designated thus are: From Center, via Quartermaster to Burton, road no. 1040, and county roads from Quartermaster to Dockton, via road 1040, 2003 and 1233, and from the south end of road 1233 to the Dockton wharf.  It was also resolved that the above mentioned roads be posted with standard signs at all entering or cross roads.

  • Time To Have Odd Jobs Done – For those who have a few dollars to spare there never was a time when one could have so much work done for the amount expended.  Carpenters are working for about one-half of the wages received two years ago.  Husky young men with families are working for $2 a day, while boys, big enough to do a day’s work, can be had for even less.  There are also available a number of able-bodied, conscientious women who likewise are willing and glad to work for a small wage.  These women welcome a chance to help earn the living where their husbands find it impossible to find employment.  It was stated in this office last Saturday that on the West Side boys were glad to find employment for $5 a month and board, and were in reality thankful that they could get even that much.  Vashon-Maury has no bread line.  While there seems to be no false pride among those who have to accept help, in practically every case, those so situated would much prefer to work for a small wage than accept help gratis.  There are, of course, a few who “will starve before they will work for two dollars a day.”  The chance is that they have a good supply of food in the basement, or that they will have their choice before the winter is over.  It is urged that everyone, economically able, give all possible assistance by giving work to those desiring it.  The welfare committee, of which F.J. Shattuck is chairman, has a list of possible employees for prospective employers.  This is one manner in which we can give moral as well as material help, in addition to being ourselves helped.

  • Burton News Items – No clue yet to the robbers who ransacked the Burton Trading Co’s store early Friday morning and were frightened away by Mrs. Lillian Bucknell who heard and saw something was wrong and called to them across the street.  They ran, leaving two well filled gunney sacks of food, back of Dr. Grandy’s office.

  • Burton News Items – It is reported that the new road to Tahlequah will be graveled and ready for use inside of three weeks.

  • Burton News Items – Mr. C.J. Williams suffered quite a loss in the burning of his garage and truck at Judd Creek early Friday evening November 18.  Cause of the fire thought to be spontaneous combustion.

  • According to reports, the ones to employ for an expert job of butchering are Louie Deppman and Deb Harrington.  Their first job last week, when they attempted to reduce a fine fat hog to bacon and sausage, will go down into the annals of history.  Since the News-Record refuses to print “blood and thunder” stories we cannot give details, but there seemed to have been plenty of them.  The report that a machine gun was used is an exaggeration.

  • Tahlequah took on all the airs of a summer beach colony over the weekend, practically every house on the shore being occupied Saturday and Sunday.  Folks took advantage of the splendid how tides Saturday to stock up on fresh clams, and “snag” a few salmon and trout.

  • Harry Corbin – The death of Harry Corbin on Sunday, November 20th, marked the passing of a long time resident of Vashon Island.  Mr. Corbin passed away on his 61st birthday.  Harry Corbin was born November 20, 1871 in Huntington county, Pennsylvania.

December 8, 1932

  • Tahlequah Property Damaged By Storm (by Louise Dahl) – Whipped by a 38- mile gale, Old King Neptune, the man with the permanent wave, did considerable damage last week to beach homes here.  The storm was one of the worst to the memory of pioneer residents, as it occurred during a series of unusually high tides.  The home of Charles J. Huhn suffered the greatest damage, where the bulkhead was practically swept away.  It is now being rebuilt by William J. Brookin.  An outer bulkhead at the Gilbert Smith residence was swept away in its entirety, and the work of rebuilding it is under way.  The veranda of Herbert Ford’s beach cottage was swept away, despite efforts made to save it by R.K. Beymer, William Brookin and C.R. Riediger.  The walk in front of the Fred Pohl place, which is one of the important links in Tahlequah’s “main street” was also badly damaged, making it necessary for folks to use the county road to the ferry.  Slight damage was done to the property east of the ferry dock.

  • Sails for Home – Yukichi Nishiyori sailed for home on December 1st.  If present plans do not miscarry Mr. U. Nishiyori will sail for Japan a few days after Christmas to join his wife and visit his family and friends after an absence of almost half a century.  He is anticipating a delightful voyage as a number of the officers of the boat on which he will sail are his intimate friends.

