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1923 Vashon Island News-Record Summary (Mike Sudduth)

January 1923

January 5, 1923

  • Beall’s Add Much To Big Greenhouse – Oil Supplants Coal for Heating – Two More Houses Planned – The Beall Greenhouse Co. is just completing the installation of a modern fuel-oil burning heating plant to supplant the old coal-burning plant, making its greenhouses the most modern as well as the largest west of Chicago.  In addition to this important improvement, grading is being done for the construction of two more mammoth houses, the same size as the last one erected (40x400 feet).  One will be built this coming season but it is not probable that the second one will be built before next year.  In adding an oil-burning plant, a complete change has been made.  A huge new boiler of 150 horsepower has been put in, equipped with the latest three-burner type feeder.  The burners are operated by an electric motor which sprays the oil onto a flame.  This will be aided by an auxiliary gasoline engine which will supply the necessary power in case the electric current fails.  The old coal-burning plant will be maintained for emergencies.  Ground is being graded at the extreme south of the plant for the two proposed houses.  Each house will cost $10,000 at present material and labor prices, and when completed will add a great deal to the already huge spread of over a quarter of a million square feet of glass.  The greenhouses at this season present rather a “stripped” appearance due to the great demand for floral products during the holiday season.  The largest house, which grew an excellent crop of chrysanthemums, is being prepared for a cucumber crop.  Tomato seed was planted on New Years day for the spring crop.  Other crops grown in great profusion that are now coming into their best are roses, maiden hair ferns and cyclamens.  The Beall Greenhouse Co. has without a doubt the largest industry on the Island, employing a force of men from 25 to 30 the year around.  This makes a very substantial payroll for the community.

  • Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Buys Washington Coast Utilities’ Interest – This (Friday) morning’s issue of the Post-Intelligencer chronicles the fact that the Puget Sound Power and Light Company has purchased the entire holdings of the Washington Coast Utilities, consisting of light, power, gas and ice plants in eight communities, including Vashon Island electric light, power and telephone systems.  Power for all of the newly purchased systems will be supplied from the Puget Sound Light & Power Company’s hydroelectric plant at Dieringer, between Sumner and Auburn.

  • The obituary of Mrs. (Mary Fallon) McCarren was published.

  • Fine Eggs Secured By Siegrist’s Hatchery – D.S. Siegrist, proprietor of the Siegrist Hatchery, located in the Colvos neighborhood, reports that he has just secured the entire output of C.F. Hovey’s big poultry plant at Sunnydale, for the coming hatching season.  The Siegrist hatchery consists of some 75 incubators with a capacity of 14,000 eggs every seven days, or approximately 40,000 chicks each hatch.  To date Mr. Siegrist reports that practically half of the season’s output for the year 1923 has been booked. 

  • Change Occurs In Big Vashon Store – F.A. Weiss Takes Over Ole Thorsen’s Interests First of Week – The opening of the new year saw several business changes on Vashon-Maury Island, most important of which is the announcement that Ole Thorsen retires from the firm of Weiss & Thorsen of Vashon.  When Robert Gerry sold out his business a couple of years ago to F.A. Weiss and Ole Thorsen, the new firm at once enlarged and otherwise improved the “big store on the corner,” and this business house has enjoyed a large growing patronage ever since.  Mr. Thorsen found his health was “going bad” and felt it had become necessary for him to ease up a bit on business cares, and accordingly sold his half interest to his partner, F.A. Weiss, who is now sole owner since the opening of the year. 

  • “Hoot Men” Plan Big Doing On January 25 – A number of Vashon-Maury island Burns’ club members met at the News-Record office last Friday night and set plans going for the biggest Burns “nacht” ever held on the island.  It will be held in the Burton high school assembly, on the evening of January 25.

  • Local News – H.P. Babcock is making meat deliveries in a new Ford truck.

  • The obituary of Sadie Hofmeister, age 23, was published.  Interment took place at the Vashon cemetery by the side of her sister, who preceded her in death.

  • The Report of the Financial Condition of the Vashon State Bank at the close of business on the 30th day of December, 1923 showed total assets of $169,160.00.

  • Cove – Mrs. Paul Baldwin was brought to the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.W. Prigg, Monday.  She recently underwent quite a serious operation and is recovering so rapidly that she could be brought home at such an early date.  Because of the condition of the roads between the Fjeldal’s  place and the community hall, the cot had to be carried the remainder of the way home. 

  • Cove – The “fill” over the gulch, north of the community hall, washed away with a roar last Wednesday afternoon.  The large amount of water rushing down, swept the trail to Page’s Landing free from underbrush and logs.  It also washed the house and belongings of John Dahl against the alders and some of the bedding, the table, stove, etc, were collected from the beach.  Mr. Dahl was in the house at the time, but luckily escaped with only a cut and bruised finger.  A large crew is at work on the road and it is believed that vehicles will soon be able to pass.  Two 24-inch tiles are being put across the road to carry off surplus water.

January 12, 1923

  • Vashon Island News-Record Editor P. Monroe Smock was offered and has accepted the position of commissioner of public welfare of King County.  Lou E. Wenham took over as the News-Record Editor, assuming control and entire management of this paper.  Mr. Wenham has been in charge of this paper for several months.

  • The News-Record is in receipt of a sack of garden seeds for free distribution, through the courtesy of United States Senator Wesley L. Jones.  This is the last lot of seeds to be sent out by senators and representatives, as the free seed measure was killed before congress adjourned last month.

  • Local News – C.H. Merry, the new road boss for the island, has a crew of men at work on the road near the home of H.P. Babcock.

  • Local News – As an incentive for automobile owners to renew their licenses, members of the state highway patrol have been on the island checking up on matters.

  • Local News – W.D. Garvin this week sold his acre tract and three-room house near the Beall greenhouses to his son, W.R. Garvin.  The new owner plans to improve the property and occupy it later in the season.

  • Local News – The Washington Coast Utilities is surely a “child of misfortune”.  During the gale Sunday a tree blew across the power line, shorting it and causing a transformer to burn out.  As a result there was no current Monday and Tuesday.  Another transformer was brought down from Edmonds Wednesday and it is believed that the trouble has been remedied.

  • Local News – A fire of unknown origin destroyed a good sized barn on the Cahill farm at Glen Acres on Friday of last week.  A number of geese, valued at $80, was lost in the blaze.  Mr. Cahill was at Seattle and Mrs. Cahill was at home alone.  Volunteer firemen from Vashon responded to the call for aid but the fire was under headway too much to be checked.

  • Cove – P.A. Petersen has been receiving much feed lately, and because of the tide and business during the day, all has been unloaded during the night. 

  • Cove – The wash-out in the road north of the community hall has been repaired and is again passable.  With several loads of gravel to pack and make this road solid, it will be an improvement over its condition previous to the wash-out.

 January 19, 1923

  • Bard of Scotland To Be Remembered Next Week – Anniversary of Robert Burns will be Observed Thursday Night at Burton School.

  • Consider Island Affairs – Vashon-Maury island affairs are being considered by the board of commissioners.  At the meeting last week three matters of interest were passed upon.  The first was that the offer of Hasting & Stedman, representing the Port Blakeley Transportation Co., for the purchase of the pontoon bridge and pilings at Portage, on Vashon Island, owned by the county, was rejected.  On motion it was ordered that the county engineer be authorized to repair the Cross, Cove and Colvos wharves.  Resolution No. 1116 was passed declaring the Dockton-Melita road a public necessity and directing the county engineer to examine and report upon it.

  • Settle Mooted Case – On January 9th the old school house had its hearing in court.  The court decided that the directors had no right to sell it on contract unless the voters of the district voted upon the matter favorably.  However, it was decided that as Mr. Sanford had repaired it and placed it in condition in good faith the school board should pay Mr. Sanford the sum of $250.  Each party of the suit was ordered to pay their own costs.  The case arose out of the action of the board selling the old school property to the Y.M.C.A. for the sum of $1000, one-tenth of which was paid in cash and the remainder was to be paid in nine equal installments.  The understanding was that the property should be used for community purposes.  Then the Y.M.C.A. sold the property to Mr. Sanford for private purposes.

  • Presbyterians Start Work At Lisabeula – Word comes from Lisabeula that the First Presbyterian church of Seattle, which is headed by the Rev. Mark A. Matthews, which recently purchased a good sized tract of land near that place for a summer colony, has started work on the project.  William Norwich, a Seattle engineer, is on the tract laying out the grounds and has employed a force of men to level off some of the small hills preparatory to the erection of a number of summer cottages.  There is a spring on the upper lands sufficient to supply a good sized town and electric current will be conducted to the camp site.  Undoubtedly the coming season will witness a great deal of activity in that locality.  There is already a big log club house on the tract which can be used for various summer conventions and other attractions for members of that faith.  With the other camps already in force Vashon-Maury island will undoubtedly be an island of clubs, camps and summer chautauquas.

  • Editorial – Vashon-Maury island received it first recognition from a material standpoint on January 13th when the commissioners passed a resolution declaring the Dockton-Melita road a public necessity and directing the county engineer to examine and report on it.  The present highway for its entire length of nine miles is almost impassable and the residents of the Dockton neighborhood are almost entirely isolated except by water transportation.  A shore line road is calculated to reduce the route from nine to five miles and give the people of that section a highway free from heavy grades.  Without the reapportionment of the road and bridge fund, this road could not have been considered this year.

  • Burton – A play entitled, “Mrs. Haywood’s Help,” will be given in the near future under the auspices of the Women’s club.

  • Burton – The body of Miss A. Margaret Coemen of Tacoma was found on the beach at the south end of the island near Tahlequah last Sunday, just 17 days after she reported to have jumped into the Sound from the steamer Vashona. 

  • Dockton - The wedding of Miss Mary Plancich to Dragge Berethich of Tacoma was announced.

January 26, 1923

  • Third Burns’ “Nicht” Fittingly Observed – Big Crowd Assembles at Burton School to Honor Scotch Poet – The third annual festival of the Vashon-Maury Burns club occurred last evening at the Burton school building when about 150 of the admirers of the Scottish poet fittingly celebrated the 164th anniversary of the birth of Robert Burns.

  • Shooting At Burton – As a result of a dispute said to have occurred over a liquor settlement two men, R.B. Hayes and Jeff Hayes, are in a Tacoma hospital suffering from gunshot wounds in their arms and another, Jud Hart, a Burton greenhouse owner, is in Seattle awaiting the results of the investigation as to the cause of the shooting.  Little can be ascertained concerning the matter.  Jeff Hayes was shot through the elbow and a hasty examination of the wound resulted in the first aid physician pronouncing it serious, as it may result in a permanently stiff elbow.  R.B. Hayes’ wound in the arm is not so serious.  Deputy Sheriffs C.H. Kearney, Frank Brewer and Joe Hill went to Burton and took Hart into custody and he will probably be held until a thorough investigation is made.

  • Reports are to the effect that beginning Feb. 3, Dr. Orlob will resume the Saturday night shows at the Island theatre.

  • Salvation Army Folk Seek Island Camp Site – Several officials of the Seattle headquarters of the Salvation Army were on Vashon-Maury island Monday, seeking a site for a summer camp for its various organizations.  A site near the Pembroke gravel pits was examined, but it was found upon examination to be too hilly.  The officials are anxious to find a suitable site and suggestions as to a feasible location will be gratefully taken.

  • Ford Car Upsets – A Ford car owned by R.B Hayes of Center and driven by one of his young sons upset Monday and found a resting place in a ditch near Quartermaster.  The lad attempted to make the turn in the road leading toward Portage, but was unable to negotiate it as the speed at which he was traveling and landed in the ditch.  A front wheel of the car was broken and other damages were inflicted to the car in the accident.

  • Editorial – The people of Vashon-Maury island will welcome the Salvation Army’s efforts to establish a summer camp somewhere on the island.  This organization will bring a splendid lot of boys and girls here if it can find the right location.  Since prohibition has been in effect the Army has been working among a better class of people than in the old days, and the ones it would bring here for the summer would be valuable acquisitions to the island’s summer residents.

  • Southern Heights – Edwin Morrill has recently been appointed deputy sheriff.  He has held a similar position as head watchman at the Todd shipyard for five years past.

  • Southern Heights – Southern Heights has no winter snakes but it does have violets and pansies in blossom, and George Sheffield reports that on his place there is a jasmine in full bloom out of doors.

  • Maury Island – The old Melita road has taken on a very bad slide and is about ready to slide into the bay.

  • The Lisabeula store has changed hands again.  Charles Stein of Seattle will take charge the first of the week.

  • Dockton – The new freight boat built at the Martinolich shipyard will be launched Saturday, January 27, at 12 o’clock.  The boat will be christened “Juliett.”

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February 1923
February 2, 1923

  • Shall Island Folk Organize Society?  Vashon Man Suggests Organizing for Business and Amusement – In response to a call for some kind of amusement, due to the fact that late last week Dr. A.W. Orlob relinquished his lease on the Y.M.C.A. building, W.D. Garvin has worked out plan whereby the people of the islands may be banded together in a society for mutual benefit and amusement.  He suggests that a horticultural society be organized and that it take the building and supervise amusements.  In an interview he says: “I find in looking over the records of the old horticultural society of Vashon-Maury island that it was organized about 1900.  The objects of this organization according to article II, of the constitution read: ‘The object of this association shall be the advancement of the science of horticulture, agriculture and all matters pertaining to the financial and social welfare of Vashon-Maury island.  This society handled a great many questions in the 16 years of its life, such as getting the rural mail system started; was instrumental in getting the system known as the Home Telephone Co. and held 13 fairs every one of which was a good one.  Now, today Vashon-Maury needs some society to get busy with several questions and what would answer the purpose better than a horticulture society?  For instance, the Y.M.C.A. hall is a good building with a seating capacity of about two hundred.  It has about 200 chairs, a good piano, a stage with two good curtains, dressing room, etc., a good stove, electric ventilator, and a $500 carbon are moving picture machine, all of which are not being used at the present time.  The hall was built by the community for Y.M.C.A. purposes, but there doesn’t seem to be enough young men to take care of it.  Let’s hear what you think of the plan quickly – before the trustees rent the hall to some Seattle people.”

  • The obituary of Robert J. Dowling was published.

  • Vashon Post Office In New Quarters – Moved Monday to New Van Olinda Building Across the Street – The Vashon Post Office, which has occupied the location in the Petersen store for so many years, was moved early Monday morning to the south part of the newly completed Van Olinda building.  A new section of mailboxes has been added, which, with the old, makes a good showing.  For the convenience of the postmistress, Miss Gladys Jacobs, new shelves and tables have been provided for the workroom.  A little history concerning the establishment of the Vashon post office might be of interest.  The News-Record enlisted the aid of Mr. Barton and Ira Thompson.  They stated that the first post office was established in the fall of 1885 or the spring of 1886 with John T. Blackburn as first postmaster.  The office was located on what is now the east line of S.J. Harmeling’s tract, and the original building stands at the rear of the Harmeling home, being used as a sort of store room.  Mail was at first received but once a week but the service was soon increased to three times weekly.  The post office was a great convenience as before its establishment it was necessary to cross in a row boat to Tacoma for mail.  The next postmaster was B.W. Alexander and the office stood on the site of the Moorehouse cottage.  W.C. Campbell followed Mr. Alexander as postmaster and the office was moved to the building occupied by O.S. Van Olinda as a machine shop.  Stephen Steffanson held the office for many years, having had it in his store, that is now owned by A.H. Petersen.  For nearly 23 years that building housed it and during that period the office occupied each of the four corners of the room.  Following Mr. Steffanson was L.A. Goodman.  Miss Gladys Jacobs succeeded Mr. Goodman last fall.  Work began immediately on the part of Mr. Petersen to remodel the room.  New shelving is being placed in position and a new floor is being laid by Wm. Nye.  Mr. Petersen needed the room badly to accommodate his rapidly growing place of business.

  • Editorial – Anyone having a view of the channel east of Vashon-Maury island on Tuesday of this week could have seen the trial trip of the new scout cruiser Omaha, one of ten such vessels to be built at the Tacoma ship yards.  The big signal tower that stands in the orchard east of the News-Record office played a part in the trial, being one of the guide towers with which speed is gauged.  The Omaha is over 550 feet long, develops 90,000 horse power and is capable of making 37 knots (42 miles) per hour.  There is only one other faster cruiser in existence – that being a part of the British fleet.  The Omaha cost ten million dollars.  Statisticians can make one dizzy with figures showing how many miles of good roads that sum would build; how many schools of higher education it would endow and to what other uses the money could be put, but until the world becomes half way civilized money invested in modern naval vessels and flying craft is providing the best little old insurance policy against war than can be devised by man.

  • Local News - The Vashon-Harper ferry, the Washington, was taken off the run Wednesday for inspection, and the West Seattle substituted.

  • Local News – Dr. F.A. McMurray was called to Ellisport Friday last to reduce a dislocated wrist sustained by B.K. Starr, Ellisport merchant, while cranking a Ford car.

  • Vashon Heights – Owing to the severe north wind on Monday of this week the ferry was unable to make her regular trips.  She made the usual trip in the morning having consumed two and one half hours to make the journey, but did not return until evening.  In the meantime the steamer Hyak made the afternoon trip, returning at 4:30.

  • Vashon Heights – Vashon Heights has been very fortunate this year according to the amount of rain that has fallen, not to have the severe slides as occurred last winter.  The lower paths leading to Dolphin Point has been in splendid condition, making the use of it available all winter.

  • Local News – The dance given by the Lion Tamers’ club at Burton Saturday night was a success both socially and financially, despite the inclement weather.

  • Maury Island – Surveyors were here Tuesday from Seattle hunting the corners and surveying the land for the new gravel pit to be opened up on the east side of Maury Island.

  • Cove (by Miss Florence Sigrist) – A pile driver is moored to the Cove dock, repairing some of the loose piling.

  • Cove – The cold weather has made fine skating for the young people.  Tronas pond is larger than it has ever been and frozen to a good thickness.

  • Cove – The home of Mrs. Baker was completely destroyed by fire on Monday morning.  The high wind so fanned the flames that the fire was beyond control before it was discovered.  She lost everything and is now at the home of Mrs. Earles.  The friends of Cove offer assistance to Mrs. Baker.

  • Mr. Merry, the new road supervisor, needn’t think that he is the “only pebble on the beach” when it comes to road building.  W.W. Prigg, as high boss, Frank Sigrist and big teams, Victor Crosier, assistant boss, Bert Moore and father, as general purpose fellows, and Dr. Stockley, as chief advisor, have been putting in some pretty good licks building a bridge, grading up the old logging road down to Page Landing which was washed out when the pent up waters carried out the Cove highway.  The beach at the Page Landing is one of the finest along the island shores.

  • Dockton – Work on the new St. Patrick’s church at this place has been commenced by Mr. Mauck of Burton who has charge of the construction.

  • Dockton – A new freight boat built at the Martinolich shipyard was launched Sunday afternoon at 1:00 o’clock and is now lying by the wharf having the pilothouse built on.  The boat is 65 feet in length with a 22-foot beam.  It was built for Mr. Lovejoy of Seattle, whose daughter, Miss Jean, christened it.

  • Burton - “Burton Pet Stock Co.” will be the advertising name of a store in Burton the members of which are Mrs. McNair, Miss Jaynes and Miss Jackson.

February 9, 1923

  • Island Residents Want Organization – People Feel Need of Co-operation – Meeting Called for Tuesday – The suggestion that Vashon-Maury island residents form a horticultural society has met with so much approval that it has been decided to call a meeting at the Y.M.C.A. hall for next Tuesday for the purpose of laying plans for a permanent organization.  A new turn has occurred in the matter whereby the amusement part will be eliminated from the proposed society, this to be handled by another organization.  This will leave the society (if such be organized) to be on a strictly business basis.

  • Maury Island – County engineers have been out viewing the proposed road to Dockton.

  • Dockton – The county engineers have completed the survey on the proposed Mileta-Dockton road.

  • Dockton – There is some talk of a new Protestant church in Dockton.  We would all be interested in that movement as there is need of a building for religious services only.

  • Lisabeula – The Carpenters, having sold the store at the dock, have moved up the hill to the Sullivan place.

February 16, 1923

  • Narrow Escape For Orlob – Dr. and Mrs. A.W. Orlob had a narrow escape from death Sunday afternoon when returning to the afternoon ferry, when the car skidded in the deep snow at the foot of the hill and crashed into the railing at the sharp turn at the water’s edge.  The hill was slippery and the air full of snow when Dr. Orlob descended the hill.  Unable to make the turn, the car skidded dangerously, striking the railing.  A two by four was forced into the radiator, the front axle sprung, and other damages inflicted to the car.  Fortunately neither of the occupants of the car was injured other than suffering a shaking up in the sudden stop of the car.  They went on the ferry leaving the car to be taken over at another time.

  • Greenhouses Collapse – Four new greenhouses belonging to W.V. Covey, a short distance northeast of Vashon, collapsed Tuesday morning under the great weight of snow, entailing a total loss of about $1000 per house.  The houses were 20 x 150 feet in dimensions each and were constructed late last summer for growing cucumbers and tomatoes this spring.  Mr. Covey turned live steam into the houses in an effort to save them, but not until too late.  It is said that there was scarcely a whole pane of glass left after the catastrophe.

  • Puget Sound In Grip Of Blizzard – Worst February Storm for Years Causes Complete Blockade – The entire Pacific Northwest has been in the grasp of one of the worst February blizzards on record the greater part of the week.  Snow began falling Saturday night and all day Sunday a driving wind piled it up in good-sized drifts.  This continued the greater part of Monday, until, all told, there was an average of about 15 inches on the level and drifts two and three feet deep in places.  The high wind played havoc with power and telephone wires.  Huge trees were blown over and many fell on the roads and wires.  The power was off all day Monday and the majority of the time Wednesday and Thursday.  Telephone service has been badly crippled.  The ferry service was badly hampered.  No late Sunday boats were operated on account of the storm.  The waves took out 12 piles under the dock at the Heights landing and it is reported that the pontoon at Point Defiance for the Tahlequah ferry was sunk.  Passengers for Seattle Sunday evening were compelled to seek make shift accommodations.  Seven slept in the waiting room while several others found places at the beach cottages.  Otto Therkelsen experienced a great deal of difficulty in getting the mail in and out of Vashon.  He enlisted the services of a team and has been able to handle the situation.  Ira Thompson, for the first few days, carried what he could on foot, going as far as the school house to the north and to the Beall greenhouses south and east.  On Thursday he secured the co-operation of farmers and their teams and has been able to make part of the daily circuit.  Every effort possible was made by C.H. Merry, road supervisor, to open roads.  Snowplows were used but after rain had wet the snow it was difficult to do much as it piled in huge chunks ahead of the plow.  The Beall greenhouse trucks, which were forced to make trips whenever possible to Seattle for fuel, did much to break out the roads, and the drivers of the big machines are to be commended for their heroic efforts to make the journeys to and fro.  The big bus of the Vashon Auto Transportation Co. was housed until Thursday, when it was able to make the regular trips.  School was dismissed Tuesday on account of lack of current to operate the water system.  Then the deep snow stopped the school busses and no more sessions were held during the week. 

  • No Power, Delayed Paper – The News-Record was published this week two days late, under great difficulties.  The power was off all day Monday and most of the day Wednesday and Thursday.  Added to the power difficulties was an embargo on freight for the island which prevented a shipment of newsprint from arriving on schedule time.  The News-Record trusts that the power troubles are over for a time and that the publication may appear on time again.

  • Meeting Postponed – On account of the heavy storm Tuesday evening, no attempt was to hold a meeting for the organization of a horticultural society.  As weather conditions will be uncertain for the next few days no attempt has been made to set a new date.  However announcement will be made next week.

  • No Peach Crop Failure In Fourteen Years – One of the veteran peach growers on the island is Peter Erickson, located at the Center district near the town of Vashon, at the north end of the island.  He has raised peaches for 14 years and never had a crop failure.  The first planting on this place was a five-acre tract put in as fillers for apple and pear trees in order to bring in a cash crop until the main orchard was old enough to bear a commercial crop. 

  • High Honey Yield – An average surplus of 100 to 150 pounds of honey to the colony is considered a good yield for the Puget Sound district, but S.J. Harmeling of Vashon, King county, reports an average of 280 pounds to the colony.  There is an abundance of fruit and other blossoms in the neighborhood and the bees do not have to go far for their supply.  “I have found that it pays to use only the best of imported queens,” said Mr. Harmeling, “and I have five daughters of the well-known Curd Walker stock of Jellico, Tenn.

February 23, 1923

  • Col. Chas. R. Forbes Quits Under Fire – Head of Veterans Bureau Charged with Mismanagement and Waste – Colonel Charles R. Forbes, head of the United States veterans’ bureau, has resigned his position, and as soon as he arrives in this country from Paris, he will be asked to appear before the special senate investigating committee to answer charges of waste, mismanagement and irregularities in the administration of the bureau.  This culminates a long campaign on the part of the American Legion to oust Col. Forbes.  All of this is of especial interest to residents of Vashon-Maury island, as Col. Forbes was from Newport, where he still owns a home.  Undoubtedly Dr. Ireland and Mr. Pritchard, two of Col. Forbes appointees from this island will lose their official heads upon Forbes’ retirement.