  • New Sidewalk – R.W.F. Martin reports that a new sidewalk has been built for the use of foot passengers that provides a much shorter walk from the car line to the ferry dock at Fauntleroy.  The stairs, directly across the street from the end of the dock lead to the new walk, which was secured through the activities of the Kitsap Company.

  • Issues Warning To Island Auto Drivers – On last Friday Officer Earl Rammage called at the News-Record office during an official visit to the Island.  Officer Rammage requested that a warning be issued to the Island people concerning the visit of a corps of traffic officers to the Island soon.  These officers are coming for the purpose of checking up on lights and brakes.  These officers regret the necessity that forces them to take such arbitrary action and Officer Rammage felt that in issuing a warning to the Island people he was doing only the fair thing.  He would advise you to have your light and brakes attended to right now if you haven’t had them checked recently.

  • Change Of Banking Hours – Our local bank announces a change of business hours beginning January 2, 1933.  After that date the bank will be open from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. and on Saturday from 10 a.m. to 12 noon.  This is to conform to banking hours now standard with all banks.

  • Unlucky Or Lucky? – For the past few weeks Ed Ramquist seems to have been operating under a particularly unlucky star.  Possibly it was the effect of his wife’s absence during the holiday she took visiting relatives in Vancouver, Wash., or it may have been something else, but be it as it may Ed surely had a series of misfortune.  While calling on a customer on the West Side he was unable to get any response at the front door and started to the back just in time to meet a bucket of mop water flung from the back steps.  The lady insisted that it was accidental, but - , well anyway it was wet water.  The following evening while engaged in running an errand for some of the Cove Methodist ladies Ed hurried over from the church to his house and in his haste forgot about the pond in his yard.  When he started to change his clothes he recalled that he had done the washing that morning.  It had rained during the day and his B.V.D.s were still on the line.  Fortunately Mrs. Ramquist was making just a short visit, so Ed presently returned to the church, dressed, to all appearances in the orthodox manner.

  • Body Of Lost Man Found At South End – A duck hunting trip last Thursday resulted in finding in the woods back of Harbor Heights, the body of Jefferson Harrison, colored, 68 years of age, who disappeared on March 12th from the home of Stanley Morrison, Shawnee.  The discovery of the man’s body was made by Digby Williams and Ed Woods.  There was no indication of foul play, the body being in such position as though tired out with his wanderings, the old man had lain down to rest and had died in his sleep.  He had rolled up his coat for a pillow and had removed his shoes.  His gold watch was still in his pocket.  Deputy coroner W.D. Garvin pronounced the death due to exhaustion.  Harrison was a retired sergeant, having served 30 years in the U.S. army.  He saw active service in the Spanish-American war.  Burial was in a Tacoma cemetery by the side of his wife.

  • The crisp, cold weather of Monday made one realize more than ever that Christmas is just around the corner.  In addition to this the Island stores are beginning to display their holiday wares and youngsters are resorting to all manner of subterfuges to run errands for mother.  The same old “just before Christmas” business holds true in 1932 just as it did in the past generations.

  • Vashon P.T.A. – The regular December meeting of the Vashon grammar school P.T.A. will be held Tuesday afternoon, December 13th.  A talk on “Spiritual Hygiene” will be given by Dr. Spalding.

  • High School Notes – At the last meeting of the Debate Club a comic debate was held.  Edward Slagle and Howard Nickols who argued for the negative side of question, “Reading the comic strips is a wanton waste of time”, received the judge’s decision.  Alvin Huston and Andrew Shride defended the affirmative side.  This proved to be one of the closest debates of the year.

  • High School Notes – School honor roll for six-weeks’ period ending December 1: Eleanor Beall, Margaret Takasuka, Margaret Smith, Lorna Danielson, Ona Nelson, Mildred Castle, Allen Ensing, Sadie Edwards, Lesh Kirkland, Geneva Jeffers.  Clara Johnson, Vera Hake, Georgia Livers, Mary Jane Keyes, Beulah Schoeppel, Gwen Rees, Ferguson Beall, Lewis Schmidt, Robert Wilber, Edward Slagle.  Paul Petersen, Charles Pettelle, Howard Nichols, Betty Calloway, Donna Mae Bedford, Eleanor Larson, Eloise Hoel, Joe Ramquist, Gilbert Holland, Howard Collings.  Joe Bourgeois, Phil Green, Yukio Fujioka, Bob Matsumoto, Tuckie Smith, Auslange Gullstad, Ronald Megorden, David Swartz.