  • Re-Open Movie Theatre – After being closed for several months, the Vashon movie theatre will open Saturday, Feb. 24.  The theatre will be operated by the Y.M.C.A., an organization of young men of Vashon, who have donated their time to give the residents of Vashon island a place of amusement each Saturday evening.  The opening picture is entitled “Moran of the Lady Letty.” 

  • They Live A Long Time On Vashon-Maury Isle – While in a meditative mood one day this week W.D. Garvin compiled some vital statistics that are of considerable interest, as they show the healthfulness of the climate of Vashon-Maury and its conduciveness to longevity.  He took a period of 14 years – from Feb. 1909 to Feb. 1923, during which time there have been 187 deaths on the island that have been reported to him.  Of this number five have been of people between 90 and 100 years of age; 20 from 80 to 90 years and others in proportion.  The smallest death rate is in children between 5 and 10 years of age, there having been but two.  The next lowest is between 10 and 20 and between 30 and 40 years.

  • Vashon Heights – A number of young people from Vashon enjoyed the coasting on the Heights hill on Monday of last week.

  • Southern Heights is just about back to normalcy since the big freeze up.  Mail is coming regularly again and the merry tinkle of the telephone bell is once more heard.  We don’t like to give him away for fear he may be mobbed, but it is a fact that Mr. Morrissey predicted this right after the early snow we had last December.  He said he knew because the brown caterpillers walked in the early fall.  Sounds fishy, but we shall be watching for those caterpillers next September, and step on them.

  • Southern Heights – The home of James Bachelor near Tahlequah was destroyed by fire some weeks ago – if it had not been – well, an immense fir tree now lies prostrate directly across the ruins.

  • Burton – A number of new books have been placed on the shelves of the Burton public library, among them being Mary Roberts Rinehart’s new book, “The Breaking Point.”

  • Convenience – The big, comfortable bus and the auxiliary cars meet all ferries on schedule time daily.  When you desire to make a ferry or boat you are not called upon to pump up a flat tire, fix a leaky radiator or crank a cold engine.  Our bus and cars are as nearly on the dot as is possible and are always prepared to carry all passengers to and from the ferry.  No vehicle transportation to pay on the ferry when you ride with Vashon Island Auto Transportation Co. (advertisement)

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March 1923 
March 2, 1923

  • Home Talent Play To Be Given At Lisabeula – The ladies of the Lisabeula Community church are arranging to give a home talent play at that place on Saturday evening, March 10.  The proceeds from the play are to be devoted to the piano fund.

  • Thompson’s Mother Dead – T.N.Thompson, well-known resident of Center, was called to Seattle Monday by the death of his aged mother that day.

  • Aged Lady Vashon Visitor – Mrs. Janes of Burton, oldest resident of the Vashon-Maury island, and one of the oldest of the state, was a Vashon visitor Thursday afternoon.  The occasion was a visit of Bertha Snow Adams a representative of the Tacoma Ledger, who visited her to secure an article concerning her.  Mrs. Janes is quite active, despite the fact that if she survives she will be 104 years of age this coming August.  She has retained all of her faculties except hearing, and was able to walk a half a block from her home to the automobile.

  • Former Island Resident Dies At Seattle Home – Mrs. W.J. Gordon, for many years a resident of near Vashon, died last Thursday at her home at Seattle after an illness of many months’ duration.  Mrs. Gordon, with her husband, resided on what is now the Menesse place for 35 years.  Mrs. Gordon was 78 years of age at the time of her death.

  • Plan To Revivify Old “Hort” Society – Citizens Decide on Important Step at Meeting Tuesday Night – About a dozen Vashon men and one lady met at the Y.M.C.A. hall Tuesday evening to consider the matter of organizing a society for the benefit of the residents of Vashon-Maury island.  It was found that the electric lights in the hall were out of commission, but a gasoline lantern was secured from F.A. Weiss’ store and the meeting was called to order.  A number of those present discussed the benefits of a well-organized community, and it was the consensus of opinion that the old Vashon Horticulture society should be re-established.  One surprising thing was sprung by T. Hansen to the effect that there is a sum of about $20.00 in the name of the old organization in the Vashon State bank.  It was the sentiment of those present at the Tuesday evening meeting that the first question to be taken up by the organization as that of making plans for the holding of a first class agricultural exhibit some time during the month of October.

  • Mrs. Whinery Wedded – An event of much interest was the marriage of Mrs. Josephine R. Whinery to Fleat R. Stump of Waukee, Iowa, which took place at the noon hour on February 21, 1923, at University Place church at Des Moines, Iowa.

  • Local News – Claude Williams has big four-horse teams hauling cedar logs from the north end of the island to the Fuller sawmill at Ellisport.

  • Burton – Frank Enochs met with a misfortune one day last week.  While throwing wood into a shed he severed his middle finger from the left hand.

  • Burton – W.J. Kloeppel of Tacoma has the contract for the moving of the restaurant building from its present location to the lot recently purchased by Mrs. Hunt.  The work is being done this week.  A lunchroom and barbershop will occupy the building.

  • Burton – The benefit play, “Mrs. Haywood’s Hired Help,” given by the Burton Women’s Club for the benefit of the public library, at the high school building Saturday night, was a success not only from a financial, but also a historic point of view.

  • Maury Island – The Fernheath dock, which was slightly damaged by the recent storm, has been repaired as good as new, excepting the slip.  The Maury dock will soon be repaired.

March 9, 1923

  • “Hort” Meeting Set For Tuesday Eve – Motion Picture First on Program for Re-established Society

  • An Interesting Visitor – The News-Record acknowledges a call from H.E. Kellogg, a fairly new resident of this vicinity, yet with all one of the oldest in point of years.  Mr. Kellogg last fall purchased the Sorg place just west of Vashon on which his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. O.H. Lincoln, reside.  This was Mr. Kellogg’s first trip this far since Christmas as he is just recovering from a paralytic stroke.  Although in his eighty-eighth year he has made remarkable progress toward recovery.  As it is he is in possession of all faculties and is keen of mind and active of limb.  Mr. Kellogg served in the Civil War and is an honored member of the Grand Army of the Republic.

March 16, 1923

  • Young Folk Entertain – A number of the young folk of the Vashon high school gave a party at the home of Mrs. L. Stevenson on Wednesday evening of this week.  The house was tastefully decorated with the colors of the high school, purple and gold.

  • Lettuce Goes Begging – George Sheffield of the dahlia farm telephoned the News-Record office Wednesday evening to the effect that he had been informed that the two greenhouses at Burton devoted to the growing of lettuce are unable to market their products at Tacoma at any price.  He then interrogated a Tacoma resident and ascertained that despite the fact that dealers in that city will not quote any prices to growers, the consumer is paying just as much for his lettuce as if the grower received a living price for this commodity.  In other words the low prices are not passed on to the consumer.

  • Island To Be Given Splendid Operetta – “O Hara San” to be Presented Two Nights Here and One at Burton – The amusement loving people of the island will be regaled next week when the Vashon-Maury Opera company presents on three nights the Japanese operetta “O Hara San.”

  • Ladies Secure Damages – A jury in the superior court of King county yesterday brought in a verdict of $3500 damages for Mrs. R.B. Hayes and $500 for her daughter, Miss Mabel, against a bonding company, for injuries received last summer, when a car driven by J.M. Staples, in which they were riding, left the road and landed in a ditch.  In the accident Mrs. Hayes sustained a broken ankle and Miss Mabel was bruised and shaken.

  • Jones Loses In Court – In the case of Jones versus Taylor, tried in superior court this week, the jury decided in favor of the defendant in the action and awarded him $500.  The case was the outcome of Mr. Jones claiming misrepresentation in the purchase of the property east of Vashon, claiming $2788 damages.  The defendant filed a counter claim of $545 and secured an award of $500.

  • February A Wet Month – Even with the St. Valentine’s day blizzard to help out, the precipitation for February was below normal, being 2.72 inches, as against a normal of 3.77.  The average temperature for the month was 37.3, with a normal of 40.5.  The sun was working a very short shift, with a percentage of only 34 per cent sunshine for the month.

  • Mismanagement or Graft? (Editorial) – King county residents are intensely interested in the reports to the newspapers concerning the earnings of the King county ferry system as now operated by Capt. J.L. Anderson.  His books are purported to show a profit of $40,516.00 for the year just closed during which time he operated the ferries for himself, as against deficit of $234,472.89 when he managed it for the county during the year 1921.  The Seattle Times attempts to gloss the matter over by showing how much more efficient is private than public ownership.  To the casual observer there is no ground for argument.  It was either a case of deliberate mismanagement or graft on the part of someone.  Was Capt. Anderson operating the system in 1921 with the express purpose of wrecking it so that he might secure control?  The reader may answer the question to his own satisfaction.  The report shows that the revenues only decreased from $229,711.42 in 1921 to $203,696.00 in 1922, but the operating expenses decreased from $464,184.81 in 1921 to $155,084.67 in 1922.  A difference of $309,100.15 is recorded – no small fortune in itself (nearly $1,000 a day) – is the saying as recorded.  Could $309,100.15 be honestly expended one year over another in the operation of the ferry system?  The writer does not believe that it could.  This condition of affairs is only in keeping with the whole system of county government as one characterized by the Smith-Ramsey regime.  It was not only in the ferry system, but in the highway department, in the county offices and in every other department under their control.  The incomprehensible part of the whole farce of county government for the past several years is that all of these things have been carried on the perpetrators have been able to “get away with it.”  For some reason the taxpayers have had no surcease from their troubles in court, as in the past grand jury findings have come to naught and conditions continued from bad to worse until the personnel board changed on January 8.  But a mere change in officials cannot restore to the taxpayers the millions of dollars that have been misappropriated and stolen during the past few years.

  • Local News – Dew Drop Inn will be the name of the confectionery and lunchroom being opened up by Mr. and Mrs. Stevenson in the new Van Olinda building.  By next week all the stock will be in.

  • Dockton – The steamer Burton is undergoing repairs at the A.J. Stuckey ways.

  • Dockton – Work has commenced on the new store building which Theo Berry is erecting on his corner lot up on the hill.

  • Local News – At a recent meeting of the Mountaineers election of officers was held and the following were chosen: Chief mounter, George Harrington; chief ranger, William Magill; chief guide, Emory Campbell; chief recorder, Donald Thompson; and treasurer, Clarence Weiss.

  • Local News – At a recent meeting of the board of county commissioners a hearing was had on the matter of the vacation of the D.A. Culman road at the north end as petitioned for by Peter Woeck and others and it was ordered vacated in accordance with the report of the county engineer.

  • Local News – A wave of improvement has struck Vashon.  Mr. Smock had M.L. Tjomsland and Axel Bjorklund at work the first of the week laying a concrete walk from his residence to the pavement and yesterday Mr. Bjorklund set the forms for a walk of similar material at Axel H. Petersen’s residence.

March 23, 1923

  • To Record History Is Women’s Aim – Club Starts Campaign to Compile History of Vashon Island – (by Frances Scott Cliff) – The Ellisport Woman’s club has seriously undertaken as its special work, the compilation of a history of the early days of Vashon island and its pioneers, which all loyal residents of our island will be interested in seeing accomplished as perfectly and accurately as possible.  The collection of authentic data for this purpose will not be an easy task unless every one who can do so will help the committee that has been appointed to do this work.  Reliable information, stories, and photographs are wanted, and any one who can contribute them will be doing his or her bit by doing so, and will place the data where it is hoped it will be a lasting tribute to those to whom so much credit is due for the splendid work of the strong hearted men and women who began to clear the way for us to make our homes in this garden spot of the Puget Sound.  There are but few old landmarks left, but let us preserve as far as possible those we have, or at least take photographs of them before they are destroyed, and send a duplicate to the Ellisport committee or club.  Probably no one can realize more fully than the writer the difficulties of gathering authentic information on this matter, because a number of years ago she began to collect data, stories and photographs such as are wanted now, with the intention of making a handsomely illustrated booklet that would forever hold the history of our pioneers.  For this reason the present appeal is being made.  In those days the McDowell boats were running between the main land and the island, affording an excellent opportunity for meeting many pioneers and getting material for this work.  There were also pioneers living at Chautauqua who gladly contributed much interesting information for it.  Photographs of old landmarks and of pioneers were taken and their histories secured.  All of this took time and patience, but being a labor of love, it was a constant delight, and the stories were always interesting.  The results of this work was swept away by fire.  Now the old boats are gone and we have nothing to replace them.  Many, yes, most of the pioneers of those days are gone.  The old landmarks have nearly all been destroyed, and we must rely largely upon the memories of the descendants of pioneers of Vashon, and upon those who as children came with their parents when the island was a wilderness, and have helped to make of it what it is. 

  • Nominate Lincoln School Director – Citizens Discuss Finances of District at Meeting Monday – O.H. Lincoln was selected as candidate to succeed Mrs. Rose Gorsuch whose term expires in May.  C.E. Bragg, well-known resident of the North end, took up the question of a centralized high school for the island.  He has made an exhaustive study of the matter from every angle and made a most masterly address in favor of it.  So well did he present his case that the leaders of the opposition confessed defeat and expressed a willingness to concur with him.  A committee composed of O.H. Lincoln, Mr. Bragg and Ira Thompson was appointed to investigate the feasibility of the matter.  

  • The News-Record desires to give editorial endorsement to the motion picture shows being provided for the community by the Y.M.C.A.  For many months the community has been without this form of amusement.  The association took charge of the hall and since the first entertainment several weeks ago, the programs are constantly improving.  The attendance has been very satisfactory, and as the finances increase better programs are offered.  The programs have been clean, entertaining and amusing.  Long may the “movies” continue under the management of the Y.M.C.A.

March 30, 1923

  • Takes Star Agency – E.J. Mace has taken the agency for the Star car, built by the Durrant Motors Co.  The car is a model of simplicity in construction and completeness.  It looks and rides like a “real” automobile despite the fact that it sells at a very low price.  Mr. Mace has sold a coupe to Ralph Steen.

  • Paul Totes Fair With His Dockton Friends – Permanent Highway Funds Not Available, But Will Build Road Anyway – Frank H. Paul promised the Dockton folk last fall a road if he was elected county commissioner from this district.  Immediately upon his entry as county commissioner he laid plans for a shoreline highway from Portage to Dockton.  He sent a group of surveyors to work under Engineer Beeman and had the estimate at something less than $80,000.00 to construct a water line highway.  He planned to have the route declared an arterial highway, and expected to construct the road out of the permanent highway fund.  But last Monday when he brought the matter up before the other members of the board, and asked to have their approval to this plan both Commissioners Gaines and Dobson voted down the resolution.  Mr. Paul voted in favor of it, but the resolution was lost.  In an interview with Mr. Paul by the News-Record he expressed great disappointment over the turn of affairs in the Dockton road matter, but shut his lips, gritted his teeth and said “Don’t worry.  I promised the Dockton folk a road, and they are going to have one, no matter what may come or go.”  Frank Paul is the nerviest man in King county!  Dockton will get a road!

  • Local News – The Kitsap County Transportation Co. has a number of men under the direction of Capt. Wymen at work this week repairing the Vashon Heights dock.

  • Local News – C.L. Babcock, State Treasurer and Mr. Rutherford, a deputy in the office of the state land commissioner, were on the island Monday on business connected with the tract of school land between Vashon and Center.

  • Local News – A crew of seven government employees of Bremerton was brought to the island this week by a government tug and has been at work repairing the several markers on the island that are maintained to calculate the speed of war ships in trial runs.

  • Glen Acres – The “Leaning Tower” of Glen Acres was remodeled during the first of last week by government employees.

  • Burton – Norman Edson has improved the appearance of his property by the addition of a new picket fence.

  • Attention Pioneers! – An earnest call is extended to all pioneers of Vashon-Maury island to meet at Madrona Lodge, Ellisport, on Wednesday, April 11, at 10 a.m.  As stated in last week’s issue of the News-Record the object is to establish a historical society for the purpose of collecting data, photographs and articles of early history, to be preserved as archives.  As one of the pioneers, I make a personal appeal to each one to help in this work which we have too long neglected.  But a little thought, a little effort will bring results of which we little dream, perhaps.  Just as a starter – let me put a few questions.  Who can write the history or make a drawing of “Old Black Joe,” a large lifeboat our fathers and mothers used to “pull” to Tacoma when the supplies run low?  My dear mother has passed on but I can hear her voice now as she turned back for a final admonition to her three wee girlies, “Be careful of fire, children!”  then start away with a brave heart to walk from what is now the Vashon Bank corner to Quartermaster beach, and, if necessary, help row “Old Black Joe” to Tacoma, returning the same way, carrying in her arms the comforts and necessities for the home and its wee ones, reaching home in the early morning hours if wind and tide were favorable.  While I am a “live in the present” advocate, it is profitable to draw comparisons sometimes in order to estimate values.  Say, Frances, I remember something about you and I’m going to tell on you some time.  No, it isn’t bad.  I’ve forgotten the bad things – but it’s just too funny.  Who was the captain of the first steamboat?  Who was the first school teacher, postmaster, editor?  Who helped build the first log school house, church?  How many remember “Old Scamperdown?”  Come on girls, of course you’ll have to give your age away, but no matter, just tell us on the square how many pounds of candy you stung Lon for.  On behalf of the committee I extend thanks for the proffered use of Madrona Lodge as our meeting place, and to the News-Record for space and for active interest in the work.  Bring your lunch and as much data as you can secure in writing.  The most important point to be determined is “eligibility” some say, but the securing of data will automatically decide this point.  “Let all things be done decently and in order.” 1 Cor. 14:40.  Mrs. Blanche Hedman, Chairman committee.

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April 1923

April 6, 1923

  • School And Berry Problems Discussed – Large Crowd Out to Consider Consolidation – Subscribe Liberally – The school and berry questions up for discussion last Tuesday evening brought out almost a full house for the third meeting of the Vashon Horticultural society meeting.  The school matter was the first on the program.  Ira Thompson, one of the committee appointed to meet with the directors of the various districts, was called upon to make a report.  He stated that petitions were out to raise money for the purchase of the tract of school land south of Vashon.  He stated that the sum of $2000.00 must be raised before April 10 - $1500 for the improvements that must be paid for and $500 for the road assessment.  The following letter, received Mrs. Gorsuch, clerk of the school board, from the state land commissioner, was read: “I have yours of the 27th inst., asking that action be withheld on the application to release NW ¼ of SE ¼ of Section 31, township 23 north, range 3 east, until the school directors of Vashon Island have had time to see if they can make arrangements to secure it for a central high school.  Replying thereto, I call attention to the fact that this is an application to release, which expired several months ago, and has been held up pending efforts on the part of the people of Vashon to secure it for a state park.  Some injustice has already been done the applicant who has been without the right to do anything for this length of time and now that spring is coming on, it is time to do spring work and I feel that I can not hold the matter in status quo much longer.  However, because of my desire to help public bodies, I will delay action until April 10th, but feel that it must be settled by that time.”  Mr. Thompson said that there is a rumor in circulation to the effect that students must attend the Union J high school for five years if the consolidation is made.  He said that a new building can be built at any time the financial condition justifies it.  C.E. Bragg, another member of the committee, was called upon to speak.  He said that the Horticultural society seemed the most fitting place to launch the school question.  He says that every district on the island is in bad financial condition and that at no time was there ever any justification for two high schools on the island.  He then read a communication from J.A. McKinnon, president of the Enumclaw school board, telling how successful is the consolidation at that place.  Mr. McKinnon volunteered to come to the island at any time to assist in the consolidation.  Judge Shipley spoke briefly in favor of the matter.  He stated that one district that held out on consolidation in this district several years ago now sends 19 to the high school.  W.R. Nichols was called upon and spoke on the matter.  He said that the attendance had increased from 19 four years ago to the present enrollment of 76.  He said that expenses had increased largely because of the erection of the gymnasium and the purchase of a large amount of equipment.  At a recess the subscription papers were presented and a good sized amount of money was subscribed towards the purchase of the 40-acre tract.  R.D. Bodle of Seattle, a berry broker, was asked to address the meeting on the subject of marketing conditions.  He urged that the growers of the island organize and made an offer to act as sales agent for such an organization.  He said that Vashon island has the largest centralized berry acreage of any district in the state and would produce about 1000 tons of berries this year.  He stated that he believed that he could secure six cents a pound for logan berries, seven cents for sour cherries, eight cents for gooseberries and seven cents for currants.  A committee composed of Magruder Beal, chairman, W.B. Mackie, Elmer Harmeling, Austin Taylor and Ira Thompson was appointed at an after meeting to investigate the plan.  This committee met last evening and decided to call a meeting of all the berry growers of the island at the Y.M.C.A. hall on Tuesday evening of next week, at which time a berry growers’ association will probably be formed.

  • The wedding of Gerald Lindberg of Mt. Vernon to Florence Sigrist of Cove was announced.

  • The wedding of Miss Clara Deppman to Frederick Liddell was announced.

  • Cove Girl Wins Prize For “Good Turn Story” – Mayreld Ramquist of Cove Troop Awarded Silver Ring by Tacoma Troop. – Mayreld Ramquist of the Cove troop of Girl Scouts was the winner of a silver ring, offered by the Tacoma troop of Girl Scouts as one of the prizes for the best stories on “doing a good turn.”  The young lady’s photograph appeared in a recent issue of the Tacoma Ledger, and through the courtesy of that newspaper the News-Record is permitted to reproduce it.

  • Dockton Prepares To Fight For Road – To Attend Commissioner’s Meeting En Mass Next Monday – The residents of Dockton and vicinity gathered Wednesday evening at the community hall to formulate plans to induce County Commissioners Gaines and Dobson to reconsider their action in defeating the resolution to declare the Mileta-Dockton road a permanent highway.  It was decided to induce as many island residents as possible to attend the meeting of the board of commissioners at Seattle Monday.  The party will go to Brown’s Point where the steamer Tacoma will pick them up.  As a special inducement to secure a large attendance from all parts of the island at that meeting, the Dockton people will pay the fare of all who will go on that day.  On March 26, at the morning session of the commissioners, resolution No. 1166 was passed, directing that the Dockton-Mileta county road be improved as a permanent highway.  That afternoon, for no apparent reason, Commissioner Gaines moved for a reconsideration, with Commissioner Dobson voting with him and Commissioner Paul voting “no.”  Immediately Mr. Paul issued a statement that the road would be built if it took every cent of the road money for his district, as he had promised.  However, the Dockton people do not think that they have been treated fairly in the matter and will rally to Mr. Paul’s support in an endeavor to have the afternoon action of the two commissioners rescinded.

  • Local News – On March 29 the Sylvan Beach Improvement association of Vashon Island filed articles of incorporation with the secretary of state.  The incorporators were Charles A. Lamperts, Charles Gilmore, C.W. Knudson, B.F. Zimmerman, Eva Crouch and Edwin M. Randall.  There is no capital stock.

  • Lisabeula – Mr. Jensen was at Seattle Monday to secure the lumber for the big Chautauqua building that will be erected on the beach.  It will be 60 x 90 feet in dimensions.

  • Lisabeula – Adolph Hiersch says that he has word from County Commissioner Paul to the effect that the Lamb road will soon be through from the top of the hill, near the church to Cove, making a short cut of several miles, which has long been needed.  It was surveyed last week.  More good news for Lisabeula folk.

  • Lisabeula – W.King is putting out three acres of raspberries this season.  He says he will have to try something besides strawberries as he had to plow four acres of that berry last season.  A small white worm is taking the strawberries on the island and elsewhere.  They are reported very bad at Olalla.  The worm is a surry menace to the strawberries as they are the best-selling berry and best to eat.

  • Maury Island – It is reported that a Mr. Ofdahl, who owns the mill site at Kingsbury lagoon, will build a new mill there.

  • Maury Island – Mr. and Mrs. Stevens and Mr. and Mrs. King all of Seattle were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Farkus.  Mrs. Stevens was at one time very active in Maury island social life, and Mrs. King attended school here when school was held at the old Mileta school house.

  • School Notes – Vashon High School – Elisha Morgan, Jr. a former student of Deerfield-Shields high school of Lake county, Illinois, has entered the sophomore class.

  • School Notes – Vashon High School – Norman Edson, the Burton photographer, visited the school yesterday to secure photographs for the annual.  Photographs of the baseball, football and basketball teams as groups and of the members of the graduating class as individuals.

  • Statement of Ownership – Of the Vashon Island News-Record, published at Vashon, Wash., for April, 1922: L.E. Wenham, being first duly sworn, says that he is the editor of the Vashon Island News-Record and that the owner is P. Monroe Smock.

April 13, 1923

  • Yeggs Crack Vault Of Vashon’s Bank – Secure About $6687 from Deposit Vault Monday Morning – The Vashon State Bank was entered early Sunday morning by yegg men and cash and securities to the amount of $6687.00 and a considerable amount of jewelry were taken from the safety deposit boxes in the vault.  The robbery was discovered at about 6:30 Monday morning when President Hansen went over to the bank.  As he walked by the north window he noticed that the vault door was standing open.  As he was in the bank and opened the vault Sunday afternoon, the first thought that came to him was that he had left the door open upon leaving.  An examination of that front door revealed the fact that the heavy lock had been “jimmied” with a bar and entrance effected.  The door of the vault had been drilled with an electric drill, and the bolt broken.  The inner vault door lock had been demolished with a few well directed blows with a sledge hammer.  The interior of the vault was a sight.  One of the sections of the deposit boxes had been upset and the doors of a number of the boxes smashed in.  The fact that all of the boxes that had been crushed in had not been rifled indicated that the visitors had been frightened away before they completed their search.  To date, after a careful check of the losses the bank force estimates that the loss is about $6687, although there may be more discovered later.  The losses are: Unregistered Liberty bonds, $2100; registered Liberty bonds, $50; local improvement bonds of Seattle, $4500; war saving stamps, $80; gold coins, $50, small coins in packages, $142, and a considerable amount of jewelry and a collection of old coins.  The bank’s loss of $142.00 in nickels and dimes and on the damage to the fixtures was fulling covered by insurance and was adjusted before Monday evening.  It is believed that payment on the local improvement bonds can be stopped, thus cutting down the amount of the loss to box holders considerably.  However, it is believed that the “haul” would run up to at least $30,000.00 had the robbers had more time.  Mr. Hansen was awakened in the early hours of the morning by the sound of pounding and went to an open window that overlooked the bank and listened for several moments.  It was so faint that he decided that it was far off.  In returning to his bedroom he slammed two doors.  When he returned to bed he heard dogs barking in an unusual manner, but thought nothing of it.  F.A. Weiss, who resides diagonally across the street from the bank, was awakened by the dogs, and raised a window and shouted at them.  The noise of Mr. Hansen shutting the doors and Mr. Weiss commanding the dogs to cease barking is believed to have convinced the robbers that the village was aroused and that it was time for them to leave.  So hasty was their departure that they left the electric drill and all other tools.  Two deputies from the sheriff’s office came over on the first ferry and made an examination.  No clues other than the fact that the electric drill was one that had been stolen from a Seattle garage about a year ago.  The officers ran down several purported clues but found nothing of importance.  One theory is that the party of yeggs was composed of at least three members and that passage was made from Seattle with a high power launch and landing made at Vashon dock.  However, a resident of the north end lost a boat that same night, lending color to the suggestion that the party might have come over on the ferry and returned by row boat.  It is certain that no suspicious characters crossed either ferry that morning as Mr. Hansen had ample time to warn the sheriff’s offices of both this and Pierce counties.  One fortunate occurrence in connection with the robbery was the fact following a notice issued by the bank on February 14, 1922, to the effect that a safety deposit vault is more for protection in case of fire, many valuable securities had been removed from time to time during the past year.

  • Pen Winners In East – Elisha Morgan, proprietor of the Highland Park Poultry ranch has just received work from the state egg laying contest being conducted at Memphis, Tenn., to the effect that his pen of five birds won first in February in competition with 54 other, and that his pen won the cup for the best yield for Leghorns in March, this being in the lead of all, even the Hollywood pen.  Mr. Morgan is building a comfortable cottage on his farm for caretaker’s residence.  It is 26 x 32 feet in dimensions and will contain four rooms.

  • The death notice of Paris Leslie Nye was published.

  • Must Spray Trees – J.K. Hawkins, a deputy from the county horticulturist’s office, is touring the island with the view of compelling every one owing one or more fruit trees to spray them within the next week or ten days.  If the owner does not comply with the order, the county steps in and does the work and charges liberal costs up to the owner.

  • Rent Madrona Lodge – Mr. and Mrs. C.J. Pyle, who have conducted Madrona Lodge at Ellisport for several years, have leased it to Mr. and Mrs. O.R. Whitbeck of Seattle.  The new proprietors will move in soon and to make room for the Pyles have moved to Portage.

  • Henry Brosseau, proprietor of the Vashon Heights grocery, has built a small garage where those who wish may store their cars while on a trip to the city.  He has an oil station in connection.

  • Urge Dockton Road – Fully 75 residents of Maury Island and a considerable number4 from this end of the island attended the meeting of the county commissioners at Seattle on Monday of this week to urge them to build the Dockton-Mileta shore line road as a permanent highway.  This followed Commissioner W.A. Gaines vote to reconsider.  It was “put up” pretty forcibly to the commissioners that the highway can be built for less than $80,000 as estimated by the county engineer – in fact for half.  Mr. Gaines promised to look in the matter more thoroughly if this is the case and as a result the whole board voted to view the project some time next week.

  • Fruit Growers Organize – About 75 berry and fruit growers attended the meeting at the “Y” hall on Tuesday evening for the purpose of organizing to market this year’s crop.  Tuesday evening 27 signed up as members.  It is planned to put in a weighing station on the island and pay for all berries delivered daily.

  • Islands To Unite On Port Commissioner – North and South, East and West Give Support to Shinn

  • Maury Island – The Maury dock is now repaired and is as good as new.  It is all ready for the first boat to be put on the run.

  • Maury Island – The log house next to Mrs. Roche’s place burned one day last week.  This one more landmark has gone.

  • Southern Heights – Mr. and Mrs. Hall expect to return to their island home soon, at least for the summer.  At present they have built only a garage on the site where the fire took all their ranch buildings last summer.

  • Cove Comments by C.A. Renouf – In conversation the other day about the school lands directly east of Cove, the suggestion was made that they could be utilized for golf links, which I think is a very good idea.  It was said that the school land can be acquired for a nominal sum and they are entirely unfit for farming.  Water can be secured in upper Paradise valley for the necessary greens.  A golf link would be a fine acquisition for Vashon island, and would attract players from Seattle and Tacoma, and lead to further settlement on the island.  It seems feasible to me.  How about it?

April 20, 1923

  • School Question Not Up For Vote – Forty-Five Day Limits Keeps Union School Question Off May Ballot – Vashon-Maury island will not have a centralized high school this year, nor will there be sufficient funds subscribed to purchase the tract of school land.  These two rather painful facts were revealed at the meeting of the horticultural society on Tuesday evening of this week.  C.E. Bragg, one of the members of the committee on educational affairs, reported that board of elections requires 45 days’ notice before a question can be placed on the ballot, and as there was not time to do that, the only way left is to hold a special election.  As this is quite expensive he does not believe that the request will be granted.  Mr. Bragg further reported that only $800 has been subscribed for the purchase of the school tract south of Vashon and as the commissioner could not extend the time beyond April 20, it is very doubtful if any action could be taken in time.  The secretary of the society was instructed to ask the county commissioners to set a speed limit of 12 miles per hour for automobiles passing through Vashon.  One of the main topics for the meeting the first Tuesday in May will probably be the matter of holding a strawberry festival in June.

  • Fires Threaten – Fires at three points on the island threatened to do considerable damage Sunday and Monday.  One was southwest of Vashon and for a time threatened the Irvine Thompson place and Ira Thompson’s timber.  A Japanese family in that vicinity had the furniture and other belongings stacked outside, ready to move.  Fire fighters checked the blaze.  Another fire got away in the timber near the high school and threatened a barn.  The third fire was on Vashon Heights and likewise was a menace for a time.

  • School Notes – Vashon High School – Several committees were appointed, among them being a clothing committee.  The committee made the following recommendations and taboos to be effective Monday:  “We, the committee on clothing, hereby submits the following list of tabooed and recommended clothing for the girls of Vashon high school: Silk hosiery, silk dressed, chiffon, georgette, china silk and other transparent materials for blouses and dresses, long, dangling ear-rings, French heeled shoes, unclean clothing, rolled stockings, garters worn below knees, low camisoles and excessive use of cosmetics.  We have considered the problems of clothes from the financial, aesthetic and democratic standpoints and believe that if the girls of the high school will enter into this with the proper frame of mind that their influence on the grade students will be greatly bettered and that their opinion of each other and their own self-respect will be much higher.”

  • Parker Sells Interests – Harry M. Lee has purchased Don Parker’s interests in the mercantile establishment of Lee & Parker at Portage, and will hereafter conduct the business himself.  Mr. Parker, who is an engineer, and who has never enjoyed the mercantile game, will return to his profession.  He has several offers one of which is on the Lake Cushman power project.

  • Burton is to have a new dock.  The county commissioners last week let the contract for its construction to T.E. Jones for $9957.00.  Workmen are arriving this week and it is hoped that the work will be completed in two months’ time.

  • Local News – The county has a force of men at work putting in an all steel equipped gravel bunker on the road between Ellisport and Center.  This will furnish gravel for a great deal of the road work on the south end of the island.  A big truck is to be sent over to do the hauling.

  • Deplores Vandalism – Editor News-Record: While I was living on the island I heard much about building up, adding residents, etc.  It sounds good, but so long as our summer homes are vandalized and property is subject to the treatment mine receives each winter, there will be little improvement.  When I reached the home for a few days since I found windows broken, bureau drawers missing – probably burned – all kitchenware, bedding, pillows, etc. as well as lamps, morris chair and other articles stolen.  Certainly something should be done for the protection of beach property.  There are several houses at Vashon Landing and all of them have been entered and probably treated much alike.  It is quite probable that much of the stealing is done by boys living on the island.  I would like to paint and otherwise fix up this property, but what’s the use when each winter the same treatment is received.  Such work as this drives possible buyers elsewhere and makes us all desire to dispose of any property we have on the island.  W.N.Clark, 715 Eastlake Ave., Seattle, Wash.

April 27, 1923

  • North End Ferry A Profitable Venture – Kitsap Transportation Co. Nets $14,065 in 1922 – Members of the highways transportation committee of the Vashon Horticultural society this week visited the county-city building to look over the report of the Kitsap County Transportation company as filed on December 31, 1922.

  • Henry Olson, son of Mrs. Gilbert Olson of near Vashon, died at the Riverton sanatorium on Monday night at 10:30 after an illness of over a year’s duration.

  • Truck Overturns – Yesterday while “Mike” Stevenson was coming from Cove with a big load of feed, the steering apparatus gave way on the hill near Steen’s mill and the machine went into the ditch and overturned.  Fortunately for the driver when the truck started for the ditch the feed was lost overboard and he emerged from the wreck unhurt.  Little damage was inflicted to the truck.

  • Water Front Road Impresses Board – County Commissioners Inspect Dockton-Mileta Road Wednesday – The board of King county commissioners, composed of Wm. A. Gaines, chairman, Frank H. Paul and Thos. Dobson, visited the island Wednesday and spent several hours going over the Dockton-Mileta road, with a view of reconsidering the action unfavorable to the establishment of a permanent highway.  A committee of Dockton citizens took them over the highland road as surveyed by the county engineer, and then over the waterfront route, the latter trip having been made by boat.  The commissioners are reported to have expressed surprise that the engineer should have made the estimate of $80,000 on this mile and three-quarters stretch.  A.J. Stuckey, well know Dockton ship builder, who made the offer before the commissioners to build it for half the estimate, was a member of the party, and renewed his offer.  The Dockton people were positive in their statements that if they cannot have the waterfront road they do not want any.  While the commissioners did not commit themselves, it is believed that Messrs. Gaines and Dobson will see fit to fall in line with Mr. Paul and grant the highway.

  • The wedding announcement of Hamilton Baskin of Vashon island and Miss E.C. Schmidt of New Orleans was published.

  • Editorial – Almost every one driving from Vashon to the south end of the island has a feeling of regret that the concrete pavement was not extended to Burton when it was under construction two years ago.  At that time the Donahoe law provided that the abutting property should pay 25% of the cost.  At the last session of the legislature the law was changed so that the property must now pay 50%.  As the law now stands it will undoubtedly be many years before the highway is extended farther from Center.

  • Center – Ed Zarth is now agent for the Oldsmobile car.

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May 1923

May 4, 1923

  • Big Berry Festival Planned For June – Tentative Date Set for June 23rd for the big Event – Vashon-Maury island is going to have a strawberry festival, something after the order of those held ten or twelve years ago.  The date will be about Saturday, June 23.  All this was decided at the meeting of the Horticultural society on Tuesday evening of this week.  The crowd present was not very large in numbers, but what it lacked numerically was offset by the enthusiasm shown in the proposed festival.  It was thought that one hundred crates of berries would be necessary and that a good share of them would be donated by various growers over the island.  A general committee was appointed by President Elmer Harmeling.  It is expected that at least 2000 visitors from the nearby cities will be attracted to the island on that day.

  • Rose Show Next Month – Preparation is being made for the annual rose show, which will be held early in June at the Brosseau hall, Vashon Heights, under the management of the Rose Culture club.

  • Vashon Fruit Marketing Association Reorganized – The Vashon Fruit Marketing association held a special meeting on Monday evening of this week at the Methodist church to act upon the resignations of Austin Taylor, Magruder Beall and W.B. Mackie.  It was then decided to reconsider all previous actions taken by the association and reorganize.  W.J. Magowan, C.L. Garner, A.J. Linnestead, Elmer Harmeling and W.G. Doyle were elected directors.  As W.G. Doyle was unable to serve on account of ill health, Ira Thompson, next highest man in the election, was given the place.  The members decided to adopt the constitution and by-laws as read at previous meetings, except that the initiation fee is to be $1.00 instead of $5.00.  The board of directors was instructed to employ R.D. Bodle as sales manager for the fruit season.  C.S. Morehouse was employed as local field man, and to have charge of the local receiving station.

  • Pioneers To Meet May 19 – Pioneers of Vashon-Maury island are called to meet at the home of Miss Ella Caughey at Ellisport Saturday, May 19 at 10 a.m.  Hot coffee and tea will be served by the members of the Woman’s club of Ellisport and everybody is requested to bring lunch.  Let everyone make a special effort, if need be, to bring the older members of the pioneer families together again.  This means that the interest should be general throughout the island, and service be rendered in all ways possible.  As a pioneer woman said the other day: “It is harder for us to get together now than it was 30 years ago.”  Strange, but true.  While there are now good roads, yes, and a paved highway, the larger part of the people use them as much as they used to use the “parlor” – somebody had to die or get married, or somethin’.  But let us “hit the trail” Saturday, the 19th and forgetting taxes and the joys of civilization for a while, let us come together in the old spirit in which we used to meet, and write the first pages of the history of Vashon island.  I have a book of accounts kept by my father, dating from the year 1887, which is more than passing interest.  Here are a few items of expense while running the first shingle mill on the island: “Ox (Dave) purchased from Page…$30.00  Steamer “Iola” for hay and freights…$23.81   Geo H. Fuller, hinges for dry kiln…$1.00   Sam Berry, labor…$2.00   Sandrock, sauerkraut…$ 0.35   Steamer “Ciara Brown” for freight…$ 0.50   Harry K???? (socks)…$ 0.50   Markham, cutting bolts at $1.25 a cord…$14.85   You can read the rest of it when you get here.  Mrs. Blanche Hedman.

  • New Superintendent For Vashon Schools – W.R. Nichols Not to Return on Account of Board’s Inability to Pay More – At the last meeting of the school board A.L. Giberson of Thorp, Kittitas county, was employed to head the Vashon public schools for the coming year.  W.R. Nichols refused to return for less than $3000 per year, and as the district is unable to pay that amount it was necessary to secure a new man.

  • New Berry Pest Appears – A new pest which threatens the berry industry has appeared on the island.  A small worm or insect enters the young shoots and eats its way around in the tissue, cutting off the supply of sap and causing the cane to droop and finally die.  It is expected that immediate action on the part of berry growers will be taken to ascertain if there is a remedy for it.

  • Record Shipment Of Poultry Goes East – E. Morgan Ships 440 Birds Worth $1150 to Oklahoma

  • Editorial – The matter of whether or not the road leading to Vashon Landing should be repaired and placed in a passable condition has been discussed pro and con the past few days.  A considerable amount of money was spent a few years ago to provide a suitable highway to the landing, but the establishment of the north end ferry diverted traffic from it.  Since that time several slides have occurred, making the road impassible for vehicles.  The News-Record editor has been over the road recently and believes that the expenditure of a very few hundred dollars will open it up so that it can be used satisfactorily.  To place it in first class condition, a larger sum of money would be required.  It may be that the fruit will go to market via that route, and if so, it needs to be repaired at an early date.

  • Dockton – The steamer Vashona was on the Stuckey ways Tuesday night at which time the bottom was cleaned and painted.  The steamer was off the ways in time for the early trip Wednesday morning.

  • Dockton – Mr. and Mrs. Theo Berry entertained on Saturday evening with a dance in their new store building at which about 200 guests were present.  Music was furnished by the Burton high school orchestra.

  • Burton – The Daughters of the American Revolution met at the home of Mrs. Mattson at Portage last Saturday afternoon.  A number of the ladies of Vashon Heights were in attendance.

  • Local News – Robert J. Smith is building a good sized poultry house on his place east of the Beall greenhouses.

  • Local News – The Vashon Auto Freight Co. this week purchased from the Petersen brothers the 90 x 240 foot lot at the rear of the Pioneer meat market, and expect to erect a large loading platform thereon in the very near future.

  • Lisabeula – A. Loseby, the new superintendent of the Presbyterian grounds, is on hand.  Some of the lumber and the cement blocks for the big auditorium have arrived and it is expected that things will be moving soon.  The auditorium will be 60 x 90 feet in dimensions.

  • Lisabeula – There was a bad fire in the neighborhood last Thursday when Jake Reichert’s home burned to the ground.  The family lost practically everything, which is hard luck to a family with five children.  The neighbors responded quickly and erected a large tent which was furnished by Mr. Williams, the mill man, and supplied bedding and clothes.  The house was owned by Mr. Chatfield of Seattle, who formerly resided at this place.

May 11, 1923

  • Stage Contest For Strawberry Queen – Young Lady to be Chosen to Preside at Festival June Twenty-third – A committee of about a dozen representative men of the island met at the News-Record office on Friday evening of last week and laid plans for the holding of the fifth strawberry festival of Vashon-Maury island on Saturday, June 23.  Ellisport was chosen as the place for the festival, on account of its accessibility to both Seattle and Tacoma and because of its excellent grounds.  The committee announces that the main event of the day will be the coronation of the strawberry queen which will take place at the grounds or such other place as may later be announced.  The queen and her court will be the recipients of the highest honors and attentions.  Her duties will be published later in the News-Record or as much as the program committee may desire made public before the coronation.  A voting contest will be held to determine the selection of the queen.

  • Ellisport Meeting Place Of Pioneers On May 19 – It is the wish to collect articles that were made and used by the pioneers, illustrating their ingenuity and artistic ability as well as their sturdy determination to succeed by economy and thrift.  Mrs. Hedman will contribute a potato masher, made of native wood, by her father, Mr. Livesley, and it is understood that Mr. Barton will bring a rolling pin made of native cedar in early days.  Mr. and Mrs. Cliff have a potato masher and a hoe of peculiar design that were given them by Mr. Casler, and no doubt there will be enough articles still in existence to make an interesting and instructive museum of pioneer work.

  • Will Provide Signboards – As the News-Record prepares to go to press E.H. Miller of Maury island stopped to report that he had taken the matter of providing suitable road signs for the island before the Seattle Automobile club and has been assured that regulation signs will be erected at an early date.  The island has been logged so it is thought that the signs will be in place before the strawberry festival.

  • Boat For The East Side – Frank Hubbell and Mr. Curtis of Luana Beach were at Vashon Tuesday while on their way to Seattle.  They report that a boat has been secured for the east side of the island.  Captain Bumgard of Bremerton will put the Argo on the run and will endeavor to keep it going summer and winter.  The Argo has a capacity of 100 passengers and 15 tons of freight.  At present she is up for repairs and the installation of a new Diesel engine.  She will be ready to start on the run May 20.

  • School Notes – Burton High School – John Gammell, who will have completed his high course in three years is to be valedictorian.  He has always been a good student and has taken an active part in athletics.  Gertie Gammell will be salutatorian of the class.

  • Near Bank Robbery At Vashon Saturday Night – All That Was Lacking Was Several Slippery, Sneaky, Skulking Burglar Persons – Vashon and vicinity was completely “fussed up” early Sunday morning when the newly installed burglar alarm in the Vashon State bank tugged at the pajama sleeve of the president, T. Hansen, and yelled “Help, help!  Burglars are busy at the bank.”  Mr. Hansen, not knowing the mischievous disposition of the new trinket, spread the alarm over the telephone.  In a few moments a dozen or more residents of the vicinity were dressed, armed and on the way to the bank.  E.C. Thompson and Tim Clark from the west.  Charles Deppman from the north, the Bealls from the east and the Carvers and others from the south, were soon on the scene.  The only thing that was lacking to make some real excitement was the absence of the bold, bad burglars.  In the meantime an alarm was sent to the sheriff’s office and by daylight a speed boat with two deputies had reached the island.  The next night, the next and still the next the pesky alarm put up the same “holler.”  Mr. Hansen, never obese, has been growing thinner and thinner from lack of sleep and from anxiety.  Finally O.S. Van Olinda, who installed the contraption, spanked it soundly and put it to bed.  Since that time it has behaved itself and seems content to keep quiet until it is really needed.

  • Few Cast Vote At Tuesday Election – Lincoln Elected Director of Vashon School District

  • Wedded At Puyallup – Raymond Hoyes of this place and Miss Ruth Schnuelle were united in marriage at the home of the bride’s parents at Puyallup on Saturday evening last at 8:30 o’clock.  They arrived here the following day and took up their residence in the Gilfilan apartments north of Vashon.  Mr. Hoyes is local manager for the Vashon Island Eggery.

  • While some of the young folk of Dockton were returning home from the dance at Bay View pavilion early Sunday morning, their row boat turned over – they know the cause – throwing all the occupants in the bay.  Their frantic screams for help awakened most of the Burton people from slumber, and soon several boats went to the rescue.

  • Burton – Work on the new Burton wharf is progressing nicely and it may be completed by the 19th of the month.  In order to have things harmonize this will call for a repaired, repainted waiting room or wharf house.  If the Burton scout master will put this matter up to his boys, with the promise that the citizens will buy the paint, we will vouch for their willingness to paint the building, after the broken boards have been replaced with new ones.  This is civic pride.  Let all instill it in the minds of the young people and make the little own the beauty spot of the island.

  • Local News – Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Stevenson, proprietors of Dewdrop Inn, are adding to the comfort and convenience of their patrons by the installation of two booths in the popular resort and an ice box at the rear.

  • Vashon Heights – The residents at the Heights are contemplating making an improvement in the water system by constructing a new tank.

  • Vashon Heights – J.A. Geiger is quite pleased to find that thus far he is one of the first to find blossoms on his loganberries this season.

  • Local News – Herbert Hibbs and E.B. Harris of the advertising department of the Seattle Times were here this week, the former on Monday and the latter until Friday, securing advertising, photographs and descriptive matter for two “booster” pages in the Seattle daily.  The first will appear on May 13 and the other on May 20.

  • Local News – W.H. Paulhamus, president of the Western Washington Fair association, has appointed as honorary vice-presidents of the fair a number of prominent Vashon-Maury islanders.  In the list are the names of W.J. Magowan, A.J. Linnestead, S.J. Harmeling, Wm. Cowley, J.M. Ogilvy, W.C. Whitfield, Elisha Morgan, George Sheffield and W.G. Doyle.

  • Local News – A number of Vashon-Maury island Royal Arch Masons attended the grand chapter meeting at Tacoma on Monday and Tuesday of this week, and report that Robert Burns chapter was granted a charter.  It will hereafter be number 48.  Those from the island who attended were: R.W.F. Martin, Alex Stewart, J.M. Ogilvy, David Mackie, Axel Petersen and P.M. Smock.

May 18, 1923

  • Interesting Experiment With Apple Orchard – An increase of two boxes of apples per tree was obtained by A.J. Linnestead of Vashon, through the use of 2 ½ pounds of nitrate of soda for each tree.  This is a result of a demonstration planned by the State College in co-operation with the King county agricultural agent.  The experiment was started in the spring of 1921.  Eighty Baldwin trees in a block were treated as follows:  Two rows with nitrate of soda and acid phosphate; two rows with nitrate of soda and muriate of potash; two rows check; two rows acid phosphate and muriate of potash, and finally, two rows check.  During the summer of 1921 there was no apparent difference in the growth.  In the fall of that year, however, and in the early spring of 1922, there was an apparent increase in the number of fruiting buds on the rows that received nitrate of soda.  This was brought out very strikingly at blooming time, when the nitrate treated trees were found to have a much heavier bloom than the others.  Last fall Mr. Linnestead harvested all trees separately and the report shows that all those receiving no nitrate of soda averaged 3.4 boxes per tree, while those that got 2 ½ pounds of nitrate of soda yielded 5.4 boxes per tree.  At four cents a pound for fertilizer and allowing ample for the cost of putting it on, it is found that it cost about 20 cents per tree and in return the orchardist got two boxes of apples.  Another test of interest to westside fruit men is being carried on by Mr. Linnestead.  He seeded one-half of his orchard to vetch and turned it under in the spring of 1923.  The result of this test will be available next fall.