  • Center News – Mrs. A. Brabender is in quarantine as her daughter has scarlet fever.

December 15, 1932

  • No Immediate Help In Sight – After making a thorough investigation of the workings of the Home Saving Corporation, Mr. Frances Sherman reports that there apparently does not seem to be much prospect of immediate help for those who are hoping to be able to borrow money to save their homes from threatened foreclosure.  In the meantime those who fear foreclosure may derive some comfort from the fact that the coming state legislature stands pledged to pass a two years’ moratorium on mortgages., although there seems to be a question being raised concerning the legality of such a legislative act.

  • The Real Community Spirit – What seems to us to be the real community spirit is being displayed by Theo Berry of Dockton.  Each New Year’s Eve the Dockton people get together for a celebration at their community hall.  For several years tickets have been sold for this dance several weeks in advance.  Mr. Berry as one of the prime movers in all of the Dockton affairs sells a goodly portion of the tickets, but this year he is making it plain to all whom he approaches that he wants them to first attend the Orthopedic supper dance, then the Dockton dance.  He laughingly informs his friends that Dockton folks consider midnight too early to break up a party and that there will still be time to celebrate with the Dockton people before their dance will be over.

  • Burton Lady Receives Head and Knee Injuries – Not all fat people can always escape injury when rolling downhill or falling flat as witness Mrs. Rees with a deep gash in her forehead, lame knee and torn coat the result of tripping and falling heavily on the sidewalk in Burton while escorting her daughter from a skating party last night.  The sidewalk committee of the Burton Improvement Club and Road Supervisor Rhulen are getting busy at once to repair the walk before something more serious happens.

  • Island May Be In Need Of Sheriff – Despite the fact that the 1931 budget provided for a full time deputy sheriff on Vashon-Maury Island all during 1932, for the past three months the Island has had only a part time deputy.  F.J. Shattuck, along with three other King County deputies was put on part time to save a portion of the salaries of the dry squad.  These ten men were retained after an announcement that they would have to be dropped on account of lack of funds for salaries.  Within the past week Sheriff Bannick has informed Mr. Shattuck that the Island deputy sheriff would in all probability be dropped entirely the first of the year.  Isolated as we are and obliged to depend on ferries which do not run all during the night it seems scarcely fair that the Island should be penalized in this manner.  With the repeal of the state liquor laws the sheriff’s office will no longer be obliged to maintain the dry squad whose prosecution of liquor cases was presupposed to result in enough to pay the major part of their salaries. In spite of the fact that ours is a law abiding community there are times when we need quick action and a local officer of the law.  It is far easier for communities on the mainland to get help from Seattle.  While economy in county affairs is highly commendable it should be general instead of singling out a community as isolated as ours in this manner.  It would seem advisable for the Island people to take action at once and express to the sheriff and to the county commissioners disapproval of this course of action they are contemplating.

  • Junior Play A Decided Success – An enthusiastic audience declared the Junior play given Friday night at the high school a most delightful and well-rounded performance.  The play, taken from the story “Seventeen,” by Booth Tarkington was one of the most humorous and most suitable ever given by the high school students.

  • School Fund Is Reduced – At a meeting of directors and principals of union high school districts held in Seattle Monday night, it was planned to support an effort to have the legislature pass a measure that would provide about $30 per census child from state funds, the money to be raised by a method which will be recommended by a governor’s committee now working on the problem.  Last year, the Vashon grammar school was allowed $10,139 for operating expenses.  Under Initiative No. 64 but $5,327 may be raised.  Burton district’s allowance is reduced from $6,559 to $3,709; Cove from $3,171 to $1,988 and the high school from $24,582 to $2,491.  In case the legislature fails to take steps to help the schools in this predicament it is possible for school districts to authorize by three-fifths vote levies in addition to the amounts stated above.