  • Rhodes Bros. Place Signs – The News-Record is in receipt of a communication from W.C. Saunders, advertising manager of the Rhodes Bros. department store at Tacoma, in which he reports that his firm has “beaten the Auto club to it” in the matter of placing road signs on the island.  Last week the sign crew of that enterprising establishment visited the island, and erected five road signs at prominent points, each giving the correct mileage from this point to Tacoma.  These signs cover the road from the ferry at the south and to within a couple of miles of the ferry at the north end.

  • Berries and Fruit In Great Demand – Hundred Ton Loganberry Contract Signed.  Barreled Stuff Sold – The loganberry market, which looked so hopeless a few weeks ago, has taken on great activity the last few days and R.D. Bodle, sales manager of the Vashon Fruit Marketing Association, this week signed a contract for 100 tons of berries.  The price is f.o.b. the Vashon receiving station.  In addition to the above mentioned prices, Mr. Bodle has contracted the sour and Royal Ann cherries of the members of the association at seven and eight cents a pound, respectively, and gooseberries at eight cents.  Mr. Bodle is in communication with a New Jersey firm that is willing to contract for 3000 barrels of strawberries and is in the market for perhaps double that amount.  On Tuesday evening the members of the executive committee of the association drove to Cove where they met with fruit and berry growers of that vicinity.  A number of Cove people took memberships in the association as a result of the visit.

  • School Notes – Vashon High School - The graduation exercises will be held Friday evening, May 25, in the high school auditorium.  The members of the class of 1923 are: Consuelo Ramquist, Marian Garvin, Marie Lokke, Ivie Cowan, Katherine Garrod, Ward Prigg, Carl Bridgman, Walter Stevenson and Reginald Cutler.

  • Editorial – Transportation Rates A Problem – Considerable discussion has taken place of late, both in the Horticultural society and among individuals concerning transportation problems as concerns the Kitsap County Transportation company.  Island residents have comparatively little complaint to make regarding commutation fares, but most people feel that the cash fares are so high that there is little opportunity of interesting new people in the island.  To this end communications have been addressed to the company in question and to the board of county commissioners asking relief.  Thus far the board of county commissioners have taken no action, but the transportation company has replied.  Preceding the making of the reply the company filed a new rate of 17 cents for those who use the ferry daily and has purposed putting on a late Saturday night boat.  Both actions are most commendable, the lower rate being conducive to the settlement of the island by those having business interests in Seattle and the latter of particular interest and convenience for those who desire to attend various theatrical attractions in the city once each week.  But the advocates of the lower cash fare proposition reply in effect that this lower rate that will affect a few residents of Vashon Heights and the late boat that will accommodate the amusement loving people does not solve the problem that involves the development and ultimate prosperity of the island.  The News-Record has endeavored to analyze the question fairly and impartially.  It believes with the majority that the present commutation fares are within reason when considered with others.  They are much lower than those on the new Bainbridge island ferry, and they should be as King county furnishes the ferryboat, thus saving the company a capital outlay of a great many thousand dollars.  On the mainland for instance, Kent is fifteen miles from Seattle.  The bus fare is 45 cents and the interurban fare is 47 cents.  Vashon is 14 miles from Seattle and the ferry fare is 20 cents and the bus fare 25 cents, making it practically the same as that to Kent.  The real problem is in the fare charged tourists and transients.  No one can deny for a moment but that the development of the island is retarded by these high rates.  A stranger, with a moderate size car and four or five passengers is taxed nearly five dollars for ferryage to and from the island.  To a man who may be contemplating locating on the island, and who is not familiar with the commutation ticket plan this is discouraging and he is not apt to be attracted to the island as a permanent resident.  In a letter to the transportation committee of the Horticultural society, Philip D. MacBride, secretary of the transportation company, calls attention to the fact that the plan of providing two scales of prices is recognized by transportation companies the world over.  To lower the cash fare would mean a corresponding raise in commutation rates, the News-Record fears.  As pointed out by Mr. Hansen, the only remedy at hand at the present time is to educate people to the fact that they can purchase commutation tickets.  If they can not use all of the tickets, perhaps they can pass them on to others who can.  The transportation company is showing a splendid willingness to co-operate with the residents of the island in every way possible, and it is not unlikely that some plan will be worked out to the mutual benefit of all concerned.

  • Local News – While others were hoping that the road to Vashon Landing would be repaired to make it passable, H. Steen put his force of men at work and did it.  While it is not what it was a year or so ago, it is in condition to be used for hauling logs to the sound.  It is the opinion of residents of the vicinity that the county should put a little work on it in addition to that which Mr. Steen has done and make it more permanent.

  • Burton – The county commissioners have been urged to provide a foot path along the new wharf at Burton which is to be completed this week.  The work should have been called to their attention when work was first started, but it is still hoped that it is not too late.

  • Burton by Mrs. David B. Cook – An unusual sight for the little town was a young woman strolling along the streets of Burton one day last week puffing a cigarette.  It was one of the “smart set” from the city.  It takes all kinds of people to make up the world.  Mothers, see that your daughters belong to the right kind.

  • Burton – Fay McClintock says that the waterfront along the inner harbor in the north part of town will soon be as attractive in appearance as the south beach.  An old building is being torn down, a bulkhead will be constructed, other improvements made and a general clean-up will all help verify his statement.

  • Burton – All who read the clever write-up of the “near bank robbery” in last week’s News-Record must have enjoyed a hearty laugh and then some, as the imagination pictured the scene.  Your correspondent wonders of the next time that alarm “trinket” cries “wolf! wolf!” of Banker Hansen will decide there is no wolf and will let those bold, bad burglars run off with all the engagement rings, gold coins, etc. stored away in those safety deposit boxes.

  • Burton - And now it is Burton’s turn to fix up some kind of an alarm for the burglar, if caught.  Coy Meredith of the Burton Trading Co. reports that his store was entered Monday night by some man or beast who rifled the cash drawer of about $20.00 and made an unsuccessful attempt on the safe.  Warning is here sounded that used to precede the street parade of the old time circus: “Look out for your horses; the elephants are coming.”

  • Burton – And while boosting for the Strawberry festival, wouldn’t Grandma Jaynes, who will be 104 years old in August, make the dearest little queen who could be enthroned on that day.  Let’s all vote for this dainty little mother who would grace any throne, and would outshine the prettiest school girl on the island.

  • Burton – The Burton Men’s Association was formed at a meeting at the church on Friday evening with an initial membership of twenty.  The purpose of the club is for bible study in a class which will meet each Sunday in the church basement, and for social gatherings at regular intervals.  The association is nonsectarian and all men are invited to affiliate.

  • Cove – It is strange the way the caterpillars act this season.  Instead of eating the leaves and coming off the trees, they gather in masses on the trunks and in the crotches and die.  After spending some time with broom and pan of coal oil the writer quit swabbing them off and left a mass as large as the two hands.  They either eat each other or die of starvation, as after several days nothing but dried skins remained.

  • Lisabeula – The work on the Presbyterian Chautauqua building is progressing slowly on account of lumber being delayed.  It will require 56,000 feet of lumber to erect it.

  • Dockton – Mr. and Mrs. Theo Berry have moved into their fine new daylight store on Main street, where they conduct a general mercantile business.  The post office is in the same building and Mr. Berry is postmaster.

May 25, 1923

  • Contest For Queen Gains In Momentum – Six Contestants in Race – Arrangements Being Made For Record Attendance – Considerable excitement is being aroused in the contest for the election of the queen for the Strawberry festival to be held at Ellisport on June 23.  Thus far there are six contestants in the race.  The name of Mrs. Melissa J. Jaynes, 104-year-old lady resident of Burton, has been presented and she bids fair to give the younger contestants a race for their young lives.  The candidates and their standings are as follows: Mrs. Jaynes 200; Consuelo Ramquist 175; Ruth Tjosdal 150; Frances Blekkink 350; Julia Hofmeister 1009.

  • Burton Commencement – The commencement exercises of the Burton (Union J) high school will be held this (Friday) evening at that school.  The class roll is: Marguerite Carpenter, Gertie Gammell, Rachel Halsan, Wanda H. McCormick, Maresa K. Smith, Madge C. Wilber, Joseph C. Collins, John Gammell, John D. Martinolich and Alfred C. Stuckey.

  • The board of county commissioners has voted to reconsider the matter of the Dockton and a hearing has been set for July 2.

  • Vashon-Maury Pioneers Form Permanent Society – Meeting at Ellisport Last Saturday Attended by Nearly One Hundred Pioneers of Island – (By Frances Scott Cliff) – The response to the call by the Ellisport Woman’s club for a pioneers’ meeting on May 19 was greater than even the most optimistic member of the club had dared hoped for, and the result was all that the sponsors of the idea could desire.  Miss Ella J. Caughey’s beautiful home has been made ready for any who might come, but the cool and cloudy morning threatened only rain and a small attendance and, perhaps death, to the pet plan of the club that has fostered it.  But by 10:00 o’clock the pioneers began to arrive and before noon the spacious living room, with its cheerful open fire, was crowded with pioneers and their families were welcomed by the hostesses of the Ellisport club.  As this list is too long to publish here, only the names of the older pioneers will be given, but the list of all who participated in this memorable meeting will be preserved in the records of the pioneers which will be kept by the secretary.  Mrs. Blanche Hedman was elected chairman and read the “preamble of purposes,” which follows:  “The purposes for which we, the pioneers of Vashon-Maury island have assembled is to form an historical society, its object being to secure and to preserve authentic and reliable data pertaining to the early history of the island and its pioneer settlers; and to establish an annual holiday to be known as Pioneer Day to be celebrated and perpetuated by the people of the island in honor and in memory of its pioneers.”  She then appointed a committee to draft articles of incorporation for such a society, as follows: Frances Sherman, Mrs. Hoffmeister, Black, Mr. Barton, Chas. F. Van Olinda, and Mrs. Cook, and a recess was taken while the committee conferred.  In a remarkably short time the committee returned and its report was read by Mrs. Cook and was adopted without change.  The name of the society shall be the Vashon-Maury Island Pioneer and Historical Association.  The annual business meeting and picnic shall be held on the third Saturday in June.  Thirty-five eligibility.  After the adoption of the report, Mrs. Blanche Hedman was elected president; Mr. Cook, vice president; Francis Sherman, secretary-treasurer, and Mr. Bibbins, Mrs. McCormick and Mr. Barton members advisory board.  Among those present at the meeting who date their residence on the island as 35 years or more were: Francis Sherman, who came in 1877; Mrs. Phoebe Sherman Christman, 1877; Chas. Cook, 1879; Mrs. Margaret Sherman Van Olinda, 1880; Wm. Livesley, 1880; Mrs. Blanche Hedman, 1880; Mrs. Mande Livesley Fisher, 1880; Mrs. Della Cook, 1881; Mrs. Blackburn, 1881; Hiram Fuller, 1883; Mrs. Isabel Fuller, McCormick, 1883; C.A. Barton, 1883; Mrs. Ella Barton Thompson, 1883; Mrs. Frank Bibbins, 1884; Mrs. Zetta Snow Reed, 1884; Brock Reed, 1886; Mr. and Mrs. C.M. Griswold, 1887; A.D. Kingsbury, 1888, J.T. Thompson, 1888.

  • Olsen-Molvik Wedding – The wedding announcement of Esther C. Molvick to Terry B. Olsen was published.

  • Ten Diplomas Awarded – As a result of the eighth grade state examinations the following pupils will receive diplomas: Constance Beall, Mildred Curtis, Ellen Burgoeis, Gladys Oleson, Mary Evelyn Depue, George Harrington, Frederic West, Roswell Johns, Donald Thompson and Clifford Corbin.

  • Commencement At Vashon – The graduating exercises of the Vashon high school will be held this evening at the school house.  The salutatory will be delivered by Reginald Cutler and the valedictory by Consuelo Ramquist.  The class roll includes Marion Garvin, Consuelo Ramquist, Marie Lokke, Katherine Garrod, Ward Prigg, Reginald Cutler, Walter Stevenson, Ivie Cowan and Carl Bridgman.

  • Magruder Beall Mysteriously Shot – Vashon Man Suffers Gunshot Wound While in California

  • Burton – The foot bridge along the new wharf at Burton will not materialize this time.  About fifteen years from now, if Burtonites think of it in time, this will be accomplished, when a new wharf replaces this one.  The county commissioners will do the fair thing to protect pedestrians if they get the requests in time.

  • Burton – Let’s get busy and put some “pep” in the contest for queen of the Strawberry festival to be held at Ellisport on June 23.  There should be several candidates to make it interesting and bring out a good vote.  We modestly present the name of Grandma Jaynes from this part of the island, the whole island, or both islands, and we will bet five thousand dollars, if elected, she will not cause one jealous pang of any candidate of the same age.  Send in your votes to the News-Record office, one cent a vote, and don’t forget to mention that the votes are for Grandma Jaynes.

  • Local News – The first crate of strawberries to leave the island was hauled to Seattle Tuesday by the Vashon Auto Freight Co. from K. Tanimura’s place at Quartermaster.

  • Dockton – The new ferry, Whidby, built at the Martinolich shipyard for Lovejoy and Co. of Seattle was launched on Wednesday of last week.

  • Maury Island – Walter Rayner has purchased the Maury Center Congregational church building and will move it and convert it into a dwelling.

  • Dr. Stockley has constructed a furnace for the destruction of caterpillars.  It is an old galvanized iron wash tub with a strip three by twelve inches cut out on one side at the bottom.  This opening makes a draft and by the use of waste paper and coal oil, a steady and consuming fire takes care of all infected cuttings that are placed in the tub.

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June 1923

June 1, 1923

  • Body of Magruder Beall Now At Rest – Huge Concourse of People Attend Services of Murder’s Victim – Death came to relieve the sufferings of Magruder Beall at Johannesburg, Calif., on Thursday evening, May 24 at 5:10 p.m., following the shooting on Sunday night previous while he and four companions were making a hurried trip to attend a meeting of a board of directors of a mine the following day.  Mrs. Grace Beall, wife of the injured man, her sister, Miss Helen Gorsuch, a trained nurse, and L.C. Beall, Jr. left here Monday morning and were able to reach Johannesburg Thursday morning and were in time for him to recognize and speak to them.  It was found that the bullet, probably a 25-calibre steel jacketed bullet, which struck him in the back, passed through the left lung and fractured the ribs both in front and back.  The attending surgeon said that it was quite likely that the bullet grazed the heart.  An operation was performed to remove pieces of the shattered ribs.  The surgeons attempted to tie up several severed veins but were forced to desist as a collapse was imminent.  The patient continued rational to the very last.  The transfusion operation was performed, a pint of blood having been taken from Mr. Gentilli, one of the members of the party.  Mr. Rosaia offered himself for the operation, but his blood was not suited.  By the use of saline injections into the circulatory system the patient was kept alive until the arrival of the members of his family and he was able to recognize them and speak with them briefly.  Death came at 5:10 p.m. Thursday evening from the continuous hemorrhages.  The party could not leave Bakersfield, the county seat, until Saturday evening, following the coroner’s inquest.  The start was made and the funeral party reached Vashon Tuesday evening after having been delayed about twelve hours in the Siskyou mountains by a burning tunnel.  Funeral services were held at the Community church Wednesday afternoon at 2:00 o’clock.  It was the largest concourse of people that had ever assembled to pay tribute to an island resident.  The services were held by the Rev. F.W. Heath, who some eight years ago was pastor of the Community church.  He was assisted by the Rev. J.H. Berringer.  Mr. Heath’s address was more than a funeral sermon – it was a tribute to a personal friend – for he and Mr. Beall had been very close in their relationship in the past.  His remarks carried great comfort to the members of the bereaved family.  Edward Harmeling sang most sympathetically “Lead Kindly Light” and “Beautiful Isle of Somewhere,” accompanied by Mrs. A.W. Ganly.  The services at the grave were in charge of the members of Mark P. Waterman lodge No. 177, F. and A.M., of which the deceased, his father and two brothers were members.  The services were particularly impressive and beautiful.  The active and honorary pallbearers were chosen from his associates, friends, and employees.  The active pall bearers were Howard Hansen of Everett, Harold Larson of Seattle, George Maloney of Puyallup, Glen Kimball, Delbert Danner and Sherb Heath.  The honorary pall bearers were T. Hansen, F.A. Weiss, John Podich, Paul Thorsen, Richard Triegida and Howard Rodda.  W.D. Garvin had complete charge of all arrangements at this place.  Magruder Beall was born at Bellsville, Md., on April 26, 1885.  When but a boy he accompanied his parents to Vashon island, where he since resided.  He was educated in the Vashon schools.  In the year 1912 he was united in marriage to Miss Grace Gorsuch, daughter of well-known pioneer residents.  To them were born three sons.  When Mr. Beall became of age he associated himself in the Beall Greenhouse Co., and for the past 17 years has been a hard and efficient worker in that concern.  To him can be attributed not a little of the success of this huge concern.  Mr. Beall is survived by his most estimable wife, Mrs. Grace Beall, his three sons, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L.C. Beall, Sr., and two brothers, Lewis C. Beall Jr. and Wallace Beall.  There have been so many different reports concerning the tragedy that the News-Record has endeavored to secure something authentic.  L.C. Beall, Jr. has furnished the particulars.  The party, which consisted of Messrs. Magruder Beall, P.F. Rosaia and Gentilli of Seattle and King and Piper of Tacoma, left in the Rosaia car on Wednesday May 16.  The trip was being made in order that all of the members of the party except Mr. Gentilli might attend a meeting of the board of directors of the Johannesburg Mining & Milling Co.  The car was run day and night, stops being made only for food.  A stop was made at Mojave, 46 miles from Johannesburg, at about 7:30 Sunday evening.  After a brief stop for supper the journey was resumed.  When about 24 miles out in the desert, Mr. Rosaia, who was driving noticed a man lying in the road, his head almost in the wheel track.  He stopped and backed the car until the spotlight would be played upon the prostrate figure.  Gentilli got out and rolled the man over and finding him uninjured, went back to the car.  Rosaia told him to go back and be sure that he was not injured.  Then all got out and went back where the man lay.  Rosaia searched his pockets and found a half emply bottle of moonshine liquor.  Rosaia told them what he found and his remarks must have roiled the man as he sat up and cursed them.  He apparently reached for a gun in a rear pocket and threatened the members of the party.  Fearing a hold-up the five made for the car and climbed in.  Rosaia took the steering wheel.  Magruder Beall was an instant late as Rosaia started the car and he was compelled to make a flying leap for the running board to enter the front seat.  Both doors were open and both had curtains up.  A shot came from the rear, the bullet passing through the curtain and entering Mr. Beall’s back.  The bullet, after passing through his body struck the back of his Masonic pin.  It must of then dropped to the floor and jolted out of the car as it was not found.  The wounded man cried out “I have been shot,” and fell onto the floor in the front of the car.  Rosaia drove on for a considerable distance and then stopped.  Mr. Gentilli took the front seat and the wounded man was placed in the rear seat and supported by his two companions.  He was bleeding badly and it is a marvel that he survived the ride over the sands of the desert.  He was placed under the care of three physicians, all of whom were skilled in the care of gunshot wounds, but without avail.  About a mile from the scene of the tragedy a Ford car was at the side of the road with a broken wheel.  There was a man asleep in the seat.  The sheriff reached the scene a few hours later and found him still asleep.  He stated that he had broken the wheel and had sent his companion (W.S. Raymond, who way lying in the road) back to Mojave for a new wheel.  Raymond appeared the next morning at Mojave (24 miles away.)  No gun was found on him.  He was arrested and is still in jail pending investigation.  In making inquiries L.C. Beall, Jr., was informed by a woman hotel keeper at Johannesburg that within a short time there were five hold-ups on the desert staged in the same manner: a man lying in the road as was Raymond.  She also informed him that Raymond is a hard citizen, following the occupation of cook and general roustabout, and not a mining engineer as reported to the press.  She also was authority that the young man found asleep in the Ford is a low class man, not above participating in a robbery.  One feather was that Mr. Gentilli had a revolver in his hands when he got out to examine the man in the road.  In the excitement it was dropped and it was thought that it might have been accidently discharged.  However, this theory was exploded by the finding of the gun by the stage driver early next morning.  None of the cartridges had been discharged and the barrel was bright and clean.  The sheriff held Mr. Rosaia’s car and took the jury out to the scene of the shooting and reacted it.  The opening between the car door and the metal strip that held the curtain was so narrow that the sheriff, no mean shot, was hardly able to send a bullet through it even at close range, to show the manner in which Mr. Beall was struck.  In the almost total darkness it was just a chance shot that did the mischief.  L.C. Beall, Jr. is of the opinion that if Raymond was not a member of a hold-up gang and acting as a decoy that perhaps he drew a gun and fired the fatal shot because of grievance fathered by a befuddled brain.  Fears are entertained that his gun will never be found and that there will not be evidence to convict him even though he be guilty.

  • High School Commencement Exercises Held – The graduating class was composed of Marian Garvin, Consuelo Ramquist, Marie Lokke, Katherine Garrod, Ivie Cowan, Ward Prigg, Carl Bridgman, Reginald Cutler and Walter Stevenson. 

  • Contest Gains Momentum – Quite a little spurt in voting for the queen in the contest to select the lady who will represent the island at the Strawberry festival, was made this week when friends sent in 716 votes for Mrs. Melissa L. Jaynes of Burton.  It is reported that Dockton has a candidate who will be “sprung” on the public within the next few days.  The standing of the contestants is as follows to date:  Mrs. Jaynes 916; Julia Hofmeister 1009; Frances Blekkink 354; Consuelo Ramquist 175; Ruth Tjosdal 150.

  • Festival Plans Progress – Plans for the Strawberry festival, to be held at Ellisport on Saturday, June 23, are well under way.  Governor Hart has sent regrets that he will be unable to be present, but there will be many others who will be there to more than make up for his absence.  Concession will be operated by the Ladies’ Aid of the Burton Baptist and perhaps by the same organization of Vashon church.  The executive committee of the festival, that for the sale of candy and tobacco.

  • Berry And Fruit Shipping Starts – Marketing Association Has Office at Dock and Secure Boat – Mr. Bodle made a report on market conditions, stating that something like 275 tons of fruit have been contracted to date, with other contracts pending.  The crates for this year’s crop are on hand and a telephone has been installed at Vashon Landing.  A bookkeeper will be stationed there the latter part of the week.  The association has also decided to put in a receiving station at Portage, thereby providing shipping facilities for members in that vicinity.  A contract has been made with Louis Larson for the use of the Bull Moose, a 16-ton gasoline boat to make night trips to Seattle with the fruit and berries.  The boat will start on the run very soon.

  • Memorial Services – Memorial Day was fittingly observed on Wednesday of this week.  A big crowd of people gathered at the cemetery in the morning and the graves of all veterans were beautifully decorated.  A program was held which consisted of the reading of Lincoln’s Gettysburg address, two songs by a young ladies chorus and an address by P.M. Smock.  The address was out of the usual order and was highly appreciated by those who were fortunate in being present for the occasion.

  • Maury Island – Louis Larson has the contract for hauling the berries of the Vashon marketing association to Seattle on the Bull Moose.

  • The News-Record is in receipt of an anonymous communication regarding the election of a queen for the Strawberry festival which is not used as it is contrary to the rule of the office to accept responsibility of unsigned articles.

  • War Declared – Word comes that an Olympia cannery will enter the berry buying market with an offer of five cents per pound for loganberries at the roadside, and the brag is being made that the six cent price obtained by the Vashon Marketing association will be lowered.  As a result the officers of the local association is making the request that every berry grower on the island “stand pat” for six cents.

  • Burton – Dr. Sanford J. Martin of Vancouver, B.C. has leased the Dr. Linton home and expects to become a permanent resident of Burton, and will soon be a practicing physician here. 

  • A Rare Bargain – I have for quick sale on account of illness of owner, the best bargain ever offered in a poultry ranch on Vashon island.  Four acres with good seven-room house, 20x100 chicken house, brooder houses, barn, shop, etc.: 300 year old hens and over 500 early pullets, two cows, all tools, Ford truck and own lighting plant; garden planted; beautiful roses; over 1000 bulbs planted.  Elegant view and some waterfront.  Price $6500: terms to suit.  Owner will furnish feed for chickens from Sept. 1 and give credit of $2000 for all eggs and chicks for eight months if buyer will handle as he wants him to.  For further information write, phone or call W.D. Garvin, phone black 152, Vashon.

  • New Store At Colvos – Colvos is assuming business like proportions since J. Tronas and J. Parker opened a store on the former’s place a few days ago.  A building 30 x 50 has been constructed to house the stock of groceries, dry goods and hardware that these gentlemen are assembling for their patrons.

 June 8, 1923 

  • Contest For Queen Closes Next Friday – Interest in Contest Increasing – Dockton Backs a Favorite Daughter – A great deal of interest is being shown in the contest for the selection of a queen for the Strawberry festival to be held at Ellisport on Saturday, June 23.  This week the Dockton people entered their contestant, Miss Alphilde Nilsen, in the race.  Miss Blekkink’s friends are rallying around her and she advanced in the contest until she is a competitor to be reckoned with.  Miss Hofmeister has made substantial gains, as has Mrs. Jaynes.  Miss Ruth Tjosdal has withdrawn from the contest as she will be absent from the island at the time of the festival.  The standing of the contestants on Friday morning was as follows: Mrs. Jaynes 1266, Miss Blekkink 1304, Miss Nilsen 1496, Miss Ramquist 175, Miss Hofmeister 1184.  The contest for queen will close on Friday, noon, June 15, at which time all votes must be in the News-Record office.

  • Mrs. Lever Dead – Another soldier’s widow, Mrs. Catherine Frances (Crosby) Lever, has passed beyond recall and was laid to rest in the little island cemetery on Monday, June 4.

  • Appeal to Growers – To the strawberry growers of Vashon-Maury island:  As chairman of the solicitation committee for the Strawberry festival, June 23, I take this occasion to ask your support and co-operation in behalf of the festival.  We will need liberal donations of strawberries and cream, and to those who can not donate either, a cash subscription or sugar will be appreciated.  Everybody is expected to help and boost.  I expect to hear from you.  E.C. THOMPSON.

  • Caterpillars A Nuisance – Vashon-Maury island is plagued with caterpillars.  Residents are just as apt to fine one crawling along the edge of the dinner plate as on the coat collar.  Many trees are masses of the repulsive worms and they may be seen crawling everywhere, seeking a place to spin a web preparatory to entering the pupa stage.  There is one consolation and that is since the advent of warm weather the ichneumon fly has resumed her work of laying eggs on the caterpillars in such numbers that next year the pest should be pretty well eradicated.  This fly deposits from one to three eggs on the head or body of the caterpillar.  When the caterpillar enters the pupa stage the egg hatches and the larvae enters the body of the pupa on which it feeds.  As the flies seem to be abundant, judging from the number of caterpillars bearing the death mark on their heads, the crop should be considerably lessened another year.

  • New Dentist Coming – Dr. Harry Swanson of Burton, who was recently graduated from the North Pacific Dental college of Portland, is planning on opening a dental office at Vashon as soon as he passes the state board examination. 

  • Commissioners Consider Selling Ferry Cradle – Upon receipt of a request from Joshua Green, who operates the Bremerton ferry, to sell him the ferry cradle at the Portage landing, the board of county commissioners has set the date of the hearing in the matter for July 9.  Mr. Green has offered the county the sum of $1750 for the cradle and whether or not it will be sold and removed as was the one at the Des Moines landing, will depend upon the showing made by island residents.

  • Summer Arrives – In direct contrast to the several weeks of cool, rainy weather a spell of real summer weather descended upon the Puget Sound the first of the week.  Tuesday was the warmest day, the thermometer having climbed to the 90 mark.  At the Beall greenhouses that day the temperature was above 100, making it decidedly uncomfortable.  The change in temperature was most welcome as it has ripened the strawberries to a degree of perfection.

  • Former Vashon Man Accidently Drowns – T.E. Willhight and Companion Go Over Dam in Cedar River – T.E. Willhight, a former resident of Vashon, out for nine years an employee of the water department of the city of Seattle, was accidently drowned with a fellow worker, C.E. Brown, in Cedar river on Saturday, June 1.  His obituary was published.

  • Burton (Mrs. A. Hunt) - The Burton wharf was completed last week according to contract and has allayed all fears of collapse, which were ever present while using the old wharf during its last days.  A subscription paper is now in circulation for funds to build a float at the end of the wharf and to repaint the wharf house, both of which are badly needed.  Let’s all get back of this float proposition especially, even if our mode of transportation is overland.  Our interests in our friends and the old home town will bring out that spirit of helpfulness, and one look at that marred, weather beaten wharf house, waiting room, rest room or whatever its name, ought to jack up our pride.  It is estimated that at least $70.00 will be needed for the float and paint.  This can be done quickly if each one helps a little.

  • Local News – A large crowd of Indians arrived the first of the week to pick Mukai’s 60-acre field of strawberries.

  • Local News – T. Hansen, F.A. Weiss and L.C. Beall, Sr., drove to Tacoma, Puyallup and Sumner yesterday in the former’s car, via Tahlequah, to look after the berry interests of the Beall-Hansen Co. 

June 15, 1923

  • Mrs. Melissa A. Jaynes Chosen Festival Queen – Spirited Contest Closes with One-Hundred Four-year-old Lady in the Lead – All hail Melissa L. queen of the fifth Strawberry festival!  Long has she lived!  Long live the queen!  The title of queen was bestowed upon Melissa L. Jaynes today when, at the close of a spirited contest she was declared winner.  The vote stood at noon: Mrs. Jaynes 14,616, Miss Alphilde Nilsen 7,039, Miss Consuelo Ramquist 5,800, Miss Julia Hofmeister 1,709, and Miss Frances Blekkink 2,601.  Mrs. Chas. Pinkham received 100 complimentary votes.

  • Editorial – Must Carry On – The members of the Vashon Island Horticultural society have essayed to hold a strawberry festival on Saturday, June 23.  A call has been issued to the people of Vashon-Maury island to co-operate with the members of the festival executive committee to make the affair a success.  It is not the horticultural society’s festival nor the committee’s festival but a festival for the whole island – a chance for the people to demonstrate their hospitality.  To be absolutely frank in the matter, the festival was inaugurated for the purpose of securing publicity for the island; to place this community on the map, if you please.  It is not intended for the pleasure of the residents of the island, but to enable them to live up to the slogan adopted by the members of the executive committee: “Every islander a host – not a guest.”  This means that every island resident must make some sacrifice that the guests from other parts may be properly entertained.  The executive committee believes that the cash cost of the festival will be about $500.00.  There will be needed about 100 crates of strawberries.  To transport foot passengers to and from the grounds from the north end ferry.  Perhaps 100 cars will be required to make two trips.  The services of many volunteers in the dispensing booths will be required.  Are the people of Vashon-Maury island willing to back the committee with contributions of cash and berries, give the use of their cars and their services to make this affair an unparalleled success?  The News-Record believes they are.  Get behind this committee.  It is everyone’s festival.  Make it the success that it deserves and every resident of the community will profit thereby.

  • Plans Better Service – Frank Bongard of the Bongard Boat Co., owner of the launch Argo, which runs on the east side of the island, was at Vashon on Wednesday of this week and left an advertisement, giving the schedule of the boat.  This appears in another column.  Mr. Bongard has four launches, three of which operate between Seattle and Port Orchard.  He states that it will be his endeavor to keep the Argo on the run all season.  If business justifies he will either install a larger Diesel engine in the Argo to increase its speed or else put a larger boat on the run.

  • Office Loses Mascot – The News-Record has lost its mascot.  This was a small airdale pup of the persuasion that Kipling describes as the more deadly of the species.  It was a knowing creature, but lacks utterly appreciation of the hand that hustles the “eats.”  Finder will please notify this office.

  • The Seattle Post-Intelligencer of June 15th gave considerable space to Vashon advertisers and in return made mention of the Strawberry festival.  The festival is receiving considerable mention in the newspapers of both Seattle and Tacoma.

  • Burton – The Vashon Island Lumber Co. is bringing lumber to Burton dock where a barge is being loaded for Seattle.

  • Burton – Messrs. Phil and Don Green left Seattle Thursday in their fishing boats for southeastern Alaska, near Tyee, where they will work during the fishing season, catching salmon for their cannery.

  • Local News – Tuesday witnessed the lowest tide of the year.  As a result several Vashon citizens visited the beach to capture the festive goeyduck clam.  The goeys were scarce however, and few were secured.

  • Lisabeula – Strawberry picking is the order of the day and the children are earning money for the Fourth of July.

  • Notice – An effort is being made to establish an American Legion post on the island.  A meeting will be held at the Y.M.C.A. hall at Vashon on Tuesday evening, June 26, at 8:00 o’clock, at which time the matter will be discussed.  COMMITTEE.

 June 22, 1923

  • Royal Arch Installs – Grand Master R.E. Sullivan of Seattle constituted Robert Burns chapter as No. 48, R.A.M. at the hall at Portage on Thursday evening of this week.  About 25 prominent Masons of Seattle and Tacoma were present.  A big chicken dinner was served at 7:00 p.m., at which about 50 were seated.  Addresses were given a number of the most prominent visitors.  The following officers were installed:  High Priest, P. Monroe Smock; king, J.M. Ogilvy; scribe, D. Mackie; chaplain, Stephen J. Harmeling; treasurer, Wm. Auld; secretary, R.W.F. Martin; captain of the hosts, R.E. Carty; P.S., Thos J. Ogilvy; Royal Arch captain, Axel H. Petersen; master of the third veil, Dr. F.A. McMurray; master of the first veil, C.H. Merry; sentinel, Wm. Marsden.

  • Gooseberries Profitable – C.R. Price, who resides a short distance south of Center, has just finished marketing his gooseberry crop from 1 ¼ acres.  From three-year-old plants he picked 13,232 pounds of berries which were sold through the Vashon Marketing association.

  • Build New Feed Store – The brush has been cut between the Vashon Island Eggery and the Y.M.C.A. for the erection of a frame structure 40 x 40 feet in dimensions to be occupied with a stock of feed to be put in by the Eggery.  The new company is in good showing in the shipping business and now proposes to carry a line of feed for its patrons.

  • Hyde Sells Dairy – T.H. Hyde this week sold his herd, equipment and route to Mrs. Mary H. Means, who resides south of Vashon.  The transfer takes effect next Monday, and Williams Means is here to do the work.  Mr. Hyde will pick his fruit crop after which he expects to locate at Seattle.

  • HISTORY OF ELLISPORT by Frances Scott Cliff – The history of Ellisport dates back to the year 1882 when four ministers, Messrs. Harrison, Ellis, Green and Banfield secured government patents, or in other words, “homesteaded” the land around Tramp Harbor bay and vicinity where Ellisport is situated.  It is said that they, recognizing the salubrious climate and delightful location, had dreams of establishing a retired ministers’ retreat, or home for superannuated ministers.  But as Puget Sound produces no superannuated ministers their dream never materialized.  In 1884 they sold a part of their holdings to George H. Fuller and a little later to James M. McClintock.  These men both brought their families and established permanent homes and their families have held property and resided here more or less during all the years since, and have always been identified with the activities of the town.  In 1887 the Puget Sound Chautauqua Assembly association was organized, and to it was sold the land formerly owned by Messrs. Harrison, Green, McClintock and Fuller along about a mile of water front and “Chautauqua Beach” was platted for Chautauqua purposes.  Many lots were sold and summer homes built, but there were also permanent homes established when the desirability of the location became better known, and although the Chautauqua Assembly association could not survive the hard times of the nineties, Chautauqua Beach continued to remain a favorite summer resort, and home town as its bathing beach, wonderful scenic beauties, sheltered location, and variegated forest charms cannot be surpassed anywhere in the world.  The Chautauqua association left as one of its legacies its large assembly hall and also a water system.  The first, after remaining a landmark for many years, became unsafe and was torn down recently.  The water system has been entirely renewed by Fuller Bros. and now furnishes the purest of spring water to the entire town.  The Fuller brothers, sons of the pioneer, George H. Fuller, also own and maintain a saw mill and thriving greenhouses on the land that their father secured so many years ago.  The Chautauqua hotel has been remodeled and named Madrona Lodge and is now owned by Mr. and Mrs. C.J. Pyle, and is open to the public during the summer months.  A popular boarding house is also maintained by Mrs. Newman.  Telephone service and electric light and power facilities are excellent.  The Starr Mercantile Co. conducts the postoffice and carries a good stock of general merchandise, and the Furbush Co. deals in soft drinks, confectionery, cigars, etc.  There is a Christian Science church and a Good Templars temple, the later dating back to Chautauqua days.  It was built on one of the most slightly parts of the grounds.  This has been in use ever since for the annual meetings of the state organization and is the summer Mecca of the band of Good Templars who have lived to see their efforts crowned by the conversion of a large part of the civilized world to their faith.  An Improvement club, maintained by the men and the Ellisport Women’s club, are the business and social factors of the town, in which all the residents are interested.  Some of the most attractive homes of the island are here.  A picnic ground which is used by all the island as a place of recreation, a fine base ball park, which is being placed in first class condition, a tennis court, an ideal bathing beach, and beach fire sand spit, a sheltered lagoon, where children, large and small, may safely spend long summer days, wonderful woodland trails and an excellent auto road, are among the attractions of this natural fairy land.  Several years ago the name, Chautauqua Beach, beloved by so many, was changed to Ellisport, and it is now a popular summer resort.  Prominent among the residents who have stamped their individuality indelibly on the history of this locality are the Reverend Dr. and Mrs. Charles Pomeroy, who came from Des Moines, Iowa, and were early associated with the establishment and maintenance of the Chautauqua Assembly.  They built their home near the Assembly hall and empowered it with roses, where they lived until they passed away within two years of one another, at a ripe old age, beloved and respected by their neighbors.  Today all through the town flowers are blooming, offshoots from their garden, which speak eloquently of their generosity, and the daisies which may be seen along the pathways, were sowed by the gentle hands of Mrs. Pomeroy, who loved them so well.  To many people, young and old, Ellisport is a land of sweet memories, as it has always been a favorite playground for children, and sweethearts galore have met and married from here, while old folk love its beauty and quiet shady dell, and the peace that passeth understanding, and the best neighbors in the world.

  • Cove by Geo. McLean – The scent of new mown hay is over the land.

  • Cove – Jacob Edwards launched his new boat last week.  He now has it at Seattle having the machinery installed.

  • Ellisport now boasts the only dancing school on Vashon-Maury island.

  • Local News – The Mace garage this week reports the sale of a Star touring car to M. Nakayama.

  • Local News – S.J. Harmeling reported Tuesday that on that day new potatoes, new peas and new carrots were served on the table from the garden.  This is nearly two weeks earlier than is usual.

  • Local News – Paul Williams, fireman on the Virginia V, was quite badly scalded by escaping steam Monday morning.

  • Local News – Edward Brady, well known attorney of Seattle, who owns the old Martin place near the Beall greenhouses, has a force of three men at work this week erecting a 1500-gallon water tank for use in irrigating.  Water is forced up from the gulch by two hydraulic rams.

  • In the vote for queen an error was made in computing Miss Blekkink’s votes.  She was entitled to 3601 instead of 2601.  The error was not discovered until after the results were announced.

 June 29, 1923

  • Celebrate Strawberry Festival Most Fittingly – Big Crowd of Out-of-town Folk in Attendance – Coronation Ceremony Impressive – (by Frances Scott Cliff) – The Strawberry festival of last week was an unqualified success and reflected great credit upon the executive ability of the various committees that managed the affair, and it was a big affair with a capital “B.”  The weather was perfect.  The strawberries were big and fine and luscious.  The crowd was big and good natured and happy and as fine a sample of Washingtonians as you would find anywhere.  Not a rough or a tough ones among them.  No hold-ups or fakes on the entire grounds.  Only a few years ago it was considered necessary to have policemen to control such a crown as that, but today the Boy Scouts and Camp Fire Girls make policemen unnecessary, and do the work much more effectively than officers of the law ever could.  Of course, prohibition helps a lot, and who could want to go back to those old days, after such a perfect demonstration of the new order of things as was had at the Strawberry festival? 

  • Curtail Ferry Service – Beginning Thursday of this week the Pierce county commissioners laid off the 1:45 p.m. ferry running from Tahlequah to Point Defiance.  As it now stands only two trips are made daily instead of three.  Yesterday some 14 cars and a number of foot passengers were obliged to lay over because of the change in the schedule.

  • Will Organize Legion – About ten World war veterans met at the Y.M.C.A. hall Tuesday evening and outlined plans for the organization of an American Legion post on the island.  It is planned to confer with Legion officials at Seattle and secure aid in making a permanent post.

  • Teacher Dies Suddenly – Miss Kate Blodgett, a teacher of Ballard, who with another teacher, had a summer cottage at Ellisport, died very suddenly at 8:30 p.m. while brushing her teeth.  Dr. F.A. McMurray and W.D. Garvin were summoned and the former found that death was caused by heart failure.  She was 45 years of age.

  • Rose Show at Heights Complete Success – The rose show, which took place at Vashon Heights at Brosseau hall, was held Saturday, June 16.  There was an excellent display of flowers and the hall, which had been decorated under the artistic management of Roy Pinkham, was surely a place of beauty.

  • Eggery Buys Property – C. Homberg of the Vashon Island Eggery was over from Georgetown several days this week, and while here purchased two lots adjoining Mace’s Garage from the Beall-Hansen Co.   Material is on the ground and the building for the feed store will be erected there instead of on the Thompson lots across the street.

  • Burton – Dr. Sanford Martin, who had intended locating at Burton at the Dr. Linton home, has sent word that he has changed his plans and will locate at Lopez, this state.

  • Burton – Postal Inspector Krumbiegel of Idaho inspected the Burton postoffice Thursday of last week and cleaned up some matters that had happened over a year ago, after he had located the persons, who had moved away.  Inspector Krumbeigel stated that on account of the large territory covered by each inspector it is almost impossible to give immediate attention to troubles that are constantly happening in post offices and on rural routes.

  • Burton – Mrs. Melissa Lucy Jaynes sends greetings to all her loyal subjects over whom she was elected queen for the Strawberry festival, held at Ellisport June 23, and also her thanks for the honor bestowed upon her.  To all the good people who feared the strain would be too great on the aged lady, it will be added that after a rest in the old arm chair at home, this queenly woman proceeded with her usual household duties in a better frame of mind, feeling that at eventide she can still serve the public, and like the politicians who are “in the hands of their friends,” she is ready for the next move.

  • Local News – The morning mail on Tuesday failed to arrive as the Virginia V ran ashore on the west side at low tide and could not be floated for several hours.

  • Southern Heights (Mrs. J.W. Forrest) – Southern Heights folk observe with joy the presence of trucks and a tractor engaged in the first of the long desired graveling operations.  This is indeed good to see.

  • The Vashon Laundry wishes to announce that it is again open for business.  Phone black 131.

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July 1923

July 6, 1923

  • Postpone Action On Waterfront Road – Substitute Highline Road Offered Dockton People by Wm. Gaines – At the hearing in the matter of the Dockton-Mileta waterfront road before the board of county commissioners on Monday of this week, the resolution for its construction was lost.  In lieu of this highway W.A. Gaines, chairman of the board, offered a resolution providing for the construction of a highline road on a seven percent grade at one point.  The substitute road would not be a great deal longer than the waterfront road and but for the seven percent grade getting out of Dockton would be quite acceptable to the residents of that community.  The road would pass the Mileta farm instead of the Pembrook farm as does the existing road.  The principal objections to the water front road are that it will be too expensive to build and maintain as the engineer contends that there is a great danger from slides.  On the other hand two quite expensive bridges would be needed on the highline road, both of which would require maintenance.  The matter was continued for 30 days and will be up for discussion and action the first meeting day in August.

  • Dental Office Open – Dr. H.G. Swanson, Vashon’s new dental surgeon, opened his office for general practice this week and is now prepared to care for all patients who come his way.  Dr. Swanson successfully passed the state board examination held at Walla Walla two weeks ago.  He is a graduate of the North Pacific dental college at Portland, which ranks well with the best institutions of the county.  Dr. Swanson’s office hours will be 10 to 4:00 with special appointments for evenings and Sundays for those who cannot visit his office during regular hours.

  • Start New  Building – The new building to be occupied as a feed store by the Vashon Island Eggery was started this week and will be pushed to completion as rapidly as possible.  Two big cherry trees were dug out and chopped up.  Earth from the foundation trenches is being hauled across the street onto the lot between the hotel and “Y” hall which was recently purchased by the Eggery company.

  • The South End Ferry (Editorial) – Residents of Vashon-Maury island were concerned last week when it was made public that the board of county commissioners of Pierce county had decided to curtail the service of the south end ferry, and more concerned when it became known that the ferry might be abandoned altogether.  The reasons given by that body were that it was not a financial success.  An active campaign instituted by Tacoma newspapers against such action seems to have won the day for island people – at least for the time being.  While the island is in a peculiar situation inasmuch as it is a part of King county and perhaps should, by rights, be served by a King county ferry, at the same time it is in such close proximity to Tacoma that that city and Pierce county are recipients of considerable trade from the greater part of the island.  The south end of Vashon island has been slow to develop, due to the fact that until the south end ferry system was established the transportation problem was such that it was not conducive to quick settlement and the attendant development of its best resources.  Then, just at the same time that the King county commissioner had provided means to gravel the Tahlequah road from a point south of Burton to the ferry landing came the announcement that the midday ferry would be abandoned.  Then it was intimated that the ferry would be discontinued altogether.  A number of people had been induced to locate on the south end of the island because of the service; merchants of Tacoma had been able to build up delivery systems passing to and from the island on the ferry daily.  In justice to both farmers and settlers the boat should not be abandoned.  It is much to the credit of a number of Tacoma business houses that they have catered to Vashon-Maury island trade.  For several years they have been spending no inconsiderable sum of money advertising on the island and as a result they have built up most cordial relations with island people – something that Seattle has failed to do in a large measure.  In justice to these merchants the Pierce county board of commissioners cannot well ignore these facts.  It is fortunate for the island that these conditions exist.  A ferry functions in a community a great deal the same as a stretch of good highway.  No one is ever disappointed by the fact that a highway does not pay actual cash dividends into the treasuries of the state, county or municipal governments, yet those dividends are actually received if there were any method by which they could be placed in a concrete form.  The south end ferry has been paying cash dividends to Pierce county and the city of Tacoma almost from the day of its inception.  The people of the island have been fighting long and earnestly for increased transportation facilities.  The south end has been hampered by the lack of a good gravel road and adequate ferry service, property values have suffered and there has been a slow development of the resources of that section.  Now that the road is being built the ferry system can be assured of more traffic.  New people will locate there; new lands will be cleared up and a few abandoned farms reinhabited.  Vashon-Maury island is the garden spot of the Puget Sound region.  When adequate transportation can be assured for all time to new settlers there will be an influx.  But as long as each new board of commissioners has the power to curtail or abandon the ferry system there is a hazard involved in settling in that section.  Concerted action on the part of island residents can do much towards insuring the permanency of the service.  People of the north end should be as vitally concerned in the transportation problem of the south end as they are of their own.  When the island can present a united people in these matters a great many of the obstacles in the way of a permanent solution will have been removed.

  • Lisabeula – A bad accident occurred on the Lisabeula hill one day last week as Jacob Reichert and Billy Hiersch were going up the hill, when in some manner the former lost control of the car and it plunged over the bank fully 30 feet and turned over three times before reaching the bottom.  The occupants escaped with only a few scratches.  The car was hauled up the bank, a new wheel put on and it was soon running again.

  • Cove – Captain O. Edwards and Carl Edwards have just returned from a very successful fishing trip in the straits with their fishing boat, the President.

  • The report of the financial condition of the Vashon State Bank at the close of business on the 30th day of June, 1923 showed total assets of $199,485.00.

 July 13, 1923

  • Huge Quantities Of Berries On Market – Rains Hurry Ripening – Many Crates Shipped Daily by Boat – Vashon landing is a busy scene each night during the shipping season.  Over 1200 packages of berries and cherries are shipped out nightly for the fresh fruit market and to the canneries.  The “Bull Moose” was taken off the run Wednesday and a new boat and a scow were placed in commission the following night.  In addition to this a southbound boat stops each night and takes on about 300 crates for an Olympia cannery.  The new boat service facilitates the shipments enabling the men to finish about midnight where heretofore they have been working until about 2:00 in the morning.  The berry market has been in bad condition the past few, prices breaking badly.  The huge quantities of dead ripe berries dumped on the market as a result of the rains has had a bad effect.  While members of the Vashon Marketing association are receiving six cents a pound for loganberries, other growers are receiving but four cents with but little demand for them at that price.  Growers are scouring the island for pickers and are offering top prices as to be able to harvest their crops.  It is impossible to secure pickers from the cities as such heavy demands are being made by growers on the mainland.  On Tuesday the Beall-Hansen Co. secured 50 Camp Fire girls, who picked about a thousand pounds during the day.  They were hauled to and from the field in trucks and were entertained at a “feed” by Mr. and Mrs. L.C. Beall, Jr.

  • Ellisport Man Called By Death Saturday – George U. Cunningham, Respected Citizen Dies Suddenly (obituary published)

  • Dewdrop Inn Sold – Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Snider, recent arrival from Gonzales, California, have purchased the Dewdrop Inn from Mr. and Mrs. G.E. Stevenson and will take possession on Saturday of this week.  Mr. Snider is a barber and is putting in a chair in the front of the store.  He is a brother of Harry Snider of the north end.  Mr. Stevenson has resigned his position as truck driver for P.A. Petersen and will leave shortly for Carey, Oregon on the Columbia river, where he will operate a donkey engine in a logging camp.