  • High School Notes – In the opinion of Senator Charles Hall of Clark county who spoke before the Schoolmasters’ Club at the Tacoma Hotel, Saturday, an attempt will be made in the approaching session of the legislature to find a way to help the schools of the state meet the crisis precipitated by the passage of the 40-milll limit bill.  He called attention to the necessity for the exercise of the greatest economy by school administrators and warned against expecting too much in the way of relief from the legislature.

  • Cross’ Landing Notes – It seems the news that was sent in for last week’s paper must have been delayed in transit.  Anyway we’ll try again.

  • Cross’ Landing Notes – With frozen pipes, pumps, etc., it seems the weather has cooled everything except tempers.

  • An item inadvertently omitted from last week’s issue but nevertheless interesting was that on the first of December Mrs. Kearney, living east of Vashon, cut enough asparagus for a meal.  We fear that the cold weather of the past week will have made this performance impossible before spring.

  • We advise everyone who has not done so to read “Buy American” by Samuel Blythe in the Saturday Evening Post of December 3.

  • Tahlequah News Items – Rolling in on the heels of King Neptune, Jack Frost and his merry crew of icicles caused considerable damage to water, mains, and perennial plants that folks had either neglected to cover or pot for the winter months.  Pipes serving the homes of Bert Lewis, Austin Cronemiller, William Brookin and Charles Huhn were the most seriously damaged, causing no little difficulty to housewives.  The monetary damage was slight, but numerous dispositions that were generally considered of an even temperament were ruffled.

  • Tahlequah News Items – Construction of a modern seven-room bungalow, with fireplace and all modern conveniences for Eddie Holmes is well under way on property east of the ferry dock.  The residence is being wired for electricity in anticipation of the time when the Puget Sound Power & Light Company extends its lines to this territory.  The house and property mean an investment of more than $5,000 and will be a distinct asset to the south part of Vashon Island.

December 22, 1932

  • Monday’s Storm Causes Much Damage to Island – An exceptionally high tide, driven by a 35 mile gale from the southwest which caused a heavy ground swell produced some rather unusual results Monday morning.  On the road from Armstrong’s store at Portage to Quartermaster the water came up over the road and in some places covered it to the depth of two feet, while the Quartermaster dock was completely covered.  At Sylvan Beach volunteer workers had to work fast and hard to prevent the dock from being battered to pieces by large logs that had been driven against it by wind and wave.  At Cedarhurst the water came up to within five feet of the McCormick cottage and it was with difficulty that Garner Kimmel was able to save his boat house.  Logs that had been on the beach for the past twenty years were carried away, while a mass of debris was left when the water receded.  The waves threw driftwood up onto the dock at Fauntleroy and the ferry was tossed about so badly that a number of passengers were as seasick as though they had taken a trip to Europe instead of just Vashon Island.  At noon a miniature hurricane struck Quartermaster Harbor which fling water high in the air from the crest of the waves.  Leaving the bay the wind and water traveled across the peninsula and striking the Vye apartment house crashed in windows, breaking dishes and creating general havoc.  George Vye received a badly cut hand from flying glass.  In Mrs. Gammell’s yard a large tree was uprooted.  It was the fiercest wind that has struck Quartermaster Harbor since the storm of that memorable Christmas Eve of 1923.

  • Issues 1932 Catalog – During the past week L.C. Beall, Jr., has mailed catalogs from the Beall Poultry Farm to every state in the union, all of the possessions and twenty-one foreign countries.  Several thousand books in all were mailed.  The catalog contains 20 pages and a number of new illustrations have been added to those used in previous issues.  It not only is a fine advertisement for the Beall farm, but for Vashon Island as well.

  • Burton Club Holding Yo-Yo Contest At Burton – All over the country yo-yoing is the most popular sport among the boys and girls.  We have noticed many on the Island who are quite expert in twirling the yo-yo and putting the top thru its various stunts.  This all leads up to the big yo-yo contest that the Burton Improvement Club is putting on January 5, open to all boys and girls on Vashon Island.