  • Organize Legion Post – At a meeting of about 20 veterans of the World war at this Tuesday evening an American Legion post was instituted by J. Neergaard of Seattle, a representative of the state organization.  Axel Petersen was elected temporary commander, and Dr. H.G. Swanson, temporary adjutant.

  • Improve Shop – About $200 worth of new type and other needed material was added this week to the job department of the News-Record.  It consists of some of the very latest faces being used in the city shops and places this office in a position to turn out satisfactory work.  The editor has entered into a definite lease with Mr. Smock, which gives him an opportunity to expend efforts to build up all departments of the News-Record.

  • Pioneer Daughters Picnic At Ellisport – One Hundred Gather on Wednesday for Jollification – An Annual Affair – The picnic of the Daughters of Pioneers held at Ellisport on Wednesday of this week was a success in every particular.  Over 100 participants were present from the island and nearby cities.  A special boat, the Virginia III, left Seattle in the morning and made the trip to Ellisport in one hour and fifteen minutes.  Among those present from Vashon Island were Mrs. Shanahan and her mother Mrs. H.A. Stanley, regent of the island chapter of the D.A.R., Mrs. Blanche Hedman and Mrs. Washburn, the latter of whom was hostess of the day.

  • Special Meeting Tuesday – There will be a meeting of the Vashon Horticultural society next Tuesday evening at the Y.M.C.A. hall, despite the fact that it is a busy season.  The matter of holding a fair in October will be one of the chief items of business.  Another topic to be brought up and discussed will be that of instituting an advertising campaign to place the island on the map.  All people engaged in business and those who have property for sale are asked to be present.

  • A Vital Need (Editorial) – The matter of providing a golf link, adequate tennis courts and perhaps a country club for Vashon-Maury island residents and the residents of the two adjacent cities has been in the minds of a number of progressive citizens for no inconsiderable time.  Conditions are crystallizing so that it is opportune to suggest that thought be given the matter to the end that something may come of the matter by the opening of another summer season.  Golf has ceased to be a rich or and old man’s game – it is the game of men and women of all stations in life, of all ages, who enjoy the great out of doors.  There are many people of wealth and prominence in the cities nearby who would be attracted to the island were these facilities provided, and these same people would be willing to give their financial support to such a project could the matter be properly presented to them.  Bainbridge island has a country club, and if the writer is not mistaken, a golf course.  As a result a great many people of prominence are attracted to that island to the detriment of Vashon-Maury.  Other communities are providing these facilities and are profiting thereby in no small measure.  The News-Record has no suggestion to offer as to how best to finance such a project, but is does believe that if twenty-five residents of the island will sufficiently interest themselves, the project could be made possible.  Think it over.

  • Editorial – Never in the history of the island has help been needed more than at the present time.  The very prosperity of the entire community is dependent upon the willingness of island residents to assist in harvesting the big berry crop.  The rains of last week have ripened the berries to such an extent that unless they are picked in the next few days growers will suffer heavy losses.  The island needs the returns from the 1923 berry crop to re-establish sound financial conditions.  The demand for pickers in the berry fields on the mainland little assistance can be secured from the two adjacent cities.  It is up to local people to harvest the Vashon-Maury berry crop.  It is the duty of every resident who can to help the berry growers to the fullest extent.

  • Editorial – There should be no cessation of the demand on the Pierce county commissioners on the part of islanders to restore the mid-day ferry at the south end.  Every island resident who has connections at Tacoma, whether they be business or social, should exert them in behalf of the ferry.  As residents of King county the people most benefitted have little or no influence with the board of commissioners of the county to the south.  But if half a hundred or more influential residents of that county can be persuaded to lift their voices against the unjust curtailment the commissioners will pay heed.

  • Cove – The people of the Colvos community are becoming successful in keeping up with the people of Cove.  The latest venture is that telephones have been installed by the following: J. Trones, the Crocksetts, Molvichs and Lukke families.

  • Cove – These summer days find westside residents immersed in a flood tide of logan berry picking.  Pleasure and business give way before the pressure of picking, packing and shipping crate after crate of these profit yielding berries.  The boys and girls are becoming capitalists and the most humble farmer has a small army of employees.

  • Dockton – The freighter, “F.H. Marvin,” underwent repairs on the Stuckey ways Saturday and Monday.  The “V.P. Handy,” was also on the ways this week for repairs.

  • Dockton – M. Botich, with a crew of nine men, left Wednesday in his fishing boat, the “Kanaka Boy” for the salmon banks near Friday Harbor where he will engage in fishing for the season.

  • Lisabeula – A district convention of the Congregational church opened on Wednesday of this week at the new auditorium.  A number of noted speakers from the east are in attendance.  The log cabin inn located on the hill above the auditorium has been filled up and furnished for the accommodation of the visitors.

  • Lisabeula – A big crowd of people was brought to Lisabeula the Fourth by three boats, to enjoy the picnic grounds and bathing facilities.  The Vashona brought a large number from Tacoma and the two Virginias, the III and V, brought crowds from Seattle.  The total number was between 500 and 600.  Church societies were well represented.  The Ballard Swedish mission church sent a large delegation.  There were speeches and singing in the auditorium and games and bonfires on the beach.  Long tables and a stove were provided where dinners were prepared and served.  All departed on the late boats, tired but happy, voting Lisabuela an ideal place to spend the Fourth.

  • Local News – B.D. Mukai finished his strawberry harvest and yesterday shipped 32 Indians to their home in British Columbia.

  • Local News – Delbert Danner has resigned the position of treasurer of the Y.M.C.A. on account of the press of personal business.  Paul Thorsen has been elected to succeed him.

  • WANTED – Berry pickers; 75 cents a crate.  No Indians.  Beall-Hansen Co.

  • Burton (Mrs. A. Hunt) – Say, did you see “Lucky Strike” written in white, way up in the clear blue sky Monday?  Wasn’t it wonderful?

  • A Correction – Attention has been called to the fact that the Girl Scouts of Cove who took charge of the information booth at the Strawberry Festival were not given credit for their work during the day on the grounds.  I am thankful for this correction as the Girl Scouts have been confused with the Camp Fire girls, and the writer has not understood the difference.  Frances S. Cliff.

 July 20, 1923

  • Enlarges Warehouse – P.A. Petersen, Vashon and Cove feed dealer, is getting material on the ground for an addition of 60 by 60 feet to his warehouse at Cove.  The extension will be built out over the water which will allow boats to unload directly into the building.  Mr. Petersen’s feed business is growing rapidly and as it increases he is enabled to buy his feeds by the boat and carload.

  • Open With Free Dance – The completion of the Vashon Island Eggery’s new building will be celebrated with a free barn dance Saturday evening of this week.  The building will be ready for occupancy sometime next week and will be filled with a complete stock of feeds.

  • Five Women’s Clubs Picnic At Ellisport – One Hundred Members and Guests Frolic on Friday the Thirteenth – About one hundred members of the Vashon Island Woman’s club, the Camulos club, the Ellisport Women’s club, the Rose club of Vashon Heights and the Music and Art Study club of Vashon and members of their families and a few guests gathered at the Ellisport picnic grounds on Friday of last week for a picnic.  One important result of the meeting was the formulation of a federation of all island clubs to further the work of women’s clubs.  Mrs. W.C. Whitfield was unanimously elected chairman.  It was also voted to make the picnic an annual affair.

  • Local News – While walking on the boom at Vashon Landing Sunday Miss Stella Edson fell between the logs and probably would have drowned had it not been for her ability to swim under water.

  • Burton (Mrs. A. Hunt) – The registrar for births and deaths in district 25, which includes Maury island, Burton, Lisabeula and the south end of Vashon island, reports for the fiscal year ending June 20, 18 births and 10 deaths.

  • Burton – It is reported that 158 crates of loganberries were gathered from the Horikiwa field across from the high school building last Sunday.  Forty pickers were employed to gather the one picking.  Some 20 pickers have been in the field each day since.

  • Maury – Norman Edson, Burton’s artist par excellent, viewed the mountain from Maury Heights Sunday afternoon.

  • Dockton – The first service in the new St. Patrick’s Catholic church was held Sunday by Father Mertens of Tacoma.  Many member of that faith of Vashon-Maury island attended.  There will be services every third Sunday.  The church when completed will be a very fine, commodious building.

July 27, 1923

  • Give The Once Over – Seven of the government bombing planes passed over the island, twice today.  The first trip they were northbound, probably coming from a flight to Tacoma.  On the second the planes, seven in number, flew even with Vashon then turned and went back towards Seattle.  This was shortly before the president’s party arrived at Seattle.

  • Pass Resolution – At the meeting of the board of county commissioners on July 24 resolution number 1242 was passed, declaring the Quartermaster to Dockton road (A.J. Stuckey road 13 revision and extension) a necessity and directing the county engineer to examine and report on it.

  • Village of Ollala Twice Fire Swept – Settlement Across West Pass Has Two Firs Within Eight Days – The flames were plainly discernable from a number of island points.  The first fire occurred on July 17, when the Ollala hotel and the A.J. Mace garage were burned to the ground.  The loss on the Mace garage was $3500 with $1000 insurance.

  • Burton (Mrs. A. Hunt) – No more will “Puss,” the white horse owned by A.J. VanHouse be seen on the streets, though she may already be feeding in greening grounds or the “horse heaven” country where all good horses go.  Tuesday she was turned out to grass on the home place and the next morning was found dead in a bog hole down in the gulch from which she had vainly tried.

  • Burton – Something quite unique in a business way was carried on in the community this week when a portable building 16 by 32 feet in size was moved from Tacoma on C.J. Williams’ trucks to a lot at Newport rented from Dr. Montgomery.  The owner, Mrs. May Broer, of Sheboygan, Wisconsin, had the building shipped from Wichita, Kansas, to the coast and has selected a quiet place on Vashon island to erect this home school building in which she teaches psychology and literature by correspondence.

  • Lisabeula – A fire broke out near the big log cabin inn on the hill and for a while it looked as though everything would go.  One of the cottages was on fire but was discovered in time to save it.

  • Local News – Among those who sent to Seattle today to see the president were W.J. Magowan, G.W. Blekkink, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Simonson, Mrs. R.B Hayes and daughter, John Marshall and the Edwards family.

  • Maury – T.G. Collins, foreman at Pembrook gravel bunkers, is having a new water tank built on top of the hill which is to be of several thousand gallons capacity.

  • Maury – A fire broke out near the Kingsbury logging camp one evening this week, but through the strenuous efforts of some of the men it was soon under control.

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August 1923

August 3, 1923

  • Opens Law Offices – C.E. Woods, a resident of Ellisport for the past year, has opened law offices for the practice of commercial and probate law on the islands.  On Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays he will be at the postoffice building in Burton and on the remaining days of the week will have an office in the News-Record building.

  • Farm House Destroyed – Fire originating from a defective flue destroyed the farm home of D.A. Culman of Cedarhurst on Tuesday evening of this week.  A part of the furniture was saved but the fire had progressed too far when discovered to save the house.

  • Alumni To Meet Sunday – The members of the alumni association of Vashon college will meet on the old campus at Burton Sunday for the first annual picnic since its organization a year ago.  The founder, A.C. Jones, of Marysville, and Prof. Leathers and Col. Patterson, former faculty members, are expected to be present at the meeting.

  • Burton (Mrs. A. Hunt) – A scow of lumber from the Williams mill left the Burton dock for Tacoma from which place it was shipped east.

  • Burton – C.J. Williams’ big truck and new trailer burned at the mill Sunday.  The origin of the fire is unknown.

  • Burton – George Coats has purchased Mr. Edson’s printing outfit and a printing press at Seattle and will soon be at his old trade in one of the buildings next to his home at Burton.

  • Burton – Grandma Jaynes’ one hundred and fourth birthday, which occurs Sunday, August 5th, will be celebrated by a gathering of friends at the B.Y.P.U. grounds on Burton peninsula at one o’clock.

  • Cove – Frank Sigrist took his first trip to Seattle recently in six months.  Dr. Stockley’s record is in danger of being broken.

  • Local News – Maury island had one of the worst fires during the past week that has occurred in many years.  The whole south end of the island from Racco to Pembrook was ablaze.  At what is known as the old Tom Rendall place all the buildings, including the dwelling house were burned.  On the Vorhees place the out buildings were burned but the house was saved by the great efforts on the part of the fire fighters.

  • Lisabeula – There has been a stubborn fire burning south of Lisabeula for over a week.  Capt. Christensen’s home and several others were in danger for a time.  The Presbyterian synod was dismissed at one time Friday and ministers and laymen turned out to fight the blaze.  Captain Christensen furnished and ice cream treat for the whole crowd.

 August 10, 1923

  • Masons Asked To Locate Home Here – Burton Acres Available for Home for Old Folk and Children – There is a possibility that the Masonic fraternity will be induced to locate its home for aged members, and orphaned children on Vashon Island.  R.W.F. Martin agent for L.M. Hatch, the latter the owner of Burton Acres, located on the Burton peninsula, has submitted a tender to the grand secretary of the Masonic lodge who in turn will submit it to the special committee appointed at the last session of the grand lodge for its consideration.  Burton Acres is composed of some 150 acres of land comprising Burton peninsula, the most slightly and one of the finest locations on the entire island.  It has a mile and a third water front and is especially adapted to a home of this kind.  There is land enough for all buildings and necessary lawns and gardens and enough left for a good sized natural park.  The soil is exceptionally good and the task of clearing comparatively an easy one.  The Masonic fraternity maintains a home at Puyallup where it has 20 acres of land.  The tract is not adapted to the purpose and it is not feasible to enlarge the present buildings.  There are some 70 inmates of the home, including the staff, and there are many who would like to enter the home but are unable to do so due to lack of quarters.  For that reason a committee has been appointed to seek a new location.  Local members of the Masonic order feel that the members residing at both Seattle and Tacoma will lend their influence for the island location, as it is exactly midway between the two cities and as easily accessible as though it were located on the mainland.  The many features that the proposed site offers – splendid climatic conditions, scenic attractions coupled with many other features – makes it far more preferable to any location thus far suggested.  The price asked for the tract is not made public but it is understood that it is a mere fraction of an option of $90,000 which L.M. Hatch of Alderton, the owner, refused from a Tacoma real estate concern some years ago.  The fraternity seeking the home site has resources running well up in the hundreds of thousands of dollars and is amply able to purchase it and enter immediately into a constructive building program.  The proposition has the endorsement of the island Masonic bodies and resolutions recommending its purchase have been passed and forwarded to the grand secretary.

  • Carpenters are at work this week erecting a good sized play shed at the Center school house.  It is the intention to equip it with proper apparatus and make it a place of recreation during the winter months.

  • Petty Thieves Busy – An epidemic of petty thievery exists at Vashon and vicinity.  A week ago K.K. Prigg noticed a young lad enter his poultry house during the noon hour.  Mr. Prigg went out to investigate and the lad took to his heels.  He wasn’t fast enough to catch the sprinter but his son, Ward was.  The lad who was about 17 years of age confessed that he and two companions who were picking strawberries west of town had been harvesting the eggs regularly.  His companions, who were waiting at the rear of the Weiss store made their escape.  The lad was turned loose.  Then Martin Tjomsland reported that one evening he had 200 eggs ready for packing all but a very few had disappeared.  The latest report that a number of carpenter tools disappeared from the Curtis home this week.

  • Baptist Young Folk In Session At Burton – Convention Opened Aug. 7 and Closes Aug. 17 – Many Present.

  • Burton – The Burton wharf house is painted – the work donated – the float is finished and in use.

  • The reunion of Vashon college students (not alumni as stated last week) occurred Sunday when about a hundred of the old students and their families gathered at the Burton hotel where they enjoyed a most bountiful picnic lunch.

  • Local News – The island is undergoing the worst drought known for many years.  Despite the fact that there were late rains, the ground is much drier than last year.  The north winds seem to have taken all the moisture.  C.L. Garner reports that the ground is so dry that many of the telephones will not ground, necessitating the pouring of water on the grounding apparatus to complete the circuit. 

 August 17, 1923

  • Great Conference At Lisabeula Grounds – Presbyterian Young People Enjoy Week of Intensive Instruction

  • The death notices of Mrs. Elizabeth Anne Lindley and Benjamin H. Davis were published.

  • Fires Near Vashon – A forest fire has been raging to the northwest of Vashon for the past week.  It burned over a 10-acre slashing on the Nordholm place and on to Henry Steen’s place.  Little damage was done however.

  • Island Hens Set Record – At the fourth western Washington egg-laying contest for the month of July F.C. Parks’ pen of five hens had the high honor of being first in the contest with 126 eggs.  F.E. Gilbert’s pullet No. 577 was second in value of eggs laid for nine months, her record being $5,677 for that time.  In point of number of eggs produced last month L.C. Beall Jr.’s pen of four hens was fourteenth and Highland Poultry farm’s pen of five was nineteenth.

  • U.S. Cruiser Omaha Wreaks Much Havoc – Waves Created by Fast Vessel Demolish Bulkheads and Boats – One claim for $1000 damages inflicted on beach property by the high waves thrown up by the United States scout cruiser, Omaha, while making trial runs in the east channel, has been filed by a Vashon island attorney and several more will be made against the navy department in the near future.  Trial trips were made by the vessel Monday and as she rushed through the water waves fully five feet high were dashed against the beach.  This created great havoc with bulkheads, beach property and row boats.  Gus Uttstrom, who has a small resort property north of Ellisport, suffered the greatest damage.  A long bulkhead at that place was washed out, summer cottages damaged, a long fishing net torn to shreds and two row boats smashed.  Boats at Ellisport and Luana beach were also destroyed.  Persons who witnessed the havoc-creating waves at high tide state that never had they witnessed such a display.  Such force was exerted by the waves that logs were torn from their beds in the sand and tossed about like mere toothpicks.  At Ellisport the waves capsized a boat and the two youthful occupants came very near drowning.  It is reported that a girl swimming in the sound at the north end of the island was struck by a log and seriously injured, but the report has not been verified.  It was further stated that residents along Alki point remonstrated at the damage being done in that vicinity which resulted in a halt being made to the trials.  The Omaha is rated as the fastest ship in the world.  On the trials being made in the east channel the vessel traveled at least 35 miles per hour.  The fast streamer Tacoma seemed to be standing still when the Omaha rushed by.

  • Stoltz Home Fire Swept – The L.C. Stoltz home on the Paradise valley road, southwest of Center was totally destroyed by fire on Wednesday afternoon of this week, having caught from a forest fire that swept down that direction from the north.  Mr. Stoltz had set a backfire and burned off the grass and brush in the direction of the forest fire for about an eighth of a mile.  However, the wind carried the fire up a tall fir tree and embers blew to the house and set fire to it.  Neighbors assisted him and a part of the contents were saved.  Mrs. Stoltz had about $300 worth of canned fruit and preserves to sell from their stall at the Seattle market and this was all lost.  No insurance was carried.  One fortunate thing occurred which perhaps saved the lives of the two children.  Mrs. Stoltz frequently goes to Seattle, leaving the children at home.  In the afternoon they are put to bed for a nap while Mr. Stoltz works about the place.  On that day Mrs. Stoltz had taken them to Seattle with her.  Ordinarily they would have been at home asleep in the corner of the house where the fire started.

  • Local News – A party of county engineers is at work this week making the preliminary survey for the Cove-Lisabeula road.

  • Maury – Maury island paid toll to the forest fire again Saturday.  The cottage belonging to Mrs. Hopgood on Fair View was burned in spite of the efforts of the fire fighters.

  • Maury – C.H. Merry and Fred Sherman inspected the road from Mileta to Grand View on Tuesday.  This is the road over which logging is being done by the Kingsbury Logging company.

 August 24, 1923

  • Baptist Assembly Best In Its History – Nearly Five Hundred Registered – Excursions Swell Attendance – The new auditorium, the enlarged dining hall, and the canteen at headquarters were greatly appreciated and were constantly taxed to their capacities.  For 10 days Assembly Point was a tent city with 106 tents filled with happy, eager people.

  • J.C. Snider has made arrangements to be at the barber shop in H.M. Lee’s store, Portage, every Tuesday and Friday afternoon and evening.

  • The obituaries of Benjamin H. Davis and Mrs. Elizabeth Ann (Whittimore) Lindley were published.

  • Most Important Deal – C.G. Kimmel, for two and one-half years employed by A.H. Petersen, has purchased an interest in the store and the firm name will hereafter be Petersen & Kimmel.  One of the first acts of the newly made partnership was the purchase from the Petersen estate the corner property now occupied by the Pioneer meat market and the building used by the Vashon Island Auto Transportation Co. for garage purposes.  While no plans have been announced it is undoubtedly the intention of the firm to erect a fire proof store room in the near future.

  • Local News – The battleship Tennessee made several trial runs yesterday in the east channel.

  • Local News – Edward A. Batwell, editor of the Puget Sound Journal of Seattle, was on the island Monday in company with E.M. Moore securing data for an article concerning the island.

 August 31, 1923

  • Demand For Vashon Made Appliances – Sanford-Springfisher Concern Turns Out Equipment for Campers – When A.N. Sanford commenced the manufacture of fishing reels at Vashon two or three years ago he was the subject of considerable derision and was pronounced a “nut” on every hand.  Out of that small beginning he is gradually forging ahead, and in addition to manufacturing reels, he has started the manufacture of a number of camping supplies which bid fair to equal if not quite eclipse the reel business.  Mr. Sanford’s first venture was that of manufacturing a steel tent stake.  His latest venture is the manufacture of a folding camp stool.

  • Water Company Quits – A news item in a Seattle newspaper, bearing an Olympia date line says: “The Dockton Water company has been placed on the map of the state department of public works through complaint of two customers, LaFrance and Keen, objecting to new increased rates proposed by the company to take care of necessary repairs to the system, and it may be as big a surprise to the company as it was to the department to find that there is such a thing as a public service concern at Dockton, for the water system, with its thirty or so customers, had never taken itself seriously enough as a public utility to file a tariff of rates with the state department.  When the customers objected to a raise the owner evidently quit the service, for the complaint says they had been without water for several days.  Engineer F.H. Craddock of the department visited Dockton to investigate conditions and broke the news that since the concern had been functioning as a public utility it cannot quit whenever it takes a notion.”

  • Will Build Garage – Due to the sale of the garage building alongside the Petersen store to the Vashon Auto Freight Co. the Vashon Island Auto Transportation company is without accommodations for the big bus and its other cars.  The company is planning to build a structure at the rear of the Cash and Carry grocery building that will be of sufficient size to house the bus and three or four cars and also provide room in which to do repair work.

  • No Show Saturday – There will be no motion picture show at the Vashon theatre Saturday evening as it was impossible to secure repairs for the machine which broke down Saturday evening last.  Supplies are on the road from the factory but will not be here in time.  When the machine broke last Saturday night the management refunded the money advanced by all patrons.

  • Modern Fireproof Building Projected – Petersen & Kimmel to Build on Site of Pioneer Market Building – Work of clearing the site so long occupied by the Pioneer meat market will be started Monday to make room for a modern fire-proof store building to be erected this fall by A.H. Petersen and C.G. Kimmel.  The meat market will be moved to the rear of the lot, which is 60 by 120 feet in dimensions.  The old garage building has been purchased by the Vashon Auto Freight Co. which adjoins the Petersen & Kimmel lot on the east.  Mr. Petersen expects to make a trip around the country Sunday and Monday to look over various store buildings to find the best type from which to copy.

  • Meat Market To Close – The Pioneer Meat Market which has been conducted by members of the Petersen family for many years will be closed tomorrow night and will go out of existence.  On Monday workmen will begin to move the building to the back of the lot.  Ewald Petersen, proprietor of the shop, has made no announcement of his future plans.  Several people are looking over the situation with a view of opening a market.  One man has an idea of putting in a market and having in connection a five-ton a day ice machine and cold storage facilities.

  • The Gig Harbor News has been rechristened the Peninsula Gateway by the new owner, C.E. Trombley, a newcomer from Oregon.  The plant of that newspaper was that formerly used at Burton in the publication of the Burton News, now a part of the Vashon Island News-Record.

  • Burton – George Coates is moving his printing plant to the large room of the Burton hall, his present location proving not convenient for his work.

  • Center – Work has commenced on the Paradise valley road through the Hofmeister estate, connecting with the Lisabeula road.

  • Dockton – The steamer, Burton, went on the Stuckey ways Tuesday evening and her crew scraped and repainted the bottom.  The boat left in the morning to make the regular Gig Harbor trip.

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September 1923

September 7, 1923

  • Schools Of Island Reopen For Work – New Superintendent and Two New Teachers in Vashon High School – With an enrollment of 75 in the high school and 128 in the grades, the Vashon public schools opened Tuesday, September 4.  The Vashon Island Auto Transportation company has the contract this year for transporting the Colby and Harper students from Vashon Heights to the high school building and the grade pupils from south of Vashon to and from school.  Edward Zarth transports the pupils of Vashon Heights to and from school the same as last year.

  • New Meat Dealer – E.C. Thompson has stepped in to try to supply the vicinity with meat now that the Pioneer market has closed.  He is building a box for his Ford runabout and expects to be on the route within the next few days to supply the needs of the community.  Until such a time as Mr. Thompson can secure a building for a shop he will make the rounds several times weekly.  Mr. Thompson is not a novice in the business as he has sold meat on the island before as well as having had two years experience in a city shop.

  • Employs Another Man – The Vashon Island Eggery this week added to its force of employees by the addition of W. Loys Crosby of Seattle, who will have charge of the feed department.

  • Machine Expert Here – J. Lange, salesman and expert machinist for the Merganthaler Linotype Co., was at Vashon on Thursday of this week, making an official inspection of the machine in this office and making necessary adjustments.  However, the day was given over to him and as a result no composition work was done during the day.  The amount of news matter is therefore curtailed considerably.

  • Steen Mill Company Goes To Ellisport – Preparations Being Made to Produce Lumber for Export Trade – Work was commenced this week by the H. Steen Mill company for the erection of a $40,000 saw mill on the site of the Fuller mill at Ellisport, and when the plant is completed Vashon island will be on the map as an exporter of lumber for foreign trade.  Some months ago Mr. Steen secured a lease on the Fuller mill site at Ellisport covering an area of about 300 water front and 1000 feet in depth.  Preparations for the enlarging of the old mill and the purchase of additional machinery have gone on quietly for several months.  This week material is being hauled from the present mill and active work will be commenced at once.  A pile driver is being constructed for the company at Dockton and on its completion a wharf will be constructed that will permit of deep sea vessels loading at the dock and bids will be made for export trade.  Inasmuch as the greater part of the timber of this part of the island has been cut Mr. Steen has been looking about for a new location for some time.  Ellisport offered the best inducements, that being of the best protected harbor available and at the same time making it possible to tow logs in from all parts of Puget Sound.

  • Consider Dockton Road – The county engineer has filed his report in the matter of the A.J. Stuckey road at Dockton and the hearing was set for October 22.  This is the substitute road offered Commissioner Paul in lieu of the waterfront road which he had hoped to provide for that community.

 September 14, 1923

  • Vashon Sculptor Plans Long Trip – Gunnar Ugland to Make Tour of Coat With Collection of Carvings – On Sunday afternoon last Gunnar Ugland, Vashon’s well known wood carver, kept open house for his friends and neighbors.  A large and appreciative number passed in and out of the big covered van which he has built to house his many interesting and unique carvings.  The collection of carvings, representing years of patient labor, is well worth seeing.  Animals in different poses, cleverly carved canes, pikes, treasure boxes, picture frames, wall plaques, table lamps, etc. make up a very interesting collection.  Mr. Ugland is a native of Christiansand, Norway. He comes from a long line of wood workers – father and grandfathers on both sides having been expert workers in wood in the old country.  Mr. Ugland cannot remember when he began carving objects from wood.  His earliest recollection is that his hands were always a mass of knife cuts, as almost his first plaything given him by his father was a knife.  As a small boy he was the neighborhood cowherd and his companion through the long summer days in the mountains was a knife.  Every tree in the vicinity of his grazing herd was covered with carvings and lettering – the work of his knife.

  • Form Accredited Poultry Association At Seattle – Leading poultrymen and women from all parts of the state, including George Shoup, W.D. Buchanan and other experiment station workers, gathered at the Frye Hotel at Seattle on Monday, September 10, and formed an Accredited Breeders and Hatcheries association for the purpose of raising the standard of flocks, hatching eggs and baby chicks.  Vashon island was well represented at this enthusiastic meeting and those present included L.C. Beall, Jr., B.P. Kirkland, Mrs. Jack Woods, Dr. Stockley, Capt. McClinton, W.D. Covington and D.S. Siegrist.

  • New Meat Market – Howard Rodda on Saturday of last week opened up a meat shop in the building formerly occupied by the Pioneer meat market and has christened the new establishment the Vashon Cash meat market.  Mr. Rodda has entirely renovated the building, making it clean and sanitary and will carry a good assortment of meat. 

  • Would Advertise Island’s Resources – Big List of Names of Prospective Settlers May be Available – Following the information that at the office of the secretary of state at Olympia there are on file between 7,000 and 8,000 letters of inquiry from people who desire to invest or locate in the state of Washington, and the state has no funds available to answer these inquiries, a dozen residents from various parts of Vashon island met at the Y.M.C.A. hall last Friday evening and soon formulated plans to provide ways and means of attracting the attention of the inquirers to Vashon-Maury island.  It was at once decided that some sort of organization should be provided and it was voted to form the Vashon-Maury Island Commercial Club.  During the week it was discovered that there is already in existence an organization of that name with H.E. Keating of Burton, president, and W.Coy Meredith, secretary-treasurer.  Just what action will be taken remains to be seen.

  • Good Yields Of Oats – Edward Zarth, who operates the island’s only threshing outfit, has completed the threshing for the year and has some interesting figures concerning yields.  On the John Wunder place he threshed two acres of oats which yielded 52 sacks (three bushels to the sack) and three tons of straw.  It is noteworthy that these excellent yields were secured on ground well fertilized with droppings from poultry houses.

  • Sell Dewdrop Inn – Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Snider, for several months proprietors of the Dewdrop Inn, this week sold it to Ray Campbell and with their son, William, will leave tomorrow for Monterey, Calif., where they expect to make their home.  G.L. Leslie purchased a part of Mr. Sniders barber equipment. 

  • Theatre Reopens – Vashon’s movie theatre, which has been closed for three weeks on account of a breakdown of the machine, will open Saturday evening with a good program.  Betty Compton in “The Bonded Woman,” and Ben Turpin in a comedy entitled “The Battle Royal,” will be shown.

  • Build Bus Shelter – The Vashon Island Auto Transportation Co. is this week having a shelter for the big bus built just south of the Cash and Carry grocery.

  • The September issue of the Puget Sound Electric Journal, published by the Puget Sound Power & Light Co. for its employees, of which E.A. Batwell is editor, contains six and a half pages devoted to Vashon-Maury island and is illustrated with seven half tone engravings and a map of the island.  The engravings show a view of Vashon’s street, a view overlooking Burton, the mountain as seen from Ellisport, the high school at Burton including a splendid view of Quartermaster harbor, the company’s office near Center, a pole-high view of the Beall greenhouses and the Episcopal chapel at Portage.  The article deals quite largely with the early history of the island and the principal industries.

  • Burton by Mrs. A. Hunt – You should hear Photographer Edson enthuse over the trip he and Max Marsh took last week to the ocean beach via Lake Crescent, over the Olympic highway – grand scenery and a delightful trip as every one who has gone that way will verify.  But Mr. Edson did not go for pleasure alone:  he took his camera along and “shot” everything in sight, and if you visit his studio you will see that his shots counted.

  • Lisabeula – F. Manker is having a large modern poultry house of 25 by 50 feet, with concrete foundation and floors.  Mr. Jensen is the carpenter.

  • Lisabeula – Mr. Comstock is going to Soap Lake soon to receive treatment for rheumatism.  It is said that the water turns the hair red but after a time it regains its natural color.  Gus Hiersch, who is also troubled with rheumatism, is contemplating a trip there also.

  • Local News – On Tuesday evening of this week 20 members of Island lodge No. 247 chartered a fishing boat and journeyed to Tacoma where four candidates were initiated into the order.  Island lodge is taken on new life and is adding to its membership in a satisfactory manner.

  • Move Two Buildings – Messrs. Deppman and Clarke are this week engaged in moving the meat market and old garage building to the east of their present locations to make room for the new Petersen & Kimmel store building to be erected at an early date.  The garage building will be enlarged to house the trucks of the Vashon Auto Freight Co. and the meat market building will continue to be used as a meat market by H.N. Rodda.

 September 21, 1923

  • Reorganize Vashon-Maury Island Commercial Club – Men from Several Communities Pledge Support – Meet Tuesday Evening – Meeting of reorganized Vashon-Maury Island Commercial club at Y.M.C.A. Hall, Vashon, Tuesday evening, Sept. 25 at 8:00 o’clock. – Upon calling the meeting to order, C.E. Woods, who had been elected chairman at the previous meeting stated that a motion to annul the proceedings of the previous meeting would be in order and that the present meeting would be turned over to the officers of the former organization.  On the passage of that motion Harry Keating, president of the old organization, was called upon to take charge.  Then followed a half hour’s discussion as to the best methods to proceed.  It was the consensus of the opinion of those present that name has considerable value and that the organization should be continued under that title.  Five members of the old organization arose to their feet and called upon the chairman to call a special meeting.  This was done and W.G. Parkes was chosen secretary in the absence of the regular officer, W.Coy Meredith, who was unable to be present.  It was generally resolved to pitch in and make the reorganized Vashon-Maury Island Commercial club a success.

  • “We Have With Us…” – Ralph McAlister, editor of the Masonic Tribune, Seattle, who has been residing at the north end for the summer, and who recently returned to Seattle, writes the News-Record that on a visit to the island recently he found two earwigs.  Thus far this is the first report that the insects have gained a foothold on the island.  Every effort should be made to prevent their spread.

  • School Notes – Vashon High School by Gertrude Janney – Last Friday night the high school upper classmen gathered in the gym to see the poor little seared “freshies” get initiated by the “sophs.”  Beginning at eight o’clock they were led in the presence of the visitors, one by one.  They had to walk up a narrow plank onto a table, blindfolded, then jump off, submit to a beating, roll peeled onions across the floor with their noses, dress up in strange costumes, and so on.  Russell Hall made an adorable baby and Mary Evelyn Depue looked like she might be a famous football star some day. 

  • Burton High School – The officers of the student body for the year are Hamilton Church, president; Aaron Sherman, vice president; and Clifton Morris, secretary-treasurer.

  • Splendid Rain – Nearly an inch of much needed rain fell on Thursday of this week extinguishing the numerous brush fires and clearing the atmosphere of smoke.  Late gardens and orchards will be very much benefited by the downpour.

  • The report of the financial condition of the Vashon State Bank at the close of business on the 14th day of September, 1923 showed total assets of $240,719.47.

  • Burton by Mrs. A. Hunt – “Spooks” the white Pomeranian dog that has been with the Godfreys since they bought it as a tiny, fluffy puppy 15 years ago, died one day last week.  Whenever the dog was down the street one knew that the master was near by, and when he was guarding the house, or in the mail car while the carrier was delivering mail at the houses, none dared venture near.  The folk will miss “Spooks.”

  • Ellisport – The Steen Mill company has commenced work on the new mill at this place.

  • It is well worth one’s while to take a trip to Luana Beach as did your correspondent one day last week.  The writer had no idea that such a beautiful, artistic spot existed on the island where are located some 27 summer cottages, shaded by green trees nearly all day.  These cottages contain from one to five rooms each.  All are furnished for housekeeping, except the newly built sleeping tents.  Last but not lease is the Goat’s Inn, the beautiful, rustic cottage of Frank Hubbel, former proprietor of the beach.  It is built on an ideal site and is surrounded with many curios, such as totem poles, pieces of twisted wood that have been washed up on the beach, representing all sorts of birds and animals.  And then there is the figure of Uncle Sam, nearly 30 feet high, constructed of wood, with a huge wooden hat, and adorned with red and white striped coat and blue pants.  The steamer, Argo, lands there every day from Seattle, and with transportation by ferry from the north and south ends and reached by auto bus, making it an ideal place for camping.  Mr. and Mrs. Curtis are the accommodating proprietors and are always glad to welcome visitors.  The following are the names of some of the cottages: Peachy, Loaf a Lot, Giggles, Gee Whiz, Sea Breeze, O’Connell, U Know, Inspiration, Peek Inn, Lady Luck, Brown, Linger Longer, Sunshine, Bone Dry, Little Ford, Rolling Bay, Smiles, Oh, by Jingo, Yakima, Vermont, Dew Drop, Sun Rise, Sun Set, Hildia, Luana Lodge, Tails End and Goats Inn.

 September 28, 1923

  • Second Strawberry Crop – The Tuesday issue of the Seattle Times chronicled the fact that O.H. Lincoln of the Puget Towing Co., a resident of Vashon, has a second crop of Marshall strawberries on his place.  Mr. Lincoln took several boxes of the berries to Seattle this week to prove his contention to all “doubting Thomases.”

  • Much Improvement At Vashon In Year – Past Twelve Months View Erection of Many New Buildings – More permanent improvements have been made at Vashon for the year ending September 1, 1923 than in any other year in its history.  Each week all this summer has seen the beginning of some permanent improvement.  This week it was the construction of a six-foot concrete sidewalk along the Beall-Hansen Co. property, from the VanOlinda building to the Vashon Island Eggery building, near Mace’s garage, and a good sized garage being built by the Eggery for the company cars and trucks.  Beginning with improvements made within the past year was the construction of the VanOlinda building.  Then followed the remodeling of the interior of the Middling building to house the Cash and Carry grocery and barber shop.  About that time P.A. Petersen purchased the barn on the Gorsuch property and remodeled it for a feed store.  The front of Chas. Deppman’s building was arranged for convenient housing of the Auto Freight Co. trucks.  An important addition to the business district of the village was the Eggery building erected last spring.  This a well-constructed frame building, large enough to handle a considerable volume of business.  This month the Vashon Island Transportation Co. erected a garage building 16 by 45 feet in dimensions to house the big bus and other cars.  The front has been extended across the small building, making it continuous to the hotel, improving the appearance of the property very much.  The two buildings, one formerly used for garage purposes, and the other for a meat market, have been moved to make space for the new Petersen & Kimmel building.

  • Local News – Roy Sundt of Center suffered a fractured wrist while cranking a Ford one day last week.  Dr. F.A. McMurray attended to him.

  • Local News – A county road crew has been at work the past week covering the seams and cracks in the concrete pavement with asphalt.

  • Notice – Steinbach’s blacksmith shop is closed because of a broken ankle.  He wishes all debtors would remit at once.  Phone Red 161.

  • Burton by Mrs. A. Hunt – The Vashon Island Transportation company has a new Buick sedan on the run between Burton and Vashon Heights.  This, with the big bus, will give fine service and will be the pride of the whole island, and should be patronized by every one not using his own car.  The temptation to give free rides to friends by private car owners is great, but it is an injustice to the transportation company and is it fair?

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October 1923
October 5, 1923

  • Association Makes Splendid Showing – Organized Island Growers Receive Much Cash for Products - $63,386 is approximately the total amount of fruit and berries handled by the Vashon Marketing association for the year of 1923.  Raspberries was the largest crop, totaling 610 barrels of 500 pounds each and 864 crates of fresh fruit.  Only about 100 barrel of Marlborough berries remain unsold.  Loganberries totaled 200 tons, netting the growers about 5 ½ cents a pound.  There were 50 tons of strawberries which brought 6 cents net.  There are a few strawberries, however, which remain unsold.  The fruit and berries marketed by the association was not the entire production of Vashon-Maury island.  It did not include the berries from B.D. Mukai’s 60-acre strawberry field or the other Japanese growers.

  • Storage For Apples – It is not a difficult matter to have a packing house that will keep apples or other fruit cool in the summer time as well as keep it from freezing later in the fall and winter seasons, says the last issue of the Washington Farmer.  A.J. Linnestead of Vashon, King county, has recently completed a new packing and storage house that will suit any purposes of this kind.  The building measures 18 x 30 feet and has double walls which are filled with sawdust to keep an even temperature inside.  It has a capacity of about 1500 boxes of apples, but as a general rule the space is not all used for storage, but part of one end is used for packing and making boxes.

  • Burglars Busy At Vashon And Vicinity – Meat Market and Residence Entered Friday and Saturday Nights – Two burglaries occurred at Vashon and in the immediate vicinity Friday and Saturday night last.  The home of Mrs. Gertrude Kline was entered during her absence and the house thoroughly ransacked.  Miss Busby, who was there in the evening and who left her salary warrant there, lost it.  The only other article of importance taken was a bottle of perfume.  Some time between Saturday evening and Monday morning some one entered H.N. Rodda’s meat market by the use of a pass key and took several links of bologna and a side of bacon.  Other depredations are reported by owners of mail boxes just north of Vashon who have found of late letters put in for the carrier to pick up have been opened and the contents thrown in the road.  This is believed to be the work of youthful offenders who have hoped to find money in the envelopes.

  • Fair Write Up – The promised column story of Vashon-Maury island in the Seattle Times’ booster edition of last Sunday dwindled to about half that space.  However, it was very fair and will undoubtedly be of some benefit.  This demonstrates the necessity of compiling a summary of the island’s resources and always having it ready for use.

  • Local News – The Vashon Island Eggery has leased the two sheds at the old school house and will use them for storing hay and straw.  A.T. Tjomsland had his stump puller out to help straighten up the structures.

  • To Argo Patrons – Owing to insufficient patronage of the east side boat – the Argo – since the camping season closed I am requested to state that the Argo will make the following schedule on the east side until further notice: Leave Pier 4, Seattle, Friday nights at 5:30 p.m., returning leaving Luana Beach, Maury island, Saturday at 6:30 a.m.; leave Seattle Saturday at 5:30 p.m. and laying over at Maury until Sunday at 5:30 p.m.  That is all the east side will warrant, carrying both freight and passengers Friday and Saturday and Sunday one way.  Frank Hubbell

  • Maury – The Kingsbury Logging company was reorganized last week.  Alvin Kingsbury has disposed of his interests to Frank and Fred Kingsbury.  The reorganized concern will be known as the Kingsbury Bros’. Logging Co.

 October 12, 1923

  • Enthusiastic Crown At Club Meeting Tuesday – Vashon-Maury Island Commercial Club Starts New Projects – Many New members – A resolution endorsing the action of Mark P. Waterman lodge in its efforts to secure the location of the Masonic home and orphanage on the Burton peninsula was offered and adopted.  It was voted to request all existing but inactive organizations to disband and vote their treasuries to the benefit of the Commercial.  This resulted in members of the old automobile club to suggest that the funds of that organization be used for the erection of road signs over the island.  W.D. Garvin was appointed to look into the matter.

  • Opera Company Elects – The annual meeting of the Vashon-Maury Island Opera society was held at the residence of Mrs. A.W. Ganly on Friday evening.  Mrs. Ganly was unanimously re-elected president and director.

  • The deaths of Alf Rude and Mrs. Dorothy E. Dyer were noted.

  • Williams To Move Mill – J.C. Williams, well known mill man of Burton, this week started to clear a mill site at the mouth of Judd Creek to prepare to move his mill to that point from its present site west of Burton.  Mr. Williams will transport his timber by truck and will secure additional supplies from log rafts.  With the Steen mill being erected at Ellisport this will make two big mills within two miles of each other along the water front.

  • Protect Game Birds (Editorial) – A week or so ago it was suggested by an island resident that Vashon-Maury island be declared a game preserve in so far as the native grouse is concerned.  This bird is diminishing in numbers so rapidly that it is only a comparatively short time until it will be extinct.  The island is admirably adapted for a home for this splendid game bird and it should not be allowed to vanish from the realms of bird life.  It is not destructive to growing crops and so long as there is timber left to shelter it, it should be left in peace.  This week another resident bursts forth in an eulogy of the quail.  He is absolutely right in every statement he makes in favor of this beautiful little bird and his contentions should be supported by every one who is interested in birds and bird life.  However, legislative action is necessary in each case and unless some island resident calls it to the attention of future members of the legislature, no action will ever be taken.

  • Editorial - The county commissioners last week granted three new roads to the island, which will aid to a considerable extent.  The Dockton road is not satisfactory but will be an improvement over the present road.

  • Advertisement – Another One of those Big Dances to be given at Burton Bayview Pavilion by Pat’s Pets Saturday night, October 27.

  • Burton – A class in psychology and literature will be organized at the Burton library room Tuesday evening, October 16 at 7:30 o’clock by Mrs. May Broer, late of Wichita, Kansas.  One course of 20 lessons will be given free and the class will have her personal supervision, although most of her work is conducted by correspondence.  Mrs. Broer had a portable house moved from Kansas and has erected it at Newport on a lot overlooking the harbor and peninsula.

  • Ellisport – The calm waters of Tramp bay, even when rolling white caps cover the Sound, make this sheltered harbor a safe place for boats in winter as well as for booms of logs.  A fine boom was towed in a few evenings ago for Steen’s mill.

 October 19, 1923

  • Rumors Of Increased Ferry Service Dispelled – Island Residents Fight to Have Service from Portage to Three Tree Point – A report to the effect that the Kitsap County Transportation Co. planned an added ferry service from the island to Seattle was current the latter part of last week and as a result great activity occurred among islanders to endeavor to make the report a verity.  The information was to the effect that the company desired the county to take the ferry cradle and pontoon at Portage and use it at Fauntleroy or Alki point to allow the installation of a shuttle service to handle the many automobiles.  With that report came the news that the Kitsap county commissioners had given the transportation company notice that the Harper dock would be closed to it on October 22.  A hurried call was sent out to residents of every part of the island to meet at Portage Friday afternoon at 1:00 p.m. when it became known that Commissioner Paul would be on the island to discuss the feasibility of having a ferry put on from Portage to Three Point.  Fully 150 men and women met, and on a rising vote unanimously decided in favor of a route to Three Tree Point.  A committee of about 12 men was chosen to appear before the county commissioners Monday morning to present the matter to them.  C.E. Woods of Ellisport was selected as spokesman.  Members of the committee visited the offices of the Kitsap County Transportation company early Monday to apprise the officers of the intended action.  At 9:45 a.m. the matter was laid before the commissioners and W.A. Gaines, chairman, reported that there were no funds available for the construction of a landing at Three Tree point which the county engineer estimated would cost about $1500 to construct.  An island resident proposed that if the county would do something a substantial sum could be raised on the island.  Mr. Gaines then said that the county would go “fifty-fifty.”  No action was taken and the members adjourned to the private office where they were met by Capt. Hinckley and Philip D. MacBride of the transportation company who informed the members that they were working under a misapprehension: that the company had nothing more in mind other than operating a “shuttle” service to handle the week end congestion of automobiles.  On Tuesday the commissioners of Kitsap county met with the King county commissioners and all differences were patched up and the ultimatum against the transportation company removed.  Howard Hansen, advisor to the county commissioners, so interpreted the law to read that no other transportation company can use docks on the island during the remaining eight years of the lease of the transportation company with King county.  The only relief in sight is that a new ferry is being placed in the run between Gig Harbor and Tacoma and there is a possibility of having it stop at Tahlequah one or more times daily.  However, it is more service to Seattle – not to Tacoma – that the people want.

  • Organize W.C.T.U. – Upon request of Mrs. Peter Butcher an organizer of the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union, Mrs. Almeda Livingston was sent over from Seattle to organize such a society here.

  • A Monster Beet – Mrs. Robert E. Morris of Seattle brought to this office on Thursday of this week a monster beet raised by Mrs. F. Miller of Maury island, which measured 31 inches in circumference and nine in diameter.  No scales at hand being strong enough to weigh the huge vegetable, no figures can be given at this time.  Another curiosity at Mrs. Williams’ home was an apple tree with one Winter Banana ready to harvest and a cluster of five apple blossoms nearby.

  • Rumor Of Air Service – A rumor is current to the effect that a number of well-known and responsible Tacoma business men conduct an aerial passenger and express service between Tacoma and Vashon-Maury island points.  It is said the plane to have been used by Amundsen on his polar flight will be the first on to be put on and that four or five additional ones will be provided.

  • Local News – Stephen J. Harmeling will be at the bee school at Seattle Saturday, Monday and Tuesday to lecture on beekeeping.

  • Local News – Tiling in on the ground to be laid in front of the Beall-Hansen Co. property between the post-office building and the garage.  A fill will be made to level up the street.  The Vashon Auto Freight Co. has tile on the ground to make the same improvement in front of its property on the side street to the east.

  • Maury – The heavy storm the first of the week stopped the Kingsbury Bros. Logging company’s operations for a time.

  • Burton (Mrs. A. Hunt) – When the four decorated Vashon-Maury island cars join the caravan at Olympia on the advertising tour next week, wouldn’t it make good advertising to have a fat woman on the front seat with a placard stating in big letters: “See what we grow on Vashon island?”  Come to think of it, though, perhaps that wouldn’t make good advertising, as they say, “Nobody loves a fat man,” and it might work the same way with a fat woman.  Not being in the heavy class your correspondent can’t speak from experience – hum?

  • Lisabeula – There was a bad fire in the neighborhood Tuesday when the Carey house caught fire from a defective flue and was burned to the ground.  Only a few things were saved.  The family is staying at the cottage owned by Capt. Christensen.