  • Ungraveled Roads In Terrible Condition – It behooves one to stick close to the most traveled Island roads these days as the others are in mighty bad shape from the recent freeze and thaw and some that in normal times are good roads are now practically impassible.  Along the waterfront roads what damage the frost failed to do was completed by the recent high wind and tide.  Needless to say Road Supervisor Rhulen with his efficient crew has already begun work and will get the roads back into their former condition as fast as weather conditions permit.

  • We’ll Get No Holiday – Practically the only business that will function on Monday, December 26th will be the News-Record.  Unlike the rest of humanity we will have to begin Monday morning to start on next week’s edition.  At last we have found the one advantage that school teaching has over publishing a newspaper. 

  • Vashon Island Receives No Assurance From Sheriff – On Tuesday of this week a committee from the Commercial Club called on Commissioner Brinton and Sheriff Bannick in an effort to persuade them that the residents of Vashon-Maury Island were not in accord with the proposed plan of dismissing Deputy Sheriff Shattuck.  Both men denied responsibility, claiming that the fault lay with the other.  Mr. Bannick refused to give any assurance that a deputy would be assigned to the Island more than month by month.  He promised that Mr. Shattuck would be given full time service during January, but past that point would promise nothing.   With the repeal of the state law for control of liquor the dry squad of the sheriff’s office became automatically non-existent in theory, but in fact these men, formerly paid from fines collected that are no longer collectible, are being retained and deputies in outlying districts are being put on half time or dismissed.  Their salaries are being used, apparently, in retaining members of the out-dated protective force at the expense of the criminal force.  Member of the board of commissioners state the sheriff is receiving the same funds that he has in the past, but with the liquor fines cut off it is impossible to spread the money and retain all former officers.

  • Home Again – Not in anticipation of a brisk Christmas trade, but because the much publicized depression finally hit Bremerton our Marjorie is home again.  She says that since leaving the Island she has had so many experiences that it would require no effort, whatever, to fill several “Bootlegger’s” columns.

  • Burton News Items – The sidewalk leading up to the eastern part of town is being graveled and will soon be in use, to the satisfaction of those passing along that street.

  • Tahlequah News Items – The residents here believe they have dealt Old Man Depression a body blow, and consequently are looking forward to one of the brightest holiday celebrations in years.

  • Southern Heights News – The Shaw residence on the hill above Shawnee burned to the ground Sunday evening.  We were unable to learn the full details and do not know, but trust, that the property was fully covered by insurance.

December 29, 1932

  • Burton Residence Totally Destroyed – Fire from an undetermined origin totally destroyed the Barger home in Burton early Wednesday morning.  The fire, which was discovered by Dr. Grandy a little before four o’clock, had made such headway that the roof of the house was falling in when the neighbors whom he summoned by phone arrived on the scene.  All that was saved was a few articles from a room at the rear of the house.  By hard work the garage was also saved.  The origin of the fire will probably never be determined as the occupants were all absent at the time.  The fire was particularly spectacular and beautiful.  Located on the inner harbor the great pillar of fire, as the house burned, was reflected in the still water.  Norman Edson, always the artist, never answers the call of “fire” without his camera and on this occasion, as on several previous ones, succeeded in getting a beautiful picture of the conflagration.  Just how nearly the loss of the property destroyed is covered by insurance is a matter of conjecture, but it is understood that it is at least partially insured.

  • Charivari At Heights – About forty friends and neighbors made a raid upon the home of Royce A. Wise and his bride at Vashon Heights Monday evening for an old fashioned charivari.  The music, which filled the air was not of the regular “jingle bell” type of which we have been hearing recently, but resembled more closely a Chinatown band concert.  Investigation of the din proved it to be only friends who wished to give a rousing welcome to the new lady in their midst.

  • Purity News Discontinued – Mr. C.G. Kimmel requests us to announce to his patrons that the Purity News has been discontinued and that in the future he is going to “patronize home industry” and advertise through the Island paper.  In checking over his mailing list he discovered a surprisingly few who were not readers of the News-Record.  So he bids you, from now on, to look for his list of specials each week in your home paper.

  • The entire community of Burton are enjoying the beautifully decorated and lighted living Christmas trees at the Fred Vye and Russell Carty homes.

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