 October 26, 1923

  • Commercial Club Adopts Program – Constructive Outline to be Followed During Coming Year – A number of important items came up for discussion, one of which was the report of the program committee, of which Alex Stewart is chairman.  The report of that committee is as follows: Vashon-Maury Island and how to improve them: I. Fix definite aims as – 1. Better Schools, 2. Better home comforts, 3. Better co-operation, 4. Practice of the Golden Rule.  II. Provide for local needs as – 1. Good roads, 2. Community meeting house, 3. Transportation, a. East side boat, b. Comforts of travel, c. Fair ferry rates. 4. Library, 5. Picnic grounds, 6. Public welfare committee, 7. Establish a cannery, 8. Union high school.  III. Develop ways and means – 1. Advertising by: a. Marking Island products, b. Postcards, maps, statistics, c. Seattle window exhibit, d. Tacoma window exhibit. 2. Regular fair and festival, 3. Modernize Seattle ferry dock, 4. Light Vashon ferry dock, 5. Horticultural betterments, 6. Interest young men in club, 7. Adopt a slogan, 8. Boost the home paper.  IV. Objects to Achieve – 1. Double the population, 2. An island civic center, 3. Homes: the best in the West.  The proposition of holding a contest for the adoption of a slogan for the island was passed upon favorably.  The matter of educating school children to walk on the left side of the highways was discussed and a committee was appointed to bring the matter before the school authorities. 

  • E. Morgan’s Father, Capt. O.H. Morgan, Passes On In Illinois

  • Prize For Best Slogan – The Vashon-Maury Island Commercial club asks for a slogan, offering $5.00 to any resident of Vashon-Maury island who suggests a short, snappy sentence which will draw attention, not to any particular commodity, but to the attractiveness of the island in every particular.

  • Real Money Offered County For Ferry – West Pass Transportation Co. Would Pay $3500 a Year to County – Alleging that the matter of letting the contract for ferry service from Vashon to Seattle was done without giving every transportation company an opportunity to submit bids, the West Pass Transportation Company this week submitted an offer to the county commissioners to perform the same service, paying the county a fair rental for the boats, increasing the service and reducing the rates.  The offer is as follows:  “The undersigned West Pass Transportation company, owning and operating steamers from Seattle to Tacoma on the West pass, submitting to you the fact that this company, although interested in transportation to Vashon island, was given no opportunity whatever by a former board in the leasing of county ferries under which they are now operated, and believing that the service as now given by the Kitsap County Transportation company operating the ferries from Seattle to Vashon island is not adequate in the handling all of the traffic, in the summer months at least, and as we hold that rates of charge are an element of service, considering costs and accommodations, and that as present rates were established on a basis of high costs and that the service as to rates is therefore entirely unsatisfactory to the patrons and higher than rates justify, and believing further that under the circumstances the lease is subject to cancellation by the county commissioners, and that the ferry and rates are subject to control of King county;  This company therefore respectfully requests that the matter of the leasing of the Vashon ferries be reopened and that an opportunity be given to this company and others to submit propositions for the operation of the same in the interests of better service and justice to the people who use this transportation and King county, and at this time submits the following offer:  To operate the said ferries on present schedule and to pay therefor to King county the sum of $3500 a year, maintaining docks and boats at our expense; also to reduce the fares the first year 10%, with a further substantial reduction the second year until a reasonable rate is established, based on cost of operation and maintenance and a fair profit; and to insure making good this offer, we are prepared to put up bond in any reasonable sum to protect King county.  We further submit that we are entitled to hearing and consideration for the reason that this company is a taxpayer in King county, paying taxes of $415.00 per year on its boats in King county, whereas the Kitsap County Transportation company pays only office taxes in King county, having all its boats registered in another county for the purpose of taxation.  This fact we believe should be called to your attention in considering the equities of the proposition.  Due to the fact that W.A. Gaines was absent from the commissioners’ meeting no action was taken on the communication.

  • Center – The Odd Fellows are making a number of improvements on their hall, among them being the piping of water to the building and the construction of a new front porch.

  • Maury – Electric lights are being installed in the Maury school house and Maury hall.  Several residents about Maury Center are also installing lights.

  • Maury – Harry Corbin of Vashon was over on Maury Monday looking over his real estate interests here, in view of either selling or reopening his gravel pits on the south side of the island.

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November 1923

November 2, 1923

  • Former Island Man Dies In Auto Wreck – Bert Clarke Succumbs to Injuries Received Sunday Night – Bert Clarke, son of W.H. Clarke one of the earliest of island pioneers, but now a resident of Seattle, was killed in an automobile wreck near Des Moines at about 11:00 Sunday night.  The unfortunate man was in a “for hire” car.  The funeral of Mr. Clarke was held at Vashon Tuesday morning and interment was made in the family lot at the Island cemetery.

  • School Notes – Burton High School – The class of ’26 has hung its pennant, in the class colors of blue and silver, in the assembly room.

  • The first general frost of the season on the island occurred Sunday night.  However, it was not of the “killing” variety.

  • New Pastor Arrives – The Rev. Dr. Angus Matheson and family arrived from Spokane Wednesday and are busy arranging their new home in the manse.  Dr. Matheson will begin the pastorate of the Community church next Sunday.

  • Local News – The Vashon-Maury Operetta society has begun practice on “The Nautical Knot.”

  • Propose Change In Route – To Rural Delivery Patrons: Owing to road conditions, especially that part of the route known as the old Vashon dock hill, it has been recommended that the line of travel be revised.  To those patrons along the paved highway it would be necessary that their boxes be moved across the road to conform to general traffic rules.  By starting south, the carrier or his substitute could make better time the year around, avoid climbing a rutted grade in winter and loose sand and gravel in the summer season.  Address objections or approval to the local postmaster or see the carrier on some of his trips so that we in town may forward the information to departmental headquarters.  Gladys Jacobs, Postmaster.

  • Camp Fire Girls News – Mary Evelyn Depue Scribe – Popcorn will be sold by the Vashon Camp Fire girls Saturday evening, Nov. 3, at the movie.  The Vashon library has been turned over to the Camp Fire girls.  All persons having books from the library are requested to kindly return them Saturday afternoons from 2:00 to 5:00 o’clock.  Girls will be there to receive them.

 November 9, 1923

  • Two Big Poultry Farms In Combine – Gilbert Poultry Farm Absorbed by Rosebank Farm Company – One of the biggest deals in the realm of poultrydom on the island was completed the past few days when the Gilbert poultry farm was included in the Rosebank farm corporation, thus joining one of the best known egg producing plants with an equally well known hatchery.  F.E. Gilbert, proprietor of the big poultry plant, takes a substantial interest in the Rosebank corporation and remains on the place as superintendent.  Last spring Mr. Gilbert, following his illness, received two good offers, one from a Tacoma concern and the other from a well known Seattle hatchery to take over his place and establish a big hatchery on the island.  Later Prof. B.P. Kirkland made him an offer to join forces with the Rosebank farm, which after long deliberation he accepted.  The Rosebank farm hatchery has a capacity of between 35,000 and 40,000 chicks every three weeks during the hatching season.  With only five acres of land it was impossible to produce eggs for hatching.  The plan of contracting for outside eggs was more or less unsatisfactory and a plan was laid to produce the eggs under one management.  Mr. Gilbert has between 3500 and 4000 breeding hens,  many of which were trapnested by him in the past two or three years.  With this flock, the ample poultry houses and the 15 acres of range, it should be a comparatively easy matter to produce a large number of pedigreed eggs during the hatching season.  The Rosebank farm corporation began in 1916 when Prof. Kirkland and five associates of Seattle secured 800 acres of land east of Arlington in Snohomish and incorporated the Vallamont farms.  Quite a lot of development work was done but the war period put a stop temporarily to the work.  Later the name was changed to the Rosebank corporation, which included the hatching plant south of Vashon where most of the energies have been expended to build up a commercial hatchery.  The company still holds the Snohomish county property, which is extremely valuable and will be exploited at a later date.  The consolidation of the two plants should make the Rosebank hatchery one of the strongest and best known in the Pacific Northwest.

  • O.E. Miner Dead – Oscar E. Miner, well-known resident of Vashon island, died at a Seattle hospital on Tuesday of this week after an illness of two weeks.  Mr. Miner would have been 68 years old had he lived until next month.

  • Vashon Island Hens Make High Records – F.C. Park’s Pen Fifth in Egg-Laying Contest at Puyallup

  • Produces Many Apples – A News-Record representative this week visited the apple orchard of Joseph Huppman a short distance southwest of the telephone office, where nearly 3000 boxes of beautiful Winter Banana and Grimes Golden apples have been harvested and are awaiting marketing.  It is estimated that the island produces 20,000 boxes of apples annually.

  • Renew Offer For Ferry – At a meeting of the executive council of the Vashon-Maury island Commercial club at Vashon Tuesday evening a letter from the West Pass Transportation Co. was read in which the company renewed its offer to take over the north end ferry system and a new offer to put on a ferry between Portage and Three Tree Point was made.  The letter was discussed by the 25 or 30 members present and a unanimous vote to back the company in its offer was given.  It is probable that the members of the citizens’ committee that started the transportation ball rolling will meet with the board of county commissioners on either Monday or Tuesday of next week and see what can be done toward breaking the present lease.

  • Ellisport – The work on the Steen Lumber company mill is being pushed as rapidly as possible.  A large barge of brick was brought in Monday from Mayville.

  • Southern Heights – The Strauch Logging Co. of near Tahlequah is doing a lot of work just now.  There are six horses, a donkey engine and some 20 or more men. 

  • Southern Heights – There is only a small enrollment at the Southern Heights school and the teacher, Miss Fannie Brink, is surely doing all she can to help and interest the few there are.

  • Local News – The tiling has been laid along the property of the Beall-Hansen Co. and gravel and sand are being hauled to level up the depression.

  • Local News – Mr. and Mrs. J. Mantel and son were visitors at Seattle Wednesday.  Mrs. Mantel failed to get off the ferry in time and was taken to Harper where she spent the night.

  • Local News – Everyone interested in the Vashon Community church are invited to an old-fashioned wood cutting bee on Saturday, November 17.  Sharp saws, wedges and strong backs will be needed.  Autos will be there to take them to the woods.

  • Novel Apple Picker – Mrs. B. Steinbach stopped at the News-Record office on Tuesday of this week and exhibited a novel apple picker which she used to harvest the apples on the trees near the blacksmith shop.  It was constructed of a small square bit of board with wooden fingers forming a small basket shaped contrivance, set on the end of a ten-foot pole.  This enables the picker to stand on the ground and reach up, detach the apple and bring it to the grounds without bruising it.  Mrs. Steinbach reports that Mr. Steinbach, who recently suffered a broken leg, is able to be up and about on crutches.

 November 16, 1923

  • Offer To Operate Ferry On East Side – West Pass Company Ready to Co-operate With Good Service – Howard Hanson, deputy prosecuting attorney, and advisor of the board of county commissioners, on Saturday last files an opinion in the matter of the ferry lease between King county and the Kitsap County Transportation company to the effect that the lease can not be broken except by mutual consent of both parties.  Following the announcement of this opinion the West Pass Transportation Company amended its original proffer to the county to include an offer to establish a run between Three Tree Point and Portage.  A meeting of several members of the citizens’ transportation committee was held Thursday evening and it was decided to circulate a petition and secure a large number of signatures, requesting the commissioners to provide a landing at Three Tree Point and to accept the offer of the West Pass Transportation Co.

  • Invade Island Territory – George O. Hallock, Ford dealer of Kent, is making a bid for the island business by starting an advertising campaign in the News-Record.  W.W. Barkman, Mr. Hallock’s representative, believes there is no more fertile field in the country for marketing Fords than the island as he sees more horse-drawn conveyances here than in any other place in the several Northwestern states.  The business of the agency is handled through T.B. Allison of Portage.

  • Tribute To Oscar E. Miner – The obituary of Oscar E. Miner was published.

  • Island Hens Rank High At Puyallup – Four Pens Among Twenty-Five Best – Individuals Score High – No other community represented in the egg-laying contest had as many high record pens as did Vashon-Maury island.

  • Builds Incubator House – Will J. Smith is preparing to engage in commercial hatching next year and is just completing the construction of an underground incubator house 20x30 feet in dimensions.  He expects to operate eight incubators of 540 eggs capacity each.  He has 50 breeding hens and a number of pedigreed cockerels to begin the season early in the spring.

  • Ellisport – The pile driver is busy at the new Steen mill pier.

  • Many Island Matters Before Commissioners – An unusual large number of matters was considered by the board of county commissioners at the meeting the first of the week.  The communication from the Kent asking that the trail from Manzanita Beach to Dockton be repaired was referred to Mr. Paul for investigation.  The communication from the county engineer stating that in order to secure right-of-way for the Quartermaster-Dockton road from Homer A. Atwood it will be necessary to construct a cattle crossing, was referred to Mr. Paul.  A hearing was had on the establishment of the Quartermaster-Dockton road and it was continued to December 17.  The application of the Pembroke Investment Co. for permit to place a flume across the Dockton road was on motion referred to the county engineer for investigation and report.  A petition was filed by F.B. Nashwefe et al, residents of Vashon island, requesting the removal of all debris adjacent to the county dock at Shawnee, and was referred jointly to the county engineer and the prosecuting attorney to serve such legal notice as is necessary, for the removal of buildings on the county road.  The county engineer filed tracing for plans for the construction of the Quartermaster-Dockton road and on motion it was approved.  The chairman was authorized to sign and return to the county engineer.

 November 23, 1923

  • Fox Raising New Industry On Island – West Side People Start With Six Pairs of Alaska Blue Foxes – Carl Anderson, well known resident of the Cove-Colvos neighborhood has received three pairs of blue Alaska foxes for himself and two pairs for this father-in-law, Jacob Edwards, of the same vicinity.  His brother, Ole Anderson, secured a pair earlier in the season from Alaska, making quite a nuclei of a genuine fox farming community.  Mr. Anderson plans to construct pens of 45x60 feet in dimensions for each pair of the little animals.  Blue foxes are selling at from $300 to $400 a pair for breeding purposes and there is an excellent demand for their pelts.  There is a large area of steep heavily wooded hillsides, which if properly fenced, would furnish excellent range for foxes.

  • News Of Camp Fire Girls – The Weta Wahcha Camp Fire girls gathered at the home of Phyllis Mae Pierson on Friday evening of last week to practice a number of new songs.

  • Sodatol Distribution – People of Vashon-Maury island wishing to secure some of the government powder, sodatol, should get in touch with G.N. Worden, county agent.

  • Christmas Edition – The News-Record is planning the publication of a Christmas edition.  It is the ambition of the editor to have a photo-engraving of each community and a historical sketch.

  • Men’s Class Holds Banquet At Burton – Seventy-Eight Sit Down at Banquet – Olympia Man Chief Speaker – The menu was prepared under the supervision of F.C. Heilge and Ed Stewart, who proved themselves to be splendid caterers.

  • Burton – The foundation for the new mill being built at the mouth of Judd creek by the Vashon Island Mill Co. is laid, and the dock is now being built.  C.J. Williams states that it will be completed and ready for business by the first of the year.

  • Local News – A 6000-volt power line fell across a telephone line on Wednesday of this week, burning out a large number of telephones on the north end of the island.

 November 30, 1923

  • Lively Session Of Commercial Club – Educational, Advertising and Transportation Matters Discussed at Burton – Attorney C.E. Woods, chairman of the transportation committee, reported that progress had been made with the petitions that are being circulated relative to the ferry situation.  The committee also reported that it had, on behalf of the Commercial club, filed a protest with the county commissioners against the leasing of the Marion street dock to any company that would in any way interfere with the present schedule of the ferry from Vashon Heights to Seattle.  Representatives of the Washington Coast Utilities were present and spoke on the likelihood of lowering present lighting rates and on the feasibility of extending the lines to Vashon Heights.  The Kitsap County Transportation Co. was represented by Captain Hinckley and Attorney P.D. MacBride.  Mr. MacBride’s remarks were the cause of considerable discussion, all of which emphasized in no uncertain terms the determination of the people of Vashon-Maury island to continue the present struggle until they have obtained the additional ferry service to which they are entitled and at rates really commensurate with the service rendered.

  • The obituary of Albert J. Winquist was published.

  • Extend Power Line – Work was commenced this week on the extension of the electric light and power line from a point near the Vashon high school to Fjeld corner to the north.  The new line will serve a number of residents of that neighborhood and will carry the line considerably nearer the north end, where electric current is badly wanted.

  • World Wide Guild Is Organized At Burton – Fourteen high school girls of Burton met in the primary room of the Burton church on Friday evening of last week and organized a World Wide Guild.  This is an organization binding together groups of young women and girls who are willing to give time to a definite study of missions and to contribute service for the coming of God’s kingdom.  Its field is the world.

  • To News-Record Readers, There has been considerable misunderstanding as to who writes the matter that appears in the editorial columns of the News-Record and who controls the editorial policy.  On January 8 I signed a lease with Mr. Smock which gave me absolute control of the News-Record until January 1, 1925.  Since that date every line of editorial matter, except four lines written by Mr. Smock in one issue last spring, has been written by myself unless otherwise credited.  The policy of the paper is formulated by myself and will so continue as long as I remain in possession.  Lou E. Wenham.

  • Lisabeula – The road leading to the Lisabeula dock is in bad condition, the recent rains having washed gullies in the center.  The ditches at the sides are filled with debris, which has been largely responsible for the trouble.

  • Dockton – The street light put up by Theo Berry in front of his store is a great improvement to the town.

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December 1923

December 7, 1923

  • Old Time Resident Dead – Mrs. A.J. King has received the news of the death of S.S. Conderman, and old time resident of the island.  He was 90 years old.  Some 40 years ago Mr. Conderman homesteaded what is now the Cowly property on the north end of the island.

  • Record Breaking Egg – Thos. Steffenson last evening brought to the News-Record office a White Leghorn pullet egg that measured seven in circumference over the small way and 8 7/8 inches the long way.  It weighed 5 ½ ounces on the scales on which Axel Petersen sells sugar.  On Dr. McMurray’s baby scales it would have dragged the indicator down to at least 10 ¾ pounds.  At any rate it was a “buster” of an egg.

  • Storm Hits Sound Region – The first real storm of the season occurred Wednesday night of this week when a wind of great velocity came from the southwest accompanied by a heavy rain.  Great havoc was wreaked with telephone and power lines.  Seattle was in darkness Thursday morning and on the island the current was off until afternoon.  Nearly all the telephone lines on the island were out of commission.

  • Young Lad Drowned – Word came to the News-Record today that a lad by the name of Coffin, a resident of Maury Island, was washed overboard from a gas tug on which he was employed in the Sound in the vicinity of Tacoma.  Details are lacking at this time.

  • Renshaw-Godwin – Miss Myra Renshaw, a former teacher of the Lisabeula school, was married to Walter Godwin of Seattle on November 28.

  • Outline Projects For Coming Year – Agriculturists to Co-Operate With County Agent During 1924 – Will W. Henry, agricultural agent for King county, was on the island today and met with a number of representatives of the different branches of agriculture at the News-Record office.  It was decided to secure four poultrymen of the island to keep a set of books showing the absolute cost of producing eggs and four others to keep brooder records, showing the best and most economical practices.  Two farmers will be induced to grow alfalfa, following the methods of John Sinn of Snoqualmie.

  • Island’s Last Chance (Editorial) – Next Tuesday morning at 10:00 o’clock the future of Vashon island will hang in the balance.  The board of county commissioners will decide whether or not the county will build a ferry slip at Three Tree Point to enable the West Pass Transportation company to operate a ferry from Portage to the mainland.  It is therefore urged that every man and woman who can possibly do so be present at the commissioners’ meeting in the county city building by 9:30 o’clock to aid in demonstrating that 90 per cent of island residents are heartily in favor of the plan as outlined by Captain Christensen and his associates.  If the slip is not provided before January 1 there can be no appropriation for such a purpose before January 1, 1925.  That will mean that the island will be compelled to endure the present lack of service for another year unless a private company builds a ferry landing on the mainland.  This is an opportunity to better island conditions which no true friend of the island will overlook, if it is at all possible to attend the meeting.  Plan to be at the commissioners’ room at 9:30 a.m. Tuesday, December 11.

  • Burton – The Olson car, in which were Alfred Olson and Albert Hofmeister and two young ladies, was hit by another car Saturday night on the highway just north of Vashon and thrown in the ditch, injuring the four occupants, three slightly.  Albert Hofmeister, who was pinned under the car, was the most seriously injured and was taken to a Tacoma hospital where he is recovering.

  • Cove – While blasting stumps on the R.E. Stafford place the day after Thanksgiving, Carl Zarth received painful burns about the head and face.  The accident was caused by faulty fuse.  Dr. McMurray was called and dressed the burns and pronounced them not serious.

  • Local News – A coat of gravel has been applied to the stretch of road between Center and the telephone office.

 December 14, 1923

  • Special booster edition, detailing the various communities and industries of Vashon-Maury Island

  • Maury – Electric lights have been installed in Maury hall.  The members of this place furnished the means.  This improvement was much needed as the hall was almost useless before.

  • Burton Store Robbed – The Burton Trading Co. store at Burton was entered some time during the night of Friday, Dec. 7 and several dollars in small change taken from the cash register.  An attempt had been made to open the safe with the combination, but otherwise nothing was disturbed.  Entrance was gained by picking the lock of the front door.  Max Marsh, who sleeps upstairs, was undisturbed, so quietly did the marauder work.

 December 21, 1923

  • Open Campaign for Union of Schools – Voters to be Enlightened as to Benefits Before Election in March – At the meeting of the Commercial Club on Tuesday evening of this week at Vashon the two outstanding projects to be pushed to a conclusion were to interest the young people of the island in the organization and the present the matter of consolidated schools to the people of the island in a clear and tangible manner.

  • Mrs. Rushton Passes On – The obituary of Mrs. I.M. Rushton of Portage was published.

  • Auto Takes Skid – While driving home late Thursday night, Thos. Steffenson was driving a bit faster than Vashon “city” ordinances prescribe, and when he reached a point in front of the F.A. Weiss residence the car skidded and took to the ditch.  The front wheels struck the plank bridge across the ditch preventing the car from overturning.  The twist given the machine in going into the ditch shattered both sections of the windshield, a piece of which cut one of Mr. Steffensen’s hands quite badly.  The radius rod of the machine was badly bent, but otherwise it was uninjured.

  • Commissioners Rule Against New Ferry – W.A. Gaines Unfavorable, Fearing Violation of Present Lease – The motion of Frank H. Paul to have the county repair the dock at Des Moines and to permit the West Pass Transportation Co. to operate a ferry between Portage and that point was lost Tuesday for the want of a second.  Thus Vashon Island residents will be forced to put up with the present transportation system for some time to come.

 December 28, 1923

  • Bid On Dockton Road Soon – The board of county commissioners will receive bids for the construction of the Dockton road on January 21 at 10 o’clock a.m.  The engineer’s estimate on this road is $48,000 as against the offer of A.J. Stuckey to construct a shore line road for $25,000.

  • Buys Property At Center – Edward Zarth, well known garage man at Center, last week purchased the old Baptist church property, owned by Miss Hansen of Center, on which he expects to erect a modern garage building sometime in the not too distant future.  Mr. Zarth has cut a large opening on the north side of the old church and is using the structure for storage purposes.  He will eventually move the building to the back of the tract, which is about an acre in extent, to make room for the new building.

  • Storm On Christmas Causes Great Havoc – Worst Wind Storm in Memory of Man Sweeps Sound Region – The Christmas wind storm hit the island with full force and did considerable damage at various points.  The greatest loss perhaps occurred at the Highland Park poultry farm when several good sized colony houses were lifted over a six-foot fence and deposited on the other side.  Although all houses were full of chickens, all escaped injury.  The loss will run close to a thousand dollars.  Not a car left the island on the early morning ferry Christmas morning, as four big trees lay across the highway towards the north end.  Part of the dock at Tahlequah was washed out, closing traffic to that section for several days.  However, a pile driver is at work and the damage will soon be repaired.  The Washington Coast Utilities suffered a great deal of damage to both power and telephone lines.  The linemen were out all day Christmas repairing the damage.  At about dark the work was completed but as the lines were out on the mainland, the head office could not be notified to turn on the “juice.”  E.M. Moore, district manager, was on the island and hunted up Denzel Cutler and had him send a wireless message to another amateur operator at Seattle who telephoned the central office that the current might be turned on.  Thus the island homes were lighted as usual for Christmas evening.  Great credit is due the entire force of the Washington Coast Utilities for the heroic efforts put forth.  At Ellisport the Uttstrom fishing boat and the Bull Moose, owned by the Larsens, were blown ashore at high tide in the lagoon.  Neither was injured.  At Burton the float at the dock was washed out and the bulkhead and sidewalk at the Staples store were badly wrecked.  A number of windows were blown in in residences at several points on the island.  This is believed to have been the worst storm ever seen since the settlement of the Puget Sound region.

  • Local News – Frank Ford, a blacksmith of Seattle has taken over the Steinbach blacksmith shop at Vashon and will take possession January 10.  Mr. Ford comes well recommended as a workman and will undoubtedly be liberally patronized.


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